Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 21: How about getting married

Chao Xishui took it in his hand and stared at Shen Fei while drinking, "Shen Fei, why are you so good to me?"

She trapped this person in the valley, and this person was not annoyed. She played with this person's hand openly and wanted to sleep with him. This person was not annoyed. She had an incredible temper. She wiped her sweat, cooked, and took care of her illness. she was.

Aunt Liu next door said that men are like uncles. Traditionally, only women take care of men. It is more difficult for men to take care of their wives.

What she said was wrong, not all men in the world are like this, except for Shen Fei.

"Chao Xi." Shen Fei corrected her, "It's not that I am good, it's that you have too few people in contact."

After getting along for so long, apart from Ping An and her master, she has never seen anyone else in her mouth. The master has been away from her for three years, and Ping An herself is a bear child. If you don't need someone to take care of it, you are thankful. How can you take care of Chao Xi?

No one treats Chao Xi well, so he just did something to her a little, and this person thought he was good.

"What I do is normal."

What he did for Chao Xi was less than one ten thousandth of what Chao Xi did for him. Chao Xi was a girl who went out to collect medicine for him in the middle of the night. Her legs were so tired and red and swollen, she didn't say anything, she fell asleep. She still yelled Bone Snake.

She was the one who saved him, and she was also the one who cooked the food. She made tripods and crutches for him, and she bought him a wheelchair. She did so much on her own to get such a small return. Most people Will complain, will hate, will feel unfair, Chao Xi instead of not, thinks he is too good.

It's not that he is too good, but she is too simple.

Chao Xi is a strange woman. Sometimes she feels like a child, easy to satisfy, and sometimes she feels extremely cruel. She dares to go up the mountain in the middle of the night by herself, not afraid of the dark, even without torches. Take it, 70% of men are inferior to her.

"Really?" Chao Xi held the bowl with a thoughtful expression.

She doesn't believe Shen Fei's words, is it normal to let her do whatever she wants?

In order not to disturb her sleeping, is it normal to hold for several hours?

Is it normal to take care of her when she is sick?

If it is normal, why did the master, master, and the family never do this for her?

She grew up to eighteen years old. Not only did no one do this for her, nor did she see anyone around her having such an experience. To Shen Fei, she must be special.

Chao Xi was satisfied, drank the medicine, ate some food and porridge made by Shen Fei, and fell asleep again after almost the same time. This time he didn't sleep deeply, he heard the sound of water in a daze, and then a cold thing covered his forehead. .

Shen Fei was cooling her down, Chao Xi was a little hot, and the coldness was just right for her.

Xu's body temperature was too high, and Shen Fei had to change a square towel from time to time, so that it wetted the cover on Chao Xi's forehead.

Because of the inconvenience of legs and feet, it is difficult to get out of bed, so I simply stayed in a wheelchair and was really sleepy in the middle of the night, so I slept on a bench.

There was a quilt in the bench, and he usually slept in the morning. Shen Fei rarely slept all night, and the next day he got up with sore waist and back pain.

He usually lay down on a couch when he was free or not. For the first time he knew that he couldn't lie down for a long time.

Since he came, Chao Xi has slept in the recliner for more than half a month, and only recently began to squeeze a bed with him. For so long, she actually endured it all without saying a word of complaint.

Shen Fei lowered his head to look at the person, and Chao Xi lay on his side, half of his face sunken in the pillow, and the half of his exposed face was beautiful and beautiful, white and full of elasticity of a girl.

She lives a regular life, keeps exercising every day, has a slender figure and tight skin. With careful eating, her face is well maintained. Even if she is close, she can't see a pore. It is not a delicate beauty, but a healthy beauty. , Seeing is not a weak type, not in line with the aesthetics of most men.

No one praised her, it doesn't mean she is not good-looking, it's just that the bad habits of the country can't stand her.

Since binding feet has become popular, I don't know when the girls have become weaker and more pitiful, causing many men to bend their waists one after another, and their aesthetics have also changed.

She prefers petite and lovely women, Chao Xi is too tall for women, and ordinary men can't compare to her.

A man has strong self-esteem, and her height is lowered. He will naturally try his best to belittle her, saying that she is old and an old girl that no one wants, but this is not the case.

Chao Xi looks very good-looking, and dresses more elegantly than those women, even if you casually wear a set on her body, she can show a different temperament.

She is not an old girl, but in the countryside, it is common to get married early, child-raising daughters-in-law, and there are many women who marry at the age of eleven or twelve, so it seems that she can't get married at the age of eighteen.

In fact, as long as she walks out of the mountains and visits the capital, she will find that there are no small feet, tall girls will not be rejected, and eighteen years old is not an old girl. There are many people who have not married in two decades.

The capital was at the feet of the emperor, and the court came out early to stop the bad habit of binding feet. Unfortunately, the effort was not enough. The mountain villages in a slightly lower position still went their own way. They thought that if they bound their feet, they could marry a rich man, which is more popular with husbands. It's all whimsical.

The foot-binding has passed, and the older women in the city have changed their way of playing and started to make a fuss on their faces, groping for various eyebrow shapes, willow eyebrows, distant mountain eyebrows, crescent eyebrows, lying silkworm eyebrows, one It is not suitable for Chao Xi, Chao Xi is so clean, just face up to the sky.

Looking more gratifying.

Chao Xi’s body is too good, and she lay down for two days. She had a fever, sweated, and jumped up alive again. In fact, she didn’t want to be well. If she didn’t want to be well, she could continue to let Shen Fei take care of him. No matter what, she would take medicine Take it, bring water, and the food is ready, but his hands and feet are inconvenient. Once Chao Xi found that he was uncharacteristically while eating and put one hand under the table.

At first, Chao Xi didn't pay attention. The chopsticks dropped and he lowered his head to pick it up. The man took his hand up again and put it on the table. When she got up, he quickly put it down again. Chao Xi knew that this person's hand was injured, nothing more. Cut it when cutting vegetables.

He didn't want her to know, Chao Xi had to pretend not to know, and at the same time let her body ‘get better’ and take Shen Fei’s job.

After another day's rest, I started to deal with the brittle snake, ground it into powder, and boil it into a pot with other medicinal materials, and prepare it for this person to drink.

The needles and tools were laid out one by one and placed on the table. Chao Xi was about to apply the needle.

For fear of being disturbed, or to find it safely, choose the day to be at night, with all the windows closed, and cotton and straw to block the gaps to prevent wind from entering.

Chao Xi wanted to listen, listen to the movement of the needle, not be disturbed by anything, nor the wind.

When everything was ready, the man was stripped naked, the quilt was placed below the waist, and the needle was taken to touch Shen Fei's acupuncture points.

In the past few days, she has been touching many times one after another, and she is familiar with this body just like her own, and it is easy to find the place for the needle.

The first stitch was placed on the tailbone of the last spine, and it was very successful. Chao Xi seemed to hear the small chirping of the needle.

The Absolute Needle Method has its own set of needles. The head is big and the body is small, and there is a hole in the tail. If you look closely, you will find a small bead stuffed in it, so small that it is almost invisible to the naked eye.

The needle is too thin to hold the tail. The needle will sway slightly when top-heavy and make a nice sound like a phoenix, which is not heard by others, only Chao Xi can hear it, even her master can’t hear it. She, she said perfunctorily, and heard it.

Chao Xi felt that she hadn't heard it, she was just dealing with her.

The success of the first stitch gave Chao Xi a lot of confidence. The second stitch steadily landed where it should be and succeeded. Then the third and fourth stitches, without any accidents.

As he went to the back, Chao Xi's pressure increased, and his sweat couldn't help but shed his sweat, so he could only rub his clothes on the clothes for fear of blurring his eyes.

It is not the first time that she has performed the Absolute Needle Method. Although it is serious and the success rate is actually high, she only administers needles on animals that are dying, such as picking up injured animals and bringing them back for an experiment. .

The forest is cruel, and being injured is almost equal to the death penalty. Wolves will leave the group if they are injured. They will live as a wolf, and the sheep will leave the group if they are injured. If you find a place to die, you can easily pick them up.

Since she was about to die anyway, Chao Xi wanted to change their destiny for them, not all of them were saved, to see if she was hungry, eat it when she was hungry, and pick it up when she was not hungry.

That's how Ping An was picked up by her. When it came, its heartbeat was already weak. It was **** by her to raise it for a few days. As soon as it ran away, she looked at her with hatred. Later, she was injured, and Chao Xi treated it. Yes, this bear has a bit of IQ. Knowing that it was not harmful, he simply let go of his knot and gradually approached her.

It's not the first time that Chao Xi has broken the needle technique on it. The next time every six months, when Shen Fei came, it was just time. Maybe he saw it, or he guessed it.

Shen Fei gave her the feeling that she knew everything, she knew everything, and he could answer everything if asked.

Once Chao Xi accidentally picked a red mushroom in the mountain. After living in the mountain for so long, she wasn't sure what her name was? Can you eat it? I picked it out every time. Unexpectedly, Shen Fei knew him, and he said so.

Chao Xi admired him, everyone from his background, knowledgeable, and such a good temper, very rare, always feel that there is a lot of power in his body, the needle pierced the bone, he should be painful, too. Without saying a word, lying on the pillow quietly, the whole back and forehead were covered with cold sweat, more than that of Chao Xi.

Chao Xi was nervous, he should be even more nervous. After all, it was his leg, which was related to the rest of his life.

Chao Xi was more cautious in giving the needle. She only practiced on animals. She didn't dare to go crazy when treating people. The circle was too small to reach people who were dying or seriously ill. She never had the opportunity to administer the needle, fearing accidents.

Shen Fei was the first person to let her administer an injection on her body, so don't be surprised.

Chao Xi focused more and more, until the last needle pierced the skin and stood firm before the tight string in his heart finally loosened.

It succeeded.

This is only for today. Traditional Chinese medicine needs to recover slowly. Shen Fei still needs to go for about seven days, a course of treatment, if it doesn't work, another seven days.

The needle was still standing, Chao Xi waited for a while to take it down, wiped the blood droplets that came up on him, and pulled the quilt over his shoulder.

Shen Fei did not move, and kept doing this until Chao Xi took the medicine back. After drinking the medicine, Chao Xi turned him over, dressed him and massaged the meridian points. It took another long time for Chao Xi's face. I can't say whether I am happy or unhappy, and I feel a little depressed.

"What's the matter?" Shen Fei asked.

"Nothing." The first day's needle application went smoothly. The needle pierced Shen Fei's skin. When it reached the bone, Shen Fei trembled, indicating that he felt it. This is a good omen and Shen Fei's leg can be cured.

But when he is cured, this person will leave. Chao Xi has a foreboding that this small valley cannot accommodate him.

"Shen Fei." Chao Xi was nostalgic for the person's body temperature, and ignoring his broken bones, she insisted on getting into his clothes, revealing his head from the placket.

The arm passed through Shen Fei's sleeve, and his fingers clasped, "When your injury is almost healed, shall we get married?"

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