Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 34: You are the best

With a tilted head, Shen Fei frowned and seemed to be uncomfortable. He propped up, resting his arms on Chao Xi's back, and looked around after breathing.

The Twelve History is dead, and there are still some people in black after the aftermath, lurking in the dark, not showing up, only fainting and dragging away when someone approaches, to keep the place quiet and not to be disturbed.

The man upstairs didn't give up and said with a grudge, "Master, this piece is controlled by us, so I just don't do it or stop..."

"Idiot!" the woman behind the screen shouted angrily, "Do you want to tell the whole world that I killed King Ning?"

King Ning’s identity is special. He is both the regent, the master of the emperor, and the hero who keeps Dashun. His voice is extremely high. Seventy percent of the people in the court are willing to be controlled by him. Once the matter of her killing King Ning leaks out, I’m afraid of myself. The seat is also unstable.

So this thing can only be done secretly, secretly, and never let anyone leak the wind.

The more people there are, the easier it is to expose, but now, there is no other way.

The woman glanced out the window. She didn't expect that everything was ready, she only owed the east wind, but halfway through Cheng Yaojin, a rural village girl with high martial arts appeared, and her plan was broken, hateful!

"There is so much trouble here, you can't keep it secret, the people of King Ning will soon know, rouge, you continue to pass false news and mislead the people of King Ning, you must not let them find it."

Behind the curtain, a girl knelt on one knee, knocked and turned another window to leave.

"As for you..." the woman's cold laughter came through the curtain, "I'll give you another chance to kill King Ning within the hour of a stick of incense. If it can't be done, come and see me."

The kneeling man immediately fell to the ground. It was not that he was incapable of life, but that the time for a stick of incense was too short, so he had a small life.

The master was too cautious, not to hire local killers, and not to worry about spending a lot of money to ask for them, afraid that these people would betray her, since they can kill for money, naturally they can betray her for money.

Moreover, many killer organizations have rules. The first is not to kill King Ning, dare not kill, and will not kill. King Ning is the hero who keeps Dashun. They have no morality, and this point of conscience is still there.

There is no other way but to use the secret guards trained since childhood. If one is missing, the master feels distressed. These people are selected from a thousand miles. I don’t know how many years and how much effort and money they have spent. They are all lost in Chaoxi. In the hand, let alone the master distressed, even he distressed too.

He saw with his own eyes the master's care for these dark guards and gave the greatest convenience and support.

When the first contact, these people were all disdainful, and they were not under his control at all. They only listened to the master alone. The master gave him a token, and they obeyed.

It is ironic to say that no matter how great you are, you have great temper. Now that he is dead, it is really ironic.

The master had already left for some time, and there was nothing but him in the house. He got up, got out of the hut, and ordered someone to come over and explain something.

He played against Chao Xi several times. It was not that he had no knowledge of Chao Xi. No matter how high Chao Xi was, she was innocent. She didn't know how to hide herself and exposed a lot of things.

For example, no matter how light work, silent, hidden, and sneaky is perfect, no one can find out, she can know in advance every time and be prepared.

They were supposed to be in the dark, but she suddenly turned into a sneak attack, and she couldn't defend against it, so that they would fail one after another.

But how did she find out?

I didn't see her negotiating with outsiders, she was purely alone and couldn't buy the news, and their people were very reliable. It was impossible to throw herself into the snare and tell her when she would attack, then the problem must lie with her.

She has some abilities far beyond ordinary people, such as hearing.

It’s not that there are no such people. He has seen a person with a particularly sensitive sense of smell before. He knew what he did as soon as he entered the door, which alley he came in from, what he had eaten in the morning, and he guessed everything. It was very abnormal, if expected. Yes, Chao Xi is also such a person.

He wasn't sure if it was right, but he knew immediately.

Chao Xi was in trouble. Someone beat on weapons and kept interfering with her judgment. She used a hidden weapon and needed the cooperation of hearing to get a hit. The clanging sound made her feel uneasy. She has missed several times and once. , It means that the two are more dangerous.

After all, she was only one person, and she still had to protect Shen Fei, fearing that they would hurt Shen Fei, she didn't dare to stand up and always walked against the wall.

Although it is possible to be made dumplings, but at any rate, you don't have to fight against your stomach and back. The back is safe.

"Chao Xi, put me down." His legs are still not good, and his two hands have to embrace Chao Xi. If you don't help him, this will only drag Chao Xi. It is better to put him down, "I sit Waiting for you in the corner."

Chao Xi refused, "I want to break through."

These words are more like a joke, there are so many people, she still took Shen Fei, and just went through a big battle, with color on her body, her physical strength was severely exhausted, and she couldn't stand the battle of so many people. Those people also squeezed her weakness.

It is a weakness, but it is not, because without hearing, she still has a sense of smell.

Since childhood, a girl who needs to distinguish all kinds of poisons and medicines has a very sensitive sense of smell. Just like a person’s left hand and right hand, the left hand is injured and can’t move. You can also change your right hand. Chao Xi took a deep breath, fingertips. Suddenly a few pieces of silver came out, and quickly shot behind him.

These people are completely incomparable to those who were in the house just now. Those people took a long time before getting the needle. These were like bean sprinkling, and they fell a piece of it.

Her silver needle was smeared with poison, and the effect was so fast that no one would treat it even if it didn't work.

They are not as good as Shen Fei. There is a Chao Xi who puts the antidote in his mouth as if he doesn’t need money. They were shot almost equivalent to a death sentence and could only wait silently for death. However, even so, there were still a steady stream of people rushing up. As if not afraid of death, he replaced those who died, almost rushing towards Chao Xi.

There are so many people, Chao Xi really can’t stand it. The sweat on her forehead is getting more and more, and her eyes are muddled, she doesn’t dare to wipe it, but occasionally throws her sweat away when she shakes her head, because she can’t do it with Shen Fei. The large-scale movement seriously dragged down.

Shen Fei also knew that one hand was wrapped around her neck, and the other hand was used to untie the knot on Chao Xi's chest. The clothes were tied with four corners, and he was wrapped inside. The knot was very big and very It was easy to understand, he cooperated with both hands, pulled the person hard and fell off.

My feet were a little vacant, and I could only barely stand up while holding on to the wall.

"What are you doing?" Chao Xi was busy fighting the enemy, she didn't have time to control her body, and let him down accidentally.

Shen Fei smiled softly, "Don't worry, you can protect me when I am here."

Chao Xi was still worried, and the pace was chaotic.

Shen Fei sighed, "If you can't trust me, you should believe in yourself?"

Those broken star-like eyes looked at her, "I'm waiting for you."

As if encouraged, Chao Xi disappeared from exhaustion. There was only one thought in her mind. If she died, Shen Fei would die too, so she must not die.

There were so many people, Chao Xi spent most of the silver needle, touched her body, and found that there was not much left.

Turning around during his busy schedule, Shen Fei found that Shen Fei was facing her back and leaning on the wall to get into the house.

Liar, say I'm waiting for me!

Chao Xi didn't know what he did? He only stayed outside in cooperation and allowed him time. Shen Fei's leg injury was not completely healed. He would fall after one or two steps, climb up and continue walking, fall again, climb again, and then come out again soon.

A raging fire ignited behind him, and he spilled a few oil lamps in the shop. As long as the lamps burned, they could not be put out easily and spread extremely fast.

Xu Ye completed his mission. This person sat back behind Chao Xi and looked around quietly. His face was the same as usual, without any change, but still as indifferently and calmly as when he first met him. , Like a bystander, didn't even know that the dangerous person was him.

He treats life casually like a stone on the side of the road, but sometimes he feels cherished like a piece of precious jade, so that Chao Xi can't tell which is him, it's him anyway.

Chao Xi's silver needles quickly ran out. She braced herself against the outside, knowing that she was holding on for a while, and was about to fight her injury-for-injury style to protect Shen Fei when she suddenly heard a sound from a distance. Long whistle.

When these people heard the whistle, they stopped their hands and moved the dead bodies alive. They slid back and cleaned up the battlefield in front of them, leaving nothing behind. The streets were instantly empty and deserted. , Leaving only mottled blood to prove that a massacre happened here.

Employers who hired them were really cautious, leaving no clues, coming and leaving in time.

Chao Xi kept staring at them for fear of conspiracy. She was exhausted. When those people cleaned up the battlefield, she didn't stop her. She allowed them to clean up. After they were all gone, she could not relax her body, as if she couldn't stand it. Falling down, without falling to the ground, Shen Fei was caught in his arms, and he faintly heard the sound of Shen Fei taking a breath, presumably pressing him down.

"Shen Fei." Chao Xi was a little proud, "I beat them away."

In fact, it has nothing to do with her. It was Shen Fei's act of burning the house to save them, and his subordinates had already found them through the fireworks.

They were searching everywhere for Shen Fei, and any movement would go over and see, for fear that it was Shen Fei's signal from them, and they were deceived frequently because of this.

The woman and her subordinates were very cunning. Several times they made false movements to attract them to pass. First, they delayed the time for them to find Shen Fei. Second, it was like the story of the wolf coming. After a few times, they would not believe it. Will miss Shen Fei's real signal, with a treacherous heart.

Fortunately, they had a leader who knew right from wrong. He chose the big fire between several people fighting and the fire, and successfully met the people they wanted to see day and night.

King Ning held a person in his arms and whispered softly, "Well, you are the best."

Chao Xi heard the answer he wanted and fell asleep peacefully.

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