Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 683: illuminator

Chu Yuanxi also asked herself what to do. Actually there are many ways, but for different people, the options are completely different. For example, the method of keeping a low profile is not suitable for the current well-off society.

Fame is a resource. The higher you stand, the more important this resource is. Of course, sometimes you will be "tired by fame", which is a double-edged sword.

But for Chu Yuanxi, the only way to face slander at this moment is-if the enemy is in the dark, I will be clear, then let the light shine!

No matter what monsters or ghosts, they only dare to hide in the dark to make a sound at this moment. Chu Yuanxi only needs to emit a strong light and let the shadow disappear, so that they can hide, either stand up and fight front or shut their mouths.

The matter of shining light is difficult for others, but it is too simple for Chu Yuanxi, just blow it up! After all, he has successfully brought the Ba people to today's heights, and is qualified to use this big killer! This is why Chu Yuanxi repeatedly emphasized on stage today that the starting price of a well-off society is 300 billion yuan.

This was not his true thoughts, Chu Yuanxi's true thoughts far exceeded 300 billion. However, bragging is also about strategy. You can't do it in one step. You have to leave room for yourself before you can make a series and have a long tail effect!

So the first step is to emphasize the number 300 billion. After all, this is justified and well-founded. It is not the result of calculation through any valuation model, but logic. Chu Yuanxi laid out the entire logic chain, reasoning closely, and nothing wrong.

What is the equivalent of 300 billion? Didi is a model of letter financing. Seeing that 26 English words are not enough, its current valuation is less than 400 billion. Therefore, this bull was blowing leisurely to Chu Yuanxi, but after the meeting, it would definitely be transmitted to the outside, and then it would explode! Chu Yuanxi is now going to be a luminous body to blow up the company, blow up employee benefits, and look forward to the effect.

Of course, this is after the mobilization meeting. Now we need to announce the option strategy to the employees: "We tentatively set a well-off valuation of 300 billion yuan, and the deposit of the employee shareholding unit is 10%. This is intended to be distributed to everyone. So at least for now, it can definitely satisfy the appetite of most people. If you are a very small minority and are not satisfied, what should you do? Very simple, if you do excellent work, the value of the company can be improved, then the company will There will be more options available for allocation to you.

I advocate all-member ownership. Everyone can more or less share the company's growth, and those who are motivated can take too much of it. What about the source of options? Three categories. The first type is the gift of all-employee shareholding, which will be given when the formal entry is made. There are more people and fewer people. This is the value that you demonstrated before joining the company, or a good expectation for you.

The second category is okr spree. I believe that the tasks given by the company are achievable for all industry elites and can be completed very well. My job is to minimize the difficulty of everyone's work.

Therefore, in my opinion, the okr task system has the nature of a gift package, and most of the gift packages have options. After completing the work, you will be rewarded after evaluation. Of course, the task person needs to reasonably allocate this reward within and outside your team according to the process of completing the task. You also need to have the spirit of sharing when you receive the task. If you don't share it with other colleagues, the work plan is impossible to look good.

The more efficient the system, the more cooperation is needed. The ability to efficiently "trouble" other colleagues and make others willing to be "troubled" is an advanced skill in our company, and the key is still the spirit of sharing.

The third category I call the Outstanding Contribution Award. The well-off enterprise structure I call precise management. Let's not worry about the name. In short, Liu Lu designed a very efficient process so that the senior management team can take care of everyone's work as much as possible. Anything that is beneficial to the company and worthy of evaluation is theoretically eligible for this reward.

If there is an omission in the management’s work and you feel that you have made a great contribution, you can directly ask me to apply for it. Don’t be embarrassed, it can cost more than hundreds of thousands in this minute. "

Generally speaking, the people below will whisper to each other when speaking, forming a "buzzing" sound effect, even if the composition of new employees of a new company like Xiaokang is no exception. But when it comes to this paragraph, there is no sound below, and everyone's attention is highly concentrated. For the first time, many people think that listening to people bragging is also a very meaningful thing. Maybe it is meaningful?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to talk and talk: "Finally, I will say a few more words. I don’t like to call Jack Ma, as if it’s not an entrepreneurial business if you don’t call Jack Ma. But you are eighteen arhats for the well-off Ali, eighteen arhats were not low at that time? In fact, they are much more low than you, they are all mud legs. Ali's development period is not a high-level but every member is very Low started from the starting point and finally got a huge improvement.

I admire the eighteen arhats, because Jack Ma wanted to replace the eighteen arhats after Ali's rise to become a better professional manager. He is more famous and has successful qualifications. Looking at his business card, he is better than mud legs. But in the end, none of the Eighteen Arhats left behind, and they all became even better professionals in the workplace.

What is this indicating? It shows that Ali is a great company and can enhance the value of employees. This is very rare in the entire entrepreneurial environment of the celestial dynasty.

Moreover, Ali does not judge heroes based on her origins. The front desk sisters can also be promoted to vice presidents and partners through self-sublimation, sharing the fruits of growing up with the company.

When I was a Pakistani entertainment company, I didn't pay special attention to this aspect of construction. I just gave money to my brothers but there was no obvious way to rise, because Pakistan is defined as a small and beautiful company. But Xiaokang will be a long-term enterprise, with a century-old store as the goal, and it will inevitably grow into a large company with a staff number of 10,000, so the promotion channel is very wide.

Moreover, I don’t like to introduce airborne executives from outside. Pakistani Entertainment’s profits can reach the top 100 A-share listed companies. I know many friends, but I have never introduced any airborne executives. On the well-off side, I also hope to be able to do the same, but it depends on your hard work. It always requires colleagues to show their abilities to be promoted.

However, I'm going to say something ugly again. Well-off implementation of precise management has a very unfriendly side to people who like leisure and dislike work-there are ups and downs. Regardless of our background and qualifications, many of our colleagues in the audience may have become corporate elders in two or three years. At that time, if you become a reactionary force to obstruct the development of the enterprise, you can't blame the capitalists for being ruthless. "

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