Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 706: Technically stuck

Xue Minglushan waterfall is sweating, and he said that we are prostitutes. Hey, do you want to raise your eyes and fight against you?

In fact, he has captured many structures in gpt-1 during the training process of the plot ai of "Troubled Times". This ai is unsupervised training, which saves manpower and saves Xue Ming a lot of effort, so he edited the plot. Relying heavily on the results of openai, of course, my own results are also many.

Openai is an AI research force organized by many big players in Silicon Valley. It can be said to have concentrated the top resources in the AI ​​field, and because it is a non-profit organization, it is very generous. Basically, the things that have been researched are generous and open source. , Very nie.

But this time is not ordinary, because the research results of this time gpt-2 are so beautiful, if used to spread rumors, the entire Internet can be destroyed.

If this ai is opened up and edited, it can definitely be fake, because all kinds of writing points are clear to the chest, the routines are very skillful, and the shipment is very fast, coupled with a self-media login and release script that automatically distributes messages, it is invincible! It can compile fake news into a series, the kind with extremely complete logic, and give it a beginning, it can compose a whole set of rumors, the more mature and rational people are, the easier it is to believe.

It can even debate with people, because it has the function of reading comprehension. As for the question and answer, it is a small ase, which is why gpt-2 is easier to transform into a translation ai.

So openai does not release complete pre-trained models, nor does it release trained models. Developers can only get castrated versions from github. Even the castrated version is much better than the commercial translation used in the overseas version of "Troubled Times". This is what Zhou Minxi has personally experienced.

This is good news that has been castrated. But Chu Yuan was unhappy. If there are no good ones, forget it. If there are good ones, only one can be used. What's the matter?

"Hey Xue Ming, do you think that this is regarded as openai giving the question and then giving the answer? Can we reverse engineering to derive the problem-solving process? Let's solve it and put it on github. How cool are you? The siege lions all over the world know that we are awesome. Besides, you can't get used to openai. You can't open this broomstick to them, right?"

Xue Ming's expression changed: " can be, but it takes time!"

"how long it takes?"

"This... we don't have computing power. It will take a long, long, long time."

"How can there be no computing power? The domestic cloud computing resources are so abundant, can we just spend money on computing power?"

Xue Ming said embarrassedly: "No, we can't buy tpu cloud resources. This ai training is very inefficient with ordinary pu. GPUs are almost too, preferably tpu. But there is no domestic one."

"Isn't tpu a dedicated processor for Google's tensorflow? The tensorflow model you use to train deep learning models?"

"Yes, yes, there are some open source libraries that can be used as alternatives in China, but I use tensorflow, so it is best to use tpu computing power, otherwise it is too laborious." He finished, and asked for a supplement: "Domestic use Tensorflow has the most people."

"Is it possible to apply for computing power from Google? I remember that Google has related computing power for external supply? And it's completely free."

"Yes, but it will not be given to us. It is for non-commercial users to conduct research. Let's do this. Although it is considered research, but..."

"Fuck!" Chu Yuanxi slapped her thigh and lied about the research plan to Google about this. It is not impossible for Xue Ming to pretend to be an individual, but once it bursts out, the valuation of the Ba people will be greatly affected. Even losing money, this risk is impossible for Chu Yuanxi to bear.

However, Google has withdrawn from the Celestial Empire a long time ago, and Google's services cannot be bought in China. Xue Ming uses other people's architecture to train ai by himself, but when it comes to reverse engineering, he will encounter a computing power bottleneck.

In other words, Chu Yuanxi finally felt the condition of being caught technically, and enjoyed the treatment that can only be enjoyed by a technologically advanced company!

"That way, I want to get it out even more!" Chu Yuanxi directly found Xiaokang's to and so after taking the thigh, briefly said the situation, and then asked, "Is it possible for us to guarantee technical independence?"

"Is it necessary?" Zhou Mingjun was surprised. "The current technology world is a hodgepodge trend, and it can't be separated at all. We don't need to worry about it?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi did not speak, Cao Xiang did not speak, but Xue Ming said: "That's not necessarily true. What if Mi Di asks Microsoft to disconnect github for us?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Mingjun looked at Xue Ming like a fool. The two of them are colleagues and both are engaged in AI. Although they are not at the point where they can win or lose, and there is no theoretical interest dispute between the two companies. But it's unavoidable to be a little weird during the few meetings.

"Break off github, is it hard to imagine? There is Domestic artificial intelligence is basically the same as Mi Di, and it feels like a few months behind. It will go back ten years without github. Now the two countries have such fierce technological competition. It’s hard to say. Whatever else has an impact on Mi Di, there is no damage to Mi Di on github. Just build a wall."

Github is an open source library hosting platform. Because of its advanced form, it can be shared and discussed. The snowball is getting bigger and bigger. Now siege lions all over the world contribute their own code on it, especially the ai siege lions. Its dependence is great.

The Celestial Dynasty does not know how many AI siege lions share the technological achievements of Mi Di from above, such as the Ba people, such as the future well-off. Of course, there are some powerful siege lions who can contribute their wisdom in reverse and share it all over the world.

"I think that although the problem Xue Ming mentioned hasn't appeared yet, we can't help but consider the possibility of it." Chu Yuanxi became very entangled, because to face this possible situation, he would need to burn money for one. There is no problem burning money, so it is painful and tangled. "However, Midi’s broken github is not without damage. GitHub belongs to Microsoft. Last year, it used 7.5 billion stocks for private placement and acquisition. What is the value of its existence as a platform? It is the user, the user who broke the heavens, its value plummeted three times More than one part, there are other losses, it is impossible for Microsoft to lose without loss."

"Nothing is impossible when fighting a trade war. I think Xue Ming's problem is very urgent and should be considered." Cao Xiang saw that Chu Yuanxi was retreating and decided to support Xue Ming. Chu Yuanxi seriously doubted whether there was any office politics under his own rule, but he had no evidence. And Cao Xiang has just returned from Silicon Valley, only a month after returning to China, what he said should be the most authoritative.

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