Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 543: Nobutada Evil

Omi, Azuchi Castle.

Azuchi Castle was built on Megada Mountain. This city was originally the main castle of the local wealthy family Mujiatian.

Now Megada Mountain has been renamed Azuchi Mountain. It is located in the seven-story castle tower above the Azuchi Mountain and overlooks the entire Lake Biwa from the west.

For the Oda family, if Gifu Castle is the starting point of the main family Bubu world, then Azuchi Castle will be the center point of the Oda family Bubu world.

The construction of Azuchi Castle was completed at the end of last year, and now Oda Nobuada, the governor of the Oda family, moved the castle from Gifu Castle to Azuchi Castle at the beginning of the year.

Oda Nobuya used Azuchi Castle as the center of the Oda family's Bubu world because it is closer to Kinki than Gifu Castle, and can quickly reach Kinki by using the water of Lake Biwa, which is very important for the Oda family to control the world.

At the same time, Azuchi Castle can also contain Hokuriku and prevent the increasingly larger Li Xiaofei Yuezhong regiment from advancing towards Kinki.

Now that the lake breeze is picking up, Oda Shintada ascends to the top of the castle tower and overlooks the evening view of Lake Biwa.

Under the sunset, boats with white sails on Lake Biwa are sailing above the water.

On the lake reflecting the red clouds, those white sails are like flying white clouds.

The water transportation of Lake Biwa has always been the most prosperous in Japan. From the Marukaya boat in the Jomon period to the current Seki boat, it travels on the surface of the lake.

Such one of the eight scenic spots of Omi, Yabashi Guisai, is described as the endless sails that flow from Kusatsu and Otsu.

Kusatsu and Otsu are important ports and towns of Lake Biwa. Close to Kinki. At that time, Oda Nobunaga shirked the leadership and general position given to him by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, but with several important ports such as Kusatsu, Otsu, and Kaicho, he collected a lot of money from the trade, and finally formed. The powerful standing army of the Oda clan.

At present, Kusatsu and Otsu are still in the hands of Oda Nobuya, and the lower reaches of the Yodo River, the only estuary of Lake Biwa, is the largest commercial city in Japan.

These three places are transformed into a triangle. The center is the most prosperous place in Japan's water transport business, and it is the powerful beating heart of Oda's Bubu world.

The 22-year-old Oda Nobutada returned to the pavilion and closed the door.

Twenty-two years old is for a samurai. I can't be regarded as a novice. In the Warring States Period, I should have experienced a lot of wars a long time ago.

But this age is still too young to be enough for a housekeeper.

After Nobunaga was in the hands of Li Xiao, Oda Nobutada succeeded as the governor of the house for three full years.

The battle of Nagashino meant the failure of the Oda family’s eastward advancement strategy, so Oda Nobuya shifted his goal to the west to continue his father’s legacy of Fuwu.

In the Battle of the World's Fuwu, the four kings of Oda were the pioneers of the Oda family. As well as pawns, fighting on all fronts.

Except for Shibata Katsuya who was controlled by the Hida Etsuzhong Corps in Hokuriku, the other three legions all gained advantages on the front.

I have to mention that it was the battle between the Oda family and the Maori family last year.

Oda Nobuada and Akechi Mitsuhide led the army to Sanyo Road to support Toyotomi Hideyoshi on the way.

As a result, he was ruled by another director, and Arakimura rebelled one after another. Also go to bed together.

The two rebelled, causing Oda Nobuya to continue to stop advancing to Sanyo Road, and, together with the wise Mitsuhide Kinki Army, returned to the spot to quell the rebellion.

When Oda Nobuada put down these two rebellions, the main force of the Maori clan led by Terumoto Maori. Has captured Shangyue City and killed Nizi Shengjiu. Fortunately, the mountain cut off the hope of revival of Nizi's house.

Just as the Maori family was about to take advantage of the momentum to move eastward, news came that Ukidori, the former national leader, was unstable.

At this time, Ukita's daimyo Ukita Nao family defeated the forces of Goto Katsuki in the United States, preparing for the Mori family to rebel and throwing into the Oda family.

At this time, the Ukita Nao family's rebellious behavior has not been confirmed, but the news is that, because of the fear that the flanks will be threatened, even if Maori Terumoto wants to go straight, he is opposed by the leaders of the wealthy nation and finally inevitably gives up.

Although the Maori family is the overlord of the Shanyang Mountain **, the unified implementation of the leadership in the country is not thorough, and the national elites are highly ** **, in fact, they are just a powerful alliance leader.

This may be why Mao Liyuan said that the Maori family cannot compete for the world.

Of course, as the governor of the house, Mao Li Huiyuan, he naturally wanted to take his grandfather's merits a step further, so he himself would never admit this.

As a result of the resolute opposition of the Chinese tycoons, Mori Terumoto could only stop the offensive against Harima and led the army back to Anyun country, leaving only Yoshikawa Motoharu to continue in the mountains and attack Tango, so that the Oda family was relieved from the rebellion. Angry.

Although the castle fell last month, Nishiharima was still in the hands of the Oda family, and Hashiba Hideyoshi immediately returned from the front line to help Oda Nobuada put down his rebellion.

After several months of countering the rebellion, Besso Changzhi's army was defeated and was surrounded by Hashiba Hideyoshi's Western Army Corps in Miki City.

Araki Murashige's main city, Oka Castle, was also captured by the Oda Army, who fled alone, and a family of 122 people were killed by the Oda Army with iron cannons and long swords.

The failure of the Maori family's eastward advance not only gave up halfway, but also led to the strengthening of the control of the Oda family in Kinki and Harima country, and the two chess pieces that had been buried before were scrapped, which was a big mistake.

After Oda Nobuya returned to the room, he approached and reported: "The lord, wise, Hashiba, and Takigawa, three adults, beg to see you outside the door."

The three generals of Oda Corps came together.

After Oda Shintada heard this, he coughed and cleared his throat, then returned to the main position to sit upright, and finally said: "Please enter the three adults."

Soon after, there was a thumping sound of footsteps on the stairs.

The chief general of the Kinki Army, Mitsuhide Akihide, the general commander of the West and North Omi Army, Hideyoshi Hashiba, and the general commander of the Ise Army, Kazuyuki Takikawa, all came together.

Among the three, Kazuyuki Takikawa was first defeated by Nagasasa, and the power has not been relieved. In the battle to support Tokugawa, his performance was unfavorable. It is inevitable that Oda Nobuada was somewhat dissatisfied with such a slack courtier. the opinion of.

As for Akechi Mitsuhide, who has always performed well, Hashiba Hideyoshi, Akechi Mitsuhide, and his eloquence, he speaks well, so he won the love of Oda Nobutada.

In contrast, Hashiba Hideyoshi, a low-born and short stature, is somewhat unwelcome, while Oda Nobuya is somewhat unwelcome. This is quite different from the employment style of the two during Nobunaga's life.

"Tokugawa has rebelled!"

After the three of them sat down firmly, Oda Nobuya said such a sentence.

Even though everyone here heard the news beforehand, they all bowed their heads when Oda Shintada said this, especially Takikawa Kazuki, who lowered his head and fell down deeply.

Oda Nobuya will not scold his retainers like Nobunaga, but the raised eyebrows and the heavy tone already represent his great anger.

Kazuyuki Takikawa lowered his head and said to himself: "Master, the Takeda Corps is personally presided over by Nobuhiro, and there are 30,000 Kaikai soldiers. The ministers have really done their best."

Oda Nobuya was just reprimanding Takigawa Kazuki. If Takikawa Kazuki just bowed his head to admit his mistake, he would have passed it. However, he retorted. As a superior, he hates others to refute his remarks at this moment. This is dignified to him. Violated.

Nobuya Oda sank, and shouted: "Takikawa Kazuyuki, don't you admit your mistake? If it were not for your support, why did Tokugawa go against Takeda? After Takeda received Tokugawa's help, he was relieved to boldly eliminate Uesugi. The reason for all this is due to you, which made my family lose an important ally in the east."

"This puts Owari into a crisis in the hinterland of the family, directly under the Takeda Army's front."

Oda Nobuya yelled so loudly that Takikawa Kazuyuki was unable to step down, and he was also a veteran of Nobunaga's reign. Such embarrassment made him face a loss.

All of you here understand that the loss of Mikawa lies in the fact that Oda Nobuya has turned his family's strategic direction to move westward in the past few years. After the battle of Nagashino, Kazuki Takigawa did not recover the power of the Northern Ise Army. How could it be possible to resist Takeda? Xinfan's elite Kai corps.

At this time, Hashiba Hideyoshi said: "Master, Master Takikawa is at fault, but there are also difficulties. Please remember that he has served his family for many years. Please don't be too reprimanded."

Oda Nobuya rolled his eyes, but Hashiba Hideyoshi's words were very clever, and he did not directly offend the dignity of Oda Nobuya.

Therefore, Oda Nobuya just grunted his nostrils, and Hashiba Hideyoshi hurriedly winked at Takikawa Kazuki.

After Kazuyuki Takikawa's complexion turned red and apologized to Oda Shintada loudly, the matter was revealed.

At night, the stars are hanging down.

The lake breeze was cold, and Kazuyuki Takikawa put his hands between his sleeves, standing in front of his house in Azuchi Castle, looking at the moonlight.

Waiting to see the night, Hideyoshi Hashiba carried the lantern and walked slowly towards him. Kazuyuki Takikawa took a step forward and said, "Thank you today. Master Hashiba relieved me."

After a pause, Takikawa Kazuyuki said again: "It's just that the lord has a deep hatred for me, so why bother to excuse me and encumber yourself."

Hideyoshi Hashiba smiled, and said: "Master Takikawa, this is a confession. Since the death of the Youfu Palace, I have always been ignored by the lord. Wherever the battle is the most tiring and the most dangerous, I will be sent. Even though we are not valued, right now I am helping, but also helping myself."

Takikawa shook his head with a wry smile, silently speechless.

After a long time, Takikawa Kazuyuki spit out a word from his mouth, saying: "If the Youfu Hall is still in place, I am more than today."

Kazuyuki Takikawa said that he touched his feelings in his heart, and indeed there were some tears in his eyes.

Hearing this, Hideyoshi Hashiba couldn't help crying a few times.

The two generals of the Oda clan actually shed tears in the moonlight.

Hideyoshi Hashiba re-said: "At the moment, only Ren Hiuga is the most respected by the lord. This time through the relationship with the court, he asked the emperor to come forward in person. He is likely to persuade Hongan Temple to abandon the secular power. A great achievement."

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