Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 674: King Cycling King Qingtuo (Part 1)

Sitting on the inter-city high-speed rail heading to Jinmen, Chu Yuanxi suddenly received bad news that was not directly related to him, and Taishan Terrace was against the sky again, causing public outrage.

The film and television project "A World in Trouble" is now on the threshold. When Zhang Dongdong was investigating Li Zifeng, he went directly to talk with the actors, and Yuan Mu also went to talk about it for a while, and he had basically finalized this. Candidate. What remains unresolved is his brokerage agreement, which is the issue of signing to the Pakistani side.

There is nothing wrong with Li Zifeng himself. He is already in dire straits. Some people are willing to pull him out. The original studio is also released. The problem is that Pakistani Media does not have a full-time agent. What about after signing up?

Regarding signing the contract to the Pakistani people, Li Zifeng agrees with his hands and feet. The Pakistani people’s ability to control the flow of traffic does not need to buy hot searches if they want to increase his popularity. He only needs to plan the personnel and invest hundreds of millions of dollars. The protagonist of the big drama is pre-determined. Thinking about it, it is beautiful. The only thing I need to worry about is whether my acting skills can match this popularity.

But the problem is that no matter whether it's hype or popular, it's the job of the broker, whether it's the designer, or the appointment. Who will be his agent in Pakistani media? Is it Chu Yuanxi or Zhu Yan? How can the four full-time employees in this wholly-owned subsidiary now break? The other two are Zhou Minxi and Yang Yuanmei, who can you count on?

The actor should ask this question, because the relationship between the actor and the agent is unusual and different from the normal working relationship. Even the agents of many actors are relatives or friends or have developed into a relationship or even cheating. There are too many examples in this regard. The most famous ones are Baoqiang...

The Pakistani media has no intention of disrupting such practices.

But now Chu Yuanxi's doppelganger lacks skills, because in the restructuring of the Pakistani group, the Pakistani media was self-directed, and he should sort out the problem of the full-time broker.

According to the original plan, the business of the brokerage company was intended to be handed over to Yang Yuanmei. The problem was that when the company was reorganized, she failed to compete for the CEO of Pakistani Information. She was stimulated by Chu Yuanxi. Now she improves herself like chicken blood every day. A book on business administration, but it is totally different from Chu Yuanxi's ideas.

Therefore, the agent must be hired outside, and there is a high probability that Chu Yuanxi will come to catch this matter in person, so that the relationship between the company, the actors and the agent can be sorted out. No matter who this agent is Li Zifeng, he must serve Li Zifeng, but he must also work for Pakistani media.

The Pakistani people have prepared for the contract with the artist, but the company has not yet decided on the contract with the agent, and the conditions are not fixed. But Wang Qingtuo's trip was even more unattainable. There is no need to say which one is important, Xiaokang and his agent, so Chu Yuanxi bit his head and sat on the high-speed rail in Jinmen, and the agent could only wait until he came back.

With this kind of mood, Chu Yuanxi, who was about to negotiate Wang Qingtuo’s bicycle and then signed a contract for the film and television Quartet after returning to the imperial capital, saw on the high-speed rail that Taishan Station abruptly produced a "counterfeit medicine incident". The cause and effect can hardly be more heartwarming!

Damn Nima! A groundhog roared in his stomach: "Can you do some human affairs at Taishan Terrace? Ah--"

Seeing that he was approaching Jinmen South Station, Chu Yuanxi was so angry that he wanted to jump off the car, picked up the phone and put it down, put it down and picked it up, and finally sent a line of WeChat to Zhang Dongdong: Does Shanying's film have to be given to Taishan Station? Is it possible to give other TVs?

Presumably, Zhang Dongdong on WeChat was also very embarrassed. Zhang Dongdong, who had always returned to Chu Yuanxi's WeChat account in seconds, ignored this stubbornly for a long time, and his courage became fat.

But embarrassment can't stop Chu Yuanxi from solving the problem: We haven't signed the contract with Tai Shantai yet, so we still have time to regret it. You said that if our film is finished and ready to be launched, and suddenly there is a fake medicine incident 2.0, won't our investment be completely wiped out? The dignified province and Taiwan, reverse black and white, and confuse right and wrong. It doesn't matter if there is no news organization's ethics. They know that it is wrong to do so. There is no lower limit. This situation is fine, I feel I can do anything, shameless! I'm scared.

He sent out this series of WeChat, his fingers were shaking, because he was really afraid. There are also many types of bad guys, one of which is called indiscriminate attacks on passers-by, the most terrible, because there is no pattern, normal people cannot measure, and there is no way to avoid it.

If the person who died in the advanced stage of cancer was a relative of someone in Taishantai, who wanted to make a mistake on this matter, he made fake news. This would not be terrible, because it is logical to do bad things. But no, normal people have no motivation at all.

What Taishantai did is equivalent to an indiscriminate attack. There is no logical reason for them to do so. Moreover, the face is completely non-existent, and the consequences are not considered at all. There is no bottom line, stupidity, and no scruples. The most terrifying, who doesn't go around such a person in reality? This is a bit shameless to catch up with the United States.

To say that these days, it can be regarded as small melons. For example, CCTV severely criticized Xu Caikun, and then Xu Caikun’s fans came out to control and criticize CCTV; Samsung and Huawei successively released folding screen mobile phones to detonate the technology circle; Alipay opened small programs to individual developers Interface, etc., I did not expect that the most harmful melon is related to To say that Alipay’s move this time, in fact, the impact is also great, after all, it is a national-level APP, this The opening of the mini program ecology means that the Alipay APP is not reconciled to loneliness, and must be transformed into a mobile portal instead of just being a quiet payment portal. It can be seen that in order to increase user stickiness and increase the usage rate and usage time of the APP, Alipay has tried its best to toss, such as launching new mini games one after another in the ant champion, obviously there is no use scene, but a use scene is hardened. It will also extend the length of time users use Alipay.

But this matter had nothing to do with Chu Yuanxi. He didn't wait for a reply from his WeChat until he got out of the car, and he didn't want to call Zhang Dongdong to force Zhang Dongdong, so he got into the car to Wuqing District.

Wang Qingtuo is a town in the middle of the Wuqing and Xiqing districts. As the bumpy bus keeps advancing, winding around and around, some memories of the original world resurfaced in his mind.

In the original world, he only asked his grandpa to tell his grandma to get the bicycle OEM for Wang Qingtuo. The designers were extremely confident, as if the world's most skilled bicycle designers were here. No way, who made the bike-sharing track at that time be the time when flowers were being cooked on fire? Throwing a brick at Wang Qingtuo, six of the seven people started sharing bicycles.

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