Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 672: Looking for Du shirt plus (Part 1)

Chu Yuanxi didn't expect that she would be trapped by this predicament, and she was quite trapped.

The main reason is that this talent is not convenient for public recruitment. There must be a lot of capable people to push the ground, but because there are some gray things to do, absolute trust is necessary, otherwise the future will be all thunder. In other words, it’s okay to save trouble now. When it comes to the scene, you have to pay a price that is not known how many times to calm down. Chu Yuanxi is not willing to dig this hole for himself. So this candidate may seem inconspicuous, just a small person, but in fact it is very critical.

There must be a lot of sincere pushers in the market and they are trustworthy, but the problem is that Chu Yuanxi doesn't know or can't tell the difference. In this regard, the Pakistani people had no relevant business needs before, and there was no talent reserve, and they had never thought about the reserve. They always thought that they would just dig out their shirts. It was perfect, but now they are stretched.

The key is to dig the pit yourself...

So the key now is to quickly find someone who can replace Du's shirt. If you can't find it, it's not that you don't have Plan B. The solution is that Chu Yuanxi will end on her own!

In the initial stage, there were only ten stores in the early days, and the scope of the push was very small, and Chu Yuanxi could manage it by himself. The title at that time should be "Shock! Ten billion presidents personally go into battle shirtless? 》

But in fact, there is nothing to be shocked. Just like Chu Yuanxi asked Zhou Mingjun to write code in person, he himself has the same consciousness. When there is a shortage of people, he has to go up. No one is special.

Many people may think that it is weird that the tens of billions of presidents personally end the push. On the contrary, the tens of billions of presidents sit in the office and play with their phones and fish in the water. No one thinks there is anything weird. This is a distorted value.

In fact, there is no direct relationship between what business you do and your value, and I don't think it is a pure entrepreneur. As soon as some entrepreneurs have achieved something, they will not touch the sun. They feel that their time is so precious that they must go to high-end places. They have not suffered or suffered a loss.

But Chu Yuanxi had eaten that the original world had resigned from Pengfei Technology. It was this way that he suffered hardships all the way and walked from low to high in the shared bicycle product line, and Yuan Jing found it out. Therefore, going off the court in person is not a psychological burden for Chu Yuanxi. Although he is not very good at playing, it's okay to bend down to accompany someone with a smile.

He actually saw how Du Tee did in the original world. Du Tee is equivalent to his gray glove. If you leave the game in person, you can just take off your gloves and do it directly. The only thing that needs to be noticed is that when stepping into the gray domain, he does not have as much experience as Du.

After thinking about this, Chu Yuanxi was relieved, of course it would be better to find the right person. After all, who doesn't want to be the shopkeeper?

For this reason, when he went to work on Monday, he specially wrote a test question, that is, the various situations that may be encountered during the ground push, and then directly sent it to the dozens of brothers who did ground push from Liao Xingxing. Pulling out the generals from the 矬子, might it bring any surprises?

As a result, Liao Xingxing also forcibly took a test question and had to do it himself and see that he was serious about the idea of ​​job transfer, but the score on the answer sheet was horribly low. Chu Yuanxi had to pat his shoulder and said, "You have to be transferred here. Did you see the answer sheet? You have to start with your younger brothers to score your scores. Are you willing?"

Liao Xingxing was so angry that he couldn't speak, and said to his heart that Chu Yuanxi was against me, right? Deliberately give me a low score just to prevent me from being transferred? What the **** are these exam questions? Take this question, for example, when you meet another convenience store of the same kind and you choose the same location to do ground push, your correct response is:

A. Change to another place to continue pushing

B. Build a cordial and friendly atmosphere with each other

C. Lao Tzu has already occupied this place, get out!

D. Promote that the same model is cheaper than the other

This correct answer should be B, right? A is not impossible, Chu Yuanxi actually told that the correct answer is D? Isn't this a fight? Why don't you say it is C?

In fact, all four answers can get points. C is the second highest-scoring option, but Chu Yuanxi didn't explain to Liao Xingxing. He is purely a study player and should not know such a cruel answer.

Fortunately, his younger brother, that is, a few people who can get good scores among the people left after the previous activities, do not know how the actual operation ability is, at least the idea is correct.

While he was sitting in the office and scoring the papers, the Pakistani front desk lady suddenly reported that someone was visiting on WeChat. It was a father and son. The dad seemed to be bad at being taken care of by his son. She said she came to thank the Pakistani games. .

Since moving to the current office location in May last year, Ba Ren’s front desk lady has changed three times. Under Chu Yuanxi’s request to "improve herself", this position has been promoted the fastest. The situation of the Pakistani people is that although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, there are almost all classic jobs in the Internet industry. For the front desk lady, it is the best springboard to enter the job market.

Generally speaking, the front desk lady does not have any professional skills, but in an enlightened company, you can observe the position of the entire chain at close range, and then determine which position you like, and conduct targeted learning. This is about half a year. You can apply for transfer. Especially those who have worked as a front desk, people inside and outside the company can recognize them, and even have dealt with. When changing jobs, the pressure is small and the help is It is easy to transfer to a business or market position On the right track, human resources and administration are also relatively common choices. You can even choose the position of "public relations", but it is more difficult.

Therefore, the front desk girls of Ba people are very enthusiastic about their work, forming a very virtuous circle.

When Chu Yuanxi heard the description from the front desk, she felt that it was Du Tie who had come, and when she went out to see it, as expected, Zhao Jie was talking to others Hu Kan. Originally, Zhao Jiema was enough for this kind of stranger's visit, and even Zhao Jie didn't need to go out. It would be fine to find a product manager to receive him. One of the job content of the product manager is to receive door-to-door players and conduct business exchanges.

However, because Chu Yuanxi personally led the "rescue" to Du Xie, and after receiving the response from Sankei, he poured money down with a hammer initiation, and the Pakistani Games did not even respond. The media department There was no publicity and speculation, and the money was approved, so needless to say, everyone in the company knew that it had something to do with Chu Yuanxi.


The opening stage was a little boring and needed to be re-arranged, so the recommendation ticket collapsed again, ask for recommendation ticket

. m.

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