It’s not bad just not to play with them, if I’m not afraid that it will be difficult for you, I have plenty of ways to target them. "

We can't see the light, and everyone has the means to target people.

It's not that Yan is bragging, his various coquettish operations can make the Sarutobi clan kneel down and cry for father.

"Well, it's good that you have a bottom line in your heart."

As long as Hiko doesn't take the initiative to target the Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan, this kind of disguised revenge method, Tsunade is too lazy to take care of it, as long as the village's affairs are properly handled.

If it were her, there would be no way to give benefits to those who don't like it.

People's hearts are made of flesh, compare your heart with your heart, everyone is human.

You are not good to me, I still remember the things you did to me, not chasing you for revenge, you are already considering the overall situation, you still want me to give you benefits?

You are so beautiful!

Dreaming is not such a good thing.

Because pensions and subsidies are issued at the minimum standard, it directly saves a lot of money for the Ministry of Finance.

Anyway, it was the Sarutobi clan who suffered the loss. The third Hokage had already dealt with this matter, and Tsunade didn't bother to ask.

Not asking her for money is the greatest help to her.

"Just like this, the hearts of the Sarutobi clan will be floating."

Everything has its disadvantages, and nothing can be perfect, and the Sarutobi clan is the same.

Although the money spent is small, and they are allowed to be honest, there will be nothing in the short term, but after a long time, there will definitely be some minor problems.

"Want to solve it?"

Yan smiled and raised his eyebrows: "I have a way, but I don't know what benefits I can get."

Tsunade's eyes lit up, and soon he began to gnash his teeth.

What frankly do you want?

"Do you want my old lady to pull Jingyin and go together to warm your bed?"

"Ahem.......Forget about this, you are enough."

This kind of joke can't be taken, the relationship between Tsunade and Shizune is like raising a daughter.

If you dare to twist your mind on Shizune, you will definitely be hammered to death by Tsunade.

"Knowing that you still offer benefits?"

Tsunade gritted his teeth and stood up, clenching his fists.

Do you want me to loosen your bones?

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Tsunade's temper can't be changed, Yan Yan helplessly spread his hands:

"Find a time, discuss with the third generation, select a few people from the Sarutobi clan who are more likely to sell miserably, and then go to the Daming Mansion."

"Will this be..."

Tsunade's expression became weird, and he began to feel sorry for Daimyo.

How many times have you asked for money since she became Hokage?

If this continues, will the daimyo be hollowed out?

No, daimyo's money is not so easy to lose.

The funds allocated to Konoha are nothing compared to his own squandering.

"Selling badly."

Yan raised his fingers, grinned, and said affirmatively:

"Don't underestimate the satisfaction of the superior.

The daimyo is not happy to see the third generation, and now the Sarutobi clan is so miserable, as long as you take the Sarutobi clan to cry, it is equivalent to the third generation himself crying poor, crying miserably, and the daimyo who is greatly satisfied in his heart will be willing to pay for it. "


Not very reliable feeling.

"If you don't believe me, then you will continue to be poor. Anyway, I am not in charge of the Ministry of Finance."

Hiko shrugged nonchalantly.

Believe it or not is up to you.

You are the one who worries about money, not me.

Hearing the word money, Tsunade's expression immediately became sincere and serious:

"Since you have said so, then for the Sarutobi clan's subsidies and pensions, I, Hokage, can only go there in person."

"I'll discuss it with the old man right away."

Although doing this is a bit sorry for the Sarutobi clan, Tsunade believes that the third Hokage will agree.

Because losing face is more important than money, no doubt the latter is more important.

If you can get a lot of tickets by losing face, the third Hokage would rather be shameless.

Because the more money to come, the better off the Sarutobi clan will be.

[Don't ask what pits haven't been filled yet, just think about how many years the three generations have been in power, and how much they are taken away by Danzang and others every year, you can imagine... By the way, the gift reminds me to go, I love you]

Chapter 294 Hit it off, you two and I eight

Going to ask for money under the banner of the Sarutobi clan, and if you get the money, you will not be able to fill the Ministry of Finance with all your hands, right?

Sarutobi clan, don't you have to give some?

Just do it.

Tsunade immediately sent someone to find the Third Hokage.

On the way to Hokage's office building, Sandai Hokage's heart was still heavy.

Even though the affairs within the clan have been calmed down, this is only effective in the short term. Over time, problems and conflicts that should arise will still arise.

It's a pity that the village's finances are tight nowadays, and it's really powerless to support the Sarutobi clan.

"Tsunade, are you looking for me?"

When he came to Hokage's office, the third Hokage found a place to sit down. As soon as he sat down firmly, Tsunade groped and asked:

"Old man, do you want to resolve the internal conflicts in the family?"


Although he didn't understand why Tsunade asked this question, Sandai Hokage nodded honestly:

"Of course I want to, but the village's finances..."

"There is a way to solve the internal conflicts in Sarutobi and ease the village's finances, but it will only make the Sarutobi clan and you lose face, would you like it?"


No, the old man's face is so worthless?

How can you throw it away?

After hearing Tsunade's plan, the bewildered Third Hokage agreed without any hesitation.

After all, face is very important when it is important.

When it is not important, it is not worth a few dollars.

As long as the conflicts within the family can be resolved, as long as the village's finances can be eased, what's wrong with losing face?

This is called knowing how to sacrifice!

This is called understanding righteousness!

After negotiating for a while, the master and the apprentice made a decision, 20 to 80.

As long as they receive funds from the Daming Prefecture, the Sarutobi clan will take up two, and the village finance department will take eight.

The next day, Shunli left everything to Yan, completely became Tsunade of the hands-off shopkeeper, and went straight to the Daimyo Mansion with carefully selected people from the three generations of Hokage to ask to see the daimyo.

Daming House.

Since the third generation of Hokage went home for the elderly and Danzo died, Daimyo's small life has returned to its previous appearance, eating and drinking all day long, and having fun with a group of beauties.

It was really hard.

After all, there are a lot of beauties selected, and the daimyo can't handle it alone.

"Daimyo, Konoha's Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime is here."

When others see the daimyo, it is asking to see him, but when Tsunade sees the daimyo, it means coming directly.

No, with the people of the Sarutobi clan, Tsunade walked into the daimyo's palace swaggeringly, and was not stopped by anything during the period.

If this is the third Hokage, they will definitely be stopped and wait for a notification before they can enter.

After being reminded by the staff, it took a while for the drunken daimyo to react.

"It's Tsunade, so let's withdraw, everyone, get out, get out."

Under the order of the daimyo, the beauties and dancers in the temple who were dressed very coolly retreated one after another.

The guards also came in immediately and tidied up the hall. The provincial guests came, and they were not happy to see this scene, embarrassing the daimyo.

Leading people into the hall, Tsunade couldn't help frowning due to a strange smell, smell of smoke, alcohol, and...

Still in the same drunken dream, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, Tsunade kindly reminded the daimyo who was half lying on the chair, as if his bones had been taken away:

"Daimyo, although having fun is important, the body also needs to be cultivated."

Hearing this, the daimyo sat up and pulled his clothes:

"Hahaha, what Tsunade said is right, I'm going to rest now, I'm going to rest now, just in time for you to come, help me check my body and see if I need to take some medicine to make up for it."

"...Can I not call you Tsunade?"

A few black lines floated out from Tsunade's forehead.

The daimyo nodded again and again, smiling like a kind old grandfather, Tsunade was immediately defeated.

Not surprisingly, the daimyo would still call her that.

After all, they are half of the family, so there seems to be nothing wrong with such a title.

It's just that she's not a child anymore, and it's a bit hard to accept being called Tsunade just by opening her mouth.

"Then Tsunade, what's the matter with you coming to see the old man today?"

When the daimyo asked a question, Tsunade smiled awkwardly:

"It's something, but I can't say it well..."

The atmosphere is almost the same, Tsunade reminded the Sarutobi clan with his eyes that you can start.


What's the meaning?

Something, but not easy to say?

Before daimyo could react, the people specially selected by the Sarutobi clan began to cry miserably.

The daimyo, who was not prepared at all, was directly made dizzy, and he was even more dizzy after drinking alcohol.

After listening for a long time, the daimyo finally understood.

The Sarutobi clan suffered heavy losses, but the village's financial pockets were limited, so they could only give them the minimum standard of compensation and pensions.

No, the three generations of Hokage don't want to be old when they go all out, and let the clansmen come to cry poorly.

"Hahaha...his Sarutobi Hiruzen will have today."

The third Hokage is not happy, but the daimyo wants to laugh happily, isn't your bone very hard?

You continue to give me a hard one.

Now you know how great it is, right?

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