Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 19: Not easy to throw away

Shen Fei seemed to feel that the taste was okay, and the chopsticks dropped again, as before, successfully avoiding the spiders and scorpions, and caught a piece of lean meat.

As for meat, he seems to only eat lean meat, not fat at all, and the kind of lean meat that is still stewed badly. Chaoxi boils pork rib soup, he will also drink it, and drink a little more than fish soup, provided that The soup is light enough, I don't like strong ones.

"Don't you like this?" Chao Xi finally couldn't stretch herself, and gave him a piece of scorpion meat. "You are not in good health. You must eat more nutrition."

Shen Fei's hand holding the bowl paused. The chopsticks were on the edge of the bowl, as if he wanted to pick it up, but it didn't seem to be. Chao Xi stared nervously.

Will he eat? can you? can you?

Do you think it tastes good?

This is her favorite food, can't wait to hear Shen Fei's comment on it.

Shen Fei first stood up the chopsticks with different lengths, which were not controlled, and then picked them up after they were paralleled, and put them on the small bowl, "I'm full."

The piece of scorpion meat lay in the bowl as it was, not moving at all.

Chao Xi wanted to persuade him to eat more and eat the scorpion meat anyway, but he was afraid that he would behave too eagerly. Shen Fei had no choice but to give up, washing the dishes, brushing the pot, and going out to catch the crispy snake. Before leaving, I prepared the ingredients for two days and washed them. Shen Fei rushed for a while.

Knowing that he likes water, he filled the bucket full and put the bath beans aside.

Shen Fei is now more and more adapted to the days of being in a wheelchair, eating, cooking, and doing a little activity on a daily basis is completely fine. Apart from being unable to leave the hospital, everything else is free.

There is a threshold in the courtyard, and unless the wheelchair is lifted, it is unlikely to go out.

The folk saying that this threshold is anti-zombie, people in ancient times like to bury the coffin in the mountains, the deeper the better, so as not to be disturbed.

Although it's hidden here, it has also been invaded by humans. If it hadn't been for the talc on the cliff to fall and block the entrance, there should be some people living in the valley now.

When Chao Xi came for the first time, he walked around the bottom of the valley and saw many traces of human beings, such as earthen jars in the river. After picking them up, they found the bodies of children inside. This is an ancient burial technique. Some people say that it is to worship the river god, Chao Xi prefers the latter, because it is impossible for so many children of the same age to accidentally die at the same time and then be buried in this way.

Many of those earthenware jars are of the same style and pattern, which shows that from a period, the children's faces are also suffering from pain. Chao Xi, who is a doctor, knows that it is the expression that can only be caused by being suffocated alive.

The ancients were dull, leaving behind many incredible and cruel methods of worship. In addition to drowning children in jars, they also hung coffins on the cliff.

The wind was strong in the valley, and the corners were rubbed off by the wind and sand. From time to time, a black board fell off, with an unpleasant breath.

Chao Xi once stood on a cliff and watched. Every coffin was full of dry corpses, some of which were not covered by clothes, and some were intact.

Some people say that they will move at night, jumping down the mountain, running into the house, and the threshold is blocking them.

The zombies would not bend, and they could not jump in when they reached the high threshold. The next day, they ran back to the mountain in grief and lie down in their coffins to rest.

This is a folk saying. Chaoxi has lived in the mountains for at least three years. I have never seen it before. Sometimes I am curious and sit at the door and wait, instead of waiting for the zombies, he waits for the silly animals, which are slightly shorter. Can't step in, which can save a lot of trouble.

The threshold was so heavy that she could not move it alone, and she needed Ping An help. Chao Xi did not plan to evacuate. She was afraid that Shen Fei would run out. It was too dangerous outside. She only spilled herbs near the hut. If Shen Fei ran out, she might be caught by the animals. attack.

He is not like Chao Xi. Chao Xi has been living in the mountains for a long time. Come and cook one. Any animal is food for her. It depends on whether she wants to eat it or not. But when Shen Fei goes out like this, he is the food for the animals. .

The animal world is like this, the weak eat the strong, there is not so much humanity and morality to talk about, if you can't beat me, it is my dish.

Some poisons are also different from other animals. When they bite, even if it's the morning sun, they have to take a break. Shen Fei may not be able to get it in his heyday, so he can't go out, especially at night.

When Chao Xi was away, he would lock the door of the yard, and sprinkle more herbs, sulfur, wormwood, etc. around them. Animals were afraid of this.

In fact, there are still some worries. These things are like miasma for humans. What if an animal is extremely hungry and swims through the miasma and hurts Shen Fei?

So Chao Xi also lit a brazier in the house, very close to Shen Fei, and Shen Fei could attack with torches.

Every time she leaves, she feels like a mother reluctant to leave, she will leave only after finishing the house, and try to shorten the time she comes back.

I wanted to go to a dangerous place this time, and I went around everywhere, but I couldn't find the Bone Snake, so I could only take a risk to see if there were any in the swamp and snake den.

Snakes like humid environments. At the end of the valley, there is a cave where there is no sunshine all year round. It is the favorite place for snakes. Because it is big, all snakes gather there to breed. Chaoxi broke in accidentally and saw thousands of snakes. Scattered in the cave, it smelled like a snake. Fortunately, she took realgar with her to retreat, otherwise she would die.

Snake caves are full of snakes, and they are of different species. Brittle snakes are afraid of living and do not live with other snakes under normal circumstances.

Chao Xi’s goal this time was the swamp, and he remembered the coffin on the cliff, which was also a very shady place. Bone Snake liked it. Maybe these gadgets would hide there.

Compared with marshes, she prefers cliffs. There are miasma and poisonous substances in the marshes. The only advantage is that you can climb trees and search. The cliffs are indeed much cleaner, but most of the night, in case you climb When the rope is broken, she will fall directly from the cliff and fall to pieces.

Taking into account the disrespect to the ancestors and other issues, Chao Xi chose to go to the swamp. Most of the night, she went to the swamp by herself. It was gloomy and humid, and Chao Xi was not even afraid.

When she first arrived in this valley, she was still not safe. She went up the mountain to collect poison in the middle of the night. There was nothing wrong with the wind and rain.

Just like an accident of activity, I walked randomly in the forest. Not only was she not killed, ordinary animals were also afraid of her, especially those with a good nose, such as Ping An. When they first came in, they smelled various poisons on her body. She was terribly scared, as long as she was nearby, she grinned and guarded her, and later it was better.

In fact, I'm also afraid now. I get along for three years and dare not go wild once, being honest and clever under her hands.

The marshland is too dangerous. Chaoxi didn’t take it with him. It was not so flexible. It could jump from this tree to that tree. An accident might fall into the swamp and fail to come up. Chaoxi couldn’t save it. Watching it die.

It can't help in this kind of place, except for being courageous, Chao Xi is full of courage and doesn't need it to be strong.

She was thrown up the mountain by her master when she was young. At first she was scared and at a loss. Later, she discovered that small animals avoided her like snakes and scorpions, and large animals also deliberately bypassed her, as if she was the biggest carnivore and would eat them.

Later, the master told her that her hands had skinned the most ferocious beasts and the most venomous snake teeth had been pulled out, and the breath remained on her, so the animals were afraid of her.

As long as she has such a smell, there will be no danger in entering the mountain. The master has not lied to her. Chao Xi has indeed not encountered danger for so many years. The only thing she has encountered is loneliness.

It’s really lonely to be alone, and it’s really hard to wait for someone. I don’t know when the master will come to pick her up. I look forward to it every day, look forward to it, and then be disappointed. Later, my heart is like a rock, as if nothing can be done. Let it shake again.

Then a miracle happened, she met Shen Fei, Shen Fei was so good, he must heal his leg.

Chao Xi had already arrived in the swamp. In order to catch the Bone Snake, he didn't wipe anything on his body for fear that it would be shocked.

Once came to the sun in the swamp, it was considered a familiar road, and went straight to the wettest and darkest place. She walked on the tree, as long as her eyes were better, don't step on the withered branches, and avoid other snakes. There is basically no danger. .

Afraid of being unsafe, she made a cut in her finger with the knife she carried with her. The blood tickled down and a small blood puddle accumulated on the ground. She stayed in place and waited for the Bone Snake to appear.

I waited for a long time, but did not wait for the Bone Snake to come, but waited for other poisons to come, Chao Xi had a few more iron sticks between her fingers, the tail was wearing a thread, and the poison was wiped. As long as there is basically no possibility of life, she will pull again. The line can clean up the scene.

You can't let one go. There is a language between animals and animals. If one let go, it will tell others that there is an ambush.

It's a pity that there were too many poisons coming, and Chao Xi couldn't catch all of them. As soon as the rope was pulled up, he found one was running.

I can't stay in this place, change another place and continue to wait.

Chao Xi quickly found a better damp place, still using blood to lead, sitting on the tree, waiting for the rabbit.

After waiting until the next morning, I noticed that the day was about to dawn, and then I packed up and prepared to go back. I don’t know whether it was because of the numbness of the legs after squatting for a long time, or the uncomfortableness of not moving all night, the person just stood up and fell straight back Go, fall down with a bang.


The mountain was very quiet, without Chao Xi interrupting, Shen Fei rarely had a good night's sleep. At first, she was a little worried about Chao Xi and suffered from insomnia. After a few days, she found that this woman was far more powerful than imagined, and gradually relieved her mind. , Do your own thing.

He still insists on standing up and walking every day, no more than a stick of incense. Now he has some experience. As long as he moves the tripod one step before the fall, he can move around in the house if he supports his body again. I hurt myself all over.

Shen Fei's life is barely regular. After practicing, she sits in a wheelchair and turns the handwheel to wash under the eaves and cook.

I have never done it before. The craftsmanship is not very good, so I can only do some simple ones. There is not much food in Chaoxi’s vegetable garden, and there are not many varieties. Shen Fei turned his wheelchair out and picked two cucumbers on the edge. doing what?

It seems that he can only take cucumbers coldly. The roads in the vegetable garden are very narrow. Many of his wheelchairs can’t get through and can only pick them at the edges. He picked eggplants yesterday, but the others are in the deep. A few green peppers and tomatoes.

There is a small cooking pot in the egg kitchen. He saw that Chao Xi had used it, but he couldn't use it himself. The place was a bit high and could not be touched.

Shen Fei looked at the steamer and decided to continue steaming. The steamed vegetables were very light. Wash the tomatoes and green peppers, chop them, stir in the egg liquid, and place them in the steamer for steaming.

Eggs are easily steamed into whole pieces, and they need to be stirred from time to time. The effect is similar to that of frying. There is no mushy taste, and it is a little thin. It is more steamed.

At three quarters Chen, the meal was ready, Chao Xi hadn't returned yet, Shen Fei was the most patient, closed the hair dryer, and lay back on the bed while reading and waiting.

At that moment, there was a sudden movement outside the door. Shen Fei looked up, not Chao Xi, but a yellow ferret, attracted by the smell of rice, looked at him, and boldly walked towards the kitchen.

As soon as he stepped his feet, he was pinched on the back of his neck by a hand and lifted up.

Chao Xi turned Huang Wease around and faced her.

The yellow weasel, also known as the weasel, has a very large weapon...

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