Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 823: Just love you

That night.

After Yueli returned to the room after taking a bath, Xiao Zhan was already sitting on the edge of the bed in a wide silk garment, adjusting his breath.

While wiping her dripping hair, Yueli stepped forward and looked at Xiao Zhan's face closely.

Even if I look at it every day, I still don’t feel tired!

So looking at it... she couldn't help but stepped forward and took her lips together!

Well! !

Xiao Zhan's true qi was wandering on his limbs, and suddenly he was "attacked" by her, and almost no blood flowed back!

And a certain "perpetrator" has no idea what he did!

Still stuck out his tongue and licked it unconsciously!

Xiao Zhan quickly closed his breath and opened his bright green eyes. I saw the small face close at hand at a glance!

When she was having fun, she stretched out her big hand and pulled her into her arms, making a strong counter-defense and attacking the city!


Yue Li was taken aback, and when she wanted to escape, she was completely restrained.

Being held tightly in her arms exuding the fragrance of bamboo, she finally chose to surrender...

I don't know how long it took, a certain person was unsuccessfully released, leaning against that warm and firm embrace, blushing and panting.

"Master Zhan, you are very enthusiastic tonight~~"

After Xiao Zhan hugged her and dried her long hair internally, he hugged her and lay on the bed, covering her with a quilt. "Don't mess around!"

Since knowing that Yue Li was pregnant, he has been enduring in certain aspects, who knew she would get angry again tonight!

Yue Li deliberately drilled in his arms with a smirk, until she felt something stiff against her belly, and she stopped satisfied.

Xiao Zhan hugged her, bowed his head and gasped in her neck.

"You fairy!"

"Master Zhan, hold back your words, hold me tight! I need your warmth to burn my lonely elf in the dark night!"

In the next instant, Yueli only felt a heat in her chest...

The heat made her tremble all over!

She hugged Xiao Zhan tightly, like a dying person grabbing the last straw!

"Li'er, you know I can't bear it..."

For a while, Xiao Zhan turned over and lay down beside her, even a little afraid to hug her.

" about I go to find a few flowers and jade ******s for the emperor?" Isn't this ancient man always accepting concubines like this? Yueli is really a bit reluctant tonight. Posture.

Xiao Zhan grabbed her fingers and bit them in the mouth one by one.


On hearing it, Yueli was blown up! "What a good thing! You have married the best women in the world, so you dare to think of other women! Men are the same, huh!"

Xiao Zhan felt that Yueli became more and more clingy after she was pregnant, and she loved to act like a baby, and if he wasn't serious, she would really be angry to show him, just like before...

No matter, they are all used to it, but in the end, you still have to suffer.

"The best man in the world belongs to you, so what can't be satisfied?"

Yue Li smiled "pouch" and got into his arms when she turned over.

"What does the queen want to do? Calling those people over, is it really possible to come here in such a short time?"

Xiao Zhan embraced her and kissed her on the forehead. Knowing that she couldn't help it, he said: "The mountains that lead to the outside world have been opened up."

"Is all through?" Yue Li dumbly.

Yueli couldn't count how many mountains there were, but she dared to say that it was impossible for her to open up so many mountains for the Queen's life.

Even if she really did that, it would require huge financial and material resources, and it would definitely not be possible to do it silently.

But none of them had heard the news that the queen was going to get through the mountain.

In other words, those mountains may have been broken through before, and almost no one knows!

But it takes a lot of people to get through the mountain. Even if you get through it in the past, at least someone will know that it’s right to spread the news, but why doesn’t anyone know any news? Unless everyone who opened the mountain is dead, it will be impossible...

"Well, many people are here."

"A lot of people?"

Yue Li grabbed Xiao Zhan's hand and gently scratched his palm to play. "For example?" Xiao Zhan was not a person who would say irrelevant things for no reason.

"Xiao Rui, Li Shuang'er."

"Xiao Rui... Shuang'er?!"

Yueli almost didn't jump up!

"Really? Are they really here?"


"Go to sleep."


The house instantly returned to calm.

After a while...

"My dear, you are against me."


"The hard diaphragm is uncomfortable."


Suddenly, a certain restless pregnant woman slipped into the quilt.

"En!" Xiao Zhan snorted.

"Ou Jiade, let's help my husband solve it..."


"You said you are going to make the best pig's trotter in the world today, so I came here early." Zhu Qiqi blinked his apricot eyes and watched Xiao Jin shining brightly.

Since the last time the two met in the mansion, there was quite a feeling of hatred to meet each other.

A three-hundred-and-sixty-degree pure foodie, a cute chef who has been thinking about how to make delicious food for twelve hours, is simply a natural match!

"Second brother, eldest brother is now with that person after finishing his homework every day." Xiao Chen blinked and looked at Xiao Jin and Zhu Qiqi. He was a little bit savory and didn't understand why his brother didn't like to play with them. Child.

In the past, even after finishing his homework, Xiao Jin would stay with them.

Sitting on the corridor, Xiao Xuan looked up from the book and glanced at Xiao Jin and Zhu Qiqi who were standing in front of the kitchen door with two small heads who didn't know what they were talking about.

"You will have that day sooner or later."

"I won't. I want to be with my mother, father, and brothers forever."

Xiao Xuan glanced at his innocent and simple eyes and shook his head.

My brother is still young, so I don't understand, why should he talk too much.


"The national teacher has brought back the monarchs of various countries!"

"What what? What are you talking about?"

In the morning, the streets of Juedu were boiling!

Many passers-by who were still ignorant and ignorant hurriedly pulled down the insider to ask.

"Oh, you don't know yet?"

"Say it quickly, don't sell it!"

"The empress sent invitation letters to the countries over there, inviting the monarchs of all countries to come to see her birthday party. Everyone said that it is impossible for people to come here in such a short time."

"Yeah, it's so far over there."

"But this happened! The national teacher personally went and took over the monarchs!"

"No, no?"

"Why not, just now the queen's support has been out of the palace, and now she should be outside the city gate, saying that she wants to meet her in person!"

"Oh my god, the national teacher really has a lot of magical powers! If we can get there in such a short time, wouldn't we..." That's a great business opportunity. After hearing this, all the people went to the city gate excitedly Up!

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