Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 148: Suddenly curious

Shen Fei, this **** is too uncomfortable, can't you just be honest? What are you running around?

However, she and Shen Fei have different personalities and different hobbies. Shen Fei has become popular again, and she doesn't like the things of fighting and killing. It is normal that she can't play together.

The two have to be separated temporarily. Fortunately, Shen Fei Xijing, who has a book, can sit quietly and wait for her. If they change their personal security and have gone to play their own, they can't go shopping in this street, so they can only go away.

It is better for Shen Fei to think so, and Chao Xi resigned to find him.

Where can he go if he is not in the bookstore?

Chao Xi thought carefully, what other hobbies does Shen Fei have?

In addition to reading books, he actually likes to drink tea, appreciate jade, and grow flowers and plants.

Like a nobleman, he naturally likes some elegant things, completely contrary to the morning sun coming in the wind and going in the rain, just like people in two worlds.

Just like the sky and the earth, it is impossible to contact at first glance. In fact, the sky and the earth are connected together on the remote boundary.

Just like she and Shen Fei, even if it is the bright moon in the sky, she is still asleep.

Chao Xi wondered about her luck in going to the tea house. There was a tea house near the bookstore. She saw it when she looked for Shen Fei. There were few places to rest in the bookstore, and it was lively during the New Year. Everywhere was crowded with people. Bookstore is no exception.

Without a seat, Shen Fei is weak and will not stand for long, so she will definitely find a place to rest.

Sitting and reading are of course more comfortable than standing. Shen Fei happens to be a very enjoyable person, and it is impossible to wrong himself.

Chao Xi first went back to the first bookstore and asked the store if he saw a handsome and injured person who came by and where he went?

Shen Fei's characteristics are easy to recognize. Let's not talk about the emptiness of temperament. People who have seen that face will never forget it. With the colored arm and such a large bandage, the blind can't see it.

I was anxious just now. I was confident that Shen Fei was not in this bookstore, he must be in that bookstore, so I forgot to ask the store. Now that said, the store nodded and said, "I saw you, and I went over there."

People instinctively like good-looking things, and seeing good-looking people is no exception. He has lived for so long and has never seen such a handsome person. He took a few more glances, and he can't see the person withdraw his sight. "He entered the Qingfeng Tea House."

Qingfeng Teahouse is where Chao Xi is going.

Chao Xi thanked him, and was about to go to the Qingfeng Teahouse. The store stopped her, "That place is a place for blind dates, and the little son is handsome. If you don't come for a blind date, you must not eat the fruit."

? ? ?

"What does this mean?" Chao Xi was puzzled.

The shopkeeper told her in detail, "Isn't it the Chinese New Year? The parents will be named routinely. The matchmaker said that the daughter's door is not open and the second door is not open. She is not qualified to choose the one she likes. Only these few days can."

"Qingfeng Teahouse was originally a collection of poems by scholars. Later, because of its colorful hair and young talents, it attracted many women to watch the ceremony."

"Daughter’s house is the most tempted. If there is something you like, they will leave the fruit, and the man will eat the fruit if he accepts it. If he doesn’t accept it, he will ignore it. Qingfeng Teahouse has become a place for blind dates. Only unmarried girls and sons go ."

He specially emphasized, "The little son is outstanding, if he is not going for a blind date, it is best to understand some rules, so as not to hurt the girl's heart."

Chao Xi nodded, and her thoughts were over. She is so good-looking, and Shen Fei is not praised by others?

He was also unlucky. He ran into such a place by mistake and would be killed by countless fruits. She had to go and rescue Shen Fei quickly.

Chao Xi hurriedly left, and soon entered Qingfeng Teahouse. Although she applied a little powder, she still wore men's clothing for convenience. It was dark, and she was standing far away. No one noticed that she was a woman. Happy to take her in, see her dressing up, and decide to lead her to the seat.

Chao Xi is not wearing her own, Shen Fei’s, it’s hard to get out, and it’s a New Year’s day when men and women can go shopping. Of course, Shen Fei’s best looking, most gorgeous, and most valuable clothes should be worn and Shen Fei’s set. She was dressed in a gray and autumnal dress, so that no one would look at him and all the attention was on her.

People rely on clothing, horses rely on saddles, the best-looking, most gorgeous, and most expensive clothes are set on the body, which is also human-like and looks quite expensive.

Chao Xi was very curious about this place. He didn't go to Shen Fei the first time, but took the young man and asked, "This is my first time here. Tell me, why is your teahouse business so good?"

There are indeed a lot of people, but they are all men, and there are few women. There is a discrepancy with the bookstore next door.

"The guest officer really asked the right person. I'm the only one who has seen the truth." He slowly said, "A few years ago we came to our teahouse with an unusually good-looking man who was spotted by the wife of the Taifu family. The young lady was so courageous, she directly smashed the man with the green fruit, saying that he was invited to eat the fruit, but the man did not refuse.

"This kind of experience that is tantamount to falling a pie in the sky is all the rage in Beijing for a while. Everyone comes to our Qingfeng Teahouse to have luck. In case they are like that man, they are favored by the daughter of someone's family. Wouldn't it be nice to be supported by the old man."

Chao Xi nodded, then pointed to the teahouse and asked, "It's all men, where are the women?"

"It's all upstairs." Xiao Er lifted his chin and signaled, "The girl's house is not better than our man, they are thin-skinned."

When Chao Xi understood it, he just noticed that the upstairs are not rooms, they are more like partitions. The front is blocked by screens. People inside can see the outside clearly. People outside can’t see inside, which makes it more convenient for girls to pick people. .

Standing tall and looking far away, this angle must be better to find Shen Fei.

Chao Xi was too lazy to bother, and directly asked Xiao Er, "Is there a young man who is very handsome and has gauze on his hands coming in?"

Xiao Er blinked, hesitating, "The son and that son know?"

Chao Xi said, "He is my favorite male, and he sneaked out behind my back. I naturally want to catch him back."

Anyway, when Shen Fei is not there, Chao Xi spoils his reputation at will.

She stuffed a silver coin to Xiao Er, "Lead the way ahead and take me to find him."

The teahouse is not small, there are many people, and there are private rooms. It's not easy to find someone. It's better to let Xiao Er take it. Chao Xi is sure that Shen Fei's face will not be forgotten unless it is deliberately hidden.

Sure enough, that Xiaoer remembered that his conscience was finally suppressed by money, and he really took Chao Xi to find Shen Fei.

Shen Fei Xijing, he would definitely not stay upstairs if there was such a noise underneath.

Chao Xi guessed right, Xiao Erqi turned around, and finally took her upstairs to the most remote and corner room.

Chao Xi raised his hand to push the door open, but Xiao Er stopped her.

"Master, wait a moment, I'll ask if the son inside knows you."

This is to avoid mistaken entry, and it is indeed embarrassing if the person admits the wrong person.

Chao Xi didn't hide it, "Just tell him my last name is Chao."

Xiao Er gave a soft ‘um’, and deliberately avoided her, entered the house by himself, and blocked the door from the inside. Although Chao Xi was outside, it was enough to hear what was inside.

"My son, run away, your golden master is here!"

The other voice was very familiar, "Gold Master?"

There were deep doubts and puzzles in it.

"It's..." Xiao Er didn't know what to say, and said after a long entanglement, "A master surnamed Chao said, you are his male favorite, come and arrest you."

Shen Fei let out a ‘poof’ laugh, "Well, does she wear a special dress?"


Before Xiao Er could answer, Chao Xi kicked the door open, "What kind of show?"

This is a room without bars. Xiao Er uses small wooden sticks that support the windows. This kind of small wooden sticks can easily break Chao Xi, let alone kick hard.

Xiao Er was taken aback, afraid that he would be beaten, and quickly hid behind Shen Fei.

Shen Fei shook his head helplessly, "Look at you that scared people?"

Chao Xi was still immersed in what Shen Fei said about her sorrow, "Don't want to change the subject, just tell me, what do I have of sorrow?"

Shen Fei motioned to Xiao Er, "You go out first."

The little second glanced at him gratefully, and hurriedly ran out when he saw a ghost.

Chao Xi sneered, "Coward."

Shen Fei shook his head, "You are wearing a cloud suit with a crane, Xiao Er is naturally afraid of you."

? ? ?

"What is Xianhe Yunfu?" Chao Xi didn't understand.

"Since ancient times, have you ever seen a man in bright yellow clothes?"

Chao Xi thought about it seriously, "It's really not there."

"Men do not wear dragon crowns and women do not wear phoenix hairpins." Shen Fei did not elaborate.

"Is it because this is the special symbol of the emperor and the queen?" Chao Xi asked.

"Yeah." Shen Fei replied.

"So that the Xianhe Yunfu is your sign?"

Shen Fei shook his head, "It's not mine, it's the mark of a first-grade civil official."

He glanced at Chao Xi, "I only wear your clothes for important banquets."

Chao Xi looked down at herself.

No wonder it's different when you look at it. The jade on the waist and the jade on the forehead are very valuable.

"Do you know that this is your clothes and you still call me a show?" Chao Xi akimbo.

"I'm dressed for important banquets. Are you wearing a parade, don't you show off?" Shen Fei sat by the window, reading a book leisurely.

Chao Xi pressed the book down with a'pop', "You still have a face to read, do you know if I am looking for you crazy?"

Chao Xi just suffered a loss in that matter, and Chao Xi wants to find it elsewhere.

"I asked the bookstore vendor to leave a message for you, haven't you met?" Shen Fei dropped his book and went to drink tea.

Of course, she met, but she was confident that Shen Fei was not in this bookstore at the time, so she must be in that bookstore, so she didn't ask, and went straight to another bookstore.

"Naturally I didn't meet it!" She must not say that she was blindly self-confident, which caused her to miss the store, and it took a few more trips to find here.

"Then how did you find it?" Shen Fei picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"I guess!" Chao Xi lied without hesitation, "Also, you are not in the bookstore, so what are you doing?"

Shen Feiman shook the tea cup carelessly, "Suddenly I was a little curious, can your IQ find me?"

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