Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 24: Pay in advance

The mountain road is not easy to walk, potholes, and it takes a lot of effort to push it up. After pushing for a day, Chao Xi’s arms hurt, so I wanted to save some effort, turn the wheelchair around, tie the rope, and tie the other end to Ping An’s body. Pulled away safely, she held the wheelchair.

It’s not because of her own effort. When the wheelchair is light, Chao Xi can’t feel it. She can only judge whether the rope is loose or not, and her eyes are close, but she just thought about her mind, she was too absorbed, and she didn’t pay attention to Shen Fei. Yes, because of the quilt, there was no sound of landing.

Chao Xi tied the people into zongzi, and Shen Fei couldn't even sit up. Fortunately, the people were huddled in the quilt, not dirty, but the quilt was black.

The quilt is not the point. Chao Xi picked up the person and patted him a while before putting it on the wheelchair and continuing to walk.

Knowing that this person likes to be clean, I didn't go anywhere else. I went back and untied the quilt. I put the quilt on the bed. The dirty quilt cover was torn off and washed, and the inner core was taken out to dry.

It was already afternoon when she entered the house and found that this person was rarely reading a book, half sitting on the bed, looking out the window, staring at the flying birds and the squirrels on the tree, with envy and yearning in his eyes.

The paralysis of the lower body was too much for him. Although this person never said it, Chao Xi could feel it. He chose the latter between sitting in a wheelchair for a lifetime in An Ran and taking the risk of treating his legs. Regardless of his own life, he had to cut his legs. Cured.

Chao Xi suddenly remembered that when he first met, he told this person that his leg might not be cured. He was in an uncertain tone. In other words, it might be cured. So this person would agree to the agreement with her?

Because there is still hope for the leg to be cured, if not, he may choose to die quietly. This person has too strong self-esteem to allow himself to be hugged for the rest of his life. He has to rely on others for food and water.

The dragon can be stranded temporarily, if it is trapped in the shallows all its life, it is better to die.

Chao Xi actually couldn't understand this kind of thinking. He had hope to live. Why did he choose to die?

Maybe she hadn't experienced Shen Fei's despair. If she was like Shen Fei, falling into the valley of trouble, being hugged by a strange man, and watching her whole body, maybe she might be better than Shen Fei, who would bite her tongue and kill herself on the spot.

Shen Fei is actually very powerful. He accepted this environment and still did not give up under such circumstances. He read a doctor's book, drank every medicine, insisted on exercising every day, and used his innocence to change Chaoxi to treat his legs. Hard work.

This kind of effort infected Chao Xi, unconsciously inclined to him, gave up the idea of ​​a small accident and trapped him for a lifetime, worked hard to find the brittle snake, and gave him the needle wholeheartedly, without any change.

"Shen Fei, do you still have to apply the needle today?" Shen Fei sweated and vomited blood again yesterday. After tossing all night, he finally got a little bit more energetic. If he continues to apply the needle, will there be a more serious reaction than yesterday. Xi must not know.

She has too few patients and even fewer people can use the Absolute Needle Method. After all, there are risks. When it comes to the situation, nine out of ten are unwilling, and one of them agrees, but scared away the next day. Dare to come.

Shen Fei was the first person to dare to try.

In reality, she had never encountered a similar situation. Chao Xi could only learn from the book, but the patient in the book died, making her very nervous and worried that Shen Fei would also die in a **** crack.

Shen Fei is so good-looking, not to mention that he can't accept this kind of death, nor can Chao Xi.

"Why don't you forget it, wait until you get better before you continue."

Shen Fei retracted his gaze from a distant place, looked up at her, and smiled lightly, "Wouldn't it be necessary to endure it again?"

This is for sure, a course of treatment for seven days, once it is broken, the next treatment will still be a course of treatment for seven days. If a course of treatment is not cured, another course of treatment will be required.

"You are too weak to continue. It is better to wait until the winter." After a winter, at least four or five months, Shen Fei can stay for a while.

She had a hunch that Shen Fei would leave after healed his legs.

Shen Fei shook his head, "No, it hurts. It's enough to suffer once."

The place under the needle was really special. Each needle made him feel painful, penetrated through the flesh, pierced into the acupuncture points, and some even dropped on the bones.

His legs were not completely unconscious, and there was a slight pain when he knocked, he was not as sensitive as before, and he still couldn't stand up softly, but his knee suddenly hit the table, and there would be a moment of pain. Only then, afterwards Gone.

Chao Xi said that this is a good thing. As long as he stimulates his bones more and makes his legs respond to pain, it is the same as if a person would stand up suddenly after being stimulated.

With each stitch, Shen Fei's calf cramped slightly, indicating that Chao Xi's method was correct and her legs became more and more sensitive.

It's just that this method is really painful, just do it in one breath, and do it again, I'm afraid that it will be no good for it.

Chao Xi blinked with a subtle expression.

It turns out that this person is also afraid of pain. When the needle was applied to him, he didn't say anything. He thought he was in the wrong place. This person didn't hurt. If it wasn't the place where she repeatedly touched the needle later, it was sure that there was no mistake, Chao Xi herself Everyone thinks that they have failed the injection, and this person is dying.

Whether he will die or not, Chao Xi has a little in his heart and no, but Ping An knows.

There has always been a saying among the people that the black dog is alive, and if it suddenly squats at someone's door and bites, someone in this family must die.

Some people say that the eyes of dogs can see the soul. In fact, it is not the case. It is just that their noses are very smart. They can smell the breath of death, and they can also smell it when they are sick.

Strictly speaking, black bears are also a kind of dog. They are barely able to catch up with relatives, and they have been called black bears.

Their sense of smell is better than that of dogs. Dogs' sense of hearing, smell, and vision are very sensitive. Black bears have poor eyes, and they are also known as Heixiazi, which means that black bears have poor eyesight.

If a normal human is compared with a blind human, the blind human’s ears and sense of smell are naturally the best. When the eyes cannot see, the ability of smell and hearing will be greatly developed.

It turned out that Chao Xi didn't pay attention. Once she accompanied the bear on a hunt. When she came back, the bear kept her from letting her go, clinging to her, making a whining sound in her throat, a bit like aggrieved, reluctant, and sad.

Chao Xi's face was confused. Later, her heart suddenly hurt. She found that she was poisoned when she touched her pulse. If it hadn't been discovered early, she would almost belch.

Xu was the black bear who thought she was about to die, so he whined, but this time Shen Fei was so weak that her pulse was sometimes missing, and Ping An actually did not show any sadness or anxiety. Does it indirectly mean that Shen Fei can't die? ?

It is also possible that it is not close to Shen Fei, but it can expose his chin to Shen Fei, obviously accepting Shen Fei. If Shen Fei is really involved, it cannot be indifferent.

So Shen Fei may not be life-threatening. His reaction after the injection was simply to get rid of the blood in the body?

Chao Xi decided to trust her instinct and peace, and respect Shen Fei's thoughts, "If you are ready, let's start."

Shen Fei didn't speak, but he pulled out the pillow behind him in cooperation, and let his body lie down so that it was convenient for Chaoxi to apply the needle.

Chao Xi started rubbing her needles over and over again, as if procrastinating for time, but didn't enter the subject. After finishing the boiled medicine, he wiped the person's body after boiled medicine, and then closed the windows and doors at night. The gaps are blocked with cloth and cotton, so there is no leakage.

Feeling that it was almost time before he walked to the bed to prepare for the injection, Shen Fei twisted his body cooperatively and wanted to turn over.

"You don't need to turn it over, today you will get the front."

Shen Fei: "..."

As it was yesterday, the progress went smoothly. The only difference was Shen Fei's reaction. He didn't say a word after nine stitches yesterday. This time he only got three stitches, and he has taken several breaths in succession.

His chest rises and falls very quickly, as if unbearable.

Chao Xi comforted him, "Don't mess around, it will be fine soon."

Shen Fei pinched the bleeding mark on the palm of his hand, trying his best to control his body.

I don’t know how long it took before this torture finally ended. Shen Fei's whole figure seemed to be fished out of the water, covered in sweat. Chao Xi keenly noticed that his legs trembled a little bit. Yesterday it was just a calf. The light tremor spread to the ankle today. It seemed that the pain was so severe that he twitched suddenly.

Almost broke the needle on his leg, but fortunately, Chao Xi noticed it in time and hurriedly pressed it down without letting him tighten his muscles, otherwise all his efforts would be in vain.

The needle is just down on the thigh. If you want to pull the ankle, the thigh must be forced first.

The needle is too thin. It is one thing that it is not easy to take it out if it is broken inside. The needle of the Absolute Needle Method is very special. Once it is broken, other needles cannot be replaced. Forcibly applying the eight needles, it is easy to cause accidents.

Fortunately, the needle was more vigorous than expected. Seeing that it might break at any time, I didn't expect it to be quite powerful, and it just survived.

The nine needles were all arranged step by step on Shen Fei's body. After waiting a while, Chao Xi took them down one by one, and then massaged the acupoints for him.

The suffering was not in vain. After the injection, Shen Fei was more sensitive to the feeling on his leg. It used to require a lot of strength to hurt him. Now he only needs to exert a little strength, and this person frowned and felt it.

It's a big improvement, and it will be better in the long run.

Chao Xi knew that he had some reactions after the injection. He was not ready yesterday. Today, he started to try to drink some medicine for removing blood stasis, adding it to the daily medicine, and serving him together. This person is just like yesterday. After drinking, I fell drowsy immediately. I slept until the afternoon. When I got up, I sweated a lot, with a little red inside.

Shen Fei had a blood collapse.

It's not serious, it seems to be discharged along the sweat, Chao Xi wiped it off without showing him, for fear of scaring this person.

In addition to sweating, this person's hemoptysis became more and more serious. He couldn't eat or drink, and sometimes he would vomit out the medicine. It was obvious that he had lost weight.

Chao Xi began to cook in a different way, and he stopped giving him the medicine, so he made medicated food for him.

Throughout the ages, there has been a saying that the delicious food is called the food, and the bad food is called the medicinal material. In fact, the food is also the medicinal material. The difference is whether it tastes good or not.

Chao Xi took advantage of his sleep time to go to the mountains to pick black fungus. This thing does not matter according to the season, as long as it rains, it will be dried and soaked and eaten. The fungus just picked cannot be eaten because it is poisonous.

This season happened to be when the sweet potatoes were ripe. Some were planted in the backyard. Chao Xi picked some leaves, washed them, added some noodles and steamed them, and dug some sweet potatoes, cut them into small pieces and simmered them into porridge.

Shen Fei was very thin, and there was not much blood in his body. Sooner or later, he would burp like this every day, and Chao Xi made some blood supplements.

Without taking medicine, this person has no bitter taste in his mouth, nor will it affect the taste of the food. It is rare to eat something, Chao Xi is a little surprised, and he is more concerned about this.

She has limited craftsmanship and can cook little food. Shen Fei did not wake up, so she went down the mountain after three shifts. She went to the village early in the morning and went to the village next door to learn how to cook. She was ready to change tricks a day so that Shen Fei could eat more. Many things.

Aunt Liu is busy, she has to take care of her family, and Chao Xi helps her with her work. This talent will tell her the details of cooking one by one when she is free. Chao Xi is fascinated by it. When the reaction is over, Shen Fei should be I woke up, I didn't see her, I wonder if I would panic?

There was no panic. It was just a bit lost. After more than a month, Chao Xi got used to Shen Fei, and Shen Fei was actually used to Chao Xi.

Usually the first thing he sees when he wakes up is Chao Xi, almost without exception, this person is not there when he wakes up today.

With a painful head and sweaty slimy body, Shen Fei pushed open the window and found that it was Lidong. Two trees in front of the door stood alone. There were large tracts of fallen leaves on the ground. The wind brought some chill, blowing from outside... …

"The window is not allowed to be opened unless it is tight."

I don't know why I think of Chao Xi's full-bodied voice, as if taking care of a child, wrapping him into a zongzi every time he goes out.

She takes care of him very well. She wipes his body every day, washes his hair every two days, changes clothes diligently, cooks meals more and more to the taste, and massages him when he is free. People who don’t like reading because he reads every day. He is more diligent than him and read all the medical books that he missed in the past.

Knowing that he likes to take a bath, I took him to the hot spring for an hour or two when I was free. The road was so long and it was difficult to walk. She had to lift and carry it from time to time. She said she was used to it, so she took care of it. Safe, but Shen Fei saw her rubbing her wrist secretly.

Without being in front of him, he hid in the corner and wiped the medicine, fearing that the shaking of hands would affect the injection.

In fact, he saw what Chao Xi did for him.

The human heart is long and it is false to say that there is no feeling, but some things are destined to be in a dilemma.

Shen Fei closed the window, moved around and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching for the teapot on the table. There was still some water in it. He slept for a day and was a little thirsty.

"If you can't drink cold, you will have diarrhea..."

In my mind, I remembered what Chao Xi said. Chao Xi really loves to worry about it. I don't know if it is an occupational disease.

Can't eat spicy food, can't stay in the house all the time, don't always read, don't have a bad eye, no matter what she is doing, she can find a reason to stop, and then take him out for a walk.

The reputation is that it's better to get more sun, go out to breathe fresh air and feel good. In fact, she just can't stay and don't worry about him, so she simply takes it with her.

Chao Xi is very diligent and has a regular life. She waters the vegetables on time in the morning, goes for a run, does exercises, and picks fruits.

Since he was angry, Chao Xi finally restrained, and no longer forced him to do what he didn't like, and asked him to wait below when picking the fruit, and put the fruit under his clothes.

Sometimes the more ripe fruit was afraid of falling apart, so he just asked him to lift the hem of his clothes and throw it down. Chao Xi's hand was very accurate and never hit him once.

The life in the valley was ordinary and quiet, and it was a little uncomfortable at first, but after adapting, it actually felt fun.

Chao Xi would take him to the river to fish, collect lotus roots, make wine, and dig out honeycombs.

Ping An’s favorite is honey, which can be regarded as its snacks. Once found, Chaoxi will be entangled to get it, because it is dangerous, Chaoxi usually does not take him. That day, he got interested in somehow, grabbed his book and said to bring it. He digs out honey.

When I went there, I took a quilt and wrapped him from beginning to end. Shen Fei couldn't see or hear him. He vaguely felt that someone was running towards him. As soon as he opened the quilt, he was thrown down by a dark figure.

Chao Xi waved his hand to drive the bees, and got into the quilt. The quilt covered him alone, and the two were a little crowded. There was nothing to see in the darkness, only Chao Xi's rapid breathing could be heard.

He knows that Chao Xi's eyes can be seen clearly in the dark, and he doesn't need to think that Chao Xi is looking at him, his eyes are so hot that he can't be ignored.

She is a strange person. She always likes to watch him in the dark. She doesn't get tired of staring for a few hours. Sometimes when you light a candle, you will find this person standing on the bedside, watching him motionless.

Her eyes looked a little cold under the flickering lights, she approached and found that it was just an illusion.

Sometimes Shen Fei couldn't understand her, sometimes pure and kind, and sometimes felt unfathomable. I don't know which is her?

He put down the teapot, lifted the quilt and thought about it, then remembered what Chao Xi said.

"Your body is too weak now. Don't run around alone if I'm not around. I don't know where I am if I faint."

Unknowingly, Chao Xi was like a shadow, pervasive, even though he was not there, he could still firmly control his whereabouts.

I couldn't open the window, drink cold water, or even get out of bed, so I had no choice but to continue lying on the bed and read a book carefully.

Chao Xi didn't let him wait too long, and came back soon, wondering what he did? I have some flour on my body, so I pat as I come in.

"Shen Fei, see what I brought?" Before going down the mountain, she skewered two fishes caught yesterday to Aunt Liu. Aunt Liu happened to be bombing something. I don't know what it was called. Aunt Liu said that every household did this.

Especially during the winter, the food can be kept for a long time. It is better to fry more chicken, fish, and flour at one time. Aunt Liu gave Chao Xi some after frying.

Chao Xi was afraid of the cold, covered it with something, and carefully guarded it all the way up, uncovering the thick oil paper and found that it was still hot inside.

She took a flour cake to Shen Fei, "It's crispy and delicious, you can try it."

Shen Fei took a bite and tasted it. It was really crispy. Although it was fried, it was not greasy at all and had a good taste.

He had a lot of trouble to eat two, so he was so happy with Chao Xi that he only ate one, wrapped the rest, and warmed it to Shen Fei at noon.

I boiled the deep-fried chicken and fish in a small pot. I was afraid that it would be greasy to eat. I also added shiitake mushrooms, fungus, mushrooms and noodles.

It was a kind of mixed noodles, with a lot of water and no oil. Shen Fei ate two bowls of noodles. He had never seen this kind of country snack, and it was fresh.

In the evening, the needle was given to him as usual, this time on the side, Chao Xi pierced in a circle.

After two successful injections, Chao Xi's hands were already stable and she started shaking, but now she doesn't. She has to repeatedly touch Shen Fei's acupuncture points before each injection, for fear of forgetting, she has made sufficient preparations and has never had an accident. .

As usual, after administering the injection and drinking the medicine, after drinking the medicine and taking a bath, Shen Fei should have gone to bed after wiping the bath. He went to Xixi and blew the lamp. When he turned around, he found that this person was not asleep, and stared at her. .

"What's wrong?" Chao Xi asked.

"I'm a little sleepy, what do you want to do quickly..."

? ? ?

Why did you say that suddenly?

Chao Xi couldn't react for a while, and it took a long time to understand the meaning of these words.

Shen Fei's situation is getting worse and worse. He feels it himself, thinking that he will live soon, so he wants to pay her promised reward in advance.

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