Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 26: Don't want to go

"Shen Fei, are you tired of staying in the valley?" Chao Xi put the silver into her arms without a trace, and talked in Shen Fei's ear, "Shall we go out?"

After living in the mountains for more than a month, she didn’t know if Shen Fei was tired of waiting. She couldn’t help herself. If it weren’t for Shen Fei’s special situation, she would have to treat her illness and prevent those people from coming. Drive him down the mountain to become a dear.

She originally belonged to the village, in the valley, and running on three sides of the mountain. She never stayed in one place for too long. She used to sleep in the village. Although she was still alone, she didn't feel lonely when she saw Aunt Liu's family eating and chatting next door.

The mountains are full of beasts and mosquitoes. I don’t notice that the whole body is covered with mosquito bites the next day. I am too lazy to sprinkle the medicine by myself. The key is to spray it again after two days. The effect is easy to pass. Sprinkling medicine is troublesome, so Chao Xi would rather go back to listen to Aunt Liu complaining that her husband is not working, her children are not up to date, and she is not willing to stay alone on the mountain.

Ping An ran away at night, because it was an omnivorous animal, and it had friends in the valley.

It’s good to play with monkeys and foxes. The more Chaoxi hates which one, the better it is to play with. She hangs around in front of her from time to time. Chaoxi is annoying and lives in the valley at most a week. One or two times, because of the long distance, I was too lazy to go down the mountain, or I collected the medicinal materials and put them in the courtyard for drying, afraid of rain, staying in the valley until the sun went down.

After dark, the mountains are still very dangerous. They are not afraid of poisons, wolves and wild dogs. If they are not prepared enough, they will be targeted by these animals. They will die for a lifetime. Usually, Chao Xi will not take risks. It is completely unnecessary.

She herself felt that Gu Li once in a while still had freshness, and she would get bored every day, Shen Fei too?

He was originally living in a busy city. He was used to the days when he could buy things when he went out. He suddenly reached the mountains. He didn't say anything. He could only endure what he wanted to eat. The quality of life dropped drastically.

"Why was I suddenly thinking about going down the mountain?" Shen Fei said weakly, just like a dying patient, looking very worried.

"You saw the fox just now. It's winter and there is no food in the mountains. I can't stand by your side every day. What if they attack you when I'm away?" Chao Xi pushed the wheelchair and left faster. , "Besides, it's cloudy in the mountains in winter, it's not good for you."

In fact, even if those people didn’t find them, Chao Xi would take Shen Fei down the mountain. First, they got married. Second, it was the reasons she said. The mountains are really shady and humid. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the balance of Yin and Yang. Shen Fei has lived here for a long time. The imbalance of yin and yang is not only not conducive to healing, but may also aggravate the condition.

Chao Xi had long considered taking him down the mountain, but he was not so anxious. He wanted to wait until the officers and soldiers outside had withdrawn. Yesterday, I asked Aunt Liu. Aunt Liu said that there have been no officers and soldiers walking around recently, and the officers and soldiers in the city have also dispersed. After a lot of time, I thought that life could finally be peaceful, but the officers and soldiers outside were gone, and they went to search in the mountains.

This mountain area has been searched a long time ago, and Xu Shi didn't find it, so I searched it again without giving up.

This time I was fully prepared and planned to take a look down the cliff. Once they found this place, Shen Fei would definitely be taken away by them, Chao Xi disagreed.

As soon as she arrived at the thatched house, she began to pack things, Shen Fei took all of them away, leaving nothing.

They shouldn’t let them see Shen Fei’s things. His clothes, hairband, and half-broken jade will tell you that they are very valuable. They don’t belong to this mountain village. As long as they find out, they will come to her for Shen. Fiji.

Not to be beaten to death.

Chao Xi wrapped Shen Fei's things, and briefly dealt with the room. Shen Fei took away all the cups, bath towels, and tableware used by Shen Fei, pretending to be traces of only one person's life.

After thinking about it, he put the two quilts on the bed away and put them in a cupboard. The pillows were placed randomly.

This is okay, even if there is no Shen Fei, Chao Xi would have to use three or four pillows alone, reading books, sleeping with them between them. The more uses are available. It can be explained. No one will doubt this.

After everything was done, I pushed the wheelchair and walked towards the valley exit.

The money is new, either yesterday or today. There is no response. These people certainly dare not come down easily. It takes half a day to prepare for a little bit. The mountains are so high and the valleys are big. Go down from above and search all the way. It takes more time to come here, and you can't find a cabin until night.

They still have a chance.

Chao Xi first tied Shen Fei and tied it to a wheelchair so that he would not fall into a hurry because of sleepiness. She was still carrying something on her body and could not care about Shen Fei.

When the two of them arrived at the entrance of the cave, Chao Xi's most worried problem appeared. There were too many things to bring, the wheelchair was too big, and Shen Fei was sitting on it. It was difficult to pass, and they got stuck in the road.

There was no way, Chao Xi had to drop things first, squeezed forward in a wheelchair, and carried Shen Fei out alone.

Fearing that he would be cut off by others, he deliberately hid in the secret grass, Shen Fei was **** with a quilt, and he could not stand up alone. As long as he didn't make a sound, no one would pay attention to him.

After several trials, Shen Fei denied it every time. Chao Xi had already understood that Shen Fei's legs had not been cured and he didn't want to go back for the time being, so he would not take the initiative to expose himself. It was safe to hide here.

After Shen Fei was placed, Chao Xi turned back and pulled the wheelchair. The single wheelchair could barely pass through the cave. Sometimes he encountered obstacles. He needed to be lifted up and moved to the side. It was like going through a mechanism all the way, cautiously and finally came to the end. .

As soon as he stepped out of the cave, before he had time to pack the cloth bag that fell from his shoulder, he went to find Shen Fei first.

Shen Fei was still in the grass, his position hadn't been moved, his body was half leaning against the stone, his eyes closed tightly, not knowing whether he was asleep or what, his breathing was even and his face was peaceful.

Chao Xi stood next to him, awakening the person, her eyes opened again, her pupils were black and white, "You are back."

When Chao Xi hid him, Qian Jingwan told him that he must not sleep, he must wait for her to come back, Shen Fei listened to it, really did not sleep, until now.

If he falls asleep, he can't wake up at all. If he wakes up, either he didn't sleep, or he remembered it and woke up forcibly, Chao Xi preferred the former.

My heart suddenly warmed, and then a little distressed, "Shen Fei, are you very sleepy? If you really can't stand it, go to sleep first, and I will call you when I get there."

Shen Fei couldn't help moving this kind of life at all. His only role was to cooperate with Chao Xi, not to fall or fall asleep.

It’s easy not to fall off, just keep strapping to a wheelchair. It’s obviously impossible not to fall asleep. Shen Fei’s eyes are almost unable to open and he is drowsy. In such a short time, he clicked his head three times and couldn’t hold it. Just like living, falling straight down.

Chao Xi hurriedly caught it. Xu Shi moved too quickly and hit this person. Shen Fei reluctantly opened his eyes and fell asleep again with a soft ‘um’.

As if she hadn’t slept in a hundred and eighty years, she soon fell asleep. She didn’t wake up no matter how much she tossed. Chao Xi pulled her wheelchair while picking up the scattered cloth bags. After a little tidying up, she slung it on her shoulder and exerted her strength. Pushing the wheelchair slowly down the mountain.

Without a safe road, the road back to the village is not easy to walk. From time to time, you will encounter downhills and slide down abruptly.

Afraid of falling Shen Fei, Chao Xi had to pull the wheelchair to make the slid less fast. Try to pick up a good road. It took more time. Shen Shi has not yet arrived. Although it has not arrived, Chao Xi has already seen it. In the village, not far away, you can rest for a while.

Hurry up along the way, Chao Xi has a private matter to do, but she hasn't had time. There is no one around, and it's far from the forest. There won't be any beasts. Those people can't find it. It's better to solve it now.

She pushed the wheelchair into the grass first, and Shen Fei hid it. After she couldn't see anyone here, she settled her private affairs.

It’s nothing more than wanting to go to the hut, too anxious, and a little bit can’t hold back, otherwise Chao Xi will definitely wait for the village to solve it, although she knows that those people will not catch up for a while, but she didn’t get Shen Fei into the house. Those people, anyone who saw him could report to an official, Chao Xi was 100% sure that those people would be Shen Fei, so he didn't want to take any risks.


Shen Fei seemed to have heard Chao Xi calling him again, again and again, like a soul urging, and he wouldn't stop if he didn't wake him up.

The voice was anxious, anxious, sad, as if crying, and concealed some crying, making him feel distressed unexpectedly, unable to sleep, and suddenly opened his eyes.

There was no one around him, he was in a waist-length weed, as if he had been forgotten, Chaoxi was not there, and the surrounding was quiet, except for the occasional chirping of insects and birds, there was no sound.

Shen Fei wanted to call Chao Xi, and just opened his mouth, his throat suddenly itchy, and he couldn't hold back a low cough.

It was really uncomfortable. He covered it with his hand, and when the coughing stopped, his palm was damp, and the red blood was flowing along the lines, which was particularly dazzling.

Shen Fei took out the handkerchief from his arms and wiped off all the blood on his hands. The back of the handkerchief was folded, and the **** place was tucked inside, and he put it back into his arms when he saw it.

He is really not a qualified patient. He always likes to conceal his condition from the doctor. He always makes the doctor worry about and press questions. He sits under his eyelids, like observing a coin. He touches every inch and looks at it every inch. Just work.

His doctor was very tired. It was not the first time that Chao Xi complained, telling him not to hide anything, and tell her where he feels uncomfortable and uncomfortable, but this person still does his own way and continues to hide it from her.

The handkerchief was washed by Chao Xi, and it was soaked in the water. It was all red blood. Does Chao Xi know?

She knew, and pretended not to know, and then bought two handkerchiefs for Shen Feiduo to replace the wash.

The interval between his vomiting blood is too small, and a handkerchief is not enough.


Suddenly someone spoke behind him, and his voice was familiar and abnormal. Shen Fei recognized the voice. After looking back, Chao Xi was holding the stick in his hand and staring at the ground coldly.

There was a person lying there, the one who just called him, was knocked out by Chao Xi.

Chao Xi dropped the stick and walked over to push his wheelchair, "Shen Fei, do you know this person? Followed us all the way."

Shen Fei shook his head, his voice was calm and indifferent, "I don't know."

Sure enough, his leg was not healed and he didn't want to go.

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