Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 824: Excited, arrived

"Mother, this location is good, you can see all the corners of the street."

Ever since Yue Li knew that Li Shuang'er and the others would also appear, she was uneasy staying in the house every day.

"When will their team arrive?"

"I'm not beautiful now, do you look old? Will Shuang'er fail to recognize me when they see me?"

Every day, she repeated these questions in an infinite loop, until the other party rolled her eyes at her to express her protest, and she settled down slightly.

So today when the national division brought people back, Xiao Zhan found the best position for Yue Li to watch early.

Xiao Jin took Yueli to the window and asked her to look down.

As soon as Yueli probe looked down, she could clearly see all the conditions below. I have to say that this position is really good.

Outside the city gate, the grand team was already waiting there, a purple-gold dragon robe, and the queen wearing a golden crown stood at the front of the team and waited until the return of the national teacher.

The people onlookers can only wait on both sides of the city, and the guards on the street have long been serious to prevent any accidents.

The queen received the news from the national teacher last night, saying that she would be able to reach Juedu before noon today, but the queen got up before dawn to prepare, which shows how much she attaches importance to this matter.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, the people who were inquiring in front finally made a move.

"Come here, the team has already been five miles ahead and will be there soon."

It will be there soon!

The short six words almost made the queen jump out of the car with excitement.

The National Teacher did it, the National Teacher really did it!

Everyone in the team seemed to shut their breath, for fear that they would make an unexpected noise and disturb the holy driver.

"Gulong Gulong"

Soon, everyone felt the tremor on the floor.



The empress secretly clenched her hands and looked forward.

After a while, a familiar carriage came into view.

Almost all the nobles in Juedu know that it is a car unique to the National Teacher!

The national teacher really brought people back!

The National Division’s carriage stopped only ten steps away from the empress’s team.

A national teacher in a broad robes walked down from the carriage, the mask on his face looked a little gloomy under the sun.

The empress couldn't restrain her excitement, and got off the carriage.

"See Your Majesty."

"The national teacher, please start!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The empress emptied the national teacher, but her eyes fell on the teams behind the national teacher involuntarily.

Looking at the different flags of those teams, it really is the flag of each country!

"The National Teacher has worked **** this journey. I have brought back distinguished guests from various countries and set off to welcome them back to the city!"

The queen got back in the carriage and walked at the front of the line.

"Mother and queen, there are many people. Those people dress differently from ours. Look at the queen, the woman is carrying such a big bag and her husband is carrying the child. It's weird."

"Okay, now we are entering the city. We can't lose the face of Chu and let the curtain down soon." Although Li Shuang'er was also curious about the scenery outside Juedu, she did not forget her identity.

She is the queen of Chu, and she still has to be cautious in her words and deeds when she goes out.

Xiao Wang honestly lowered the curtain and sat beside Li Shuang'er.

"Father, we won't have to hurry again for a while?"

Although it was a short cut, it was very exhausting for a child to hurry down for more than ten days.

Xiao Rui felt distressed when he saw his thinner face, touched his little hands and said, "Well, we will stay in Juedu temporarily, so we don't have to hurry."

Xiao Wang was happy when he heard it. "It's great, so I can sleep well."

"God, is that really the monarch of the country on the other side of the mountain? Look, have you seen it, they wear different clothes from ours."

"The national teacher is really through the sky, I really brought them all."

At this time, in the wing room of the restaurant, Yue Li also saw the crowd approaching.

She immediately saw the carriage of the queen walking in the front, followed by the carriage with a black face.

The black carriage appeared very abrupt in the whole team, just like Xiao Zhan's "hearse" walking on the street.

It always feels out of place.

That is the national division car.

"Mother, look, it's coming."

Could it be that several children are also happy to see such a lively activity.

The team quickly walked across the street, and Yue Li saw the flag of Chu State!

At that moment, she was in joy.

After crossing over, she didn't have a few close friends here at all because of various things.

Only Xiao Rui and Li Shuang'er had helped themselves unconditionally and thought for themselves.

Especially Shuang'er, I don't know how she and Xiao Rui are now...

The team was very long, but after Chu's team passed, Yue Li lost the excitement she had just now, instead thinking about how to meet Li Shuang'er and the others without being doubted.

"Have you seen it?"

When Xiao Zhan walked in, all the teams had already passed.

This time, Dong Yu's guard of honor also came, but Xiao Zhan was not among them.

"Well, I saw it, but I didn't see anyone."

"They won't leave for a while, there will always be a chance." Xiao Zhan calmly held her hand.

"Where does the queen plan to place them?"

"In the palace outside the palace."

It was specially built for foreign envoys to live in. It can accommodate thousands of people and is huge.

"Are you going?" Yueli looked at him blankly, Xiao Zhan was the monarch of East Corner, and if he didn't go, it would be a bit unusual and too prominent.

But... I can't sleep without my husband by my side at night!

"Not going."

"My mother always likes to behave like a child to my dad." Xiao Jin took out the cakes hidden in the little purse and leisurely watched his parents show their affection.

"I was pregnant for three years." Xiao Xuan looked accustomed to it.

"Then my mother would be even stupid." Xiao Chen's face was full of helplessness.


"Because when the three of us were born, didn't they have to be stupid for nine years, now that they have not been in nine years and have a younger sister..." Xiao Xuan said calmly.

"Oh..." The other two looked suddenly.

The queen's team soon arrived outside the palace.

Because there are many heads of state, everyone is king, and it is impossible to condescend to ask the queen to please her.

So the queen directly asked them to take them to the messenger's palace first, and waited until the evening to hold a banquet to meet the wind, the big guy had a meal, even if it was said hello.

The palace where Chu is located is south of the entire palace.

The palace is not too big, so the escorts brought can only stay in places where accommodation is arranged separately.

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