Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1289 1291【Review plan】

"Oops, what about the midterm exam at the end of the month?" Kazumi asked worriedly during lunch.

Her mentality was already bad. This time, she had to take the joint exam with Huiying, and she had to go to Huiying for the exam, which made it hard for her not to worry.

"It's very simple. Hua Biao used to be a student of Huiying, so there must be classmates he knows well." Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Ask him to get some of Huiying's review points and exam papers for the first half of the semester. Let's focus on this There is no problem with the exam designation when the time comes."

Hua Biao nodded, "That's no problem, I will definitely do it."

Hearing what they both said, Kazumi breathed a sigh of relief.

"I hope that everyone will take this midterm exam seriously." Xiang Nan reminded, "After all, this time we are taking the exam with Huiying, so if something happens, it will not only be a loss of face."

In the play, during this mid-term exam, Hemei robbed papers and blatantly cheated; Er Tiao directly gave up the exam and went to Wuyang to watch Liming's concert. Both of them are confused enough to do things.


Two days later, Hua Biao got the review notes of Huiying Middle School and the test papers of the previous weekly and monthly exams.

Based on these notes and test papers, Xiang Nan formulated a review plan in a tit-for-tat manner after summarizing.

When Hua Biao saw this review plan, he was in admiration.

Because this planning outline is concise and to the point, it is really very good.

To formulate this plan, you not only need to know the knowledge of various subjects well, but also have certain teaching experience.

To be honest, he couldn't write it himself, so he naturally admired it.

Afterwards, the whole class carefully reviewed according to Xiang Nan's plan.

They all want to get good grades in the midterm exam, so as not to be ashamed in front of Huiying and their parents.

There is only Ertiao, who is not sad about the final exam, but is still thinking about the dawn concert held by Wuyang.

"At the end of the month, Liming will hold a concert in Wuyang. How about it, brother Biao, let's go together, and I will cover your food and lodging." Ertiao said with a smile.

"No." Hua Biao waved his hands.

He went to Wuyang to watch a concert, and he went away for several days, what would grandma do at home?

"Hemei, you can go with me." Erjo looked at Hemei again and said.

"I don't take the exam, so I go to the concert?! My mother must kill me!" Kazumi shook her head again and again.

"Master Li, why don't you go with me. Anyway, your grades are so good, you can get good grades without reviewing." Ertiao begged Xiang Nan again.

"I'm not interested either." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "Ertiao, I advise you not to go either, it's not worth it. Liming is only 30 years old this year, and it's the age of playing. There will be more opportunities to hold concerts in the future yes.

Are you going to go to Wuyang without taking the mid-term exam for him? Do you think this approach is awesome or stupid? "

"Of course I'm stupid." Yang Xi nodded and said, "I didn't even take the midterm exam, and it turned against you!"

"That's right, Erjo, don't do stupid things, the midterm exam is very important." Hemei also persuaded.

"Brother, last time you pretended to be sick and asked for leave to watch the concert, your mother took care of you. If you dare to skip the midterm exam this time, we probably have to collect your body." Hua Biao joked.

"That's right, Er Tiao, when will you become more mature? Either skipping class to play games, or pretending to be sick and asking for leave to watch a concert, and now it's even worse, skipping the mid-term exam and going to Wuyang.

Your approach is simply too naive, it's all the behavior of kindergarten children. "Huang Chengcheng shook his head and said, Xiang Nan is still mature, stable, and connotative. In comparison, Er Tiao is just a kid who hasn't grown up.

Er Tiao was scolded by everyone, his face turned purple, "What do you mean, are you deliberately targeting me?"

"No one is deliberately targeting you. He is a good friend, so he will persuade you not to do stupid things. Otherwise, if it were someone else, we would not care about it." Xiang Nan patted his shoulder and said.

"That's right, you are our friend, so we will take care of you." Hua Biao nodded and said, "Er Tiao, avoiding the exam and going to Wuyang to watch the concert is definitely not a wise move, don't do something stupid."

Hearing what they said, Er Tiao was quite unconvinced.


Time passed day by day, the pace of the midterm exam was getting closer, the learning atmosphere in the class was getting stronger and stronger, and everyone was getting more and more nervous.

During this period of time, Xiang Nan began to treat Hemei again.

In addition to listening to her vent pressure every day, she will also use various methods to cheer her up.

For example, using psychological hints to gradually build confidence in her heart.

Human psychology is easily influenced by the outside world.

For example, rainy days, cloudy days, sunny days, snowy days, strong winds... People will have different moods.

Even some small details that are not noticed may affect people's mood. Colors, smells, gestures, eyes...

Xiang Nan deliberately stayed by Hemei's side, and strengthened her confidence through a series of arrangements.

For example, wearing clothes with victory patterns, eating victory-branded snacks, and sticking victory stickers around... let Hemei accept the hint of "victory" consciously or unconsciously.

Over time, under subtle influences, Hemei's confidence will gradually increase.

Of course, human psychology is extremely delicate. Human beings' understanding of it so far is only at a very shallow level.

So there is also the possibility of failure. Xiang Nan can only pray that Hemei's luck will be better.


On October 28th, the midterm exam officially began.

Xiang Nan and others went to Huiying Middle School early in the morning.

"I hope the exam questions are not too difficult this time." Hemei said worriedly.

"Hemei, don't be too nervous. In fact, these days, you have been studying very well, and you have done so many questions correctly." Xiang Nan comforted with a smile, "Give yourself a little confidence. You will definitely get good grades in the exam , don’t you think so?”

"That's right, Hemei, you've studied well this month, and your grades in the two weekly exams are very good, and your ranking is higher than mine. What are you worrying about?" Yang Xi also nodded.

"That's right, Hemei, I also think you can get good grades in the exam." Hua Biao said with a smile.

Hearing what they said, Hemei felt much better.

At this moment, the class teacher Kong Xiaojun came over, "Li Yu, have you seen Er Tiao?"

"No." Xiang Nan waved his hand, looked around, and there was no sign of Er Tiao.

"He won't really go to Wuyang and ask Liming for his autograph?" Yang Xi said in surprise.

"What five sheep, what dawn?" Kong Xiaojun asked suspiciously.

Xiang Nan blinked, "Teacher, Er Tiao told us a few days ago that he wanted to go to Wuyang to watch Liming's concert. We all advised him not to go. Now it seems that he probably didn't listen to our advice, really. 's gone."

When Kong Xiaojun heard this, he slapped his forehead depressedly.

How important this midterm exam is, the joint exam between the two schools. In the end, something like Ertiao happened, which ruined the school spirit and was a great shame.

God, why is this kid so worried.

"Okay, don't worry too much about the second thing, and concentrate on the exam." Kong Xiaojun warned again, and now there must be no more accidents.

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