The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were still alive.

Not far away,

Ye Ran and Li Wancheng also heard the heart-wrenching scream,

"General Li, is it really okay??" Ye Ran looked at Li Wancheng with some uncertainty,

He was not worried about the safety of Wang Dachun and others,

He was only worried about whether he could return safely after beating people in the military.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, nothing will happen." Li Wancheng looked at the source of the voice with a smile,

"These troublemakers always think they are great among the new generation of the military, and it's time to kill their arrogance."


Li Wancheng turned his head and looked at the ten thousand meter cliff in front of him,

turned to Ye Ran and said:

"We are here."

"Are we there?"

Ye Ran looked around, there were no buildings around,

and Li Wancheng nodded with a smile: "We are here, just jump down from here."

Ye Ran stretched his head and looked at the bottomless cliff,

turned to look at Li Wancheng: "General Li, are you kidding me? Laugh? ? "

"Why would I lie to you? ? " Li Wancheng said, and directly lifted Ye Ran's clothes,

jumped down the cliff,


Ye Ran hadn't spoken yet, and his mouth was filled with wind,

jumping down the abyss, according to his half-step platinum strength,

if he didn't die, he would be half crippled...

In an emergency, Ye Ran's whole body was glowing with golden light,

and he planned to take action,

but as soon as his golden light condensed,

it was slapped away by Li Wancheng...


Ye Ran was speechless at this time because of the wind,

If he could speak, I believe the content must not be very clean.

"Be patient..." Li Wancheng looked at Ye Ran with a smile.

Just when the two were bungee jumping without any precautions,


on the huge cliff,

the surface of the cliff began to rotate,

a huge hole appeared on the cliff,


a pair of extremely agile giant drones flew out of the cliff hole,

accurately landed behind Ye Ran and Li Wancheng,

very naturally supported the two bodies to sit on the seats of the drone,

as soon as Ye Ran sat down,

his body was wrapped by a water energy,

so that during the flight of the drone,

Ye Ran did not shake at all,

like an upgraded seat belt, no, it would be more appropriate to call it a safety bag.

"Isn't it novel? Surprising things are still behind!" Li Wancheng looked at Ye Ran who was studying around with a smile.

In a moment,

Ye Ran and Li Wancheng had successfully entered the interior of the cliff cave.


As the two entered,

the huge rock on the cliff closed again,

the entire cliff completely returned to normal,

from the outside it was still a natural scenery without people.

"Be careful, close your eyes."

At this time, Ye Ran and Li Wancheng in the cave were experiencing the high-speed flight brought by the drone.

After Li Wancheng's words,

the speed of the drone went up again, and a sonic boom was set off directly behind him.


Ye Ran only felt that he seemed to have passed through a space like jelly,

and in an instant,

came to a brand new environment.

This space,

made of alloy,

is different from ordinary space,

this space is like the inside of a huge pipe,

all the buildings in the space are attached to the inner wall of the pipe,

in the center of the space,

an extremely wide road extends infinitely,

in short,

this space seems to have weakened all the concepts of gravity that should have existed on Mercury,

there are buildings in all directions ,

Although these buildings are located on different planes,

they do not give people a very messy feeling.

All vehicles and robots are moving on the main road in the center,

extremely efficient and fast...

(If you can't imagine it, you can watch "Interstellar" again, the human habitat built on the star ring at the end.)

"Welcome to the military." Li Wancheng looked at Ye Ran who was a little dazed, and his mouth corners slightly raised, "You can also call it the future."


Li Wancheng pulled Ye Ran to an unmanned vehicle moving on the main road,

and began to introduce it in a torrent of words:

"This is the military's chief

The future city designed by the chief scholar, Wang Zhipeng, was built by the military with all its savings for 20 years. "

"All military personnel practice, work, and live in this city."

"There is only one main road in this city, so there will be no traffic jams or accidents,"

"All transportation, service and other work are replaced by artificial intelligence robots."

"Here, the work efficiency is increased by more than 50% compared to outside. It can also perfectly carry all the living needs of nearly 800,000 people in the military headquarters."

"Since the establishment of the future city, the military's annual expenditure has been reduced by at least 20%. "

"Not only that, the energy here can be completely self-sufficient, without pollution, and it is a real zero-waste city."

"In this city, everyone abides by the same law, and extraordinary people who break the law are guilty of the same crime as ordinary people."

"Everyone has a place to live and gets paid for their work."

"There are no vagrants or beggars in this city, and no one has to worry about education, food, medical care, or any survival-related issues such as retirement. "


Li Wancheng introduced himself,

Ye Ran looked around the future city like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden,

"We've arrived!"

Li Wancheng took Ye Ran down from the driverless car and looked at her with a smile:

"How is it? ? What do you think? ? ? "

Li Wancheng looked at this future city with great pride.

Any military personnel looking at the future city built by themselves would feel proud.


Ye Ran looked at this city that can only be seen in science fiction movies.

There was an indescribable excitement in his eyes.

This world is not only for people with special abilities,

there are also millions of ordinary humans without special abilities.

They are the same life forms living in this world.

They are the same compatriots who breathe the same air and drink the same water.

With the prevalence of high-level martial arts,

ordinary human beings seem to have become the most inconspicuous worker ants in every corner of the world.

Working day after day, busy,

using their own hard work to exchange for infrastructure, energy, crystals, and food,

to support these high-level martial artists to stand on the world stage and shine.

Unfortunately, The world is always cruel and merciless.

As time goes by,

Many high-level martial artists even think that these ordinary people should do the same.

It is the duty of these ordinary people to share their life's sweat and blood with these high-level martial artists.

In short, high-level martial artists pay less and less attention to ordinary people,

and care less and less about the lives of ordinary people.

Just like the Zhu family's previous human trafficking,

Is it because the Zhu family is so big that it can cover the sky with one hand, or is it because many high-level martial artists have begun to ignore the lives of ordinary people? ?

No one can tell clearly, and no one dares to tell clearly.

In the news in recent years, Ye Ran can often see that

Ordinary people are eating cooking oil with kerosene, drinking mineral water with excessive bromate content...

More and more strange diseases are appearing in ordinary people,

There are more and more reports, but the concern is still not enough...

Have Ye Ran, who had received a good communist education in his previous life,

sees the four words "people" very clearly.

He has seen, helped, embezzled, and worked hard on these problems in this world, but unfortunately, it is still a drop in the bucket.....

This world is probably sick,

suffering from a strange disease of cannibalism...

And at this moment, the city in front of him,

makes Ye Ran's eyes glow with excitement,

it turns out that there has always been a group of high-level warriors,

still thinking about ordinary people, and still thinking about the future of universal peace! ! !

I didn't expect that in the textbooks of the previous life,

the idea that humans crossed the Caucasus Gorge and opened up a bright new path for social development,

was actually realized in another world! !

Ye Ran looked at all this, and for some reason, his eyes began to moisten:

"I wish I had thousands of mansions to shelter the poor scholars in the world..."

Dear Davari, can you see it? ? ?

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