Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 32: Can't afford it

Aunt Liu choked, "Then go quickly and I will inform you at the door."

Because of guilt, she didn't take care of Shen Fei. She ran diligently yesterday, knocking from door to door to help Chaoxi pass the news, asking everyone to come to Chaoxi's banquet today. Who expected such a change.

Chao Xi usually takes care of her. She can't help with money, so she can only help run errands.

"Thank you Aunt Liu." Chao Xi thought for a while, and took out some small silver. "The time is too tight to notify the restaurant where the food is served. If they come, the aunt will help me give them the silver for the breach of contract, and the rest Buy some clothes for the baby. The clothes of the dog egg are sewn and sewn, and they can’t be worn anymore, and it’s almost the New Year. Aunty buys some New Year goods so that the children cannot be hungry."

She did not say to the aunt, but only to the child. It was the elder's wish for an adult to buy clothes for the child. She couldn't refuse. Aunt Liu took the silver and her eyes moistened immediately, "Girl, you are a good person."

Chao Xi chuckled, "Mother, you are also a good person."

She looked at the sky, "It's getting late, I'm going to leave, the Xiang Gong is a bit sick, and it's really going to die if it is left untreated."

She said so, but her face was not very emotional, so that Aunt Liu didn't believe it or didn't believe it. She gave way for a while, waved at her, and watched her leave.

Chao Xi patted the cow's butt, and the very spiritual cow consciously rushed to the road.

Bulls are similar to bears, and both have an IQ of three or four years old. Every time you leave it after renting it, it will go back on its own, and it can touch home wherever it is left. He is very smart.

Speaking of it, Chao Xi thought of Ping An. She didn't go to the valley one day for fear of bumping into those people, but Ping An is just a bear and can't speak. Those people shouldn't be so cruel and kill it.

The key point is that Xiong has strong strength and thick skin. Ordinary things can't kill it, but will hurt himself. If he fights back before his death, how can he kill one or two people? It's not worth it.

Coming all the way from the capital, money is needed everywhere, so those people have enough money with them, and they are not short of money. They have no time to track down Shen Fei.

The most important thing is that Ping An has just rushed to hunt outside that morning.

It's winter, and it's hard to find food. Now every time it goes out, it has to go out of its hunting area and go to other places to grab food. There are no two or three days to come back.

Without being dragged by the morning sun, it is more wild-tempered, usually walking and stopping, at least the genius will come back honestly, and it will not be able to bump the head with those people.

It doesn’t matter even if you bump your head. It’s Shen Fei’s family who came down from the cliff. They didn’t hurt Shen Fei, but instead called him "The Young Master." His tone was full of misses and surprises, and there was some respect. Shen Fei was a good person. , Those people should also be good people, there is no reason to hurt peace.

Ping An's temperament is gentle, as long as it doesn't take the initiative to attack it, it will see so many people with weapons, it will avoid it.

Don't worry about it, it's Shen Fei who should worry about it.

I don’t know what went wrong, Chao Xi thought that his family should be the first to find him. After all, the person who saw him that day was obviously a friend, but the one who came yesterday was the one who assassinated him. It doesn’t make sense. Obviously, I have already followed the mountain, just turn around and walk some distance to find her.

There is no need for heaven at all, unless he didn't see Chao Xi.

Chao Xi started from behind, and the man had no chance to turn around.

The reason why I was able to follow it was because the traces of the wheelchair ran over were very obvious. Chaoxi stopped for a while, was chased by him, and was knocked out by Chaoxi before he could recognize each other.

The cliff is special and high. When you come down from the cliff, you must tie a rope. It is several hundred kilograms. It would be nice to get one. So it must not come down together. You can only come down one at a time. Searching in the valley, I happened to see the hut and found traces of people living in it.

Shen Fei’s things were taken away by Chao Xi, and all of them were hers. She was too tall to buy girls’ clothes. She usually wears ugly menswear. If it is not bad, she should be taken. He mistakenly thought it was a man, ignored her, and ran to the next village to find a male doctor who was about the same age.

There are really many male doctors nearby. The only female doctor is Chao Xi. The road down the mountain is often trampled by people. The wheels are crushed and very strong, unless it is the kind of wheel that weighs a lot of goods, or it has just rained and passed by. Time to leave traces.

It was really a coincidence that it didn't rain, and Shen Fei was also very light. After going down the mountain, the traces of the wheels disappeared, and the little servant could not find the trace. It took so long, and I don't know when I can find it.

It turned out that Chao Xi didn't want them to find him because he was afraid that they would take Shen Fei away. In this situation, I really hope that they can help and protect Shen Fei from being assassinated again.

She had only one person. Unless she ate and drank in the water hut, staying by Shen Fei's side all the time and staying a step away, she would really not be able to take care of it. If there was a slight accident, Shen Fei was gone.

Chao Xi cheered up and did not dare to relax for a moment. She held a bamboo in her hand, which was more than two meters long, just enough to completely protect Shen Fei. If someone attacked or shot an arrow, she could use this pole to react in time.

This time is different from the past, Chao Xi smeared all her silver needles with poison, seeing the kind of blood sealing her throat, in case of emergency.

Still worried, I took a lot of powder in my arms, waiting to use it at the critical moment.

Contrary to what she expected, the road was quite peaceful, only a poisonous snake appeared from time to time, or a few poisonous spiders, centipedes, and other poisons. When she went to the inn to rest, she found that the food was poisonous. Change, keep changing, changing until it is not poisonous, other things are fine.

Anyway, Chao Xi is least afraid of these things. When she meets a good-quality one, she catches two, just because her stock is gone, and she keeps sending her fresh things like charcoal in the snow.

The best thing to deal with is the snake. There has always been a saying that it will startle the snake. When the color is poor, Chao Xi constantly beats the ground to drive it away, and the good color drives the stick away.

The wooden stick hit the snake, the snake followed the stick, and the Chaoxi car didn't need to be off, one for a while, another for a while, and a lot of them were caught.

After entering the city, I saw that the drugstore was sold. Several of them were sold for a lot of money.

Yesterday, I was penniless, but now I feel like I have a lot of money. Chao Xi's waist is straighter. I don't care about buying clothes, eating, or taking medicine, just take it.

If nothing else, it will continue for a long time, and people keep sending money over and don't worry about this.

Chao Xi had always thought that she was very poor. After buying other people’s medicinal materials, she realized that she was not poor at all. When she sold Cordyceps, it only cost one or two silver, but in a blink of an eye it became ten or twenty-year-old ginseng for one hundred silver. Expensive.

The eighteen-year-old ginseng from Chao Xi was only a dozen taels when he bought it, which was a lot of difference.

However, she still wants to buy more. Shen Fei is not in good health and has been taking supplements. Small tonics can be used to repair the body. He is now devoid of tonics. Five hundred years of ginseng cannot be used, so he can only buy them separately. Only two days after they came out, she used almost the 13 banknotes. The money was like flowing water, and it was spent without any sound.

Chao Xi began to expect those people to attack soon. If she didn't attack her, she would have no money. Life in the city was really expensive. Just live in a better room, plus food and drink, costing ten taels of silver. Chao Xi paid three. Hell, I have been living for two days, and I can get the money only when I check out on the last day. If I don’t check out, I have to continue to pay. I’m afraid the guest will damage the things in the room.

Chao Xi still has about a hundred taels on his body, and the payment can be paid, but Shen Fei’s medicine is gone, and she wants to find those people actively, but is afraid that they will take the opportunity to attack Shen Fei. She was struggling and suddenly heard that outside the door. There are soft footsteps coming.

Chao Xi's eyes lit up and finally came.

These two days were just various temptations, not practical, because people were constantly passing by on the way to the city, and they didn't dare to say anything, so they could only secretly stumble, and found that it didn't work, and then began to take the initiative to attack her.

She was already waiting at the door with a stick in her hand. She thought someone would come in, but unexpectedly there was a pipe in the window.

It seems that these two days of temptation have not been in vain. Knowing that she has some antibodies against poisons and substances, she simply got a disharmonious medicine. This thing is not a poison or medicine, and ordinary people would not use this to test poison.

Chao Xi usually has the habit of testing poisons, so her body can have antibodies. Basically all poisons and medicines have been exposed to it, only aphrodisiac medicine.

Grabbing her weakness, knowing she was afraid of it, but it didn't work, Chao Xi held the tube and blew it hard. A fierce cough came from behind the door, as if someone had been hit.

She opened the door and found that someone quickly dived into the darkness, and Chao Xi's stick broke out and hit the bone in the middle of the person's back with a bang.

Since she is a primary school doctor, she knows the human body's weaknesses and strengths well. This blow can break his bones without killing him, and people fall from the air because of the pain.

Just about to get up, a silver needle was inserted between his neck.

The silver needle was smeared with a special medicine. Seeing the blood seal the throat, the man in black felt that even if it was not working, Chao Xi dragged him into the room and turned him over carefully. He was poorer than the previous ones, with only a hundred taels on him.

Perhaps because of the delay of two days, these people have to eat and drink, and they spend a lot of money, and they spent so much money on their own.

In the last two days, those people had two or three silver bills for one person. If this person was the same at that time, that means he spent two hundred taels in two days. Did he pay? Spend so much.

Chao Xi was a little angry and kicked him severely.

After that, something suddenly occurred to them. Their silver was almost spent. Will they go back after spending it? Or should you ask for an employer?

If they go back, it means that the person who sent them is in the capital and cannot go away. No one will give them money and they have no choice but to go back.

If he didn't go back, Shen Fei might be in big trouble. A very powerful and rich employer also came here.

He can constantly drive people over and sneak attacks with all kinds of tricks.

Chao Xi counseled, couldn't afford to provoke, and slipped away overnight.

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