Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1283 1285【Talk therapy】

After lunch, Xiang Nan asked Mei to go out, "I'll talk to you about the exam."

Hemei was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and went to the stands beside the playground with Xiang Nan.

"Hemei, you know that you study so hard, but your test scores are always low. What's the problem?" Xiang Nan asked.

"Maybe I'm just too stupid. I can't always remember those knowledge points." He Mei frowned and said.

"Hemei, the theorem for determining that a line is perpendicular to a plane is..." Xiang Nan asked with a smile.

"A straight line is perpendicular to two intersecting straight lines in a plane, then the straight line is perpendicular to this plane!" Hemei thought for a while.

"The multiplication principle of permutation and combination is..." Xiang Nan asked again with a smile.

"If one thing needs to be divided into n steps, there are m1 different ways to do the first step, m2 different ways to do the second step, ..., there are mn different ways to do the nth step, then complete There are N=m1×m2×m3×…×mn different ways to do this.” Hemei thought about it again.

"Look, don't you remember all these knowledge points clearly." Xiang Nan smiled and said.

"I remember it clearly now. When I got to the examination room, I didn't know what happened, so I just forgot it all." Hemei said awkwardly.

"So, I think there is no problem with your studies. The reason why you can't improve your grades should be because you are too nervous and under too much psychological pressure." Xiang Nan analyzed, "Would you like to tell me about your family situation?" Bar."

"It's not like you don't know the situation in my family. My parents guard me like thieves every day. You have to go home after school, you are not allowed to go out at night, you are not allowed to talk to boys, and you are not allowed to fall in love with boys..." Hemei complained.

"Then you must have been in a lot of pain." Xiang Nan nodded and guided further.

"Of course I am in pain." Kazumi nodded, "I will have my eighteenth birthday in June, and I am already an adult. But they still treat me like a child..."

Under Xiang Nan's guidance, she continued to vent, releasing the resentment and pressure accumulated in her heart little by little.


Hemei's pressure and resentment had accumulated for a long time.

Because her parents are both technicians of the research institute and senior intellectuals, they set high standards and strict requirements on their daughter since she was a child.

The so-called too much is too late. Their requirements are too high, so that Hemei can't meet their requirements.

After going back and forth, Hemei became less and less confident about learning. When it comes time to take the exam, you will naturally not get good grades. If she can't get good grades in the exam, the more pressure her parents put on her, the more she lacks confidence...

In such a vicious circle, from elementary school to junior high school to high school, Hemei's mentality has been quite different.

In the play, during the mid-term exam, in order to explain to her parents, she even blatantly grabbed the test papers and copied them. Obviously the mentality is on the verge of collapse.

What Xiang Nan has to do now is to let Hemei vent her grievances and pressure, and rebuild her self-confidence.

Then find an opportunity to talk to her parents.

Although her parents are senior intellectuals, they may have some achievements in the field of scientific research. But in the field of education, they failed at all.

Educating children is simple and rude, and they treat their daughters as prisoners. It would be really strange to be able to teach talents in this way!


Under Xiang Nan's guidance, he vented his pressure and resentment with Meihaohao.

After venting, she felt much better in her heart.

"Li Yu, I'm sorry, I wronged you to listen to my complaints at noon." Hemei said embarrassedly.

"Don't say that, aren't we friends?" Xiang Nan waved his hands and smiled.

To be honest, only when Hemei has friends like Yang Xi, Li Yu, and Er Tiao who are kind-hearted, warm and tolerant, her mentality is not that bad.

Otherwise, if she didn't have any friends around her, she might have been depressed long ago.

"Don't tell my parents what I said." Hemei reminded again.

"Don't worry, I won't say a word." Xiang Nan nodded, "Let's go, it's time for class."

Kazumi nodded.

After walking two steps, I saw Huang Chengcheng poking his head at the entrance.

After being discovered by Xiang Nan, she immediately retracted and ran away.

"Hemei, go back to the classroom by yourself." Seeing this, Xiang Nan left Hemei behind and hurried after her.

When Hemei saw her, she was a little surprised, but also amused.


Xiang Nan hurried two steps and caught up with Huang Chengcheng.

"You were eavesdropping on my conversation with Kazumi just now?" He asked with a straight face.

"No." Huang Chengcheng said firmly.

"Huh?!" Xiang Nan's eyes widened, staring at her fiercely.

"You are my boyfriend. If you ask other girls out, then of course I will pay attention." Under his pressure, Huang Chengcheng finally admitted.

Xiang Nan smiled immediately, "Okay, it's right to be suspicious, but don't think too bad of me."

"Yeah." Huang Chengcheng nodded, and then asked curiously, "Why are you looking for Hemei? I heard her complaining about her parents at noon."

"The pressure on Hemei was too great, so I came down to the tree hole to let her vent her grievances." Xiang Nan explained, "We are friends after all, and I hope she is well too."

"So that's the case." Huang Chengcheng nodded, "Li Yu, you are really a good person."

Xiang Nan accepted this good person card with a smile, and was going to find another chance to have a good talk with Hemei's parents.


Because the monthly exam is coming soon, the school will increase the evening self-study.

Xiang Nan and the others didn't finish school until nine o'clock.

During this period, Xiang Nan has been tutoring Huang Chengcheng, Er Tiao, and Hemei's homework.

However, most of the energy was still focused on Huang Chengcheng.

This is mainly because Er Tiao is not willing to study and doesn't care about the upcoming monthly exam.

There is actually no problem with Hemei's study, she knows many questions. If she regained her confidence, she would be among the top 200 in the exam, and it would be no problem to take a single exam.

Therefore, Xiang Nan mainly tutored Huang Chengcheng, helping her with her shortcomings in knowledge, and trying to get her a good grade in the exam.


As for Yang Xi's homework, it was mainly taught by Hua Biao.

Hua Biao is also very concerned about Yang Xi's homework, both enthusiastic and active.

And Yang Xi's first impression of Hua Biao was very good. After getting along these days, she found out that Hua Biao has many advantages.

In addition to being handsome, Hua Biao is a good student, loyal and helpful. Moreover, he is actually the grandson of Grandma Hua who sells steamed buns at the school gate. Since I was a child, I have depended on my grandmother for life, and I am independent and filial.

Who wouldn't like such a boy.

And Hua Biao's relationship with Yang Xi is not normal.

To be exact, he had fallen in love with this girl a long time ago.

The reason is that in the first half of the year, when he was helping out at grandma's steamed stuffed bun shop, a boy tricked grandma with fake money, and Yang Xi happened to bump into him.

At that time, she caught up with the man without fear and brought him to justice. This incident made Hua Biao fall in love with Yang Xi at first sight, and fell in love with this brave and kind girl.

Therefore, he is also willing to help Yang Xi.

Therefore, both of them were very motivated to study, reading books with their hands in their hands all day long.

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