Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 733: Use secret weapons

Chu Yuanxi lifted her head slightly, his gaze passed over Zhou Minxi's head, but he said, "That's right!"

Zhou Minxi immediately raised his shoulder on guard and whispered, "Ligger, I have practiced Taekwondo."

"I have also practiced military physical boxing." Chu Yuanxi laughed loudly, "Are you thinking about God's horse? Do you no longer love you Liger?"

While speaking, he waved to Zhou Minxi's back and said in English: "Big detective, come here?"

Zhou Minxi turned around and found a big ocean horse walking here, watching her and Chu Yuanxi with sapphire blue eyes.

Fortunately, she also knows a little English, and only listens to this white beauty while walking and saying: "hi, Chu. What is the new method you said? This lady is?"

"My employee, Zhou Minxi, is in charge of overseas business." Chu Yuanxi said and pointed to Dayangma: "This is Elizabeth, my...stakeholders in the United States, um, are also secret weapons."

Zhou Minxi thought he would say he was a friend, but he didn't expect such a string of words to come out. She looked at Elizabeth again, feeling so embarrassed, she seemed to have seen this beauty somewhere, but she couldn't remember.

I saw Chu Yuanxi turn to Elizabeth, "You didn't have a clue about the plan I made last time, and my progress will not be very fast. When a good enough cartoon is produced, it may be a year from now. You may not be able to bear it. I have lived so long in loneliness. So I thought of a new way."

"any solution?"

"I have a game with a monthly turnover of more than 100 million in China. It is also good in East Asia. If I push it to a country in the English-speaking area, it will not be low if I want to make money. In the process, you will be a shell company in a certain name. By providing services, you can leave the profits that should be conveyed to you once."

Elizabeth's eyes lit up, and Zhou Minxi was panicked! Gosh! Liger even talked about transferring benefits to others in front of me! Is this illegal? What's the origin of this woman?

Just listen to Elizabeth’s calm question: “Then, let me think, according to your style last time, is there something wrong with the promotion of this game and needs my help? If I can’t help, then the money will be Can't get it?"

"Smart!" Chu Yuanxi praised her sincerely, saying that if it weren't for her to be so old, if it wasn't for her reputation, if it wasn't for her appearance, it would be a problem if she wasn't for her character, she was indeed worth chasing. .

"I knew that was the case, you are simply the devil!" Elizabeth stomped her foot and said that as in the last time, she puts her interests in the whole process. If she does not contribute, this project will not generate cash flow. .

But then I think about it, others need angels to start a business, and she has no chance to find angels. It is good to find the devil. After all, the devil can accept her to sell something. And as Chu Yuanxi said, this plan has quick results, no need to wait for cartoons, and no need to delay her precious time. She had been looking for opportunities in the heavens during this period, but it was a pity that she had a chance to chat, but instead she had traveled a lot of places, and recently happened to be in the imperial capital.

"Go ahead, what do I need to do?"

"I need you... The highest person in charge of Google this time is Bonanza? I need you to help me influence Bonanza a little. This game project wants to be transplanted to Western countries, and it has high requirements for natural language translation. , It’s best to allow me to use Google’s TPU Cloud. But you know, Google’s TPU Cloud is a non-profit project and I can’t apply for it."

"This..." Elizabeth groaned.

She is old in Silicon Valley, and may not be too old, but she dropped out of school and started a business at the age of 19 and has been in Silicon Valley for fifteen years. Therefore, she has a very high level of seniority. She is basically familiar with Google's senior management. It's a pity that she is familiar with her. At this moment, how many people still consider her to be a big problem, and the Silicon Valley legend, nicknamed Bonanza, belongs to the category that is unlikely to be influenced by her.

After taking a breath, Elizabeth thought of a compromise: "The bonanza is impossible. I will help you to talk to the literati? He is here too, and I may move. But you have to think of a reason for me. You want to convince the literati that there is nothing wrong. The proper reason is not enough."

"So?" Chu Yuanxi frowned. Originally, he thought, Bonanza was a big boss in Google Ventures, an absolute high-level, and it was only a matter of applying for a little TPU cloud computing power, and it might be perfect to get some venture capital from Bonanza. ?

But Elizabeth can't say it, then it's definitely not.

Wenhao is also a legendary engineer of Google, and he once left Google to join Xiaomi and worked as a vice president under Rebs, responsible for the global expansion of Xiaomi business. It is said that he knows the celestial dynasty better and may be easier to communicate with, but he is now back to Silicon Valley but has gone to Facebook to be in charge of Xiaozha’s heart-the Okruz team. It is a question of how useful he is to use it~www. But a dead horse is a living horse doctor, Chu Yuanxi scratched his head, "Reason? Just say you found a particularly fun RPG game with artificial intelligence dominating the plot? Now the developer hopes to transplant it into English , But you can’t do without a good translation, so you need to apply for computing power to train an AI."

"Your reason is too bad, right?" Elizabeth smiled bitterly, but the writer, it seems that it is really possible to impress with this reason?

Although Zhou Minxi listened to the cloud, she understood one thing at all, Chu Yuanxi was not betraying the company's interests, but was doing an exchange of interests.

This discovery made her feel very ashamed. How could she doubt the professional ethics of the Liger? this is not right!

The reason why Chu Yuanxi did not shy away from Zhou Minxi is because there are many things that need to be done overseas in the future, and the relationship between the heavenly dynasty and the West is so delicate, and some things may have to make Zhou Minxi and Monica who hold the passports of the universe and New Zealand It will be smoother for individuals to operate, so there is no need to hide them from overseas businesses.

Besides, she doesn't necessarily know who Elizabeth Holmes is as a secret weapon...

Chu Yuanxi's passiveness now lies in the fact that he has nothing to impress Google, and he probably won't have any foothold in the future. The key is that there is no way to buy it with money. Google is not short of money, so it is horrible to avoid opening the mouth. He wants to use Google's resources for a bit. It's not a problem. There are people all over the world who want to use Google. Google knows it, and it's not stingy. It's just that the communication between entrepreneurs can overspend the future, but it's not a good idea to make up completely, especially when negotiating with giants like Google.

So Elizabeth asked him to wait for news on WeChat, making this time even more boring, until friends and businessmen boarded the stage of the main venue.


In the early morning, ask for a monthly pass

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