Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 116: Is it a weakness?

"As little as three days, as many as five days." It was only the second day of Chao Xi. She often took poison and antidote, which caused the sunflower water days to be longer than normal.

Usually it takes about three to six days. Chaoxi's poison and antidote are too much, and the body is considered strong, but not strong. It is abnormal for more than seven days, and she is worthy of rubbing every time.

"It's going to be so long." There was a faint loss in his voice.

Chao Xi half-opened her eyes and looked at him strangely, "I came to Kuishui, I didn't say anything, what have you lost?"

Shen Fei shook his head, "Nothing."

Chao Xi felt that he was more weird and seemed a bit clingy lately. She moved out for a while, cleaned up her front feet, and followed her back feet.

If this is usually impossible, I guess she will go out to do something and come back later, just waiting for her where she is, and will never run out to find her.

I deliberately found a house with water in front of the door, knowing that he would not come in, but he still came in.

It's not normal, unlike his style.

Shen Fei is a very passive and passive person, only for others to find him, not for him to find others, especially can calm down.

Even if he asks for others, he can sit steadily, waiting for others to come first, turning the initiative into a passive one.

Such a person suddenly turned from passive to active, uncharacteristically.

Did he get **** by a ghost? Or is it that the Queen Mother secretly took him away and found someone to pretend to be him in a human skin mask?

"Shen Fei!" Chao Xi sat up abruptly, "Remember the scene when we first met? You fell in love with me at first sight and wanted to marry me. I was afraid that I would refuse. I was forced to promise you helplessly, remember?"

Shen Fei rolled his eyes, "How do I remember that it was the opposite?"

Chao Xi breathed a sigh of relief, "I was scared to death."

Shen Fei rubbed his temples with a helpless expression, "What are you thinking about? I just..."

"Just what?" Chao Xi asked quickly.

Is there a secret?

When it was abnormal during the day, Chao Xi received that her father was not in the court, and she knew that'Father' was probably the master fooling her.

Isn't this abnormality related to the master? The master is also fake?

"Nothing." Xu was scrupulous about something, and Shen Fei did not speak.

"What's the matter?" Chao Xi sat cross-legged, looking at him with a serious expression.

Shen Fei pressed over half of his body, wrapped her in his arms, and said lazily, "It's really nothing."

He covered the two of them with quilts, "It's late, go to bed."

Chao Xi wanted to kill him, every time, she didn't finish her words, she aroused her curiosity, and was not responsible for it. If someone else had been killed by her! It was because she was reluctant to kill him, otherwise she would not dare to do this.

Chao Xiqi’s drowsiness disappeared, so he walked around him and got up, blew the candle, changed the moon belt in the dark, and slept a lot with Shen Fei. Shen Fei had to light the lamp every time, which made Chao Xi’s ability to touch the blackness lower It's not one or two points.

As soon as the candle was blown, it was so dark that I couldn't see anything. It took a long time to find out where it was. After touching the black, he went out to lift the pot Shen Fei used to make tea.

His pot is warm on the stove for almost twelve hours, and if the water in it is slightly less, someone will add it right away, and someone will be on duty in the middle of the night to change the pot one hour, and change it diligently.

I was also afraid that he would be thirsty and considerate.

Now that Shen Fei came to this room with her by herself, the water was of no use, and wasted is also a waste. It's better to wash her things.

Kwaishui came, it was impossible to wash with cold water, and Shen Fei couldn't wrong her if she was wronged.

Chao Xi put a pot of water three or four times, and put it back for him when it was used up. The moon belt was wrung out and left in the corner, not wanting Shen Fei to see it.

It turned out that because of the inconvenience in the barracks, Chao Xi was buried immediately after use up, like a thief, and finally arrived at Prince Ning’s Mansion, thinking that she was free. Who expected that the huge Prince Ning’s Mansion did not give her a monthly change. Moon belt place.

Shen Fei, the bastard, can't she let her stay quietly for a few days? Have to follow along!

Chao Xi was still a little angry after thinking about it, but she couldn't help but not touch Shen Fei's handsome face. Finally, she was cruel, and found that the boy was looking at her with his eyes open, wondering if he hadn't slept? Or was he caught just when he was about to bully him?

Chao Xi was a little guilty, closed her hand, and straightened her hair casually. While he fell asleep, she seemed to hear Shen Fei chuckle.

He is really weird recently. It’s nothing more than clinging, he likes to stare at her. At the celebration dinner last night, when he opened his eyes, Shen Fei looked at her unblinkingly, and the same is true today in the Hall of Yangxin In this way, he also opened a pair of dark eyes and looked at her brightly.

When Chao Xi walked this way, his gaze followed this way, Chao Xi walked that way, and his gaze followed that side again. There was something inexplicable and unclear hidden in his eyes, as if suppressed. What a terrible monster.

Chao Xi Kuishui was already upset enough, not being able to stay on her own for a few days as he wished, and even more upset, there is no time to observe him, no matter how strange and abnormal, as long as it is him, he will fall asleep without seeing it.

There was no dream in the night. Early the next morning, she woke up to find that Shen Fei was looking at her again, her eyes were not as clean as usual, and there were things that Chao Xi couldn't understand.

Chao Xi didn't wake up naturally, because there was an evil hand on her neck, and Shen Fei's beautiful hand touched her collarbone all the way from behind her ears.

"Chao Xi." The voice is still that good, magnetic, "You look so good today."

Chao Xi: "..."

Just say that he is strange, how can he praise her usually, it seems that it is not the first time, he praised her last night, and praised her during the day.

Good guy, this guy has changed sex?

Chao Xi knocked off the hand impatiently, "How much has it been changed? Are you still not going to Chao?"

"It's only five, it's early." Shen Fei said casually, his mind seemed to be placed elsewhere.

"It's too early for the fifth shift?" Chao Xi couldn't understand. "Don't you usually get up at four or two, and eat at five?"

"That was half an hour ahead of me."

"Why not advance today?" Chao Xi was puzzled.

"Today I want to accompany you."

Chao Xi: "...I'm sick."

Does she need to accompany?

It’s good to get out of bed in the cold. I don’t know how happy it is to be able to lie in the bed, and I need someone to accompany you?

Having said that, Chao Xi was forced to stand up by Shen Fei and let her go after breakfast.

Mao Chentian was still dim, and Shen Fei went to the morning after eating, leaving Chaoxi sitting on the bed alone, pondering Shen Fei's intentions this morning.

Is it to remind her that she is too lenient and annoying, so that she can restrain herself?

Shen Fei forced her to get up to eat in the morning, but she did it before. She didn't know it before, but now she realized that she was so annoying and forced others to do things that she didn't like. This problem needs to be corrected.

In the future, if Shen Fei is unwilling, let it go, don't force him.

Chao Xi fell asleep again, and was awakened by a loud cry after not sleeping long.

"To the girl!" The voice evoked the soul, and she shouted again and again, until she didn't stop.

Chao Xi was rushed out of nowhere, and she opened the door and came out, "What are you doing!"

The voice came from another courtyard, far away, and you had to talk to her by roaring, "Have you forgotten that you promised the old man to come to Shuyuan as a master of martial arts?"

"Forget!" Chao Xi refused to admit it.

She hasn't gone to Kuishui yet, how can she have the heart to dance with knives and guns, even if she gets better, she has no time to be a martial artist in Shuyuan, she will be her old line of business, and treat people.

"That won't work, you promised the old man." The voice was getting closer, and it was clear that King Jing Zhong was rushing here.

"You always look for others, I am coming in Kuishui!"

"Cough..." King Jing Zhong choked with saliva.

He has found the entrance to Chao Xi’s courtyard and walked in from the outside, his expression a little unnatural, "The little girl has nothing to say, can you say that?"

Chao Xi akimbo, "Why can't you say it?"

King Jingzhong glared at her, "Where did you leave all the virtuous and virtuous women of women?"

"I still have a face to say about me." Chao Xi went back, "Why come empty-handed?"

King Jingzhong lost to her, "...really can't be a master?"

"Yeah." Chao Xi replied very positively.

"Forget it." King Jing Zhong shook his sleeve, "I'm going back."

Chao Xi yawned and didn't want to stay. He closed the door numbly. King Jing Zhong would not open the door for him when he came back, and talked through the door.

"Little girl film." King Jing Zhong called her, "I heard that you have been very close to the emperor recently?"

Is this the real purpose of his visit?

King Jing Zhong is a close friend of the old, never willing to speak well, thinking that everyone is like him, extremely clever, and others can understand how to speak around the corner.

He is so busy, and Shen Fei's master, holding Qiao, it is impossible to come to the door when he is idle, there must be important things to come.

"Be careful, I don't expect it to be three days away. You must have a **** disaster." King Jing Zhong leaned in front of the door, "I was thinking of pulling you into my Bishuiyuan to avoid the wind, and you can enjoy the cool under the big tree. Appreciate?"

He finally realized that talking to people like Chao Xi can’t be hidden. If you have to say anything, or Chao Xi can’t understand it, even if you understand it, it will be after careful consideration. After she carefully considers it, the daylily will be cold. Up.

Chao Xi's complexion improved.

It turned out that King Jingzhong asked her to be a master in order to protect her, although she did not feel that Bishuiyuan was safer than Ning Palace.

"Thanks." Chao Xi put her hands in her sleeves, "but I am coming in Kuishui, so I don't want to toss about it, so I will stay in Ning Palace."

"Oh." King Jing Zhong sighed, "There are many people in Prince Ning's house, so be careful."

Chao Xi glanced at the door frame, indicating that he knew it.

"The Queen Mother wants to deal with me, is it really just because I am close to the little emperor?" I always feel more than that.

"Of course not." King Jing Zhong's voice was a little melancholy, "You are King Ning's beloved, you can't kill King Ning, killing you is also a big blow to King Ning."

Chao Xi was speechless, "Even Shen Fei can't kill him. You want to kill me?"

King Jing Zhong laughed suddenly, "I almost forgot that you are a descendant of Guigu."

The Queen Mother regarded Chao Xi as Shen Fei's weakness. Is Chao Xi a'weakness' the key?

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