Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 813: Tooth for tooth

But I don’t know if it’s too panic or what, the people who want to help the queen up will accidentally let the queen fall back every half.

By the time the person was finally lifted up, the dragon robe on the empress had been cut several times, her temples were scattered, and there were three or two scratches on her face. The embarrassment was not enough to describe her like that.

"Mother, are you okay?"

The queen was so angry that her chest was ups and downs violently, and she shouted: "Who was it just now, who pushed the lonely!?"

Xiao Susu was so frightened that his knees were soft, and he squatted his head in fear. "The mother emperor forgive the sin, the child minister did not intentionally, I don't know why, the child minister's knees are soft... the mother emperor spares her life, the mother emperor spares her life!"

The empress had never been so ugly in front of others, so she kicked Xiao Susu's chest with a kick.


Xiao Susu's figure was kicked into the flowers like rags. After all, Xiao Susu was still a child. He cried out with a pain in his body and closed his eyes with a wow, the sound could cut through the sky!

The guard Sima, who had received the news earlier, had been waiting outside the imperial garden. At this moment, he could not wait to hear his daughter's cry, so he rushed in.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?" Sima Guard was shocked to see the empress.

The empress was trembling with anger, and listening and seeing were the most unpleasant times. "Guardian Sima usually neglects teaching to the princess. Since today, he has been facing the wall in his temple, and the princess has gone to the Shenshan Palace to think about it!"

Guard Sima was taken into confinement with a look on his face, completely dumbfounded.

"Since the empress still has private matters to deal with, then I won't bother." Xiao Zhan's voice rang coldly from the side, and the empress was excited.

"The king of the East is a guest, and the lone has already prepared a palace, and the king of the east is invited to move." The palace is located in a large area of ​​beautifully landscaped open space outside the palace, and every year in the small tribe adjacent to Rongzhen. Small countries will come to pay tribute, and live there.

Will Xiao Zhan live there? Of course he is going back to sleep with his wife!

"No need to."

When Xiao Zhan finished speaking, he turned and left without waiting for the empress to speak again.

When the queen wants to stay strong, where is Xiao Zhan's figure!

She was so angry that she pushed away the court lady in front of her.

"What are you doing here, why don't you take the lone back to wash and change your clothes? The dress is useless!" She has been a queen for so many years, when hasn't she been high above? How can she be so embarrassed before others! ?

Xiao Zhan, do you really think this is in your east? In Rong Zhen, only the lonely has the final say!

"Yes, yes. Hurry up, go to the royal doctor..."

The empress group drifted away, leaving only Guardian Sima holding Xiao Susu in a daze.

"Well, what is going on?"

"I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean to push the mother emperor..." Xiao Susu met Guardian Sima and finally found support.

When Sima guard heard this, he was stunned. "You said, you said that the queen was like that because of... you?"

"Erchen really didn't mean to whimper..."

Xiao Susu cried loudly with his mouth open. How could things turn out like this? It was obvious that she was here to sue, so why did she become like this...


When Xiao Zhan left the palace gate, he saw a black-faced carriage and waited outside the palace gate. He stepped up and got into the carriage as soon as he moved.

Yueli, who was meditating in the carriage, jumped in shock, and only after Xiao Zhanshi heaved a sigh of relief when she saw the person coming.

"Warlord, can you make a sound when you walk, it will scare you to death."

Yue Li gave him a bitter look, and leaned forward and got into his arms.

Xiao Zhan's warm palm was gently placed on her lower abdomen. After a while, Yue Li felt a warmth in her lower abdomen and hummed comfortably.

She was running around these days, and Xiao Zhan used his internal strength to protect her tires.

"The emperor~~~" The soft and soft voice made the whole body numb.

Xiao Zhan's hand that fell on her lower abdomen was slightly stiff.

"Don't be fooling around." The low hum, without power at all. How could Yue Li be afraid. She shrank her head and arched his other palm.

"The emperor, kill them!"

Xiao Zhan smiled helplessly while looking at her small face that seemed to be a little bit angry.

"Okay, kill them!"

Yueli got up and sat down on his lap, leaned in his arms, and kissed him on the lips.

I just wanted to leave, but a powerful hand grabbed the back of her head, preventing her from leaving, and gradually grabbed her soft lips, deepening the loving kiss...

She didn't ask Xiao Zhan what exactly he was going to do in the palace, but she knew that it was definitely the beginning of the queen's nightmare...

After the queen left the Royal Garden, she couldn't wait to return to her bedroom and let people bring hot water up. She drove everyone away and took off her clothes and soaked herself in the water.

Even now, the anger in her heart could not be calmed down.

What happened today, no matter how you think it feels wrong.

Susu, this child, is absolutely afraid to do such a thing. If it is a coincidence, it would be too coincidental. It is impossible at all. If people stand there well, why suddenly they go to her. She was still alive and knocked her into the flowers! ?

This is clearly someone behind the scenes!

It is Xiao Zhan, it must be Xiao Zhan, he is avenging his son!

"Huh, it's just a skin-like vase. Do you really think that being lonely is to make him fall in the flowers? It's just stupid!"


Thinking of Xiao Zhan's monster bird, she felt a little jealous in her heart.

She has seen the power of that big bird with her own eyes, and can soar into the sky in a blink of an eye, flying so fast. If there are thousands of such divine birds, then EAST wants to bring an army over. It is not impossible!

This is how people are, a little bit of doubt will slowly take root in the bottom of my heart, and will amplify my fearful assumptions. I also forgot to consider whether the actual situation is really feasible.

"He came today to demonstrate like a lone!" If Xiao Zhan was alone, how could he have such courage, could it be...

The more I think about it, the higher the fear in the empress’s heart, she feels that her body has become uncomfortable, and her sight gradually becomes blurred, her body is getting hotter and hotter...

She realized that something was wrong in an instant, and stood up from the bathtub, bracing herself, just stepping out of one foot, a black "bang" in front of her eyes, and the whole person fell out of the bathtub with a loud noise .

The maids who were guarding outside were all surprised. "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you, Your Majesty? Your Majesty?"

"Go in and see if something has happened to your majesty."

Several court ladies rushed in and saw the queen lying on the ground, screaming in surprise...

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