Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 44: Is it like

How did he get in touch, didn't those people leave?

When they got married, Shen Fei said that it was the last time they came. Why did they hook up again?

He is not a nobleman, he will be punished if he doesn't receive him, he is at best a rich family?

Wait, what if he is really a nobleman, and he will die without receiving him?

Because of this, those people have not left. Shen Fei was afraid of being discovered by her, and never let them get close. Chao Xi's ears were very smart, and there was no way to hide it from her.

It's not impossible to hide it from her. For example, Aunt Liu next door would get up every day to dry the quilt and beat it with a stick. As long as the sound of footsteps is equal to the sound of beating on the quilt, Chao Xi cannot hear her.

She discovered this a long time ago. Originally, she wanted to hear the movement of the patient living in the vestibule. Unexpectedly, the cough of that person was exactly the same as the sound of Aunt Liu hitting the quilt. It was loud and banging, causing Chao Xi to not hear it.

The coughing sound is so loud and so, not to mention the sound of a master's footsteps.

They must have discovered this secret, and it is very likely that Shen Fei, who has lived with her for a long time, discovered it and told them.

As for how to get in touch, Chao Xi suspected that there was a secret sign between them, or animals. I remember that Shen Fei used to secretly leave food to feed Ping An. Later, he also retained this habit, leaving a meal and rice from time to time. , Meat and the like, don’t know what to feed.

Chao Xiquan treats him as feeding wild cats and dogs. Shen Fei doesn’t like to deal with people, but he likes animals very much. When he meets animals, he will stop and amuse him. He always feeds stray cats, and dogs are normal. Chao Xi never thought about it.

But what if he is not feeding a stray cat, but a domestic cat?

Because it is raised by humans, he always returns to the owner. He only needs to write a note and hang it on the cat’s neck to deliver the message.

There was no doubt before, but he believed in Shen Fei. He had said that, and Chao Xi was relieved. If it wasn't for a thief who had suddenly appeared in the house, she hadn't known that Shen Fei had concealed so much from her.

This **** had already prepared with both hands.

The source is the waist card. When we got married, we could tell that Shen Fei was serious and really planned to live with her for a lifetime, otherwise she didn't need to say that at all and just left.

But now he suddenly changed his mind, all because of that waist card, where is it sacred? Made Shen Fei uneasy, thinking about leaving?

Chao Xi is not a fool, she has already sensed it, and Shen Fei wants to leave.

No matter how well he concealed it, there are still clues leaked. If someone else might not pay attention, Chao Xi is a martial artist, and he is a special doctor whose hearing, vision, and smell are far better than ordinary people. It is impossible to hide it completely. she was.

So angry, after living together for so long and being so kind to him, this person still leaves without mercy.

Chao Xi was a little sad, but it didn't show up on her face, as usual, she suppressed all her worries, called Shen Fei to come back for dinner, and walked with him after dinner. After recuperating for so many days, he could already walk by himself and was tired. He sat back in the wheelchair to rest and took a nap at noon.

Fearing accidents, he didn't let him sleep in his own home. He slept at Aunt Liu's house next door and told him to go out. When the medicine was gone, he went to the city to get the goods. Shen Fei had no objection, and he lay in the side room of Aunt Liu.

The assassins came to her house last time and knew the location. If they attacked again, they would definitely attack her house first. Shen Fei would not have thought that Shen Fei would sleep next door.

When Shen Fei heard the movement, he had time to escape or hide. Aunt Liu’s house had a cellar with a water tank on it. If you didn’t look for it carefully, you would never find it, because they didn’t think that there was something similar to an institution in the countryside. thing.

Chao Xi went back to her house with confidence after everything was done, took the paper with the waist card, and she opened the drawer and found the real waist card. This waist card has been kept by Shen Fei. How could it appear here?

Chao Xi drew the tuck in a deep place. He hadn't been passive. Shen Fei shouldn't have discovered her intention. Is this waist card put away at random?

With the waist card, it is better to do things, Chao Xi takes the waist card in her hand, first go to the store to find some old gentlemen, fortune tellers, antique shops, pharmacies, all kinds of people have looked for them, no one knows, there is no way but to enter In the city, the people in the city are knowledgeable and capable.

Just like on the street, I first found an antique shop. The guy only looked at the materials, and found that it was not good, and he had no intention of explaining the words above. In fact, he didn't know it.

There is no way for Chao Xi to go to the fortune-telling shop again, should you have seen this kind of people who travel north and south? The fortune-telling shops along the way asked one by one, but no one knew it. I thought it was because I was afraid of causing trouble to my upper body.

I was about to give up when I suddenly saw someone selling books on the floor.

It suddenly occurred to Chao Xi that the scholars in the village liked to read banned books, the kind of books written in other countries that Dashun wouldn't let go, but he could buy them every time.

Since he can buy it, it means that someone sells it. In order to make money, it is not impossible for the hawker to secretly print the book and secretly sell it.

The Yuan country can be regarded as a big country, and it has produced many poets, and they are loved by everyone. When there are business opportunities, the vendors are naturally willing to take risks.

Chao Xi immediately squatted down and asked him. She just said without a word. Instead, she flipped through the book first. After going back and forth several times, she didn't buy it. She shook her head and said, "There is no good book."

When the hawker heard this, he looked around and found that there was no one else around him. He asked her mysteriously, "What book do you want?"

Why did you call her son again?

When Chao Xi glanced at her body, she found that she was wearing Shen Fei's clothes. Her clothes were not dry after washing. It happened that Shen Fei had a lot of clothes, so she turned out a set of clothes, carrying the fragrance of Shen Fei's body, which smelled particularly nice.

Chao Xi noticed it the first time she wore it. Since then, she has been addicted to wearing his clothes. She finds all kinds of excuses to wear his clothes, telling him to wear his clothes. This person sighs every time and doesn't say anything about her, but only looks helpless.

Chao Xi likes to see his look like a pet but not a pet, which is very interesting, as if let her, let Chao Xi experience the feeling of being a little bird.

"Are there any books from Yuan Guo?" Chao Xi tried it out first. If there is, this servant doesn't know the words of Yuan Guo.

The hawker was embarrassed at first, and then he leaned in and whispered, "Expensive, are you sure you want to buy?"

"Naturally." Chao Xi weighed a piece of silver out of her arms, "Master is rich."

Now that you have all admitted your mistakes, let's just do it, it's quite troublesome to explain.

"The son, wait a minute." The peddler quickly brought out the cloth bag behind him, and rummaged in it. It took a long time to find out the original. "These books are all written by the poets of the Yuan Dynasty, but there is a mood, the son may wish to read it. Look?"

Chao Xi took a copy and opened it, and it turned out to be in Dashun text, "Who translated this? Is it accurate?"

"Quiz, the villain's mother is from Yuanguo, and the villain has learned Yuanguo characters since he was a child. Yes, it is absolutely accurate."

Chao Xi was overjoyed, "Then I will have all these books."

She stretched her hand into her arms, ready to take the money, seemingly inadvertently, and took out her waist card, "Hey, I almost forgot, this is a patient's ecstasy. You help me see what this is, is it important? I will find a way to return it to him, forget it if it is not important."

The peddler held it in his hand, and suddenly changed, "My son, this thing is very important. If you don't have it, you will lose your head."

? ? ?

"What is it?" Chao Xi tried to inquire.

The hawker had no defense at all, and said bluntly, "This is the military card of the Yuan army."

The hawker explained in detail, "It is inevitable that there will be deaths and injuries in the war, and the corpse cannot be brought back. Only this waist card must be brought back anyway. The Yuan country’s saying that no matter where the person is, as long as the waist card comes back, the soul of the person will be Will follow back."

"Then you just said you want to drop your head, what's the matter?" Chao Xi continued to inquire.

"If a soldier loses his military badge, it is equivalent to losing the official seal of the prime minister, but it's not a matter of losing his head."

"That's it." Chao Xi asked for the card back, "Then I must return this thing. By the way, is there no doctor in the Yuan army? Under what circumstances will the Yuan army come here to find a doctor?"

The vendor shook his head, "I don't know that. The Yuan army is very cunning. How can ordinary people guess what they think?"

After a pause, he said, "Do they have any bad idea again?"

"Again?" The word ‘again’ is well used.

"The Yuan army is treacherous and cunning. Before the war, he likes to become gangsters, thieves and bandits, stealing our things, taking ours, robbing us, waiting until we have enough food and grass, and then using them to attack us, it is extremely hateful." The vendor gritted his teeth.

Chao Xi laughed, "Isn't your mother also Yuan Ren?"

"The Yuan Ren is Yuan Ren, Yuan Army is Yuan Army, and the villains can be distinguished." The hawker’s mother is Yuan Ren, and his father is Dashun. Since ancient times, the peddler has been on his father’s side, and the peddler has also stood by his father. Shun people.

Chao Xi nodded, "Some little brothers, please help me wrap these books."

These are all banned books and they are expensive. The hawker was overjoyed, and quickly wrapped them in oil paper, tied a rope to Chao Xi, and said, "Master, go slowly."

Chao Xi slapped her head, paid the money, and left with her things. She asked about her waist tag. The identity of the thief is also clear. It is very likely that she will try her best again and pretend to be a thief to steal things from the people. Then came to attack Dashun.

It’s no wonder that Shen Fei saw the face of the waist card changed drastically. Ordinary people didn’t know the waist card at all. They didn’t know that it symbolized the coming of the Yuan army. Even if they caught the thief, it was useless. They only thought he stole it together. , If you encounter a confused county magistrate again, and can't recognize his waist card, you can only wait for the Yuan army to attack.

The Yuan army made money again and beat the city, winning both.

However, they had bad luck this year, and they happened to meet a person who knows the goods. Shen Fei saw the waist card immediately and took it seriously.

He should have been just an idea at first. He invited his own people to check and found out that there was indeed a lot of lost property recently. Aunt Liu actually reminded her two days ago that Chao Xi relied on her own kung fu. How to care.

Now think about it, you dare to come and steal things as soon as the sky is wiped out. No one is afraid of it. It is impossible to be an ordinary thief. The attack was originally the idea of ​​killing the person when he was discovered.

If Chao Xi arrives later, this person should have been caught.

But what does the Yuan army's attack on Dashun have to do with him? The newspaper official is not enough, why do you have to run by yourself?

Does he think he is a high official? Will Dashun suffer without him?

After thinking about it, Chao Xi didn't know what he thought, or did she really know too little about him, and this person was also ungrateful, as long as she packed her things and ran, regardless of their life or death?

Chao Xi pinched the waist card, how it was not pleasing to the eye, it was this thing that made her suspicious of Shen Fei.

Shen Fei said last time that you must believe him, you must believe him, don't doubt him.

It turned out that Chao Xi really believed him, but how could she believe this situation?

The waist card appeared in the drawer itself is very weird, it was Shen Fei to get her out to check the waist card, if it is not bad, there should be more than one person in the family, Shen Fei, and a group of his family members are discussing When are you leaving?

Chao Xi has been tossed by him several times. He has already looked away. He wants to leave. She can still break people's legs to prevent them from walking. Sooner or later, they have to leave. Even if there is no such thing as today, it might be something else next time. People don't belong to the village, he has a broader sky. Chao Xi knew it when he first arrived, and now he can see the gap clearly, the gap between her and Shen Fei.

It's nothing more, it's all regarded as a deal, she treats this person, and this person accompanies her to play a house.

Chao Xi wanted to drive, but didn't feel so uncomfortable. On the way back, she was alone for a while. Seeing that the light at home was on, she waited for a while and waited for the people inside to finish talking before going in.

I don't know how long I waited, it was dark, and finally a few shadows jumped out from the windowsill and walked over the wall to leave.

Chao Xi patted his dirty **** sitting on the steps, opened the door and went in. Shen Fei was making dumplings again. He seemed to think that Chao Xi liked to eat, and he kept making them for one day. I didn't know if the meat filling was made by herself or Aunt Liu. Yes, when Chao Xi came back, he had packed a large table, covered it with oiled paper, and on the bedside table.

"You came back very late today." Shen Fei glanced at her.

Sometimes Chao Xi really couldn't see through him. At this time, she could still pretend to be like a okay person. His acting skills are really good.

Since he played, she also played, "Something was delayed."

Chao Xi went to the kitchen to get a partition, picked up a half of the dumplings and cooked them. After cooking, the two of them shared them. There was nothing to say in the middle, and Shen Fei didn't notice it.

He continued to make dumplings and wanted to use up the meat in the pot. The skin was bought outside. He knew that the skin was the same size and evenly, and he knew that he was not so smooth.

Chao Xi thought for a while, took out the fabric that was not used up last time, and prepared to embroider a purse.

Shen Fei said that before they got married in their hometown, men would give women a token of love. In fact, there is also a custom here. Women give men a token of love, but Chao Xi was too anxious to prepare.

She always felt that no matter what she prepared, Shen Fei didn't need it. He had everything, he had seen it, used it, and could buy it.

I'm going to leave anyway, give him a thought, and keep it if he thinks about her. If you don't want to lose it, whether you think she is his business, and whether to send it is her business.

Chao Xi couldn’t do it by hand, but she wanted to embroider a mandarin duck and embroidered it into a duck. Fortunately, the colors used are bright and I can barely see that it is a mandarin duck. She can only embroider in a day, so she only embroidered half of it. I hope to continue tomorrow Embroidered.

Before going to bed, Chao Xi put her purse on the table, and went to bed after washing a little, and was about to blow the lamp to sleep when Shen Fei spoke suddenly.

"Chao Xi, my illness is cured."

Chao Xi was taken aback.

I remember that a few days ago, she asked this person when to make up the bridal chamber. This man said that when he got better, he was now well. Does it imply that he can get the bridal chamber?

"Wait when your legs are good." He thought, she didn't want to anymore, holding a trace of hope, hoping that he could really wait until his legs were good.

Shen Fei shook his head, "It's too late."

He looked back at Chao Xi, his eyes were the same as always, like a black pool, he couldn't see his head at a glance, "You should know that waist card, right?"

Chao Xi was silent for a moment and nodded.

"The current saint is seven years old and still can’t tell right from wrong. After the Ming Dynasty, I was jealous. I had only left for two months. She kept sending people to kill me, excluding dissidents from the court, and constantly planting her own people. If she really has the ability, it’s a pity. People are ambitious, but things are not enough."

Shen Fei looked faintly, "If I don't go back and wait for the Yuan army to attack and dare not fight after the Ming Dynasty, I will definitely give the order to abandon the capital and retreat to Chang'an."

"What about the people here?"

"Who will guard Phoenix Mountain?"

The wind blew from outside the window, blowing off the broken hair between Shen Fei's forehead, making him look like a crown jade, like Pan An, his exposed skin was crystal clear and translucent, and he looked like the kind of young master who has never suffered or worked.

But he is not.

Chao Xi suddenly felt that he was a little strange.

It's not like the scholar who is knowledgeable and gentle like jade she knows, nor is it like Shen Fei who is lying on the bed and letting her do whatever she wants.

I thought he was at best a rich and noble son, but later I thought he was a descendant of the powerful, but now suddenly I realized that it was not that simple.

Chao Xi swallowed, and asked tentatively, "You are the one who...has power over the world and dominates the government..."

Still afraid to say it, Chao Xi stopped in time.

Impossible, impossible, how could the regent be Shen Fei? I heard that the man is extremely domineering and completely dissatisfied with Shen Fei, and the capital is not too close to here. How did he come here and just fall off the cliff? of?

"Yes." Shen Fei did not give her a chance to doubt, "I am the regent."

The wind was blowing harder, and Shen Fei sat at the window, hunting in his robe, like a fairy about to fly.

He is actually the regent in the master's mouth?

Chao Xi was holding his forehead, completely unbelievable, she must have not woken up, try lying down for a while.

"Chao Xi." Shen Fei lay down, "It won't take long, at most half a year. I will be back when I finish my work."

Chao Xi suddenly sat up, "Shen Fei, I have seen the master's story with you, do you remember?"

Shen Fei frowned, "Remember."

"In the past, someone asked the master for medical treatment. The master saw the person’s appearance and had to sleep. There was no one except the master who could solve the poison in his body. He had no choice but to agree. Later, his poison was cleared out, and he was fine. The first thing is to take the master away."

"I don't know if it was for revenge or if I wanted the master to be responsible, I took her away anyway."

Chao Xi turned to look at him, "The man took the master away."

Shen Fei did not respond.

"Really taken away."

Chao Xi repeated it again.

Shen Fei didn't seem to understand and remained silent.

Chao Xi couldn't help herself, and forced herself to laugh, "Doesn't the experience of the two of us and the master seem to be?"

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