Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 729: Capitalists yearn for

:, for example, for mobile games, the number of players is already a bottleneck, what should I do? Ask Jackie Chan to shoot a sand-attack advertisement! Using this powerful advertisement to get low users is also a way.

But here comes the question. One question that Chu Yuanxi has struggled with for a long time is that he couldn't ask Lei Dalong for his endorsement at the beginning. Would you like to invite a small fresh meat? The final decision is unclear, because it may create a negative reputation. And the big brother's attack on the sand is more than a negative word of mouth? Maybe players who originally wanted to play saw this ad and stopped playing. Even those who have already entered the pit may abandon it.

So this is nowhere.

But Google’s segmented advertising is very different. Google can only vote for those users who are unlikely to become users, and let go of those who are already users and potential users. In this way, the low forced advertisement is valuable, only new users will be acquired, and no disaster will be caused.

As a capitalist, who can guarantee that he will not do low ads? It's not that I don't want to, but after weighing it, I find that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Therefore, Google is simply sending charcoal in the snow.

Not only does it help in snow, but Google also provides another super service. According to the official caliber, this function named adob provides a service of "multiple advertising monetization channels for non-paying users", which translates into adult words and is named "gokrypton".

Just look at the two words "Hook Krypton", and you can make game manufacturers feel excited. The so-called must wish and dare not ask you. Google has greatly satisfied this mentality. What is the specific operation of super show? I won't go into details.

All in all, Google has brought a series of desirable features. It is simply the caring mother of mobile game manufacturers in the sky. The efficiency is very high, the side effects are extremely low, and it also has a powerful video communication channel like youtube, which can be used Communityization builds a brand image. As we all know, things produced by community operations are always particularly solid, basically stable, and have fan attributes.

As soon as these powerful methods appeared, both the headline and the Penguin were far behind. I believe that after today's conference, it is not only Robin Lee who is facing the enemy of Google's return to the sky.

For the domestic self-media, which is the carrier of advertising, Google also has ideas. Overseas, Google has blatantly formed an advertising alliance, and openly bids for the advertising alliance in real-time bidding, so that the advertising space purchased by developers can get the highest value.

Since the domestic self-media is so developed, it is estimated that Google also has the idea of ​​testing the difficulty of integration when spreading hero posts.

Soon Monica drove the car to the ground and looked for a place to park on the side of the road. Chu Yuanxi found out after getting off the car, huh? Why is it the same place as the self-media conference held last Spring Festival? The time difference is just over a month.

In fact, it is normal. Although the imperial capital is not small, there are only a few suitable venues for the scale and budget, and it is easy to revisit.

As a result, Monica had just found a place to park her car and hadn't walked inside. Chu Yuanxi suddenly greeted her to come over.

Monica ran over and saw that Chu Yuanxi was chatting with an older beauty. Zhou Minxi stood aside, watched her run over, quietly pointed, and said, "This is President Shen Yushen of Mu Li Mobile. Liger said you can use it."

"Oh, I've heard of it, overseas dsp platform." Monica nodded and observed.

The so-called dsp platform is a platform for advertisers who provide targeted advertising services, that is, advertising service providers. Muli Mobile is mainly engaged in overseas dsp. In the desert era of mobile games in 2010, it used googlepy to expand overseas digital operations. Now it has become a core partner of googleadwords and a first-level agent of Facebook in Greater China.

So when Monica heard it, she immediately understood what Chu Yuanxi wanted to do. Pakistan's overseas self-media matrix is ​​not an application, but like an application, it needs users. At the same time, after Pakistan's overseas self-media has grown up, it has become a good integration target for Muli Mobile. The final delivery of advertisements on the dsp platform is also through overseas channels, the most important of which is the self-media channel.

Shen Yu was at a loss. He stopped the car and just wanted to enter the venue. As a result, a self-familiar man in a plaid shirt came out of the oblique stabbing. He knew her well, even if she had been in If You Are the One.

Moreover, this person also mentioned Uberon of Aurora Capital, which has to save face, because Uberon is her angel. Although he has successfully quit Mu Li mobile long ago, his love is there.

Until then, Chu Yuanxi took out a business card and handed it over, "My name is Chu Yuanxi and I am from the media."

This business card has beautiful patterns, hot gilding and dyeing, paper Q bombs, and elegant fragrance. It reads the two identities of Chu Yuanxi, Chairman of Baren Entertainment + Chairman of Xiaokang Life. It's a pity that Zhu Yan was not on She had seen how Chu Yuanxi commented on Hong Xing's business card in the hotel, otherwise she would have to mock him, you finally became what she hated at the beginning.

Why does Chu Yuanxi want to go in such a big circle? Because although he didn't know Shen Yu well, he knew her in the original world. Although Xiaokang in the original world did not put the matter of going to sea on the agenda, he already had an idea. Based on the well-off in the original world, if you want to go overseas at the end of 2017, you must rely on overseas operations, and Muli Mobile is the pioneer of Tianchao's overseas operations.

Therefore, he knew that the woman Shen Yu was very direct. If he goes up, he will say who he is, and send his business card to hope to get to know him. If Shen Yu has heard of Pakistani entertainment, it’s okay. Once he hasn’t heard of it, he won’t be rude, but he took the business card and laughed. I left, and wouldn't talk to him much.

Once this happens, Chu Yuanxi's coffee position will definitely not be able to catch up, otherwise the whole Ba people and well-off will become a laughing stock after the spread. Chu Yuanxi now has entered the stage of being exhausted by the prestige. The factors that were not considered when he was barefoot before must begin to consider the moment before Xiaokang officially took the stage.

You must know that Muli Mobile is also a sprinting company for science and technology innovation, not an ordinary cow, not to mention that he also started a business for the second time and made an o2o fitness product. The chick is running, and his busy feet are in the sky.

In other words, serious entrepreneurs are very busy. Chu Yuanxi himself is very busy, but he is more idle and willing to spend a little time in contact with different people and different things, because people will become stupid if they lose their curiosity. However, we cannot ask everyone to be like this, and some people will gradually get colder and become sharp and direct after being touched up too many times.

So Chu Yuanxi came up to set porcelain first! This is where dealing with people must vary from person to person.


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