Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 735: Mixed feelings

Liu Jinfang's mood is extremely complicated. On the one hand, the relationship between Fang Shiling and Chu Yuanxi has become so bad that it affects investors, which she had never expected. On the other hand, feel that Fang Shiling seems to be quite good? The project that can make Chu Yuanxi get angry seems to be of some value? Do you want to reassess her financing needs?

"Yes, yes, you should really re-evaluate it. The project I took so hard to grab is absolutely worth it." Fang Shiling was a little excited, but she didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to come to her. A **** assist? It's sad to say, I spent a long time describing how good this project is, it's useless! Chu Yuan Xiyi emphasized his loss, hey? Liu Jinfang listened to it?

Unexpectedly, Liu Jinfang showed a look of pity: "Oh, it's a pity, Chu Yuanxi said how capable he is to do so much. He will do everything on thin ice for variety shows, so you'd better give up."

"You believe him or not? You have never seen him before!" Fang Shiling felt so cold, and said Chu Yuanxi wanted to collude with Daxia Investment to pressure me? Is this too grandson? My sister really doesn't believe it! I made my valuation more than 110 million yuan and then pulled the investment, I see what you guys do!

Fighting spirit surged in Fang Shiling's chest, and Liu Jinfang seemed to be aware of it. She looked suspiciously, "Xiao Fang, I am the president of Daxia. I have to be responsible for the fund's share holders. I can't act emotionally. When it comes to who believes or not, capital is cold-blooded. Don't worry. Okay, Chu Yuanxi didn’t promise me anything, and I didn’t plan to kill you to ask him for credit. Daxia Investment is a dignified institution and cannot be committed. However, I like business affairs, so you have to pay for valuation. War."

"Okay, Mr. Liu." Fang Shiling's eyes were raging, "I will find a way, and I will definitely not let Daxia's support for me over the years."

She wanted to turn her head and leave, but when she thought that Du Shuang hadn't received or received or sent messages recently, her Moments seemed to have blocked her, and she couldn't help being extremely upset. Since Liu Jinfang is here, just ask her: "Mr. Liu, do you know where Du Shuang left?"

"He? He moved to Zheng De. We got together and broke up without triggering the competition agreement." Liu Jinfang frowned. Du Shuang really left a very bad impression on her. Of course, Fang Shiling too . With regard to Daxia’s investment agreement for "Late Night Gallery", it is hard to say that it is because of whom the content of the agreement is imperfect, which is not good for Daxia!

Therefore, when Fang Shiling was about to leave, she added another sentence: "Relying on relationship financing is not a long-term solution."

Fang Shiling didn't say a word, and left without looking back, just because Liu Jinfang was facing her back, Liu Jinfang couldn't see her face pale.

She can't say that it has always been smooth, but she is naturally strong. Liu Jinfang's seemingly mild words exploded in Fang Shiling's ears! A huge grievance rushed into her heart, and then used as the best fuel to ignite the anger that had been suppressed for a long time.

Chu Yuanxi! I'm never ending with you! Do you think I will give up? This is my dignity battle!

Thinking of some of the conversations and screenshots in WeChat, Fang Shiling walked back to the venue with high heels, took a glance, and found that Chu Yuanxi was standing far away on the other edge of the venue, chatting with a foreigner.

Chu Yuanxi was talking to the nicknamed writer Andrew, a legend of Silicon Valley. Why did Fang Shiling see them at a glance? Because the writer is tall, he also wore a plaid shirt. The two plaid shirts stood out very eye-catchingly, and he also wore a hat with the stars and stripes printed on it. On this occasion, his eyes were very hot.

Zhou Minxi thought it was a bit ridiculous, but Chu Yuanxi couldn't laugh because the writer had officially refused to help him talk about items. However, although he refused his request, he was still willing to chat with him.

Chu Yuanxi was quite surprised, not because he was rejected by accident. He was psychologically prepared for this, and the probability of success was far lower than failure. He leaned against the corner, "What surprises me is what do you want to talk to me? Do you know me?"

I saw the writer with a sparse hairline and said with scorching eyes: "Don’t be surprised. Anyone who starts from scratch in a year and achieves a valuation of 4 billion yuan is worth talking about, no matter what he does, no matter what What country is he from. Are you an engineer?"

"I am not, I am a person who feels like it. Today I wore a plaid shirt to join in the fun. As a result, few of you Google wear plaid shirts. It's boring."

"Hahahaha, it turned out to be like this." The writer laughed, "Google is a very big company, and most of the people who come today are operations personnel, so I."

He shrugged while talking, "Tell me about you, would you like to invest in her?"

Of course Chu Yuanxi knows who "she" refers to, "Yes, as long as the investment she can earn me money without trouble, I don't think it is a problem. Anyway, it is also someone I admired ~Aren't you still dealing with her?"

"I don't have one. No one in Silicon Valley dared to admit that she still interacted with her, that is, here..."

The writer waved his hand with a smile, and Chu Yuanxi suddenly asked curiously: "What do you people in Silicon Valley think of her?"

"Fakeit, untilmakeit (blow out first and then work hard). People who don't understand this can't start a business in Silicon Valley. So..." He shrugged his shoulders vigorously and pursed the corners of his long mouth. "But her decision was right. There are actually more opportunities on your side, and more suitable for her. Maybe it really made her turn over?"

"I'm not particularly optimistic. The main reason is that after such a huge blow, it is difficult for a mortal's mentality to adjust? We are called, um, the devil in the heart. The devil in the heart will disrupt her decision when it is critical. To understanding?"

"A very appropriate metaphor!" Wen Hao clapped his hands, "I heard just now that you applied for computing power to make a particularly fun RPG game with artificial intelligence-led plots?"

"It's not a plan. I have already made it. The monthly income is more than 100 million. Otherwise, where do you think my 4 billion valuation came from?"

"Respect?" A Chinese sentence popped out of Wenhao's mouth. Although the pronunciation was not standard, he still frightened Chu Yuanxi. "You can speak Chinese?"

"Hahaha, isn't it a big deal to know a few Chinese in Silicon Valley? Zach Burke can speak fluent Chinese. There are many big people in Washington who ask children to learn Chinese from elementary school, and they speak Chinese more fluently than me. What is your game called? Is there any in the Xiaomi store? I don’t know if my crappy Chinese can be played?"

The writer was talking, and suddenly saw a beautiful lady walking "dada da da" on high heels, followed by a handsome guy in a Google uniform.

Chu Yuanxi turned her head and saw that her mood was suddenly complicated. Is this coming to force her?

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