Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1277 1279【Fisherwoman】

On September 15th, after the wedding, Huang Siqing officially moved into the Li family and became a member of the family.

Xiang Nan welcomed this.

After the college entrance examination next year, he will leave home and go to a university in other places.

There is a woman by Li Guoxiu's side to take care of him, which saves him from worrying.

Furthermore, Li Guoxiu and Huang Siqing have feelings. In the play, the two were forced to separate because of Li Yu's objection.

Now under the ***, it is also a very good thing for lovers to finally get married.


After Huang Siqing got married, she was very satisfied.

On the one hand, Li Guoxiu is down-to-earth and capable, gentle and considerate, not the kind of person who teases cats and dogs, steals food and doesn't wipe his mouth;

On the one hand, Xiang Nan is also very capable. Grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, sweeping the floor...the housework is done in a sneaky way.

At home and outside, she was not allowed to bother.

Such a marriage is rare, and of course she is satisfied.

So the family relationship is very good.


Li Yu's mother, Yang Zhuqing, even though she was far away in Japan, knew about Li Guoxiu's remarriage, so she called to express her blessings.

It has been nine years since she and Li Guoxiu divorced. Apart from the fact that her son has been thinking about remarrying them, the two of them have long since given up thinking about remarrying, and each has found a new lover.

Therefore, Li Guoxiu remarried, and she expressed her blessing.

"Xiao Yu, Mommy is telling you the truth. Mommy is in Dongying, and she has a partner and is planning to get married." Yang Zhuqing said to Xiang Nan, "When we are ready, can you come to Dongying?"

In fact, she had been talking with her partner for a while, but she didn't dare to tell him because she was afraid that her son would object.

Now that Li Guoxiu remarried, her son had no objection, so she simply told her about herself.

"Okay." Xiang Nan nodded, "Mom, I hope you are happy too."

In the play, because of his mother's remarriage, Li Yu locked himself at home without eating or drinking. Thanks to the persuasion of a group of friends, he regained his composure.

But for Xiang Nan, this matter was easy to accept, without any psychological struggle.

Children fall in love and get married, and don't want their parents to intervene. Parents fall in love and get married, why do children object?

Kidnapping others in the name of love is wrong.


""A Chinese Journey to the West" is really good. I watched four episodes in a row, but I still can't get enough of it~" In the class, Er Tiao shouted at the top of his voice, "Especially Zhu Qi, it's really beautiful, you must watch it look."

"Is it really that good-looking?" The students asked suspiciously.

"Really, really, it's very beautiful." Erjo insisted.

"It's good that you don't ask us to go, you are not enough buddies." Yang Xi pouted.

"I want to invite you to go, and your master Li has to agree." Ertiao said with a smile.

"Woohoo~" the students booed after hearing this.

"Die~" Yang Xi said angrily.

"I invite Hemei to go. Her parents won't let her go at night." Ertiao said again, "Please invite Master Li to go. What's the point of watching a movie with two big men."

"Hemei, let's go and see." Yang Xi looked at Hemei and said.

"I can't, my parents won't let me go out at night." Hemei waved her hands.

Her parents are both scientific researchers, their family style is extremely strict, and they have very strict requirements on their daughter. So don't look at the many suitors of Hemei, but in fact she has never talked about a relationship. He went home as soon as school was over, and was not allowed to come out at night.

"Those two articles, please accompany me to read them again." Yang Xi said to Ertiao.

"I would like to, but my mother is coming back these two days, and I want to stay with her at home." Er Tiao wondered.

His mother runs a business outside all year round, and the number of times she goes home is very small. That's why he was looking forward to her return so that the family could be reunited.

Seeing this, Yang Xi had no choice but to look at Xiang Nan, "Master Li, let's go."

"I don't have time either. I have an appointment." Xiang Nan waved his hand.

"Who do you have an appointment with?" Yang Xi asked in surprise when she heard this.

"Secret." Xiang Nan said with a smile.

Yang Xi suddenly felt uncomfortable.


Just then, the class bell rang.

Kong Xiaojun walked in with a stack of magazines in his hands, "Everything is passed down~"

""Contemporary Music World"?!" After Ertiao took it, he said in surprise, "Mr. Kong, not only did you not distribute the exercise book, but you openly encouraged everyone to read this kind of idle book in the sacred campus..."

"Don't misunderstand, these magazines are for students Huang Chengcheng to ask everyone to read." Kong Xiaojun explained with a smile, "Because this magazine included a lyrics sent by our student Huang Chengcheng. I am very proud of this .

However, the teacher hopes that what will appear in the magazine next time will no longer be the lyrics of popular songs, but the excellent compositions of the students in our class. "

"Chengcheng, read your lyrics to everyone." Kong Xiaojun said again.

Huang Chengcheng nodded, opened the magazine, and began to read.

"I look at you

you look at her

usher in spring

through the summer solstice

four seasons rough


Looking forward to the autumn water

spring comes again, spring comes again


love struggle

If you dare to ask where love belongs, love has no boundaries.”

When Xiang Nan heard the lyrics, he was moved and his teeth ached.

What moved me was that Huang Chengcheng really had a deep affection for himself.

What makes my teeth sour is that the lyrics are so poorly written that I can't help but feel my teeth hurt.


The students in the class also found it inexplicably familiar.

"Why do I think this sounds like the theme song of "Journey to the West", that "Dare to Ask Where the Way Is"?" Er Tiao suddenly said loudly.

After being reminded by him, the students suddenly realized, and hummed along, "I look at you, you look at her..."

Huang Chengcheng felt a little embarrassed after being sung.

"Quiet, quiet, let me tell you, this is called reference, this is called tribute, and it is also another kind of innovation." Kong Xiaojun hurriedly said, "Okay, Chengcheng, go back to your seat."

Huang Chengcheng nodded and returned to his seat.

"Hey, look, the name of the author of the lyrics is Yupo!!" Er Tiao suddenly made a new discovery and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing this, the other students also burst out laughing.

The whole class knew that Huang Chengcheng liked Li Yu. And her pseudonym is Yu Po, which makes everyone eat melons even more.

"Okay, okay, class is over." Kong Xiaojun said quickly.

"Chengcheng, didn't you say that "Contemporary Music World" gave you a gift? What is it?" Hemei asked curiously.

"I won't tell you." Huang Chengcheng smiled.

Kazumi immediately pursed her mouth.


Huang Chengcheng then handed the magazine in his hand to Xiang Nan.

"This is a sample magazine, I'll give it to you." She said with a smile.

Xiang Nan himself has published articles, so he naturally knows the significance of sample publications to an author.

"Thank you." He nodded and said, "Chengcheng, let's go to the movies together tomorrow."

"What did you say?" Huang Chengcheng asked in surprise.

"I said, let's go to the movies." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "How about "A Chinese Journey to the West", I heard from Er Tiao that it is very good."

"Really?!" Huang Chengcheng was overjoyed.

She was going to invite Xiang Nan to watch a movie, but unexpectedly, the two of them had a good understanding.

"Really, I'll buy tickets at noon." Xiang Nan nodded.

"No, I have tickets in hand. A gift from the contemporary music scene." Huang Chengcheng took out two tickets from his pocket and said, "Let's go together."



On the other side, Hua Biao also extended an invitation to Yang Xi who had hit a wall three times.

"Yang Xi, let's watch "A Chinese Journey to the West" together tomorrow night." He said with a smile.

"Yeah." Yang Xi looked at him, nodded with a smile.

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