Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 121: Queen Mother

Hehuan walked out of the hiding place, lay open and half on the bed, and asked curiously, "How do you know there are people?"

The queen mother glanced at her lightly, "The fragrance on your body."

Hehuan smelled it, and it really smelled like rouge and gouache.

She is a native of Guigu, who knows poison and knows doctors. Her body is full of medicinal smell, and she can't wash it off. In order to cover up this smell, she will inevitably apply more rouge and gouache.

"I didn't like rouge gouache since I was a child. The maid beside me has never wiped it."

The smell of rouge and gouache suddenly appeared, and with the addition of the groom, it is difficult not to know.

Hehuan raised her eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

The woman laughed, "If you want to do anything to me, you would have acted early, so why wait until now."

"So confident." Hehuan raised his legs, "I was just a talent, I didn't reveal it. Now that you look at me, you don't have to kill someone."

She suddenly raised her hand and sprinkled white powder over. The woman was not afraid, she was still standing upright, looking at her from a distance through a layer of white mist, "Rouge gouache can't fool me."

Hehuan suddenly laughed, "You are really interesting."

She has seen more interesting men, like the carp of a big river, countless, but it is the first time she has met an interesting woman.

Not afraid of her, he even gave her food.

"I have always had a clear grudge, whoever treats me well, I will treat whoever is good. Since she helped me, I will naturally return it." Hehuan drew her hands between her knees to keep warm, "Anyway, we people from Ghost Valley There is no father, no mother, no children, no daughters, and no concerns. I can go wherever I want, so I stayed and promised to help her with three things. I'll leave when I'm done."

"What's the matter?" It shouldn't be related to Shen Fei, but it's something to harm Shen Fei.

"She hasn't said it yet." Hehuan didn't care very much, "Don't always talk about me, but also talk about you, why did you come to the palace with such good looks?"

"Me." Chao Xi was a little guilty.

"I followed King Ning into the palace." Since the master told her the truth, she had no reason to hide anything from the master.

"Oh." Hehuan suddenly realized, "So it was him."

? ? ?

that's it?

"Master, haven't you heard the rumors about King Ning?" I remember that year when the master still scratched her heart because she liked what Shen Fei liked, why did she change her heart after three years of absence?

"I've heard of it." Hehuan disapproved, "I am not close to women and men. It is said that I am mixed with a guard."

"Master, what do you think I can do in the Regent Palace?" Chao Xi asked her back.

Hehuan glanced at her up and down, "You are the most..."

She paused, looked at Chao Xi's outfit carefully, and said in surprise, "Aren't you the guard?"

Chao Xi nodded, "It's me, I didn't run away."

"then you……"

"He did it too."

"Medicine Gu..."

"Also with him."

The master suddenly fell silent. This silence was silent for a long time. Chao Xi still thought she couldn’t accept it. Unexpectedly, she laughed inexplicably, “It’s amazing. It took me a long time to get him. I didn’t expect it to be defeated by you. Inside, hahahahaha."

After laughing, his tone was suddenly serious, "Are you ready?"

? ? ?

Chao Xi was surrounded by circles, "What preparations?"

"Our Guigu rules, once we lose heart, we no longer belong to Guigu."

Chao Xi's eyes were sad, "I know, but I already..."

Feeling moved, but also lost his body, almost married.

"Now it's too late to turn around." He Huan patted her shoulder.

Chao Xi shook his head, "I can't look back."

Chao Xi didn’t want to talk about this topic, so she turned her head and asked her master, “Master, didn’t you like Shen Fei very much before? She also told me that she would feel uncomfortable if she didn’t see him for a day. Like others?"

Hehuan shook his head, "My likes are not the same as yours."

"Why is it different?" Chao Xi was puzzled.

"I can only accept his aloof, cold side."

"Could it be that Shen Fei still has two sides to it?" Chao Xi didn't know.

"You don't understand." Hehuan fell into the memory on her own, "I liked him for two years. Not only did I like him not weaker, but I liked it more. Until one day, I saw him coming out of the hut. I thought of such a perfect person. I don’t like it right now."

Chao Xi was speechless, "Master..."

She had to say something for Shen Fei, "Who doesn't show respect, everyone shows respect."

"Can you accept it?" Hehuan frowned.

"The first day I saw him, I knew that he was going to show Gong." At that time, Shen Fei could not move his legs and feet. He was not a normal person. She couldn't make it out of Gong, so she could only hold it. "I gave him the urine."

The master was taken aback at first, then waved his hand and said, "I also found that his life is boring. He always likes to sit. After sitting for a long time, he has big belly and hemorrhoids. Everything is wrong."

Chao Xi rolled her eyes, "Shen Fei has none."

"No hemorrhoids?"

"Absolutely not."

Hehuan didn't believe it, "How do you know?"

"I've seen it." Chao Xi said with her arms akimbo, "When Shen Fei first came there was no sensation from the waist down. I gave him a bath. I hugged him back and forth. My thatched hut master knew that he didn't have a bathtub, so he could only lie down. It’s not like I just look around and touch it when I’m wiping. It’s not like I said, Master, you don’t know how good Shen Fei’s figure is.

Chao Xi's books are limited and indescribable. He only thinks that the characters written by the best painters are average, with beautiful and smooth lines, and there is no trace of fat on his body.

Of course, that was before. Now Chao Xi has brought up a little belly, and it disappears quickly. Don't think Shen Fei is so lazy, there is a principle, and he is not allowed to indulge himself.

Isn’t it just indulgence for him to grow a small belly?

Hehuan seemed to be aroused by her, "I want to see everything."

"That won't work." I found that the master didn't really love Shen Fei, but just admiring it, just like admiring a painting, a flower. After a long time, I accidentally noticed that there was a wrong stroke in the painting, and a leaf was withered in the flower. , I didn't love it immediately, Chao Xi let go and tried to protect Shen Fei, "Shen Fei has already been with me."

Hehuan sneered, "You know how to protect them before you marry them?"

"That's not it, we have discussed it for life." Chao Xi did not hide from the master, "I will accompany him for the first half of my life, and he will accompany me for the second half of my life."

Hehuan nodded, "It's good to be able to settle down."

She was so half-hearted that she was so old and still alone.

Despite Guigu’s regulations, regardless of men and women, as long as Guigu disciples are not trapped by love.

But Shizu is really old, and in recent years he has hardly taken care of things. In the future, Guigu is not the last word of Chaoxi. Chaoxi is the successor that Shizu thinks. Of course, she has to complete a task and succeeded in taking over the ghost. Gu, failure is death.

"I also wish Master to find a wishful man soon."

"I borrow your good words." Hehuan seemed to think of something and reminded him, "It is best not to have children in a short time."

If you have a child, it will be difficult to deal with the Guigu traitor, and it will easily become her weakness.

"Relax, Shen Fei is very useless and can't be pregnant."


There was a sudden coughing not far away, which interrupted their conversation. Shen Fei stood at the foot of the wall and looked up at a distance, "Chao Xi, it's late, it's time to go back."

Chao Xi and Hehuan looked back at the same time.

Shen Fei's body is long and jade, and his facial features become more and more beautiful in the moonlight, and the master's eyes are straight.

Chao Xi calmly blocked her sight, "Master, you went after the man in black last night, what clues did you find?"

Hehuan glanced at her displeasedly, "Originally, it was urged to come back by your one day autumn."

"Even if you don't have me, you can't catch that person. That person's martial arts is extremely high, and I am not weak at all." The master can't beat her. This is an obvious problem. If even she can't handle it, let alone that person, that person's skill Hidden above her.

Who is it?

Who sent it again? Chao Xi had no clue.

She looked down at Shen Fei, Shen Fei came to her at this time, did she have any clues?

"Master, be careful when you fight with that person. I'll go back first. I have news to tell you." This is a lie. She will not tell the master. The master will not tell her even if he has a clue, because the two of them are now Two camps.

She believes that the Queen Mother is a good and interesting person, and Chao Xi believes that Shen Fei is a good person and interesting.

The master is inherently righteous and evil, and he does things with his heart. There is no concept of good and evil, not to mention how the queen mother is, even if the queen mother is bad, she will help as long as she wants it.

Chao Xi is different. She can only help the righteous side. This is probably the most similar thing between her and Shen Fei.

Chao Xi jumped off the wall and talked about talking with the master for so long. Before the master came, he stayed in Ci Ning Palace for a long time. No one from Ci Ning Palace took her. It is really strange that the Queen Mother beat her. What idea?

Did she know that her son was tortured by men in black?

Chao Xi looked back at this three-story building that looked like a haunted house during the day and at night. I wondered if it was an illusion. From the corner of my eye suddenly saw something moving in front of the window. There was nothing when I saw it.

Chao Xi blinked, suspecting that he had made a mistake, rubbed it and looked again. As expected, there was nothing but the curtain in front of the window shook.

I have seen that kind of curtain in Chaoxi. It is exactly the same as that of the little emperor. There are beads hanging underneath. It is not that the wind cannot blow. If it can’t be blown and it is moving, there are only two possibilities.

First, something bad is shaking.

Second, someone passed by.

Chao Xi is more inclined to the latter, some people have a panoramic view of her meeting with the master, together with Shen Fei.

She just lurked on the second floor, wondering how long she peeked at them, and how much she overheard?

In short, my heart is not so good.

After all, in Ci Ning Palace, there was only one person who would peek at them.

The cold-blooded mother of the little emperor who was unfeeling and righteous, took the child to frame others, and abandoned the flag of the queen without hesitation.

The queen mother of the dynasty.

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