Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 670: Domestic and foreign

The star rating and movie review can be changed, but the praise won’t come back. The question is, why did you think about it when you gave 4 stars? This heaven-defying operation was directly searched on Weibo, forcing a certain valve to change the evaluation rules overnight. The operation itself was technical enough to be recorded in history.

In terms of policy, this period is also undercurrents. The relevant departments have launched a plan for two reviews of online dramas and online dramas. The main body of the record has changed from the broadcast platform to the producer, and an audit before and after production has become extremely strict. Yes, the actor's pay must be reviewed.

This is a continuation of the salary limit order last year, showing the determination of relevant departments to intervene in the market.

Actions in the capital field are also very big. First, Shengda Games returned to A shares, and Century Huatong was reorganized with operating entity Shengyue shares, with a valuation of up to 30 billion. This is another big move after Shengda General sold to Penguin. Then Big Penguin filed a complaint and ordered Watermelon Video to stop the infringement and banned all the pesticides on the Toutiao live broadcast platform. Toutiao is unwilling to be lonely, and has launched a mini-game function in Douyin to develop step by step in the direction of operating ecology. Baidu also announced its investment in Butterfly Interactive to explore the development of AI games.

This last thing made Chu Yuanxi more concerned about it. AI games are obviously going to be the next hot spot, and it is not certain whether it will become a popular one, but there will definitely not be a minority of people who try to enter. After all, even Pakistani Entertainment, a company without any technological genes, can do it, and it is impossible not to let people have the bad mental activities of "I can do it, I can do it."

However, among his employees, he is more concerned about layoffs and hard labor laws.

The company actually consciously stepped on the brakes in the middle of last year, but there was no use for birds. Once everyone used Didi as a thigh, and made a bold move to develop the online car-hailing business unit, invested 1 billion yuan in online and offline advertising. However, in the middle of last year, Didi continued to make big things, and everyone was second-hand. Didi entered the company and introduced traffic and sales teams from Didi. As a result, Didi suddenly shut down the ride-hailing business and shelved its second-hand cooperation with Renren.

This kind of strategic stop is not fatal to conservative companies, because conservative companies have a high fault tolerance rate, but it is enough to seal the throat of radical companies, because the more radical the company, the tighter the capital chain. The higher the turnover rate and leverage ratio. Among the types of companies, the most radical is undoubtedly playing "ecological", such as returning to China next week.

To play the ecology, the amount of funds required is at least tens of billions, and not one or two tens of billions. Only giant companies can play. The size of Xiaomi is slightly insufficient, and the ability to play smart home ecology shows that the gameplay is very smart. Without this volume, as long as you dare to talk about playing ecology, you are basically a liar, because it is impossible to spend so much money on the big circle of ecology.

As a result, RenrenSecondary, a company that claims to be playing ecology, had to initiate strategic layoffs, and the term "ecology" was regarded as a snake by the capital circle. And Renren's second-hand layoffs have opened the door to a new world for many companies. When the founder answered why the company was not profitable, he said in good faith: employees did not perform their duties, resulting in inefficient transactions.

Therefore, their layoff method is novel, starting a new platform and new retail, allowing employees to become the company's "seed partners", instead of getting wages, but getting commissions. What about employees who are unwilling to become partners? Checking in three times a day, sitting in the office and copying the company's regulations, which led to a large number of employees vowing to coexist and die with the company as employees!

You know, every second-hand employee is actually quite strong on the ground. It’s just that the division into Ali, Didi, and veteran departments has caused some efficiency problems. This problem is a management problem, not the employees themselves. The problem. Chu Yuanxi secretly cried out that it is a pity that if everyone can stick to the well-off milestone 4 and milestone 5 and then lie down, Xiaokang can directly pounce on everyone's remains and bring these capable employees over. Now, it can only be the first part of the imperial capital.

During this period, Xiaokang kept recruiting people, starting with the basic structure. For example, the Human Resources Department, as a direct subordinate of Liu Lu, recruited many industry elites. Therefore, after Chu Yuanxi gave the order, the HR department moved after hearing the wind and went straight to everyone's second-hand. However, the resume he brought made Chu Yuanxi couldn't help sighing, because although there are many talents, from the resume, there is no one who can replace Du Xie.

At the same time, overseas Google announced their new plans to enter the field of game live broadcasts, and they are facing the international game live broadcast hegemon Twitch and Amazon behind it.

This is also a big news that affects people's hearts, at least it affects the hearts of Chu Yuanxi and Monica. The overseas version of "Troubled Times" represented by Netmabao has been online for a month. The total turnover of the two countries is 57 million US dollars, which seems to be a lot in the context of the devaluation of ¥.

Compared with income, Chu Yuanxi pays more attention to the introduction of games to overseas We-media accounts. The two countries have a total of 2 million DAUs, and monthly active users have reached more than 6 million. Pakistani accounts on overseas self-media platforms have received 300,000 new attention.

This data is much worse than expected. The reason may be that the overseas version of the plot uses the AI ​​translation First use the content AI to generate Chinese content, and then use the translation AI to translate it into the target country. Language. The loss in this process is really hard to describe. The content finally presented to players in island countries and universe countries is hardly an absolute boutique, so it has a negative impact on players' loyalty and curiosity indicators.

However, there is no alternative. It is not too late to train an AI that writes foreign languages, but the training material is a big problem. In China, because of the rapid development of the Internet, there is a vast amount of text. As long as you dare to do it, there is nothing you can't do. However, no overseas country has such a sample library of millions of texts at random. Even if there is, it cannot be authorized, so it can only be translated by zhi (zhang).

Therefore, the word "live broadcast" immediately became a huge attraction for Pakistani people overseas, because short videos and live broadcasts are their old business.

Why pay attention to Google’s game live broadcast? Because every big company like Google, the newly opened business will have dividends. There will be no bonuses for Pakistani people on Twitch, but Google may.

What is the bonus? Baidu's desperate effort to drive traffic to Baijiahao is the most typical bonus. Not to mention how Baijiahao is doing, Baidu's sincerity to the self-media people is at least reflected, but its inability to make content affects this business.

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