Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 47: Exactly the same

Chao Xi is not a tangled person, just do it if she wants to do it without much hesitation, just like she doesn't want to wait for Shen Fei, nor does she want to take the initiative to find him without dignity.

She was not allowed to follow her, she still followed, as if she had no spine.

But now I am not looking for him, I am looking for the master, and I don't get along with Shen Fei, so I do it with confidence and without any shortness of breath.

Ping An has made arrangements and gave Aunt Liu some silver, telling her that if a bear goes down the mountain, the villagers must not hurt it. As long as it does not attack it, it will not attack humans and will leave. Ping An is the only bear.

In addition, Jiang Yuanjun's affairs were also told to Aunt Liu, and they were reported to the officials, and the news was passed on from door to door. Believe it or not, it was their business, or it was Chao Xi's business. Only by speaking can I be worthy of my conscience.

She brought only one medicine box when she came, and it was the same when she left. The medicine box was not the usual slung body, it was back, bigger than an ordinary doctor's. There was no way. Chaoxi Dajiang went to many places north and south, and collected a lot. Rare medicinal materials should not be mixed and placed, all of which are separately sandwiched in the partition.

There are also various poisons and medicines that she has researched. There are dozens of small bottles of each type, and it is unrealistic to lose them. This kind of thing is accidentally picked up by someone, or is taken, it is a harmful weapon. It can be carried. Fortunately, the bottle is small, and it just can't be shaken in the sandwich. It needs to be pulled out so that it won't be scattered on the road.

Before leaving, I went to the mountains and talked with Ping An. He caught the snake that had taken bile and took the last poison, and then let it go.

I don’t know if I can come back. I heard that the people in the capital are particularly cruel, especially those nobles, who will chop their heads at every turn and kill them.

In case you accidentally belch, you will never see it in peace, nor will this snake be seen. I wonder if this snake will come to her door every day to avenge her after she is gone?

That was all for the future, Chao Xi couldn't take care of it, carrying the medicine box on his back, picked up some clothes and took it with him, and bought a horse to drive on.

When they arrived in the city, they sold the horses, added some silver and replaced them with a carriage, and enjoyed the taste of being a eldest lady, riding the carriage leisurely.

I don't feel wronged on the road. I see something delicious, buy it, see something good, buy it, I have money in my left and right pockets.

Since Shen Fei left, he didn't need to save money to buy medicines for him. He saved a lot of money immediately, and there was still a lot of money left. As long as Chao Xi was not lavish, the money was enough to moisturize her, and there was no problem going back and forth.

Chao Xi was also welcome, and made up all the things that he lacked in recent years. He bought hairpins, skirts, shoes, and bought some rare herbs on the road. Before arriving in the capital, he almost filled the carriage and his purse was deflated. Go down.

The first half was chic, and the second half was tight. What made it worse was that her horse was stolen!

I don’t know who killed the thousand knives. He led the horse away, leaving only an empty cart. Perhaps it was afraid that the carriage with the carriage would be too slow. If Chao Xi was an official, it would be easy to catch up. horse.

Chao Xi actually vaguely heard some movement yesterday, but didn't care. She was too tired after a day's journey. She didn't want to get up when she slept, so she stole the laziness for a while, and the horse was stolen.

Chao Xi regretted it. He had known that he would not stay in the inn yesterday and slept directly on the carriage. Who would dare to steal her horse and kill anyone.

It’s a pity that she wanted to take a bath, soak her feet, and eat some side dishes yesterday. She simply found an inn nearby to stay. When she woke up the next day, everyone was shouting at the horse thief. She went down and found that it was not just them. Her horse was stolen and her horse was gone.

When she came, Chao Xi deliberately drove the carriage to the yard, so that it could be stolen. She admitted that she had planted it and bought another one. The purse that had been spent with little left in her pocket became worse.

Chao Xi wondered whether he would sell what he bought at a low price? Or go out to see a doctor and earn some money?

The things I just bought were sold at a low price before they warmed up. Chao Xi was reluctant, and the second one would delay her journey, but after thinking about it carefully, she seemed to have nothing important. The master has been missing for three years, and it’s not bad. Two days this day?

Not far from the capital from left to right, Chao Xi simply stopped, picked up a board casually, and wrote four large characters with charcoal crookedly, "Ten Wen Consultation".

The price of this kind of stall is too high and no one cares. Generally, people who see a doctor are ordinary people, and they have no money, but they can’t help but look down on the sick. They can only look down on her in a larger hospital.

Chao Xi tried to prescribe low-priced prescriptions and cherished the herbal medicines instead of ordinary herbal medicines with similar effects. It was so convenient for the patient and also convenient for her. In any case, she only saw the doctor and made ten cents, and there was no need to cheat the patient.

Because many people do not trust women, and deliberately wear men's clothing. This is not enough. They must wear fake beards. As the saying goes, they don't have hair on their mouths, and they are not strong.

What everyone looks at first is not qualifications, but age. Even if she wears a fake beard, some people still think she is too young.

This Chao Xi couldn't help it. At first, he emphasized that what the doctor looked at was medical skills, not age. Later, when the frequency increased, he simply let it go, and loved not to watch.

Some people listened to her for a long time and were not worried about the prescription she prescribed. There was only one sentence, and they didn't want to give money. They were helpless when encountering this kind of Chao Xi. After a few lessons, they became self-willed and gave the money first before asking the doctor. , Either go to someone else, there is still some money on the left and right, and you shouldn't hold yourself too much.

When there is no one, it will be boring to nap, or chat with the fortune teller next door. The topic is from south to north, and from north to five elements gossip. When Chao Xi starts to doubt life, he always feels that there are ghosts behind him.

The fortune-tellers have some real skills, and they are quite good at fooling. Chao Xi, who has never seen the world, is not an opponent at all. He almost gave him the eighteen cents he had so hard earned today. Bawen was a counter-offer, and she was acting like a baby. It was pouting again, and in desperation had to agree.

The hard work of making money, barely enough to eat two bowls of noodles, Chao Xi suddenly realized when he handed it out, isn't this just a trick of a liar?

She is a doctor, so she believes in ghosts?

It can only be said that this person is too powerful, the southeast, northwest and northwest are all nonsense. It immediately makes people feel that this person is knowledgeable and that he is right. Fortunately, he stopped in time. Later, the fortune-teller talked to her and she ignored it. .

Before arriving in the capital, what is it like if the money was cheated away first?

She was motionless here, as if entering Ding, the Taoist priest was also boring, watching the sky was getting dark, he took the stall and left, leaving only Chao Xi and a few other stalls to buy food, Chao Xi moved her sign there. Lean by, borrow some light.

After staying in place for a while, there was no one to see a doctor. She was about to take the rest and leave. Suddenly a woman came with a seven or eight-year-old child. Qiqi Ai Ai asked her, "Does the ten cents include medical treatment?"

Medical treatment and medical treatment are two different things. Medical treatment is to cure people, and medical treatment is to write prescriptions for people, and ask them to take medicine by themselves. The difference is huge.

But Chao Xi’s business was not good today, and she only made 18 cents in a whole day. If she said that medical treatment was not included, this person would definitely not ask others to see a doctor. Ten cents are also money. He hesitated and asked Chao Xi. , "What's wrong?"

I didn't say that the package is not included. See a doctor first. If the minor injuries are treated, I will refuse when I am really embarrassed.

The woman pulled up the child’s wrist to show her, “I don’t know what’s going on. Suddenly I got a meat bun. It hurts when I press it. It’s okay if I don’t press it. The child is still young. I’m afraid of something wrong, so I took her out to see. Look."

Chao Xi beckoned the child to come over, took a look at her wrist, frowning gradually, "Do you usually do a lot of work for her?"

The woman thought for a while and said, "Occasionally she will be asked to help embroider, cook, and feed some chickens and ducks."

She said panic, but Chao Xi did not expose her.

"This is tired and sick, just rest and rest."

It must be because of heavy talk every day. I don’t know if the relationship between the two is mother and daughter or other. Chao Xi is not easy to control. She just rubbed the meat bun and looked up to the sky, "Hey, the stars are all out." ?"

The girl instinctively looked up, but Chao Xi suddenly pressed hard, and Sheng Sheng pressed the meat bun down.

"All right."

It's not a major problem. The bones on the back of the wrist are slightly misplaced because of dry weight, squeezing the meat out, forming a big bag, and pressing it back to its original position.

"Let her work as little as possible after I go back. I'll be fine after one or two months of rest."

The woman looked at the wrist that had been restored to its original state, and said in surprise, "More doctors can rejuvenate."

She went to press the girl's head and thanked Chao Xi again. The girl was very strong, and only screamed when Chao Xi was cruel, she gritted her teeth back and braced herself, sweating on her painful forehead.

"Thank you, brother."

She is very obedient, so obedient makes people feel distressed. Chao Xi rubbed her head. She didn't ask for the consultation. It didn't take much effort anyway. Although she was poor, she had a craft, and she didn't want to die from starvation. Now, I need more money than her.

It was already dark, Chao Xi bid farewell to the two women, took the sign and put it on the carriage, ready to take advantage of the night, she slept for a while during the day, and now she is very energetic, can’t sleep, and can’t set up a stall to see a doctor so late. On the road at night, she will be able to run to the capital tomorrow. As soon as the city gate opens in the morning, she will just enter.

Chao Xi could see it in the night, and it was perfectly fine to drive in the middle of the night, but the horse needed some light. Chao Xi went to light the lanterns, the wind was strong, and she did not succeed in ordering it several times.

"Excuse me..." A voice suddenly sounded from behind, caught in the wind, not really listening, "Is it the car going to the capital?"

Chao Xi looked back and found that it was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, with a boy's head tied, dressed in a cloth, and a package slung over his shoulder. He was obviously a rusher.

"Yeah." Chao Xi nodded.

"Mind if you take us for a ride? We have money." The boy reached into his arms to get the money.

Chao Xi raised her eyebrows, "We?"

"My son and I." The boy pointed backwards, "Something happened to the son's house, and he urgently needs to go back to Beijing. It's midnight and I can't find a carriage, so luckily I met you."

Chao Xi looked at the place where his fingers were. Far away, he saw only a dim outline. He seemed to be a thin man sitting upright in a wheelchair.

In a wheelchair?

Without knowing what he thought of, Chao Xi breathed.

A closer look revealed that she was thinking too much. Although the facial features were exquisite and three-dimensional, and his face was fair and fair, he was not Shen Fei.

At this time, Shen Fei had already arrived in the capital, and became his regent safely.

"You tell him to come over." If nothing else, with his legs alone, Chao Xi couldn't let him go.

Xu took care of Shen Fei a lot, seeing the same cripple, instinctively more pity.

The word "pity" shouldn't be used on men. Chao Xi is self-willed, just wanting to use it.

The boy was overjoyed, "Thank you, my son, a good man is rewarded."

Chao Xi waved, "You gave the money, don't thank me."

Even so, the boy was still very polite, and thanked him again before pushing his son. The closer the person got, the more familiar Chao Xi felt, but he couldn't tell where he was familiar, maybe he was lame. Right.

The carriage reached the waist of the man, and the two of them encountered some trouble when they came up. The boy was only eleven or twelve years old, and the man could not move his legs at all. He couldn't hold him, and the young man broke out in a cold sweat.

Chao Xi couldn't stand it, "I'll come."

The boy hesitated slightly, "It's too high, let's be together."

Chao Xi told him to step back, "I will do it alone."

She stooped to hug the person, but the person didn't resist, and even stretched out her hand to actively cooperate with her.

? ? ?

Shen Fei became more and more familiar, so did Shen Fei. At first he was very reluctant to her. He was always reluctant and would not refuse, but he did not agree. Later, after getting acquainted, he only wanted to let her hug. Reluctantly, but she will take the initiative to spread her arms, which is more convenient for her.

Is it a long time lame? This person is often hugged, so he is very used to it?

Chao Xi hugged the person into the carriage first, and leaped to follow him. The carriage was slightly long, allowing people to lie curled up. Chao Xi lay down for two nights. The bench was covered with a quilt. Because of habit, he hugged the person directly on the quilt. .

I realized that when it was over, what was she doing? She was still a stranger with this person, and she met him the first day, so she gave him the quilt?

But I let everything go, and it seems a bit embarrassing to come back again, forget it, just take care of the lame.

Chao Xi went out again to get his wheelchair over, and the young man also pulled up. The young man rubbed her car, and the young man took up her quilt again. She was quite embarrassed and asked to drive the car and let Chao Xi go in and rest.

Chao Xi didn't refuse either. The two of them, plus a wheelchair, didn't give much money, so letting them ride the car would be cheaper for them.

Just met, but not familiar, nothing to say, Chao Xi simply lay on the other side, she only took two quilts, one on the top and one folded on the bottom. They happened to be used by that person, and her side was empty. Fortunately, the body is strong, not afraid of freezing.

It was a bit uncomfortable not to sleep on the pillow, Chao Xi took out some clothes, folded them on the back of his head, and slept with her chest.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she felt that someone was pulling her sleeve. The person on the other side pointed at the quilt on her body, and pointed at her again. He didn't say anything. The meaning was obvious. She wanted a bed for her.

"You can't speak?" He just used sign language, which was used by dumb and deaf people.

The man nodded.

"Our son broke his leg when he was a child and was always laughed at. He didn't like to talk at first. Later, he became more taciturn and found out that it was too late. The doctor said that the son might not be able to speak for the rest of his life." Xiao Si heard what was inside. Voice, consciously answer.

"That's it." It's really a pity. It's a pity to look so much. He limped and lost his voice again, worse than Shen Fei.

This kind of person who broke his leg since childhood and has been in a wheelchair for more than ten years can hardly be cured.

His second problem is a psychological problem, which requires Zhu Youshu to solve it. Chao Xi’s Zhu Youshu is okay to treat children, but adults can’t, and it’s not that simple, so it’s almost impossible to help him. Know your own medicine.

The man pointed at the quilt again, then pointed at her, urging her to take the quilt away.

Chao Xi thought for a while, took the top bed and laid it on her side. There were places to sit on three sides of the carriage. Her car was not big, but it was long, so the two of them were sleeping on both sides, Chao Xi’s side. After I turned my head, I found that the man was struggling to lift himself up, trying to pull out the folded quilt.

Because the space is too small, there is not much place to borrow, and I tried several times without success.

"I'll come." Chao Xi wanted to hug him smoothly. It was completely too accustomed to hug Shen Fei and instinctively reacted. But thinking about this person is not Shen Fei, he stopped his movements halfway, thinking about it and reminding him. , "I want to hug you."

If he agrees to hold again, if he disagrees, forget it, let Xiao Si organize it for him.

The young man was driving a carriage, it was inconvenient to go back and forth, so Chao Xi wanted to do it for him.

There was a sound in the man’s throat that was similar to ‘um’

Although he can’t speak, he still can.

"Yeah" means agreeing. Chao Xi was not polite, and picked up the person again, temporarily resting on his side. Just about to put it down, suddenly remembering something, she stood up and weighed the person's weight.

She often needs to weigh the herbs. There are requirements for a few grams or two. As time passes, she is very accurate. You can calculate the weight without having to weigh it on a scale or lightly weigh it.

He often hugs Shen Fei, knowing how heavy Shen Fei is. This person is similar to Shen Fei, and seems to be lighter and thinner than him.

I want to measure his size, but I don't think it is appropriate. If it's not Shen Fei, she will toss a stranger in such a random way, people must have opinions.

But the weight was so close, it made her think again and again, and she always felt that it was Shen Fei. After all, how could it be so coincidental that she just needed to be in a wheelchair, and he was so cooperative when hugging him. She was exactly the same as Shen Fei, and Shen Fei was taciturn. Not talkative.

I used to answer a few sentences, but now I am too lazy to express it and pretend to be dumb? Or are you afraid of being recognized by her?

The voice can explain, Chao Xi can't figure out her face, what's the matter? Is it different from the original?

I have also heard of some weird things, such as human skin masks, which can only be used in dark places, and they can be easily spotted if they are used during the day.

Chao Xi still couldn't figure it out. He wanted to measure his figure, and only when the situation was right did he dare to determine if it was Shen Fei.

Impossibly, her eyes are very good. If she really wears a human skin mask, she will definitely find it even in the dark. Since she can't find it, it means that this person is just like this.

She admitted the wrong person.

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