Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 941: Sure enough, he is a villain

"Help... I was wrong!"

Ersha was angry, and idiot Ueda suffered. The two chased each other in the living room, which caused many girls to blame for a while.

This will soon be Chunxiang's big day, and everyone is preparing for that day. It's fine if you two don't help out, but you're even causing us trouble!

Show me a little bit of understanding, hello!

"Stop it! Bastard!"

In the Nan family, Ersha's status is extremely low, not only Chunxiang can firmly control her, even Qianqiu, who is the third younger sister, can easily handle her.

No, I saw Qianqiu's flying kick, directly kicking Ersha who was still chasing Uchida to the ground.

Not only that, Qianqiu's eyes, which were always half open, also widened at the same time, and his whole body exuded a cold aura.

"If you make trouble for us again, you will get out of here!"

Well, Qianqiu got angry, and the effect was even better than Chunxiang's.

At this moment, apart from sitting there trembling, Ersha really didn't dare to do anything unusual.

After all, Qianqiu who is angry... is truly terrifying!

"What happened to Xia Nai today? Although she is always making troubles on weekdays, she didn't expect to be so exaggerated today, did she?"

Because Qianqiu was angry, Ersha sat up trembling and repented, and the atmosphere in the Nan family also dropped a lot for a while.

Then regarding Ersha's weird behavior today, as the Nan family's 'fourth sister', Dongma, who came to help, couldn't help but speak cautiously.

Ersha makes troubles on weekdays, but there is still a limit after all, but today is a good day for Chunxiang, why is she still so ignorant and insists on standing up to die?

After all, even if she is the second fool, she wouldn't be so indiscriminate, right?

"What else could be going on, isn't it just jealousy?"

Regarding Touma's doubts, Yoshino spoke softly beside him.

This little guy looks quite quiet on weekdays, but he has a dark potential in his bones.

No, the moment she opened her mouth, Ersha immediately exploded!

"Jealous? Are you kidding me! How could I be jealous! Chunxiang and the others marry that guy if they like! Why should I be jealous!"

Originally Qianqiu was angry, Ersha still sat upright and accepted the punishment, but the problem is, Yoshino's words really made her unable to sit still.


Could I, Shana, be jealous?

Do not make jokes!

I'm not jealous at all!

Isn't that just marriage!

I have nothing to be jealous of!

"Huh? I didn't say you were jealous of Chunxiang and the others... I thought you were jealous of Master Yalin marrying Chunxiang and the others..."

What should I say?

Does he really deserve to be the black-bellied Yoshino?

When these words came out, Chunxiang, who was showing her teeth and claws just now, was immediately sunk.


So she was jealous of Chunxiang and the others?

She was making such a fuss, it turned out to be...

"Sha Nai..."

"Don't tell me! I don't know anything! Leave me alone!"

Although Chunxiang is focused on her wedding dress at the moment, it is impossible for her to sit idly by and ignore her younger sister's abnormality.

However, just when Chunxiang was about to speak, Ersha suddenly shook his head and waved his hands, then left the living room as if escaping, turned back to the next room and buried himself under the covers.


Ersha's sudden routine caused the girls in the living room to look at each other in dismay.

What's the situation?

"Sha Nai..."

Only Chunxiang, who is the second silly sister, can really understand the current situation. After subconsciously sighing, her eyes turned to Maki and Atsuko.

And just after feeling Chunxiang's gaze, Atsuko and Maki shook their heads slightly.

Obviously, they also guessed something.

"He's such a bad guy..."

Looking at the girls in the room, Chunxiang couldn't help showing a helpless expression.

Did Shana fall too?

So who will be after Shana?

Is it her two equally beautiful classmates?

Or is it Qianqiu who will grow up soon?

Or Uchida?

Is it Yoshino?

It really is a villain...

But... Who told you to be my husband right away.

I can only choose to forgive you, right?

Regarding the marriage, it didn't just happen in the Nan family. If you want to talk about Li Yalin's bride, there are quite a few of them.

For example, Sawako Yamanaka who is about to marry him, she will be able to fulfill her wish immediately and become Li Yalin's real bride and his wife.

To talk about the story between Li Yalin and Zuo Hezi, although it was just pretending to be a lover at the beginning, it is also reasonable and reasonable for the fake to become real over time.

After all, if Lang has a lover or concubine, it is not a matter of course to get married.

"Xiao Zuo and you are so beautiful today."

"That's right, Teacher Sawako is so beautiful."

No, as Li Yalin's bride-to-be, Zuo Hezi is recently choosing her future wedding dress carefully.

The already delicate face, coupled with the beautiful wedding dress, completely showed Sawako's most beautiful side.

As Sawako's five little followers, the girls in the light music department naturally gave him sincere admiration.

Yes, today Zuo Hezi came to choose the wedding dress, and she was not accompanied by her friends, but by her five students.

Originally a member of the light music department, now as a popular band in the SAR, Sawako's family and friends have an unprecedentedly strong lineup.

"This body... is it really okay?"

Zuo Hezi should have asked Li Yalin to accompany her in choosing the wedding dress, but today she did not inform Li Yalin, but instead invited a few of her own students, so she naturally had her own ideas.

She wanted to find the most beautiful wedding dress, put it on herself and stand in front of Li Yalin, giving him a surprise.

So now, she found the most suitable wedding dress and received a lot of praise from the students, which also made her cheeks blush uncontrollably.

"Of course! Xiao Zuo and you are so beautiful! If I were a man, I would definitely marry you home!"

Facing the shy Zuo Hezi, the legal team on the side couldn't help giving her thumbs up. Not only that, she also pretended to be a pig brother, which made people laugh.

"Pay attention to me!"

The law team's mischief had just begun, and they were attacked by MIO's iron fist. They came here today to help Mr. Sawako choose a wedding dress, not to see you being funny!

Such a beautiful teacher, Sawako, is about to enter the palace of marriage. If you don't wish well, what's the matter with showing that weird appearance?

" hurts so much! Xiao Mio, you can't just target me like this because you're in a bad mood, right? Although the fact that Xiao Zuohe is going to marry senior really makes you..."

"Shut up, you idiot!"

After being punched by MIO, the legal team immediately muttered in dissatisfaction, but as soon as she uttered these words, it really played the role of instant silence.

After all, this matter... is really not something that should be brought up at this time...

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