Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 157: All poisoned

Identity plus power is one thing, and good looks are also the same. People instinctively respect people with high status and instinctively to please people with high looks. I hope they will take a look at you and then take another look. If you can come for a while The dew is better.

Shen Fei happened to account for both, and was an unattainable figure for ordinary people.

Chao Xi gave up and let him do some unnecessary efforts. That's it. He was also lazy and busy at first. How could he have so much leisure time to make good friends with others.

The guests from the palace came late, seeming to come with food. They weren't friendly relatives originally. Shen Fei did not support them when he became the regent. They naturally had grievances, and they just came here just to make a superficial effort.

Shen Fei is not a fake public and selfish person. If he is not capable, even if he has relatives, he will not help. Such a person is actually not pleased. It is difficult for him to live until now. It is because his brothers were oppressed by the emperor too hard, even if it was. He has real ability, and he dared not show it during the first emperor's tenure. It would be really clumsy to hide.

Without the ability, Shen Fei can't be hurt, so that Shen Fei, a person who has no interest in rights, has mastered it.

Perhaps it is because he has no interest in making him come to the present. If he is someone else, he will be overwhelmed when he gets the right, or he may just want to kill, eliminate the aliens, and shake the country.

Shen Fei didn't, and he wasn't interested in rights. Even if he got the rights, he would have no sense of accomplishment. Naturally, he would not be overwhelmed and let others succeed.

Because he was not interested, he would not want to kill and shake the country. He was very passive. He would kill anyone whose sword was aimed at him. He would never actively attack others, even though he had this ability.

This is probably the reason why the ministers are loyal to him. As long as they don't betray, Shen Fei will not break the contract first.

Chao Xi picked up the knife, pressed with one hand to take the cabbage with the skin and the core, and skillfully cut it in half.

The meals that the palace uses to entertain guests are naturally unusual. This cabbage can be used to make broth cabbage. The broth is stewed with various tonics. It will be prepared for twelve hours after boiling. Today, just cut the cabbage and serve the broth. .

In addition to the broth cabbage, there are all kinds of food. The housekeeper bought some things that were shipped from the seaside. Heihuhu didn't know what it was. The people in the back kitchen had never seen it before, so he showed it to Chaoxi. , Chao Xi also looked dazed.

"The merchant over there said that this is also a tonic. What is it called ginseng? How can you eat the dark one?" Chao Xi pulled one out of a pot. "No matter what, let's stew with other things."

Because it's winter, the things on the beach won't be bad when they come over, and they can still be eaten. The butler looked at the freshness and talked to Chao Xi during the Chinese New Year.

Chao Xi also wanted to get in touch with some things that he hadn't seen before, and were said to be delicious, so he allocated some silver to him and asked him to buy it back.

Now Shen Mansion has to get her consent to spend money up and down, and the housekeeper has to discuss with her if there is anything, because Chao Xi does not understand, so she is actually the one who pays.

The butler said that the jade shop needed money to buy rough stones. Chao Xi was stunned to give it. The steward said that Lin Yuan needed to be pruned. Chao Xi was stunned to give it to him. After she took care of the accounts, she still didn’t learn anything. What you know is that you earn more and spend more.

Shen Fei spends a lot of money almost every few days, and will come back a month later. The collection and disbursement accounts are not small, and any greed is enough to live a lifetime.

I don’t know if I really trust her, or I am confident that her wealth will not be ruined by her. Shen Fei almost didn’t hesitate to hand over all his money to someone who doesn’t understand it. Once the amount exceeds one million silver, it won’t come. She is in charge of the accounts, it is not that she is not bold, and she is not afraid of money being lost.

After finishing cutting the cabbage, Chao Xi began to cut the mangosteen, looking up at Shen Fei while cutting.

He didn't entertain the guests when he came. Instead, he placed the guests in the front yard, reading a book leisurely in the backyard by himself, and seemed to feel that someone was watching him. Shen Fei looked up and found that she was smiling.

The semi-disabled who can't help at all still have a smile?

Shen Fei really doesn't have the talent for cooking, and he can't work. Although he can do it, but he does so carelessly. If you ask him to wash a bowl, he really only washes one bowl, and he doesn't bring too many.

Chao Xi knew that it was laziness. This was his protest. He didn't want to wash, so he refused in this way. Since he didn't want to, Chao Xi didn't force him. Anyway, his work efficiency was very low, and he couldn't bear to look straight.

Several dishes have been prepared, the cold dishes are in place, and the hot dishes are on the plate, ready to be served.

Chao Xi called to Shen Fei, "Go and ask everyone to prepare and eat."

Shen Fei put down the book regrettably, nodded and said that he knew it.

He was an unqualified host, and he was reluctant to ask his relatives to entertain him. He spent a long time in the kitchen before going there.

When the housekeeper was reporting, Chao Xi was also there. Shen Fei said he was going to take a bath and change clothes. In fact, he sat steadily. Later, more and more guests came. The housekeeper came to urge him. He said that there was a memorial in the palace. Go there when you are done, actually sitting still, motionless.

Drag and drag, drag it to the meal.

He didn't want to go for dinner. It seemed that he had a bad relationship with his relatives, and he was worried about another misunderstanding. Chao Xi quickly washed his hands and followed.

The front court was already full of people. Everyone knew he was busy. They all gathered together for New Year's greetings. Jinghua and Shuiyue brought people over to serve the food. The butler laughed aside. Shen Fei was late in coming. She obviously came one step ahead of her. What happened? Arrived later than her.

When he came, everyone greeted him enthusiastically. Even if there were other thoughts in his heart, he was happy to meet him. Some called the emperor's uncle and some of the emperor's brother.

Shen Fei was originally small in the previous generation, and many of the brothers above were killed by the first emperor, fearing that his status would be threatened. The dividing line was Shen Fei.

That year Shen Fei twelve had already made Emperor Xian feel threatened and wanted to get rid of him, not to mention the brothers in front of him.

He didn't die, and the age underneath was too young, ten or eight years old, and there was no threat at all. On the contrary, he survived fortunately, although life was difficult.

Emperor Xian was too cautious, fearing that they might turn over and would not let them get good education and resources.

I didn't teach well when I was young, and it was too late to grow up, so the most powerful of them was Shen Fei, and he became the biggest of them. Everyone would call him his brother, and their son was Uncle Shen Fei.

There are babies who are younger than him, and each one is called by uncles. No wonder Shen Fei doesn't like to entertain them. There is pressure. Everyone has babies, but he does not.

One more thing, their baby was very naughty. Chao Xi heard a ‘bang’ just as soon as he arrived, and the vase Shen Fei placed at the door was knocked down and shattered.

"Woo..." Shen Fei didn't say anything, but the person who knocked down the vase ran to find father very aggrieved, "I was scared to death, I was scared to death!"

Instead of scolding the baby for being naughty, his father asked the next person, "What's the matter? Don't you know there are children? How can these dangerous things be placed at the door? What should I do if I hurt the children?"

Chao Xi was speechless. No wonder Shen Fei didn't want to entertain them. It turned out not to hide from adults but from children.

"Go and pack up." Shen Fei only ordered lightly.

The man was still reluctant, "The child calls you an uncle, you..."

Shen Fei glanced at him coldly.

That person immediately stopped talking, and someone else persuaded him to say that this matter has passed. Otherwise, if he listened to that person, he would break Shen Fei's things, and still want Shen Fei to apologize?

Chao Xi saw the housekeeper sweep the pieces out, and hurriedly followed, "Why not move the other vase?"

There were two large vases at the door, which were symmetrical. One was broken by the child, and his father had the same attitude, so logically speaking, he should have taken the other away.

"If you take it away, you should say that the son is stingy and guard against them. If you don't take it away, it will be the same."

Chao Xi couldn't understand, "Is it just being bullied like this?"

This is bullying. If you want to make others apologize for breaking other people's things, you have to lose Shen Fei's power, otherwise you don't know how to be beaten and scolded.

"It's nothing more than a bunch of trousers, the son said, as long as there is no trouble, just ignore it." The housekeeper sighed again and again, "Every year, like a bandit, it makes a mess, and the son doesn't care..."

Chao Xi put his hands in his sleeves, lost in thought.

Shen Fei doesn’t care, it’s not easy to control. After all, he is a relative, and he is an elder. It is inevitable that a vase will be angry, saying that he is stingy, and he is not a person who cares about with children, so he can only eat this. deficit.

He is a gentleman. He doesn't beat the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. The child has the word "weak" and it is difficult to deal with.

In fact, he can't handle it, Chao Xi can handle it. She is a woman, and it doesn't matter if he is a child, she must apologize if she breaks something. After all, she is not her own home. How can she take care of everything properly? I didn't know how to let the children avoid it with such a big vase, and blamed others on it.

Removal is stingy, and deliberately guards against them. There are so many things if it is not removed, not to mention the housekeeper's indignation, Chao Xi, the fake master, looks irritable.

She didn't know how many things had been broken, she just stood outside, just hurriedly glanced, and found that the bear kid scribbled Shen Fei's Four Treasures after entering the house.

The ground was full of footprints, and it was amazing to step on the table all the way.

Shen Fei saw it, but didn't see it. No one stopped it. The bear children were even more arrogant. They didn't eat any food, running around the house like crazy.

There are flowers planted by Shen Fei and vegetables grown by Chaoxi in the courtyard. Many of them have already suffered. Chaoxi didn't pay attention, and found a child with garlic in his hand and asked, "What is this?"

She might want to pull out the garlic seedlings, but accidentally pulled out the whole garlic. Chaoxi planted it for half a winter, and started planting it when she was still in the border area. Later, she was reluctant to stay in the border area, so she took it all back to Beijing.

At the beginning, I only had a plan. I wanted to move to the soil, but I didn't have time. I was delayed until a few days ago. I just changed the soil and I was worried about whether I could live. Now I have no chance to work.

Chao Xi had a vague premonition in her heart, and when she went out to take a look, her heart was cold.

The vegetable she planted was almost plucked, a little crooked, and she couldn't eat it anymore.

Chao Xi's eyes turned red in an instant, this is her painstaking effort! What a big **** kid, so cruel, will make it like this one piece at a time.

Suddenly a little annoyed, and didn't stop them before they messed around, but it seems it's not too late now.

"It's fortunate to get this piece. Let me tell you, there are medicinal materials that I planted in the summer courtyard. You can't do it. If you do it, you will be unlucky." She said loudly, so that the kids heard it , "Don't rush!"

Children have a rebellious mentality. The more you refuse to go, the more they want to go. Chao Xi has used three ‘million’s in a row. The little kids are afraid they will die of curiosity.

Chao Xi waited. As soon as he returned to the house with his front feet, he heard someone screaming at the Xia Yuan on the back, and then people like the little servant hurriedly ran over, "No, some little boys are poisoned!"

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