Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 4013 4015 [A little commemoration]

Time flies, and it is the beginning of July. After the final exams, the school officially starts summer vacation.

On the first day of summer vacation, Xiang Nan, Wang Di, Huang Shu, and Feng Xuejiao gathered at McDonald's.

"The school held a parent-teacher meeting today. My mother has already gone. I don't know how the grades are." Feng Xuejiao said worriedly.

"Don't worry, it will be fine." Huang Shu smiled, "Your homework is good, and this time it will be fine."

"I dare not think so, as long as it is not too bad." Feng Xuejiao waved her hand and said, "Qin Li, you are still good. You have been recommended to Dongda, and we will not be together in the second half of the school year."

"Yes." Xiang Nan nodded, "In the second half of the year, I will report to Dongda. But it doesn't matter. I basically don't live on campus. I will go home at night, especially on Saturdays and Sundays. At that time, it will be easy to meet."

Huang Shu smiled and nodded when she heard it.

"Qin Li, I really envy you for being able to get into university and not having to take the college entrance exam." Feng Xuejiao added, "I wish I could be like you."

"You want to learn Mathematical Olympiad in your senior year, it's too late, you should review your lessons and try to do better in the college entrance exam next year." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Today is the first day of summer vacation, let's have some fun. Starting tomorrow, I will continue to help Huang Shu with her homework, if you two like, you can come too."

"Qin Li, you are not idle during the summer vacation?" Feng Xuejiao said in surprise.

"I'm not afraid of the academic masters being educated, I'm afraid of the academic masters taking summer vacation." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "There is less than a year left before the college entrance examination. You need to review four subjects, and each subject takes an average of three months.

Summer and winter vacations are three months in total. If you only play, it means that one subject's score will be reset to zero, which is equivalent to losing 150 points. You originally had the opportunity to run for 985 or 211, but suddenly you become a first or second book.

Think about it, you have been in school since you were six years old, and all your efforts have been for next year's exams for eleven years. Are you willing to ruin eleven years of hard work for a three-month vacation?"

"Qin Li, you really should be a teacher. You can fool people better than Lao Fan." Feng Xuejiao rolled her eyes.

Fan Chengzhi often urged his classmates to study, and his classmates were annoyed by his nagging, so they nicknamed him "Lao Fan". Because Fan Chengzhi used to be a prison guard, specializing in watching prisoners in Dabei Prison.

"Children of poor families grow up early. I have indeed thought more." Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Of course, if you don't want to listen, then don't listen. I won't tell you these things in the future."

He knew that Feng Xuejiao's family was well-off. Her grandfather was a retired section-level cadre, her father was the captain of the criminal police detachment of the Public Security Bureau, and her mother was now in business...

For her, taking the entrance exam was no longer the only way out, so it didn't matter if she didn't study hard. In the play, after graduating from college, she went abroad to study for a master's degree, and found a very good job after returning.

"Don't, I'm just kidding, Qin Li, you still have to urge me to continue studying." Feng Xuejiao waved her hand when she saw him say that.

Although she liked to complain a little, she also knew that Xiang Nan's tutoring was indeed a great help to her academic performance. Her grades were in the middle before, about 20th.

After Xiang Nan's tutoring, she is now firmly in the upper reaches, above the top 15. If she performs well, it is possible to be in the top 10. So why would she not want Xiang Nan to tutor her?

"Then let's continue tomorrow." Xiang Nan nodded.

"Okay." Feng Xuejiao nodded.


The next day, Huang Shu, Wang Di, Feng Xuejiao and others all knew their final exam results.

Wang Di did the best, fourth in the class, with a total score of more than 650 points. With this score, it would be no problem to get 985.

Feng Xuejiao was second, tenth in the class. She and her parents were quite satisfied. Huang Shu ranked twelfth in the class, and such a result was already impressive.

After all, when she first came to Yuying, she was the last in the class. Even the big fool Hu Kaizhi had better grades than her. Now she ranked twelfth in the class, firmly in the upper reaches of the student, which surprised Fan Chengzhi.

"Qin Li, my grandfather asked me to give it to you." Feng Xuejiao handed a Seagull watch to Xiang Nan and said, "He wants to thank you for your help to me and your life-saving grace to him."

If Xiang Nan hadn't reminded her to pay attention to Yang Shusen's health, his illness might have been delayed. Now he has undergone heart stent surgery, and he will live another ten years without any problem.

"Your grandpa is too polite. I didn't do anything. You don't have to thank me so specially." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said.

"Yes, if you want to give someone a good gift, you should give them something good. Who wears this kind of watch now? People all wear electronic watches and LCD watches." Wang Di pouted and said, "This watch is old and broken, and the chain is painted off. Who would be willing to wear it?"

"Wang Di, don't talk nonsense. This watch was bought by my grandpa when he just started working. He saved up money for a long time. It cost him half a year's salary." Feng Xuejiao glared at him and said, "My grandpa likes this watch very much. He has been wearing it until now, and I am reluctant to give it away."

"Is it so valuable? It's just a watch." Wang Di pouted and said.

"You don't understand this. This watch was worth more than 100 yuan back then. And back then, people's monthly salary was only 20 or 30 yuan." Xiang Nan waved his hand and smiled, "So this watch was indeed very valuable back then. Back then, when marrying a wife, people paid attention to 'three turns and one ring', and one of the turns refers to the watch."

"Then what do the other two turns and one ring refer to?" Huang Shu asked curiously.

"The other two are bicycles and sewing machines, and the one is a radio." Xiang Nan explained, "It was difficult for a young man to get married without a watch, so for her grandfather, this watch is indeed very memorable.

Feng Xuejiao, return the watch to the old man. I dare not accept such a meaningful gift. Let the old man keep it as a souvenir."

"No, my grandfather gave it to you specially, you can't refuse it." Feng Xuejiao insisted, "What's the matter with letting me take it back."

"This...Okay, thank the old man for me and tell him that I will keep this watch well." Xiang Nan thought for a while and said.

This old Seagull watch from the 1960s is actually not worth much.

Because domestic watches are different from those foreign famous watches, such as Omega, Rolex, Piaget, Longines and other foreign brands, they are designed and manufactured as jewelry, emphasizing inheritance, art and taste, so the older the watch, the more valuable it is.

Domestic watches were only manufactured after the founding of the People's Republic of China. They were used as timers, and the design concept was also "practical". Therefore, domestic watches are not like foreign watches and lack the attributes of luxury goods.

Even old watches from thirty or forty years ago are not worth much. It is good to sell them for dozens of yuan. They are more of a commemorative value, so Xiang Nan is not going to take away someone's love.

Because this watch is only of commemorative value to Feng Xuejiao's grandfather, it is just an old watch to him. But she insisted on giving it to him, so Xiang Nan had to accept it, just as an encouragement from the old predecessor.

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