Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 474: Nobunaga's head

Chapter 474: Nobunaga's Head

Tianzheng three years, July 5th.

It was more than a month after the battle with Chang Xiao.

Kai, 躅躅崎館.

This museum hasn't been so lively for a while.

This is not the biggest and most serious assessment of the Takeda family, but it is definitely the most decisive one.

It was an unprecedented thing to agree with the governor of the house and decide the chief of the Kai Gen clan.

The servants in the hall got up early and walked along the horse road from Otemon Gate to Honmaru, sprinkled the road with clean water, and cleaned it.

On the horse road, the family elders, the samurai entourage, the wealthy tribes, and the patriarchs of the country, each drove their horses to the Honmaru.

Kai, a tycoon of Shinano, stayed in Kofu town for one night, and then came to the museum to participate in the assessment the next day.

Even the local tycoons of Ueno, Suruga, and Toe arrived.

Yoshihisa Kiso, the lord of Fukushima Castle in Kiso, arrived.

Daxiong Chaoxiu, the lord of Suruga Oyama City, arrived.

The faithful Akiyama who guards Nan Shinano is here!

Even the elder Takasaka Masanobu, who has been in Haijin City, is here!

But in this assessment, the most eye-catching people were not them.

In the corridor behind the main hall, Li Xiao wears a black hat, hunting clothes and a knife on his waist, walking in the present.

And under his writing, Lao Dao Sheng Meng, Hida Yuezhong Army deputy general Machang Machang, the military pursued Takenaka re-rule, and the military adviser and aides Bundo Shinto were behind Li Xiao and stepped forward.

After this is Kano Hideharu, with Yamatorusada, Shioka Kazuha, Tsuchiya Masahiro, Rui Costa, Yubi Usami Nami and other servant-general retainers in the next step.

This large group of people walked towards the main hall in awe-inspiring manner, and they immediately drew people's attention.

After arriving at the main hall, the Takeda family vassals present here all looked at Li Xiao and the group of people. In the last assessment, Xinxuan was alive, and Li Xiao was still the second vassal under the Changjing of Shan County.

And this time, Li Xiao was already the elder of the Takeda family, and he was an extremely human minister.

It is about the assessment of the new family supervisor’s belongings. As the head of the retainer, Li Xiao’s opinion is very important and affects the choice of the family supervisor.

As for whom Li Xiao will support once, his decision will be very important.

Li Xiao took off his shoes, and then holding a sword, strode into the hall, directly in the inner hall which was slightly higher than the outer hall.

This division of inner and outer halls is equivalent to the division of the Tokugawa shogunate corridor, Dahiroma, and Yoma.

In the inner hall, the old family members of the family are waiting for the seats, and the back hall is the servants of the generals, and the patriarchs of the people whose territories are below Wanshi.

Li Xiao, Machang Changfang, and Shigeji Takenaka walked straight into the inner hall, while the others stayed in the outer hall.

In the inner hall, Takeda Nobunori, Baba Nobori, Sanada Masayuki and all his retainers have arrived, and Li Xiao is considered the latest one.

But the so-called distinguished guests must come later, as a penman, if you wait in place early, you will have a lot of money.

Although Li Xiao ignored so many red tapes, under the persuasion of Bendo Zhengxin, he still felt that he had to show off, but he also held the time, only slightly later than others.

In the inner hall, the left column is still a group of seats, the top is still Takeda Shinren, followed by Kawabo Shinshi, Kawabo Shinshi, Kawabo Shinshi (the son of Shingen, but the inheritance of Shingen Goo Matsuo Nobubuki is a family business), Takeda Xinfeng, Mochizuki Xinyong, Takeda Xinyou, Yixinlong, Ge Shan Xinzhen and others.

On the right hand side, after the first suspended seat, Masanobu Kosaka, Masabo Baba, and Masako Sanada ranked fourth in the retainer seat, higher than the former Nobuyuki Akiyama, Nobuhiro Koyamada, and Nobuya Anyama. Jun, Yoshisho Kiso and others.

Of course, Masayuki Sanada's position improved so fast, and Masakei Yamaken and Masato Naito were killed in the battle of Nagaso.

After Li Xiao walked into the inner hall, he walked slowly to his position, and the elders all turned around on the seats, slightly bowing to salute.

Li Xiao also smiled and nodded, when he walked in front of Naito Masatsu.

Naito Masatsu said with a smile on his face, rather close to Li Xiaoyan: "Tajima Shou-sama, I haven't seen him for a long time."

Li Xiao remembered the years when he was teaching his marksmanship in Gaoyuan City. He smiled and stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, saying: "Naito repairs, work harder."

Yes, after the death of Naito Masao, Naito Masatsu not only inherited his family name, but also inherited his official name.

"Yes." Naito Masatsu said loudly.

After greeting Naito Masatsu, Li Xiao passed in front of Takasaka Masanobu. He took a look at the stack of seats before the seat, and then slowly sat on it with his legs close together, while Takenaka Shigeji and Baba Masabō sat down. One column behind Li Xiao.

Li Xiao turned his head to look, and all the retainers in the inner and outer halls sat on the seats with breathlessness, and everyone's face could be seen in their eyes.

Li Xiao turned his head and looked at the stack of seats in front of the Fenglin Volcano Banner and the Suwa Dharma Helmet, which represents the position of the governor of the Takeda family. Want to go one step further, then...

Just as Li Xiao was thinking about it, he suddenly heard the sliding paper door pushed by his side.

Nobuto Takeda, Nobuhiro Nishina, Nobuhiro Takeda, and Wuwang Maru came together.

The attendants placed four futons for them in front of the main seat. Takeda Nobuto and Nishina Morinobu sat on the side of the futon of the Takeda family, while Takeda Nobuhiro and Takeo Maru were seated on the side of the retainer group.

The two sides have quite clear barriers.

It was the first time that Li Xiao saw Takeda Nobuto. He saw the other party with white hair and beard. He was quite old-fashioned, but he was still very vigorous in spirit, with sharp eyes, and he felt a bit of a tiger wind.

Nobuto Takeda also saw it for the first time. Li Xiao, who was sitting at the head of the retainer group, obviously knew his identity for the first time.

The eyes of the two met together, which smelled of gunpowder.

But Nobuto Takeda immediately turned his gaze, and after sitting on his seat, his eyes closed and he closed his eyes to rest.

After the four arrived, all the servants and servants in the temple retreated.

Kai's early morning sunlight shines into the house through the closed paper sliding doors, and everyone is sitting at the table, watching the key figures in the inner hall.

The presiding officer of the evaluation was a generalist Nobuhiro Takeda. He opened the door straight to the point and said: "My sirs, the most important thing for discussion today is the envoy sent by the Oda family to propose to us the head of Nobunaga and the return of the director. During the Shinokai battle, Nobhata's son, Nobhata Nobuo, was captured."

In the Kawakami Mountains, Oda Nobunaga died, but Kitahata Nobuo wanted to cut himself, but finally hesitated for a while, lost the opportunity, and was captured by the Takeda army instead.

Therefore, in this assessment, Kitahata Nobuo became the first discussion topic on how to deal with Nobunaga's head.

Hewa Xinshi, who was the first to speak, is the son of Xinhu, Xingen's half-brother, and also the chief commander of the Takeda army guarding the Kite nest village in the rear of the battle.

Historically, he was supposed to have died under the castle of Nagasasa because of this attack by Taduji Sakai, but now because of Li Xiao's prior arrangement, ninjas from Yokotani Yukushige were sent to kill Sakai Taduji.

Therefore, Kawabo Reliance sat here unscathed, but instead saved the Takeda family back and repelled the attack of the Oda Tokugawa army. He was known as the cornerstone of the house, and he was known as wise and brave.

Hewa faithfully said: "Like Nobunaga's son, there are any questions. Since he was caught and killed directly, he would just use his first-level memorial to the master of the museum."

The son of Kawabo Faithfulness who inherited the Matsuo family also agreed, saying: "I heard that Nobunaga was cruel, and made the skulls of the Asai family and Asakura family superintendents into wine glasses. We simply made him and his son's skulls together. The wine glass is ready."

After he finished talking, Shinjun Hahati laughed, and there were several people on the side echoing his words. Yes, Nobunaga was violent and rebellious, and he burned Mount Hiei with countless statutes. Such a retrograde person made his skull into a wine glass. In this way, it is cheaper for the other party.

"Don't do this," said Baba Nobuya, who was under Li Xiao's head, saying, "Although Nobunaga is violent, he is the owner of Oda Patriarch after all. Such treatment of his body will harm my Takeda family's name. , On the contrary, they will be unanimously angry at the Oda family and give the other party an excuse to attack their own family."

Then the Baba Nobuya said: "My lord, the last life left is to make peace with the Oda family. At the moment, returning Nobunaga's head to the Oda family is just a sign of our forgiveness. As for Nobuo Kitahata, it's just a bastard. One, you can't show it even if you kill him, just return it to the Oda family together with Nobunaga's head."

"I can't agree with Baba Mino's opinion."

A weak voice spoke.

Li Xiao turned his head to look, and saw that it was Naito Masatsu who spoke out, refuting the opinion of the horse farm letter house, which made him somewhat lacking in confidence.

Takeda Nobuyasu looked at it, frowned and said, "Naito repair, please speak up."

Masao Naito clenched his legs tightly with five fingers, and summoned his courage to say: "That's it, my father died at Nobunaga's hand. Not only my father, but also Yama Prefecture, Tsuchiya, and Sanada were all fighting. If he died at the hands of the Oda Army, it would be too cheap for him to let Kitahata Nobuo so."

Naito Masato's words were reasonable, and Takeda Nobuyasu nodded when he heard it, seeing that the other retainers no longer spoke.

So Takeda Shinren said: "Since this is the case, the discussion is over."

After a pause, he looked at Li Xiao and asked, "I don't know Li Danma Shou about this. What do you think?"

Hearing Takeda Nobuhiro pointing towards Li Xiao, everyone in the hall looked at each other. Takeda Nobuhiro, who had been closing his eyes and rested, also opened his eyes, and looked at Li Xiao in full.

In the sight of everyone, Li Xiao thought for a moment, and smiled unhurriedly: "Everyone here should be a samurai. As a samurai, even if you want to prosper in martial arts, you will have the end of martial arts. At this time, the consciousness of death on the battlefield. If the head of the corpse is desecrated by the enemy after death, can you tolerate it. As the saying goes, do not do to others what you don’t want. Yes, Nobunaga made the head of Asai Asakura’s family superintendent into a wine cup , But if I follow the same example, isn’t it just like Nobunaga? It hurts my name?"

After Li Xiao said these words, all his servants nodded, but Hewa Xinshi and Hewa Xinjun all showed shame on their faces.

After a pause, Li Xiaoyan said: "As His Highness Hewa said, although Nobunaga is violent and ignores Buddhism, but it is undeniable that this man is a man of the world. Even if he is not reconciled, he does not recognize me and the martial artist. The opponent of the confession. So I agree with Baba Mino’s opinion to return the head of Nobunaga to the Oda family, just as Nobunaga returned the head of Yoshimoto to the Imagawa family."

As soon as Li Xiao’s words fell, he saw Naito Masatsu’s expression but stopped, and smiled and added: “Of course Nobunaga’s head cannot be returned in vain. Previously, the Oda Army seized the head of our army, the banner, and the horse. The seal, the armor must also be recovered and returned to the families of the fallen soldiers, so that they can pay homage to the heroic spirits."

Naito Masazuki was happy when he heard that, Nobunaga was dead. If he could return the flag seal and armor that Naito Masazuki had lost in the Oda Army, it would be considered a meager effort for his father.

"As for Nobuo Kitahata,"

Li Xiao paused at this point. Kitahata Nobuo had a very low evaluation in history. He burned Azuchi Castle and was defeated in the attack on Iga. The battle of Komaki Nagakute put Tokugawa Ieyasu in the battle to subdue Toyotomi Hideyoshi and his subjects. Later, he refused to transfer the title, and was deprived of his fiefdom by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

This series of actions are extremely stupid. The most important thing is that this person is a layman in foreign wars, but an expert in civil wars. As the vanguard of the Oda family's civil war, he killed his own brother Oda Nobutaka.

Having such a character in the Oda family is simply a traitor to the Oda family, and the internal response of the Takeda family.

In terms of his ambitions that appear to be extremely mismatched with his strength, IQ, and ambition, after Nobunaga's death, he will inevitably have a sense of seizing power over the center of Oda Nobuya, and by then he can pose a threat to Nobuda's current unstable clan.

And even if I killed Kitahata Nobuo and Ise, who was in charge of Kazuki Takigawa, there was still a way to control Kitahata's family.

"As for Nobuo Kitahata, he is just an insignificant person, let it go." Li Xiao finally said lightly.

Nobunaga and Nobunaga's heads were combined into one, and it didn't make sense. He returned Nobhata's heads and killed Nobhata Nobuo.

It was impossible to make Nobunaga's head into a wine glass, but he put Nobuhata Nobuo.

"I agree with Li Danma Shou's opinion." Masao Sanada was the first to agree.

"I agree too." Machang Xinfang also nodded, obviously Li Xiao said what he was saying, very satisfied.

Nobuya Takeda sees Nobuhiro Koyamada, but it doesn't matter, but it doesn't matter anymore.

The five elders of Takeda Katsu Raitoko have agreed with this matter, so Koyamada Nobuhiro's opinion does not matter, not to mention Takeda Nobuyasu's heart is also inclined to this decision.

"In that case, I will return Nobunaga's head to the Oda clan, and Kitahata Nobuo also returned it to the Oda clan. At the same time, on this condition, I will repay the Oda clan's head, armor, weapons, and banner of the fallen samurai of my Takeda clan. "


Takeda's retainers unanimously supported the ground with both hands and knelt down to accept the decision.

Then Takeda Nobunori paused and said: "Next, we will discuss the inheritance of the family superintendent!"

As soon as Takeda Nobuyasu's voice fell, the old-fashioned Takeda Nobuto stood up and said, "I have something to say!"

ps: Thank you brothers and sisters who voted for the monthly vote yesterday.

There is a monthly ticket, and the brothers and sisters who recommend the ticket support one, and set a new high for this month. please.


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