Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 1: It's cold

In the early morning, the sky had just been polished, the fog had not yet completely dispersed, and the wind was wet, and it was slightly cold on his face.

Chao Xi tightened her clothes tightly, carried the medicine basket, and was about to go into the mountain to collect medicine. When she passed the village entrance, she rushed to Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu loves to say, pulling her over to chat for a few words, "Chao Xi, haven't found someone yet?"

Chao Xi casually said, "found it."

In fact, she was urged to marry more. People who knew, didn’t know, and even the neighboring village came over to introduce her to her. It was annoying to say that she had been her partner for a while. It never appeared, and someone began to wonder if it was a lie?

However, there is no evidence, but it is only a matter of time before this ‘object’ does not reappear and it is dismantled.

Chao Xi looked up at the yellowing trees, a faint thought in his mind.

It's cold, it's time to find someone to warm the bed.

Aunt Liu was still waiting to say something, Chao Xi interrupted her, "It's getting late, I have to hurry into the mountain, otherwise I won't be able to come back before dark. Goodbye, I will talk again when I have time."

Aunt Liu nodded, "Go up the mountain and watch out for beasts."

Chao Xi had already walked a short distance, and didn't look back, only waved his hand far away, "Don't worry, my lady, I used to save a small animal on the mountain, it will protect me."

Aunt Liu said to her heart, what is the use of small animals? Some beasts eat even people.

But she had already brought her words, and Chao Xi insisted. She had no choice. She shook her head and ran to chat with others. Unexpectedly, the topic revolved around Chao Xi, saying that she is an 18-year-old girl, not yet I was anxious and pushed away the great marriage, but it was a pity.

Chao Xi wasn't too far away. He heard it, but he didn't care and went straight to his goal.

As soon as I got out of the village, I watched someone come with a large number of officers and soldiers. When they saw someone, they pulled aside and asked some strange questions. If they couldn’t answer them, they were dragged away. Chao Xi was afraid of trouble and deliberately walked around. It took them a little longer to drive them, and it took a short half an hour to get to Phoenix Mountain.

Phoenix Mountain is very large, divided into four sides, east, west, south and north. The place that Chaoxi wants to go to is the west. It is a valley and surrounded by mountains. It is very dangerous. From time to time, rocks slide down from the mountain, which can kill people alive and even the village. The big guys didn't dare to go. Later, Talc simply blocked the entrance, making it impossible for people to enter, and no one knew what was going on inside.

When Chao Xi first arrived, she inquired about it, and when she heard about this place, she wanted to go in and check out the next day. The entrance was indeed blocked by stones. She didn’t give up, she looked around again, and finally found a beast’s cave. , Straight to the valley.

The valley is huge, and no one has stepped on it for many years. The trees are flourishing and the herbs are everywhere. To her, it is no less than a fairyland.

Chao Xi liked it very much, and kept a pet in it.

As soon as she reached the place, she only yelled softly, and saw large swaths of weeds on the ground, chest-length, falling down, as if some behemoth rushed at an extremely fast speed, and when she was approaching, she leaped forward and brought Chao Xi. Pressed under the body.

Chao Xi pushed the behemoth on her body, but didn't push it. Although this guy has grown up a lot in three years, it's still the same as before. He thinks he is a baby and loves to hug Chao Xi like a baby.

When I was young, it was very difficult to hold, but now I can’t hold it at all.

An adult black bear weighs three or four times her weight. It presses on the body like a heavy stone, squeezing the air from the lungs, as if hearing the gurgling sound of ribs, out of breath, Chao Xi's face was slightly red.

She couldn't push Ping An's whole body, but she could move her head, straightened her face, and found that a big bag was swollen on the side of the servant's mouth. She must have been stealing the honey nest while she was away, but she was stung by honey.

The black bear loves to eat honey. There is not enough food in the mountains. Chaoxi will bring it from outside from time to time. There are places specializing in selling honey. Usually, it will scratch itself, and it hurts every time.

The skin is thick, the body is full of flesh, and the sting is too much, not afraid of bees, the bee needles can't penetrate, but the face is miserable, and I can't bear to look directly at it every time.

Chao Xi pressed her face that was swollen and deformed, and she felt a lot of pain. Her body twitched, and she instinctively fell to one side, letting go of Chao Xi.

It seemed that there was still some pain and some grievances, lying beside her, licking the bear paw, and looking at her as if seeking comfort.

Helpless, Chao Xi pulled the medicine basket that was almost squashed on one side, found a bottle of plaster, pulled the swollen face over, and applied the medicine carefully.

Occasionally, the hand is heavy, and she hides her hand safely, licking her finger with her tongue to please.

There are barbs on its tongue, Chao Xi didn't let it lick, so he pressed it down if he was not honest.

The behemoth more than two meters high shrank into a ball, and howled pitifully.

Although it is indeed the king of this film now, all animals are afraid of it, but it is still a baby in front of Chao Xi.

Chao Xi applied medicine to it, checked her body again, and patted her **** when she found it was OK, and let it play by herself.

It’s like a happy sprinkle, and ran to fish in the stream on one side. It has lived here for a long time and has quite a set. The stream flows down from the mountain, and one of the paths is very small. It stops there and doesn’t move a few. Time, wait for the fish to come by themselves.

The bear is a very patient animal. He has been waiting for her when he is not fishing for fish. He rarely stays far away for fear of not waiting for her.

When it first entered this valley, it was young and injured. It came from the cracks and raised it for a period of time. In addition, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the food is plentiful, and it doesn’t want to go. It stayed for two years and was tired. Quite a few, because they couldn't get out of the cracks, they stayed here all the time.

Fortunately, it is surrounded by mountains, there are so many flora and fauna, and it is not hungry, and Chaoxi comes in to accompany it from time to time, so small days are not too boring.

The valley was so big that no one was disturbed, Chao Xi planted some herbs in a safe place, built a thatched cottage, and occasionally lived for two days, but she was also at ease.

Ping An was catching the fish, and Chao Xi thought about making a fire and grilled the fish.

Animals are very protective of food, and peace is the same. At the beginning, like a beast, he did not want to let her get close. He deliberately licked her with a barbed tongue, licked the scars on the back of her hand, and threatened her with a grin at her, not allowing her Close to food.

Later, Chao Xi reduced the number of visits and didn't bring honey. The servant became soft by himself, and learned to please her, knowing to please her with honey.

Chao Xi is very poor, and she doesn't always bring honey. She has to eat a large pot at a time, and it is half a small amount of money, which is equivalent to ten days of living expenses.

Without honey, the servant emptied his mind to find. The beehives under the valley have been dug out by him. Recently, I have been smart. I have taken a fancy to the beehives on the mountain. Smash, smash the hive down.

Seeing its scars, it swelled like this, how it started yesterday. Chaoxi came yesterday, and she was fine before she left. It must have been stealing the new nest while she was away.

The old nest is digged out by it, and the bees will soon build new homes, because they are still semi-finished products. At this time, the bees are extremely protective of the nest. They have to chase and kill them when they travel thousands of miles. The bee stings the vital point, such as the eye-catching, this guy doesn't listen, he has to lick his mouth, and now it is considered retribution and deserves it.

Chao Xi looked up and saw that he had just done something wrong. He knew how hard he had made up for his work.

It was lucky today. It quickly caught a carp, ran over and lay in front of Chaoxi like a treasure.

Chao Xi rubbed its head like compliments, then rolled up his sleeves and took the tools to deal with the live fish by the river. Just after the internal organs were removed, his eyes suddenly flashed by something, not the reflection of the water. It's on the shore.

She looked over, and was flickered by the thing again.


Out of curiosity, Chao Xi put aside the fish, simply washed his hands, and walked over to see that it was an individual.

A person who was seriously injured.

I don't know how much I lie down, but the clothes on my body have been dried thoroughly, and they should have fallen off last night.

There is a waterfall on the cliff. It will not die, but will faint temporarily. If you are lucky, you will be washed ashore, as long as you stay still, you can avoid peace.

Bears don't eat dead things, especially Ping An, they are very picky.

If she was rushed down yesterday, she should wake up at this time. Maybe she saved her energy, closed her eyes and did not move. She only opened her eyes when she approached, looked at her calmly, and closed it calmly when she found that there was no danger. Up.

A hand suddenly touched him, and the body trembled suddenly, as if it had been greatly stimulated.

This person must have a very withdrawn personality, and is rarely touched so directly by others.

Chao Xi waited for her body to ease down, and then continued to touch it after she became less tight.

First, he raised his head and touched the back of his head. If a person's brain is injured, the person is basically finished. Fortunately, he did not fall head down, but feet down, which means that his lower body may be abolished.

The waterfall is really high, and the water is rushing. Falling from such a high place, the momentum can crush all his bones. If it is a woman or an old man, it is probably already dead at this time. This person is really young and physically. Tough, look at the body line, he is a martial artist, so he only broke a few bones.

Chao Xi's hands repeatedly pressed on his chest and collarbone to confirm the condition of the broken bones. Occasionally, the movements were big, and the lapels of his clothes were spread out, exposing large areas of white and delicate skin.

Sometimes it hurts when she pressed it, the head slightly raised, and the long and slender neck was unobstructed, revealing it completely.

Such a person must have been born a noble, rich or noble, clothes made of silk, beautiful jade hung on the waist, the jade was broken in half without knowing where it was knocked, and the section was exposed to the sun and flashed into Chao Xi's eyes.

These are all foreign objects. What really made her sure was that this person was either rich or noble. His skin was smoother than silk. Although she didn't touch it deliberately, she occasionally touched it and found that it was like a peeled egg, only day by day. Only the rich lady who bathes with goat's milk and roses can have such skin.

Maybe the rich young master also has this hobby, he likes to bathe with precious materials, such as cow and goat milk and various petals. If you add some medicinal materials to it, keep it daily, and you don’t need to make it at sunrise like everyone else. When the sunset rests, even if there is a special training room for martial arts, it seems no surprise to have such a skin.

After all, they eat well, sleep well, have no pressure, and there are a large number of people following when they are traveling. When the sun is a little bit, there will be a young man holding an umbrella attentively. The wind cannot blow, the sun can’t get the sun, it can’t be frozen in winter, and even more in summer. It was not hot, and the body was extremely delicate. When he was gently pressed by Chao Xi, a little red mark fell on the white skin, which was especially obvious.

Chao Xi suddenly felt guilty, as if she was blaspheming this person.

In fact, if you look closely, the best thing about this person is that face, white and delicate, and unusually handsome, with star-broken eyes and amazingly bright eyes.

It just stared at the person calmly, so that Chao Xi had a strong idea to save him.

I don't want such beautiful eyes to be overshadowed.

"Broken three ribs, injured your left shoulder, fractured your right hand, and injured your waist. You won't survive tonight."

The man listened silently, his expression was the same as before, without much reaction, as if he had known the result a long time ago.

"The price to pay to save you is too great. I have to consume all of my cherished medicinal materials, and I may not be able to save it. Even if I save it, these legs may be abolished. I have no relatives with you and spend all of me. Your savings, you have to work hard to take care of you for three or four months, it is really not worthwhile."

Without relatives and no reason, I spent all my savings and worked so hard to take care of another stranger for three or four months. That person may not be saved, which is really not worthwhile.

Maybe the sun was too big and some people were scorching people. The person was still motionless, not sad, and didn't ask for help. He just kept silent and closed his eyes lightly.


The man opened his eyes again, wondering if it was an illusion, Chao Xi saw a hint of hope in it.

It turned out that he didn't want to die that much, and calm was just helpless. If there is a chance, he would even want to live.

"You will be my husband for one year."

One year later, his injury should be healed. At most, he will take care of him for one year. Chao Xi is not greedy.

"After a year, you want to leave and stay, whatever you want."

She looked for this person for two reasons. First, he looks good. Second, she needs a bed warmer.

It's cold, and the warmer is lying on the ground, how can he let it go?

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