Is it possible that you want to go back on your word and don't want to be a victim of the family's interests?

Yan looked at him with great interest.

It has to be said that itachi's face value in the age group of fourteen or fifteen is really high, and he is almost catching up with him.

After looking at Itachi a few times, Yan said frankly:

"As for the fact that Sasuke's teacher is Orochimaru, you don't need to say much, I know what kind of person Orochimaru is.

I asked him to accept Sasuke as his disciple for the good of Sasuke. You don't have to worry about Orochimaru doing bad things to Sasuke. Instead, he will treat Sasuke well and train him carefully. "

"It's just that the means may be a little drastic, but this is carried out under my hint, so you can rest assured."


What kind of training method will be more intense?

Itachi suddenly had some bad premonitions.

Yan's next words confirmed his premonition:

"Sasuke's talent is better than most in the family, I can be sure of this.

However, under the influence of family and family factors, his growth was a bit slow, so I handed him over to Orochimaru, who knows how to train him. "

"Although Orochimaru is crazy, as long as you can handle him, he will be a good helper.

You can't trust him, can you still trust me? "

"Sasuke has opened his eyes, and it was time for special training, so I sent him to Orochimaru."

"Has Sasuke opened his eyes yet?"

Itachi couldn't help being stunned, Sasuke didn't say this at home just now.

Because he was worried that Orochimaru would be bad for Sasuke, he rushed over immediately, so he didn't know from Sasuke that he had opened his eyes.

"Yes, open your eyes."

The way Sasuke opened his eyes made Hiko want to laugh:

"He refused to have lunch with a girl named Sakura in school, but Naruto liked this girl again, so seeing that Sakura was very sad, Naruto went to provoke Sasuke, and after repeated provocations, Sasuke couldn't help it, and fought with him Woke up."

"It was played directly in the classroom, he knocked Naruto down time and time again, but Naruto was able to get back up again, and finally defeated him.

Maybe I couldn't accept such a failure, so the mental stimulation was relatively large, so I opened my eyes. "

"You can understand that, if you lose a fight and open Sharingan in anger, that's probably what it means."


As he spoke, Yan Yan couldn't help laughing.

Itachi's expression is a bit weird, and the people of the clan are strongly stimulated mentally, and there is indeed a probability of opening eyes and sharingan evolution.

But the stimulation Sasuke received when he opened his it a bit of a joke?

No, how did I open my eyes at the beginning......

Recalling the scene when he opened his eyes, Itachi was speechless.

Sasuke's eye-opening was a joke, but his eye-opening was flat.

"Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't have laughed, but it was kind of funny, and I couldn't help it."


You better stop explaining.

Itachi couldn't help but have black lines all over his head.

After laughing for a while, Yan stopped in time, and laughed at other brothers in front of a younger brother, which was not very good after all.

"In short, this matter was decided by me, there is no room for repentance, you don't need to worry about Sasuke's safety, Orochimaru dare not attack him.

On the contrary, he will try his best to cultivate Sasuke. "


Itachi couldn't trust Orochimaru, a black-hearted snake, but he believed in Yan.

Yan has repeatedly assured that if he is still staring at it, it means that Uchiha Itachi doesn't know good from bad.

"Sasuke's business is over, what about yours?"

Yan is very curious about what Itachi wants to talk to him about because of his personal affairs.

Itachi didn't speak, but closed his eyes.

No way.

Seeing his actions, Yan's heart skipped a beat, could it be a kaleidoscope?

No, Shisui is alive and well, and Itachi has not received any stimulation, so how could he open the kaleidoscope in a daze?

Could it be that good talent is so capricious?

Speaking of which, the process of Zhishui opening the kaleidoscope was also quite mysterious.

From his description, Yan probably felt a little aggrieved in his heart, and then his eyes bleed, and the kaleidoscope came.

Yan compared it to himself, and finally found that he couldn't say anything.

The gap between people is simply too big.

Fortunately, he himself is an asshole, otherwise there is no way to compare with these unreasonable geniuses.

Just a few seconds seemed like a long time, when Itachi opened his eyes, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan appeared.

It's still the same shape as the original, but I don't know if the pupil technique is the same.

After looking at it carefully, Yan opened his mouth and said:

"When did it evolve? How many people know?"

"On the night of five days ago, the elder alone knows."

After owning the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Itachi didn't tell anyone about it, Hiko was the first to know about it.

Even before Fuyue and Shisui.

It seems that the training of pups has not wasted time and effort.

For some reason, Yan suddenly felt very relieved.

"The kaleidoscope's pupil technique is Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, and Tsukuyomi is somewhat similar to the elder's pupil technique..."

Itachi took the initiative to confess all the intelligence information of Kaleidoscope, without any intention of concealing it.

The pupil technique of this pair of kaleidoscopes is still the same as the original, without any deviation.

"very good."

Nodding calmly, Hiko reminded Itachi:

"When you go back, confess this to your father, and besides, don't use the kaleidoscope if you can.

Once you use it too many times, your pupil power will continue to be consumed, and your eyes will become blind.

In addition... Forget it, let's leave it at this moment, talk to your father if you have nothing to do, his eyesight is not very good. "

【Little brothers, I'm coming~】

Chapter 305 I just want to catch up with the elders!

After thinking about it, Yan still didn't restrict Itachi to tell others about the kaleidoscope.

Fu Yue must have the right to know, after all, he is the patriarch of the family, and itachi's father.

As for the others, it depends on how many Itachi can trust.

Say it or not, follow him.

As long as you don't abuse the power of the kaleidoscope casually.

In the original book, Itachi suffered from blood-stained disease, which is largely related to the overuse of the kaleidoscope.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for Sasuke to have eternal eyes.

"Father he..."

Itachi, who had just put away the kaleidoscope, constricted the pupils of his eyes.

poor eyesight......

This means that Fuyue used the kaleidoscope a bit too much, resulting in a huge consumption of pupil power.

Yan nodded slowly.

"The patriarch's kaleidoscope pupil technique is quite special. He can see some things that will happen in the future. Whether the pupil technique of Sharingan is strong or not is closely related to the intensity of pupil power consumption. He somewhat relies on the pupil technique of kaleidoscope."

See Itachi is a little anxious.

Yan reassured:

"Of course, it just affects eyesight a little bit, not to the point where you will become blind, as long as you don't abuse it later.

Regarding the use of the kaleidoscope, come to my house at night, and I will give you some guidance, as for the patriarch and Zhishui......

Leave them alone. "

Fuyue relied on the pupil technique of the kaleidoscope, and so did Shisui.

It's just that other gods are too perverted, so they dare not use them indiscriminately.

But in private, Zhishui used kaleidoscope a lot.

He is mastering Susanoo.

Yan knows all this.

It's just that he doesn't want to talk about it.

In the past, it was all about trying to become stronger, but now you are still struggling, and it is your own problem that you are blind.

Today's Uchiha is doing well, with one more pair of kaleidoscopes and one less pair of kaleidoscopes, the difference is not big.

As long as he didn't really make himself blind, Yan didn't bother to take care of them.

Anyway, he doesn't know how to be blind.


Itachi is very smart, and it can be heard from Hiko's disgusting words that Shisui, like his father, uses the kaleidoscope Sharingan a little too much.

This attracted Yan's dislike.

"Then Elder, I will take my leave first."

Itachi couldn't wait to go back and talk to his father, and Sasuke.

Even with Hiko's guarantee, he still needs to have a good communication with Sasuke, after all, Orochimaru is too dangerous.

If possible, he really didn't want Sasuke to become a disciple of Orochimaru, learn from Orochimaru, and let Orochimaru cultivate it.

It is still the kind of training with more extreme methods.

It's a pity that he has no choice, he can only choose to believe Yan as always.


After saluting, Itachi left the office and closed the door carefully.

When he walked out of Hokage's office building, he found that Shisui hadn't left yet.

Seeing Itachi came out, Shisui explained with a smile:

"I wanted to go back and get busy, but considering that we haven't met for a long time, I'm waiting for you here."

"Would you like to eat barbecue?"

Shisui sent an invitation.

Itachi thought about it, and agreed.

On the way to the barbecue restaurant, Zhishui took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and laughed at himself:

"Without this thing, many children think that I am more fierce, my God, I Zhishui is really so scary?"

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