Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 399: Go out in person

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Chapter 399 Going out in person

Li Xiao waved a long spear in his hand, urging Hei Duan to rush forward, and behind him was dozens of sideways, as well as 500 cavalry prepared cavalry, and slew towards the flanks of the Shibata Army's horse-riding team.

Nearly Li Xiao’s side whipped his horse whip desperately, hoping to keep up with Li Xiao’s mount. They were the first to protect the lord in their eyes. Seeing Li Xiao personally rushed into the battle, how could they not desperately fight the wings? At the same time, they also hope that Li Xiaowan must not miss anything in the battlefield.

Of course, Li Xiao understood the subordinate's thoughts. In history, Gustav the Great was on the battlefield as a dignified monarch. He also personally led the cavalry to charge on many occasions, but unfortunately he was shot and killed in the Battle of Lüzen.

Li Xiao naturally understands that as a general, he also has the responsibilities of a general. The charge is just the courage of a man, not the job of a general.

The current battle situation has entered a white-hot situation, and the victory or defeat is in sight. As the general, Li Xiaoxin feels that it is necessary to go to the first battle to kill the enemy and personally boost morale.

Li Xiao's eye-catching armor immediately attracted the attention of the riding samurai of the Oda Army.

When I heard the generals of the Takeda army call this person as the lord, even fools knew that this person was the top general under Takeda Shingen, Tajima Shou-Li Xiao.

No, this is not Li Xiao. For the soldiers of the Oda Army, this is simply a gleaming golden statue.

Before the war, Shibata Masamika had already sent Nobunaga's orders, saying that anyone who killed or captured Li Xiao would be rewarded with 100,000 stones for the knowledge and deeds.

Even if the person seeking Li Xiao is an ordinary footman, he can immediately change his status, from a white body to a 100,000-stone name.

This is simply the treatment of a half-nation master, even a person like Shibata Katsuya was tempted to hear this reward, not to mention the other Shibata army samurai.

Seeing Li Xiao personally go into battle, Shibata's army samurai couldn't help but think of "my father and mother will give birth to me once, fight it."

Li Xiao also didn't know that his appearance would make such a change in the battle situation.

The Shibata army samurai who had entered the Takeda army, gave up the pursuit, turned their horses, and slew towards the Takeda army riding team.

At this moment, Li Xiao is like a big magnet, attracting all the Shibata Army samurai who dream of earning a reward of 100,000 stones.

The horse riding teams of the two armies met in the center, and sparks burst out in between.

At this moment, Li Xiao is not half special. Even with Li Xiao's current identity, he is no different from ordinary footsteps on the battlefield.

He wouldn't have a 400,000-stone name on his body, and the buff of force would be added, so now he can only rely on himself with one shot and one shot.

Faced with the Shibata Army's horseback warrior, Li Xiaosi had no fear, and the black forging under her body was like lightning.

When the Shibata Army met the two samurai, seeing Li Xiao, he didn't need protection from his subordinates, and he dared to ride alone alone, and an incredible color suddenly appeared on his face.

He couldn't believe that good luck would be so favored by them, but in an instant, both of them were dazzled by the huge reward.

When the three horses cross.

The spear in Li Xiao's hand sprang up like a dragon. The body of the spear straightened instantaneously. The head of the spear in his hand nodded like a golden rooster. Shibata Jun was the first warrior who couldn't see the origin of Li Xiao's spear head and was killed by him.

Another Shibata samurai who rode with him was not angry when he saw Li Xiao killed his companion. He thought that it would take time for Li Xiao to draw his gun. After Li Xiao shot and killed one person, the spear head slipped. After the horse dodges the opponent with a knife, a shot back to the carbine to pick the opponent off the horse.

As soon as Li Xiao shot, all the warriors of the Shibata army who had deliberately sought out Li Xiao in the follow-up, their eyes were straightened for a while.

This man's martial arts is really too high.

However, Li Xiao didn't care at all, and the horse was still non-stop.

I saw that Li Xiao had a big spear coming out of a cave like a snake, soft as a cloud band, dancing in the air, but in fact, the guns and guns were not missed. The Shibata army horseback samurai who faced him were picked down one after another.

Li Xiao's spear continued, and one person pulled out the gun and pierced another, without stopping, as if the ancient generals broke into the enemy line alone, with a horseshoe camp, killing people like cutting grass.

No one in Shibata's army was his general.

Marksmanship is the dragon slaying skills learned by scholars who want to rise up in troubled times. That's why there is the storyteller Zhao Zilong. Yue Fei rode through the battle alone, dancing with a big spear so that there is no gap between the whole body. . The legend of taking the head of the general among the army.

Li Xiao’s spear technique was passed on from veteran cadres. Although he is now becoming more powerful and he rarely goes to the battlefield, he is not at all weaker than his peak. In Baigen Mountain, he dared to lead a sixty rider into the eight thousand army of the Shan army. Five hundred cavalry is not afraid of Shibata's army.

The Takeda Army horseback riding team was guarding Li Xiao to ensure safety. When the lord was so brave to win the three armies, he also fought for his life and swung his sword to smash the Shibata samurai.

The iron cannons of the Western State phalanx were so light that they had already been reloaded at this moment. A group of several raised the iron cannons and fired at the Shibata army riding samurai running in front of the formation.

Shibata, who was coming towards the end of the battle, also saw the battle situation clearly from a distance. When he saw it, Takeda Army General Li Xiao personally went into battle, led his 500 cavalry, and killed the Shibata Army’s riding team. Torn apart.

Suddenly, the remnants of the Shibata Army's horseback riding team had already collapsed from the Takeda Army's front.

Jin Mori, who had rushed forward to chase him, approached and paid homage to the two teams of Xiangjiajia. At this moment, he was also repelled by the reorganized Takeda Army's West Country phalanx with iron cannon.

Now he had to cover the defeated soldiers of the riding team to retreat together. The time to break the formation was lost in a blink of an eye. The Takeda army had regrouped. Without the riding team's intrusion, Shibata army could not break the Takeda army at all. He had already lost this battle.

At this moment, Shibata Shengjia was dumbfounded.

After a while, Shibata Shengjia just said: "Everyone says that Li Xiao is brave. I don't believe it, but I am jealous. When I saw it today, I really underestimated the hero of the world."

"Master! Don't blame yourself, just blame Li Xiao for being cunning."

"Master, since the riding team also failed in the attack, why not retreat!"

"This Li Xiao is not something we can win. Let's ask the Great Hall to lead an army to fight!"

"Damn!" Shibata yelled and said: "Today's battle, our army was defeated horribly, what face do I have to see the lord! What face do I have to see the family who entrusted my life to my subordinates!"

After talking about Shibata Katsuya's reins, he looked at the western phalanx that the Takeda Army had reorganized. In front of this formation, Shibata's corpses were piled up like a mountain.

Broken flags and objects, fallen war horses, pieces of Shibata sergeant soldiers who died in front of the battle.

Now the Takeda army has been reorganized. After riding back to the formation, Zuqing moved forward, and the flag print with the sun and the moon began to move towards the Shibata army.

The six phalanxes of Takeda shouted their commands and moved towards Shibata's army.

Now the Takeda Army is regrouping and oppressing the Shibata Army, Jin Mori is near, and the two teams of Baixiang Jiajia also don't know what to do for a while, whether to advance or retreat.

Seeing this, Shibata Masuka said loudly: "It is Shibata's responsibility to lose in this battle. Witnessing the death of my subordinates, but my lord and general surrendered his life. It really misplaced my Shibata family's name."

Seeing Shibata's thoughts of rushing into the Takeda army to die, everyone was surprised when they heard closely. This decision represents the honor and determination of a samurai. If it is time to dissuade Shibata, it would be an insult to Shibata.

But as the lord's side, these samurai must accompany Shibata in the battle, whether they like it or not, that is to say, accompany him to die.

At this time, a clever side said: "Master, please cherish this useful body, even if it is a pleasure to die, but Li Xiao's formation is so powerful, if there is no way to break it, the hall, no, my entire Oda family All are in danger. So it’s better to report the situation here, detailing the pros and cons of Li Xiao’s tactics, and finding the flaws is the best strategy."

"Although the ministers all have the determination to follow the lord and die together, there is not a proverb in Mingguo,'Death is lighter than a feather, and heavier than Mount Tai'. It is easy to abandon responsibility and die, but it is easy to live with all dishonours. , For the sake of Oda's parents to consider the overall situation, this is a kind of true wisdom and bravery!"

Hearing this close persuasion, Shibata Katsura trembled suddenly, and said: "You are right, I almost missed a major event. My personal honor or shame is what Shibata Kazuyuki counts. The key is that the main hall is to the whole of the Takeda family. In the battle, if the Oda family is destroyed, even if Shibata is dead, the future land of children and grandchildren will not be settled."

Shibata Seika quickly made a decision, waved his horse whip, and said: "The order is passed, the whole army retreats, and the banner army and the riding team will cover behind them together."

Shibata's mouth twitched slightly when he talked about the riding team. The riding team is now out of ten, and the casualties are extremely heavy.

In addition, Shibata Katsuharu, Shibata Katsuma, and Yoshida Jibei three members of the Shibata clan were all killed in battle, and the loss of their loved ones for Shibata Katsuya now feels a trance.

Among the generals of the Oda army, apart from Shibata, no one has such a large and elite horseback riding team, and Shibata's power is now greatly damaged.

"Report to the lord! Shibata army has retreated!"

"Oh?" Li Xiao was a little surprised when he heard about Bantou's report. He originally thought that Shibata's staunch character in history would fight him desperately.

However, Li Xiao immediately thought that at the last moment of Jianyue's battle, didn't Shibata also let his subordinates die on his behalf, and escaped by himself? Immediately relieved.

"Master, do you order a pursuit?"

Seeing Shibata Shengjia personally lead the flag's army, Li Xiao thought for a while and said: "No need."

This is also no way. The Western Phalanx itself moves slowly and is not suitable for pursuit, so Li Xiaocai has always said that the Western Phalanx is sufficient to defend but cannot win.

And now the horseback equipment that can be used for pursuit has suffered a lot of losses in the previous battle. Now facing the new force of the Qiben army personally led by Shibata Shengjia himself, there is not much chance of winning.

Therefore, Li Xiao gave up his plan to pursue, anyway, this battle was enough to set back the spirit of the Oda army.

From then on, the name of Li Xiao was enough to make Mino Owari and Ryogoku children afraid to cry.

As the saying goes, take it when you see it, the Takeda Army marched for a day of fierce battle, and the physical strength was already exhausted. If you encounter Oda Army reinforcements, it will not be good.

Right now, what Li Xiao had to do was to turn around and attack Kajita Castle, take this Zhongmei-Nong city, and realize the connection between Omeno and Higashi Mino. This is the real benefit that can be held in his hand.

#c. ..

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