Hiko raised his foot and walked in, Sasuke could only keep up with him.

In the underground laboratory, Dashemaru in a white coat came out of the laboratory, and after being notified by the white snake, he put down what he was doing.

In the past few years in Konoha, Orochimaru has behaved very well, and he can stay in the laboratory for experiments if he has nothing to do, and he doesn't want to go anywhere.

Occasionally, he would wear clothes he thought were good and go out for a walk.

You would never have guessed that Orochimaru is also a person who likes to dress up in private.

This guy is wearing strange clothes, black long straight hair, and a pair of shiny earrings. He looks like a killer from behind.

If you look at him from the back and think he is a beautiful woman, the moment he turns around will definitely make your eyes drop to the ground.

"Is there something important about Yanjun's arrival? Or do you want to send me some experimental materials."

Orochimaru looked at the uncomfortable Sasuke standing beside Hiko with a smile:

"Isn't this Sasuke-kun fighting with Naruto again?"

Sasuke: "......"

He swore that if Yan hadn't stood by his side, he would have turned around and left.

This big snake pill is really unacceptable.

"Send you a disciple."

Hiko pushed Sasuke, and Sasuke staggered forward, his bruised and swollen face was full of astonishment.

Orochimaru was not much better, he thought Yan was joking with himself.

Send the youngest son of the Uchiha patriarch to be my disciple?


But Sasuke's words... seem to be interesting.

As if thinking of something to be happy about, Orochimaru couldn't help sticking out his long tongue and licking his lips.

"Wait here."

Signaling Sasuke to stay where he is and not to run around, Hiko asked Orochimaru to talk to him in the laboratory.

"Then Sasuke-kun, let's rest for a while."

Showing a smile that made Sasuke's hair stand on end, Orochimaru followed Hiko into the laboratory.

After the laboratory door was closed, Yan asked, "How is Obito's Sharingan research going?"

"It's very strange. If it weren't for the blood restriction, I would like to try to transplant Sharingan on my body."

Orochimaru became inexplicably excited.

The pattern is small.

Yan shook his head slightly, the divine power space is just that, even if it is powerful and mysterious, the upper limit is just like this.

As long as you find a way to target it, let alone divine power, Tianwei is also useless.

Yan walked to the chair next to the operating table and sat down, with his feet resting on the operating table casually.


Orochimaru wanted to remind Yan to pay attention to hygiene.

But seeing that Yan didn't intend to move and bark, he simply gave up, because he didn't know whether Yan didn't care or was provoking on purpose.

Orochimaru guessed right, Hiko was provoking him.

There is no way, Dashewan behaved too well, he was not at ease, what should be stimulated and beaten should not be missed.

Otherwise, the snake would want to turn over and do something at any time.

"About Sharingan, although Obito's Kamui space is mysterious and powerful, it's just a kaleidoscope pupil technique. I recently discovered some interesting secrets, maybe you will be interested."

"What secret?"

This is what Orochimaru is most interested in.

Yan smiled slightly, watching Dashemaru did not speak, the smile on Dashemaru's face slowly froze.

Yan doesn't trust him, he needs to pay a certain price if he wants to know these secrets.

Orochimaru with a serious expression said:

"I will accept Sasuke and teach him well."

Yan raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Chapter 302 Orochimaru is in high spirits, Sasuke is trembling!

"I can donate the research results of the past few years to the village for free, and I will also help Uchiha make a few machines with mental stimulation.

However, Uchiha needs to provide the materials himself.

I can guarantee that the machine I made only has the effect of mental stimulation, but it will not harm a person's brain. Such a machine is just right for Uchiha. "

"I can still..."

Yan raised his hand and interrupted Orochimaru:

"To be honest, I don't have much interest in these conditions of yours, because the secrets I discovered are enough to subvert the entire ninja world."

Enough to subvert the entire ninja world?

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, becoming more and more curious about what to do, really wanting to dig out this secret.

"Don't say I won't give you a chance, Sasuke has already been sent here, train him well, when he grows up.

You will naturally find out what the secret I am talking about is.

I can tell you clearly that Sasuke can become the second Uchiha Madara among the Uchiha clan. "

If you train Sasuke, you will know the secret you said?


Orochimaru admitted that he was tempted. Although cultivating a disciple is time-consuming and energy-consuming, these are the last things he lacks.

Dare not to do things, defected and afraid of being caught, so he could only stay in Konoha.

Other Orochimaru can't guarantee it, he just has a lot of time and energy.

Knowing that Orochimaru agreed, Yan got up and walked outside:

"Don't think about anything else, if you are interested in Uchiha's bloodline, you have a chance to cultivate a body yourself."

"Can you collect your cells for cultivation?"


Hiko stopped in his tracks, and stared at Orochimaru coldly with the opened Sangoama Sharingan.

As long as you are not afraid of death, you can try.

Just kidding, don't take it seriously.

Orochimaru grinned:

"Then take Obito's cells, but if Obito's Sharingan is destroyed..."

"Just don't play it badly, this thing is still useful. In addition, you are allowed to cultivate a body with Uchiha blood, instead of letting you engage in taboo research.

You have to be a little bit measured.

By the way, Sasuke's teaching pressure has been raised a bit, darkness is fine, this kid needs some stimulation.

Compared to his talent, his growth is too slow. "

"I see, but I need some prisoners."

Orochimaru smiled happily, Hiko almost gave him a surprise.

Sasuke needs stimulation and dark growth?

He is very good at these.

"Yes, according to my order, they must be death row prisoners, and the number should not be too many, and these death row prisoners are used to ensure Sasuke's growth, not for experiments, do you understand?"


Orochimaru was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and wished he could rush to the prison to pick him up immediately.

"Then Sasuke, please teach me a lot in the future."


What kind of advice?

Sasuke was a little confused, Hiko raised his hand and rubbed his head:

"Oshemaru will be your teacher in the future, I will greet the teacher at the ninja school, you just need to go to the exam on time.

Come here every day in the future, Dashewan will teach you, if you want to become stronger, then be prepared mentally. "

Sasuke is a typical untidy and unstimulating type.

The more you clean him up and stimulate him, the faster he will grow.

Yan felt...it was necessary to give him a push to let him grow up as soon as possible.

As long as he grows up, the stimulated Naruto will also enter the explosive period.

Yan didn't want him to continue wasting time in the ninja school, wasting time.

Orochimaru becomes my teacher?

Following Yan left the research institute and returned to the Uchiha clan, Sasuke's mind was still dizzy.

When he returned home, Itachi saw his younger brother with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and immediately understood what had happened.

"Did you fight Naruto because of Sakura?"

"Well, Naruto, that idiot, and Sakura!!"

Thinking of these two, Sasuke gritted his teeth with hatred.

One is crazy, provoking him all day long, and the other is a pure nympho, thinking about having dinner with him all day long.

"Is brother not going to work today?"

Sasuke remembered that Itachi was very busy, but he stayed at home today, something was wrong.

Hearing this, the smile on Itachi's face froze, and he quickly recovered, helping Sasuke tidy up his clothes:

"Because something happened, I came back, but it's all resolved now."

Sasuke didn't notice the helplessness in Itachi's eyes, and asked curiously, "Brother, is Orochimaru evil?"


How did you remember to ask this.

Taking Sasuke into the house and helping him take off his schoolbag, Itachi thought for a while and replied:

"It's okay, it is said that after being brought back to the village by the elders, he has been very low-key, and has not continued to study some taboos, and the past few years have been very peaceful.

There should be a change!

How can you mention this person? "

Sasuke raised his head and puffed up his face:

"Because the elder took me to meet him today, and made him my teacher, and let me not have to go to the ninja school in the future, I only need to go to the exam, and the rest of the time I will study with Orochimaru."

Hearing this, Itachi's eyelids twitched involuntarily, and his mood fluctuated slightly.

It seems that the excitement of Sasuke becoming a disciple of Orochimaru is greater than that of him being a victim of a family marriage.

After quickly analyzing the matter, Itachi smiled and said:

"The elder must have his intentions when he did this. In the future, you can learn from Dashewan carefully. You have to trust the elder. Alright, go wash up and apply some medicine by the way."

"Mom will be back later, don't let her see you like this."

"I'll go!!"

Sasuke quickly ran upstairs.

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