"grown ups."

They used to look down on him from high above, but now they can only clench their tails and be obedient grandchildren.

It was obvious that the two were nervous.

Yan Yan threw a scroll over with a blank face, and said to the two:

"This is a temporary family task that needs to be carried out by your two families. I hope you can complete the task quickly."

In the past, you liked to play tricks on me, but now I'll give you some fixes to make you feel good.

Temporarily added family tasks?

The patriarchs of the two families quickly opened the scrolls and looked at them.

Soon the two were frightened:

"Master Assistant, Grass Ninja Village has always been a partner of the village, will we..."

Yan asked with a cold face: "Since when did Cao Ren village regard the village as a partner and ally? Why didn't I know?"


"Since you think they are partners of the village, let me give you an example of what Caoren Village has done to benefit the village. Tell me about it. I'm curious."

For example a fart!

Kusanagi Village has been pitting Konoha all the time.

They use their heads as an example?

Chapter 240 Yun Ninja Village Can't Hold It? That's another chance to make money!

The two were speechless, speechless, Yan continued:

"Just now I sent away the envoys from the Kingdom of Grass. They came to seek cooperation and form an alliance, but I rejected them."

"Some of the things Cao Ninja Village did to the village in the past cannot be wiped away with a few apologies.

So this task, I hope you can pay attention to it, and don't let me down. "

"Of course."

Speaking of this, Yan folded his hands, raised his eyebrows and said:

"If Sarutobi and Shimura can't do it, you can put down the scroll, and I will hand over this task to Uchiha and Hinata."


Such a low-level provocative method, but Shimura and Sarutobi only practiced such a provocative method.

Because they have to!

Even if they don't eat, Yan will open their mouths and feed them into their mouths himself.

No matter how enthusiastic they are, they stabbed them down their throats and stuffed them into their stomachs, referred to as:

One step to the stomach.


I don't want to, but I can only continue obediently.

Holding the scrolls, the patriarchs of the two families immediately went to find the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage looked at the scroll and frowned,

Seeing that Sandai Hokage frowned and remained silent.

Chief Shimura was in a hurry:

"Master Sandaime, I'm afraid such a task is not very good. Once it is publicized by Kusanagi Village, it will affect the reputation of our Konoha..."

"This is a normal family task, you guys go prepare and do it beautifully."

After a long silence, Sandai Hokage sighed and decided not to get involved in this matter.

Now that the task has come, then work hard to complete it.

Because a mission conflicts with Yan, I am afraid Tsunade will not speak for them.

Other families have to perform family tasks, but you Shimura and Sarutobi can't?

Afraid of ruining Konoha's reputation?

Konoha still has a good reputation now?

I'm all **** off by you!

Besides, Kusanagi Village is not Konoha's ally now, what happened to attacking him, this is just asking for interest.

Because Tsunade doesn't turn over old accounts, let Shimura Sarutobi and other families go?

This kind of thing can never happen to Yan.

I won't mess with you blatantly, but I will keep staring at you and tormenting you all the time!

When I feel that the debt collection is enough, then when will I stop!

Or when your family members disappear, I'll let it go.

During this period, all dirty work is yours, but don't hold it against you.

As long as it is not a blatant target, Yan is not afraid of Shimura and Sarutobi's troubles for such a task of digging holes.

Even if it goes to Tsunade, there will be no result!

If it doesn't work, Tsunade will think they have too many things.

Other families don't talk nonsense when performing tasks, but you have a lot of things to do, and you have to come to Hokage's office to make a fuss about everything.

Typical eating too much and no place to digest.

Even though they knew that Yan'an was kind, the Shimura and Sarutobi families had no choice but to accept it silently.

A ninja with sufficient strength was dispatched to carry out this task.

Touched a hard nail on Konoha, blood pierced his face, the messenger of the Kingdom of Grass led people away from Konoha depressed, and returned to the Kingdom of Grass,

But he didn't expect that a large number of ninja squads rushed ahead of them and rushed towards Kusanagi Village.

"You arranged a mission for Shimura and Sarutobi?"

Tsunade asked curiously.

Shizune didn't report it to Tsunade, and Tsunade didn't know about it until he saw the report document sent by Yan.

"Well, there are quite a few ninjas in these two families, and there are quite a few who stay in the village, so I chose them.

As for the grass ninja village... I think there should be some lessons for the existence of this kind of backstabbing. "

"Well, it's up to you to decide."

Tsunade does not intend to intervene in these matters, and as for Hiko deliberately choosing Shimura and Sarutobi, Tsunade has no idea.

Since you have been chosen, then you will carry out the task.

And you didn't deliberately let your family members die, it's hypocritical.

"Why do you still have a sad face?"

The village's finances are no longer as tight as before, so Tsunade should take a breather.

"Don't mention it, the hole is too big, it can't be filled, it can't be filled at all."

Tsunade sighed: "My mind is full of money now, and I don't know where to get a sum of money to make up for it."

The village needs money, and Tsunade himself needs it too. The village has a lot of pitfalls, and Tsunade's own is not small either.

The big fat sheep for so many years is not for nothing, and thanks to her earning money, she can stay outstanding. She is very busy in the Hokage office building, and she can still spare time to go to the hospital for an operation and earn some extra money.

Most of Tsunade's debts are repaid by earning extra money. If you really rely on that little salary to repay the debts, I am afraid that those debt collectors will be rushed to death.

"How about you think of a way?"

Tsunade looked at Hiko expectantly, and Hiko was speechless:

"Don't look at me like that, I don't know how to make money, and I can't make a lot of money for you, no, I really have a chance..."

"Tell me."

When money was mentioned, Tsunade immediately became excited.

Yan pointed to the direction of Yunnin Village:

"The team I sent to the Land of Rain sent back news, and Yunin Village sent several teams into Rainin Village.

In Yunnin Village, Raikage's office is repairing glass faster, which shows that Raikage's anger is accumulating.

This guy has a very bad temper. Yun Ren Village has lost a lot, but he can't get anything. With his temperament, he will never let it go. "

Yunin Village can plant spies in Konoha, and Konoha can do the same in turn.

Consistent with Ohnoki's idea, Hiko doesn't need the spies of the village to occupy any important position, and it is enough to keep an eye on some small movements of Raikage's office building at all times.

Lei Ying has a flawed personality, has a bad temper and is unwilling to suffer a dark loss.

This is doomed, for the actions of Yuren Village, Yunren Village will be the first to attack.

"You mean, Yunin Village can't help but want to do it?"

"No, what does this have to do with making money?"

"Why doesn't it matter?"

Yan shook his finger and said:

"Lei Ying's personality is flawed, but it doesn't mean he's stupid, knowing that the Xiao organization is difficult to deal with, he rushed forward and fought recklessly.

He will definitely win over other villages to take action together.

At this time, we can sit on the ground and raise the price. We are not interested in the information of the Xiao organization, and we are not interested in the fairy eye. "

"If you want Konoha to make a move, yes, take the money, and we Konoha will participate in the war against the Akatsuki organization!

No money, so sorry. "

Chapter 241 What Mercenaries! It's obviously the start-up money for the war!

"You mean to be a mercenary?"

On Tsunade's smooth forehead, a row of black lines emerged.

Konoha is short of money, but isn't it a bit inappropriate to be a mercenary?

Even if the reputation of the village is affected now, it shouldn't be bad.


Shizune looked surprised, as if he didn't expect Yan to come up with such an idea.

"come here."

Hiko waved to Tsunade, motioning her to come closer.


Tsunade, who didn't know why, leaned over.


A big brain bang, knocked on Tsunade's head.

If it were an ordinary person, they would probably hold their heads and cry out for pain while breathing in the cold air.

But Tsunade is not an ordinary person, she was obviously stunned for a few seconds after being knocked.

Then the eyes that could kill people fixed on Yan.

Oh My God!

so hi?

Yan Yan directly knocked on Hokage-sama's chest!

No, it's brain collapse.

Seeing Yan Yan's indifferent expression, Tsunade began to grind his teeth and clenched his fists.

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