Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 722: How do you not understand Chu Yuanxi

As Liu Lu stepped down, Chu Yuanxi was ready to do his work!

The so-called contribution is nothing more than a question of valuation and financing. Because it is a financing round that starts with re, it will definitely not release a lot of shares. So how can one person be satisfied with so many investors with such a small share? So there must be supporting conditions.

As a result, Chu Yuanxi just said, "Let's talk about valuation and release shares", and someone has already raised his hand. He still had to hand over the right to speak temporarily, because it was the big woman Xu Xin who raised his hand.

Just listen to Xu Xin’s question, "Wait for Xiaochu first, is this over? What about your online content? We are waiting to listen to the specific points, and put it first."

Suddenly, a group of investors nodded one after another. Just now, Zhou Mingjun talked about the it team for a long time. They all talked about specific tasks, and they were clearly organized, so they inevitably revealed clues about online content.

Not to mention that the people here are all human beings, at least half of them are human beings. Otherwise, they won't understand the iot step, at least Yuan Mu hasn't understood it for so long. Knowing that she is different from her brother, Yuan Jingke has not thoroughly observed Xiaokang's full set of R&D environment, and she is in Xiaokang every day, and this level is easy to distinguish.

Of course, this is also related to Yuan Mu's own investment experience. In recent years, she has not invested much in science and technology, and she is not as sensitive to the concept of iot as the big guys have said in the past.

As a result, a group of big guys followed Zhou Mingjun's explanation and opened the notebook and started drawing circles, and then took the Xiaokang map out and found that there was a missing piece on it, and the link that needed to be connected with content was not filled.

Chu Yuanxi said that you don't know how to avoid this question? I obviously don't want to say more! But the boss asked, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Our online content is divided into several categories. Among them, there are probably so many kinds of functions that require a development, an ar project, a vr project, and a similar to the real version to grab parking spaces. The c2c project, well, there is another project that I don’t want to talk about for the time being. No matter how specific it is, I will lose it. Most of these projects are to build a well-off ecology and currency cycle. It's natural to see it at a glance."

"Okay... right?" Xu Xin looked at Chu Yuanxi and said that she didn't want to be too specific, so she had to take a step back. "Can you explain what a well-off ecology is? What's the difference from other new retails? ."

"This is okay. The biggest difference between us and others is that we create demand. It may be because of my own game genes that are too strong. When I think of specific business development models and user interaction methods, I don’t consciously move towards the game. Think, everyone can understand this, so I will talk about conceptual things.

All those who do new retail definitely hope to do ecologically. However, just like air coins who don’t like to invest in heavy assets to create a landing environment, those who do new retail are not accustomed to actively creating demand, relying only on users to buy and buy, discount sales, can this kind of ecology be healthy? This is not Internet thinking either. Internet thinking strictly requires ‘retention rate’. In retail, you can simply and crudely understand it as the repurchase rate. Promotions obviously contradict the retention rate.

So my idea is to build an ecosystem by actively creating demand. This is also a useful method in the game industry. Putting it in a well-off society, I call it a currency cycle. I hope that users are not just as simple as buying things. We create demand and then meet demand, so that users are always in an ecological environment that needs to actively embrace us, rather than passively waiting for discounts.

I won’t say much about it, as everyone can see it in a few months. "

"You can't do this, Chu Yuanxi!" Li Jingfei roared, "As soon as you get to the details, you won't say anything, how can I estimate you?"

"I'm doing this for your own good." Chu Yuanxi smiled, "If I say in more detail, I will have to estimate it at 6 billion. Besides, you don't understand games."

Li Jingfei immediately withered, and Aunt Cynthia regretted not bringing An Qi, otherwise, how could Chu Yuanxi be more beautiful? Who is more afraid of our demons than game genes? And Chu Yuanxi didn't worry about the valuation anymore, and on the stage was an unwilling posture, "Is there anyone else who has a problem?"

"Yes!" Yuan Jing said for the first time in two roadshows. "I thought about your business in a closed-door manner. Now there is a specific problem that I have been unable to figure out. You said that convenience stores like 724 are now joining. The model has become very popular, the franchise rules and service differences between brands are also obvious, and the market is fully competitive, how can we attract franchisees to join a certain brand?"

"You can make more money by letting franchisees join you than by joining other brands. Just consider this problem and return to the essence of business, and make more money with the same effort."

"The question is how to make franchisees make money... If you rely on lowering the franchise fee, it is equivalent to subsidizing the gameplay, right? I remember you said that this method can't last long. And"

Chu Yuanxi said that Yuan Jing might be praising himself, because this question is too technical, investors are not unwilling to listen, but may not understand it, and it is suitable for operators in this industry to listen. In contrast, the questions Xu Xin asked to answer are more investment-oriented. Many investors rely on these key points to evaluate the startup team. But since it's a cheer, then you have to tease yourself.

"Don't rely on lowering the initial fee, I never thought about lowering the initial fee. The development of the well-off society is divided into several stages. I will take this opportunity to talk about the development strategy of each stage of the well-off society." Chu Yuanxi seemed well-informed. "Actually, you should switch to this way of thinking. Is there any difference in the profit margins of the convenience store business? The most taboo of the 724 type of convenience stores is small profits but quick turnover. High profit margins naturally join more. For improving profit margins, I There are three options, the moat, the user bonus, and the future overdraft..."

Yuan Jing sat back in his seat with peace of mind, and only listened to Mrs. Cynthia next to him whispering, "The place I am most convinced by Mr. Chu is that he always said that no one should ask him, and the cost is high when he speaks. That's it. This is simply a talent!"

"Should be the preparation work behind the scenes?" Yuan Jing felt embarrassed.

"I hope his preparations are not just for financing..." Aunt Cynthia said, don't go too far.

What does this mean? That is to say, she didn’t know whether Chu Yuanxi had made enough preparations for this venture, thought very thorough, and accumulated a lot of wisdom achievements; or she thought about a lot of gorgeous stories and invented a lot for the sake of financing and coaxing money. The concept of g-point that is easy to stimulate investors, such as ecological reaction, makes people feel bad.

You must know that if you return to China next week and spend 50% of the time to do t and invent concepts to think about his entrepreneurial path, you can also skip many pits that you don’t need to step on, and you won’t put your high hopes on investors to his giants. The capital was burned in vain.

Yuan Jing was expressionless, and said in his heart that you really don't understand Chu Yuanxi. He still needs to prepare for financing? Which investor can withstand his unique magic?

Soon, after a refreshing explanation, Chu Yuanxi finally took a breath and said that she was really tired, but it was not bad. Everything that should be hidden was hidden. Although the general direction is revealed, the specific methods are enough to hide it. After all, not anyone who has taken a masterpiece of martial arts cheats and looked at it can practice peerless magic, especially when there are no specific exercises. .

He knocked on the table, "Okay, let's just say so much. If we have any questions, we will wait until we finish the financing. First of all, why do we now do rea. This was mentioned last time, because the more suitable node for well-off financing is August and September. , But relying on my own one hundred million to burn to August and September will be helpless. The scale of the ground push will continue to expand, and logistics and fresh food processing plants need money. I don’t want to apply for loans for these fixed investments, but rely on Pakistani people. Investing is not called starting a business. Everyone understands the truth, so it needs to be carefully tested by investors, so I invite you to come here today. Then the conditions—"

Having said that, he saw Aunt Cynthia also watching him, so he smiled knowingly and said, "Let’s refer to the terms of Baren Entertainment’s first round of financing."

"No, absolutely not..." Aunt Cynthia muttered to herself.

why not? Because there are no restrictions on entrepreneurs, the money earned by Pakistani people can be spent as much as Chu Yuanxi wants to spend, such as large dividends, no matter how much money they make, start-ups do not do this! For example, although the money earned has not been invested in the Pakistani people, it has been broadcast like this many times.

Even, "relying on Pakistani people can milk the well-off abc round", "not just the financing needs of about 5 billion yuan", it doesn't matter to others, she doesn't know how Yuan Jing bears it Down? There is money from our investors! The Pakistani people have done too much to convey the benefits of the well-off society, right?

Therefore, although the book value is very high, she often gets praise when it comes to investing in Pakistani entertainment, but she has always been unbalanced. In particular, I originally thought that the investment was a small amount of money, even if it was not so compliant, it didn’t matter. I didn’t expect that because the Pakistani people became more and more famous and there were more and more floating profits, the more people they talked about as cases More and more. So good things turn into bad things. This investment is often pulled under the spotlight, and then the non-compliant terms are treated as rape...

This is too uncomfortable for investors with obsessive-compulsive disorder and the pursuit of perfection!

If this is an A-share company, Pakistan really makes unscrupulous investment in Xiaokang. As far as the related transaction is concerned, the China Securities Regulatory Commission can direct Chu Yuanxi down and order that he is not allowed to take up the management position of the company and can only be a shareholder! What a pity, why is the Pakistani Group not listed yet? Because there is no restriction on investment terms, Pakistani people can always rely on not being listed, and the future is simply dim...

Regarding the investment terms of Pakistani Entertainment, it is no longer a secret now, and even many people in this room have asked her for verification in private. Therefore, everybody turned their attention to her and Yuan Jing.

Yuan Jing still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, with nothing on a poker face. Aunt Cynthia looked around, and her unbalanced heart was turned upside down. Her heart said that Yuan Jing was out of nostril with Chu Yuanxi, and it seemed that it was her turn to speak up!

"Mr. Chu, you wait a moment." She stood up as she said, "Although Pakistani Entertainment, which is now the Pakistani Group, is a very successful investment for us, this clause is really necessary for some negotiation."

"Say it."

"Board seats! The board of directors can no longer be avoided, right?" Aunt Cynthia said confidently. "You said that there were only two or three cats of this size and a valuation of more than one billion yuan, so there was no need to set up a board of directors. We reluctantly accepted it at that time. How about a well-off? There will be only a few companies in the country that will pass the 300 billion mark in the future? The number of employees has already exceeded 100, and the future will exceed 1,000 or even 10,000, right? There is no more board of directors to justify!"

" Do you talk about corporate governance matters?" Chu Yuanxi smirked slightly, "Isn't this a rea ​​round? There will definitely be a board of directors in the future, how can it be listed without a board of directors? It doesn’t comply with the regulatory rules. But it’s not in a hurry, at least today.”

His words became slower and slower, but in the end, he suddenly accelerated "Today only accepts financial investment. I don't want to introduce a Wang Zengqiu character before the company is formed! Dahua was expected to be the world's number one in the security industry. , Has become a world-renowned super company, and has become another model of grassroots entrepreneurship in the tide of entrepreneurship in the celestial dynasty. Such a small place that should be insisted on has not persisted. Now it is suppressed by Haikang, why bother? Is this what investors are willing to watch? Did you arrive?"

This is a koan.

Today, most of the global security market is controlled by Tianchao Company, and Tianchao’s security industry has experienced the battle of West Lake, Jinmen and Pengcheng after the triumphant battle of West Lake, forming a "Hai Dayu" pattern, which refers to the sea. Kang, Dahua and Yushi are three security companies on the bank of the West Lake.

Dahua, who was originally born in grassroots, started with a registered capital of 500,000. It has been developing smoothly all the way. By the time it went public in 2008, it had vaguely ranked first in the world, but it did not expect a very ordinary financing purchase. Under the fatal hidden danger. A shareholder Wang Zengqiu who was supposed to make financial investments only had 5 shares, but because he became a director, he entered the company's management, and then took advantage of his position to get rid of Dahua's internal network.

So in 2009, Dahua went public for a full year, and the stocks were finally available for sale. Wang Zengqiu, a "big Fei", not only sold shares in a flash and resigned, but also encouraged a group of executives "Xiao Fei" to go with him. Within half a year, he set up a company to sing on the stage with Dahua, which can anger the a-share leeks.

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