Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1229 1231 [Both losers]

Tian Yulan is the floor manager of the mall, and the mall has an in-depth cooperative relationship with Nanli's Wei Nuan.

Before the rise of e-commerce, shopping malls had an advantage over brand merchants. After all, they owned traffic and controlled the ultimate sales channel.

But now after the rise of e-commerce, the real economy has suffered a downturn. In this case, the mall requires brand owners to make profit in order to survive.

Therefore, Nan Li has always had an advantage in front of Tian Yulan.

It's just that she is reserved and not as aggressive as Tian Yulan.

So every time something happened to her, she wanted to calm things down, unlike Tian Yulan who would bite people when she got the chance.

So it looks like she's always being bullied.

For example, when Tian Yulan reported her and Cai Juying went to the company to cause trouble, she was at a disadvantage.

But now, Nan Li felt that Tian Yulan had really gone too far.

She clearly knew that there might be a change in Xiao Shengchu's policy, but she kept silent and watched herself jump into the fire pit helplessly.

If you don't show her some color, she really doesn't know how much she weighs.

Therefore, Nan Li then put pressure on the 100 mall where Tian Yulan was located, using the excuse of cutting subsidies and reducing promotional efforts to imply that the mall would abolish Tian Yulan.

Tian Yulan is just the floor manager, a middle-level employee.

In order to maintain a good relationship with suppliers and obtain more profit concessions, the shopping mall could only follow the supplier's opinion, and demoted Tian Yulan from floor manager to counter specialist, and transferred to other counters.

Not only has the position been downgraded by three levels in a row, but even the salary has been greatly reduced


After letting out this bad breath, Nan Li finally relaxed a lot.

But what I didn't expect was that only two days after Tian Yulan was demoted, Nan Li received the news that she herself was also demoted.

From acting marketing director to marketing manager.

From the company's top executives, it suddenly became the middle level.

It's also a demotion, and it's also a salary cut.

Such a situation surprised her and made her very angry. She immediately went to the president, hoping to ask for clarification.

But the president avoided seeing her, and only the manager of the human resources department handed her the resume of the marketing director who was about to be transferred, "Look, not only does he have a first degree, but he also has a master's degree from the Winchester School of Art in the UK. That's it. The elite returnees in the industry will be welcomed by that company with all hands."

After reading it, Nan Li couldn't help but pale in comparison.

She graduated from a prestigious school in 1985, and she always felt that her education was not bad. In the workplace, this education also gives her a lot of points.

He never expected that one day, it would actually become his own disadvantage.

If she is also a returnee and graduated from a famous overseas school, based on her own experience and ability, the position of director should be hers.

Now she finally understands why those chicken babies whose parents insist on making their children go to key junior high schools, key high schools, and key universities spend tens or millions of dollars to let their children study abroad.

They just want to prevent their children from being crushed in terms of academic qualifications in the future, and they have no chance to show their abilities and themselves.


Xia Junshan was surprised when he learned that his wife had been demoted, and then sighed.

Before, he had thought about the mid-life crisis, but he didn't think about what to be afraid of. Nan Li was actually demoted, this is really a leak in the night rain.

"Okay, don't cry, don't cry, if you're not happy with what you're doing, try another house." Xia Junshan persuaded, "Don't wrong yourself."

"It's so easy to find a job now." Nan Li hesitated, "Besides, if I resign, the burden of the family will all be on your shoulders."

She also thought about changing jobs, but she was in a hurry, and it was easy to find a good job. Moreover, she looked online, and most of the recruiters were under the age of 35.

Working women over the age of 35 like her are actually not welcome anymore.

After discovering this, Nan Li couldn't help panicking. She hadn't realized the midlife crisis before, but now she had to bow her head in front of the reality.

"Your company is really serious. Isn't this playing tricks on you? I promised you to be the director of the home furnishing pavilion. I didn't expect that your home furnishing pavilion was finished, but a fruit picker jumped out halfway. I'm so angry I'm dead." Seeing this, Xia Junshan scolded the company for her to vent his anger.

"I still need to ask the president to clarify." Nan Li nodded, "She recruited me in the first place, but now she hides and sees no one. I can't take advantage of her that much."

Xia Junshan nodded.


Xiangnan's public rental housing.

"Hey, didn't you notice that Yan Ziyou's condition is a bit bad recently, not only dozing off frequently in class, but also very thin." Zhang Xueer said while eating Xiang Nan's cooking.

Xiang Nan nodded.

Recently, Yan Ziyou's situation is really not right, not only has he lost a lot of weight, but also his learning status is not good. Hitting in and out of class, not actively answering questions, always making mistakes in homework...

"In my opinion, find some time and ask him what's going on." He suggested, "This kid is pretty good, please don't have any accidents."

Although he hated Tian Yulan, he still had a good impression of Yan Ziyou, and he didn't want anything to happen to him.

"Yes." Zhang Xueer nodded.


A few days later, Zhang Xueer called Yan Ziyou to the office and asked him about his study and life.

Under her gentle care, Yan Ziyou told her what happened this month with tears in her eyes.

It was only then that Zhang Xueer found out that Tian Yulan frantically enrolled her son in six classes, and had to study until 11 or 12 o'clock every day before going to bed.

Counting the time spent studying at school, he has to study fifteen or sixteen hours a day. To be honest, adults don't have that much energy.

After hearing this, Zhang Xueer was also speechless.

She knows that Tian Yulan is a good chicken baby, and she is eager to hope that her son will become a dragon. But six remedial classes are really too much.

After all, children are children, with limited physical and mental strength. Such a high-intensity study, it is impossible to keep an eye on it.

If we continue like this, I am afraid that if the study is not improved, the child's body will collapse first.

"Okay, Ziyou, don't worry, the teacher will help you tell your mother, let her help you reduce the burden." Zhang Xueer comforted Yan Ziyou.

"Thank you teacher." Yan Ziyou wiped away tears and nodded.

He really had enough of this kind of dark and miserable life.


Zhang Xueer then told Xiang Nan about it.

After Xiang Nan heard about it, he couldn't help being speechless.

"It seems that she is not only ruthless to our teacher, but even more ruthless to her own son. Is she a real mother? How do I feel that she is more ruthless than Zhou Paopi?"

Studying sixteen hours a day is really too much. Adults can't stand it, let alone children.

"I'm going to invite her to the school and have a good talk with her." Zhang Xueer nodded and said, "I can't go on like this. If this goes on like this, something will happen to Ziyou."

"I don't think it's useless to invite her. Let's invite his father." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "Didn't we meet that day? His father is obviously more reasonable than Tian Yulan."


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