Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 65: Several days

Chao Xi always eats like this, even when he is in the valley. It is not the kind of gobbler, but has a good appetite. After serving one bowl after another, she naturally eats everything, and she swept away the entire table.

This is in the valley, where everyone can only serve one bowl, one bowl is definitely not enough for Chao Xi, so I have to eat more vegetables, Shen Fei has good food, besides the barbecue, he also brings his own. Bacon and other things, knowing that he picks his mouth, find as fresh as possible.

Chao Xi was busy for a day during the day, and Shen Fei was also busy for a day. None of the people he brought was idle, and ran to the forest to try his best to find ingredients and make good food.

Fresh mushrooms, fresh fungus, I don’t know how much effort it took, but it didn’t work. Shen Fei should be picky or picky.

Who would have thought that what he lacks is not good food, but someone to accompany him to dinner.

I finally understood why Shen Fei could still eat some when he was in the valley. After returning to the capital, he didn't eat much at all. After a long time, he was boring to eat alone, and he could only be driven by someone.

Chao Xi didn't believe it about the question of eating, and it was not the first day to see her eating.

"It's as if you eat so elegantly." Chao Xi glared at him dissatisfied.

Shen Fei nodded, "Well, I eat ugly."

He is a relative of the emperor, and he has cultivated this aspect since he was a child. How could he be ugly. Before eating and drinking, he would cover his face with long sleeves and chew slowly. He didn't know how much better he looked than Chao Xi, but Shen Fei had a good temper and didn't want to argue with her. .

Chao Xi assumed that he was wrong, and took the plate away after eating. When he came back, the person had disappeared. I don't know where he went.

I came out and looked for it a little bit. I saw his shadow in another tent, reflected on a thin layer of tent. Although I didn’t see his face with my own eyes, Chao Xi was sure that it was him, with the shadow erected on the crown, and the side looks like The protagonist in the master's pen is drawn with a single line, the lines are beautiful and delicate, and the long and narrow eyelashes flutter.

Shen Fei is truly blessed, just this face is perfect and impeccable. It turns out that Li Ansheng is no worse than him, but people who really see him will feel that the master is right. Shen Fei is indeed the first beautiful man deserved.

He was still criticizing the memorials, as if endlessly, his figure was almost hidden by the table full of memorials, only half of his body was exposed.

Seeing that he has worked so hard and devoted himself to Phoenix Mountain, forgive him.

Originally, most of the anger had disappeared, but when she found that Shen Fei's life was difficult and miserable, then the little remaining anger was also consumed.

Chao Xi yawned and went back to sleep. When he got up to the hut in the middle of the night, he found that this man was still writing memorials. The memorials on the table were finally less, showing his waist. He looked like he was less than three nights asleep. After all, it was worse than she thought.

After thinking about it, I took out the eggs that I hid today, skewered them into a string and bake them outside the fire. After they were cooked, I didn’t personally give them to Shen Fei. I asked Sister Kyoka to do it for me, saying that you can bake them yourself or pick them up. Yes, anyway, don't say that she did it, although Shen Fei must know it.

Before Chao Xi had gone far, he could see Shen Fei's shadow on the tent holding the egg stripper. Xu was too hot and he paused for several times.

It turned out that I didn't see him being so active in cooking for him every day. He just started to peel it without getting cold. Now there are no conditions. There are only a few eggs a day. Instead, he eats a strange smell. Sometimes people are really strange.

He is willing to eat, and Chao Xi is not too annoyed. He has the patience to take three pills a day and saves his own. I don’t know if everyone’s injuries are healed. She no longer needs treatment, and she won’t give her any eggs. Chao Xi only Can save from their own meals.

She had a big appetite, and she couldn't get enough to eat. She gave Shen Fei even more. So in order to feed herself, Chao Xi also started to look for food in the forest.

During this circle, Jinghua and Shuiyue took the lead in picking all the food they could eat. Chao Xi could only go a little farther away. She was still thinking about this place, afraid of any accidents, so she didn't dare to go far, and was so hungry. There is no way to do both, but I can only put my idea on the poisonous mushroom...

In fact, some mushrooms are not very toxic, causing troubles at most, causing hallucinations and other problems. Chao Xi’s medicine box was later found under the cliff. At that time, she wanted to sit in a few more people, stuff her quilt and medicine box into the corner, and luckily avoided it. The big stone that was smashed down had a quilt under it, and one corner was broken. Most of the porcelain bottle inside was spilled. The dangerous herbs were still there. It was divided into grids and the powder was not mixed together. After she cleared it out, she replaced it with a porcelain bottle. That is, the medicine is kept.

The injured were all bruises, and no detoxification medicine was needed. Chao Xi still had a lot of bottles left, enough for her to use for a while.

After eating the poisonous mushrooms, sprinkle with detoxification medicine. Many kinds of them are mixed together, which can completely replace the seasoning. It is not that Chao Xi has never done this. I remember that the peppers at home are gone, so she used a slightly spicy taste. The medicine instead, although not as good as chili, it is enough for emergency use.

Chao Xi did it as he wanted, and immediately grabbed some brightly colored poisonous mushrooms, avoiding the particularly dark ones, such as purple and dark green, which are 80% poisonous. Maybe the antidote will die before he can eat people. Chao Xi didn't dare to make a joke.

After she took it off, she deliberately removed the epidermis, fearing that she might be seen by others, and thought she could eat it. As a result, she was poisoned and wore her braids.

I simply washed it by the lake, and brought it back to roast and eat. This kind of food is poisonous. Even if you take the medicine, it is three-point poisonous, and it is still bad for people. The average person can’t eat it. She can only enjoy it alone. She has it. Antibodies are not afraid of residual poison.

The fire was burning, and there was no oil. Chao Xi could only add some water, fearing that it would be scorched before it was cooked. After seeing that it was almost done, she simply sprinkled some antidote, and hurried into the tent, worried that others would call her selfish and open a small stove.

Who believes this is a poisonous mushroom?

The first time I made this, I didn’t know whether it was delicious or not. Chao Xi clamped a piece of it. Well, the master said that the more poisonous the better, she has eaten poisonous scorpions, poisonous spiders, and poisonous snakes. Now add the same, poisonous mushroom.

After finishing eating, Chao Xi slept contentedly, and came back from the hut in the middle of the night. She touched the pillow and found that she had forgotten to store eggs during the day and there was no baking ingredients at night.

Shen Fei has recently had a great appetite, and can eat a lot during the day. She accompanied him three meals a day and personally supervised him. Seeing that his appetite is getting bigger and bigger, he is now restored to the amount of food in the valley, a bowl of porridge, and more vegetables and For meat and the like, Chao Xi couldn't tell if she had gained weight, but she was obviously energetic when she looked at it.

He just didn't eat a meal, could he still starve to death?

It was cold, and Chao Xi was just too lazy to get up, and then lay down and slept. The next day, there were traces of lying beside him. Shen Fei should have come back and left again. He was much busier than Chao Xi. No, I can’t sleep well.

Obviously he slept later than Chaoxi, and got up earlier than Chaoxi. From this point of view, he was worthy of the world and worthy of the people.

Chao Xi checked the patient's condition after a brief refreshing, and found that a lot of people had left. They were young and strong adults. Once they were injured, they would stay with them. The officers and soldiers were willing to give them a rub. They were not embarrassed. Some of them didn't take the injury seriously. Chao Xi told them to observe for a few more days. They couldn't stay on their own, and because they were afraid that Chao Xi would fall off, they would slip away in the middle of the night, making her look like a demon.

The bottom of the cliff is almost cleaned up. After so many days, there will be no survivors even if it is dug out. Generally, there will be three to seven days. It is not ruled out that some people can carry food and water for a while, so the officers and soldiers are still digging.

If it was normal, maybe I would have given up long ago. Today is different. Shen Fei is here. Although Shen Fei, the nobleman from the capital, did not reveal his identity, he only said that he was an imperial commissioner sent from above. It was enough for the master of Yamen to wait on the front and back, for fear of negligence. If he tried to make an appeal, his black hat was not guaranteed.

In the light of Shen Fei, the original meal was only rice porridge. Later, eggs and occasionally meat were added. The merchants extended a helping hand and provided clean quilts, clothes and tents to prevent everyone from freezing.

The local yamen did a good job this time, and Chao Xi would also give them a good word when he had time. Although they didn’t appreciate her and didn’t even know her relationship with Shen Fei, Shen Fei never showed up during the day, or he rarely walked. When he came out, he stayed in the carriage and then in the tent.

It’s not that he doesn’t come out at all. It’s different from other people’s work and rest. Master Yamen runs around during the day, and he doesn’t want to go back and forth. He doesn’t come to inspect. Every time Master Yamen relaxes, he thinks it’s impossible to come out in the middle of the night. In the case, this person came out.

After taking a serious inspection, there were problems everywhere, just like people fighting against others, Chao Xi couldn't stand it anymore, and helped the elder Yamen tell him several times.

The man listened silently throughout the whole process, without nodding or shaking his head, his attitude was unknown.

Chao Xi is dedicated to her heart. In fact, she herself has healthy hands and feet. She eats and drinks from people’s food every day. I’m sorry. Since there are fewer patients, Chao Xi has gradually reduced the number of times she queues up for food, and she usually finds it outside. If you can’t find it, or if it’s raining, you will get food. Try to get as little as possible. A bowl of porridge is just for the elderly and children.

The young people are gone, it is not convenient for them to go.

The food I received is less, so I can’t save it naturally. I only planned to cook Shen Fei a midnight snack. Unknowingly, I used my fingers to count. I haven’t done it for several days. He can’t eat poisonous mushrooms, just in case. What would Phoenix Mountain do if he was poisoned by a negligence?

Shen Fei now represents Phoenix Mountain, which is extremely important.

But after you don’t do supper, you can sleep until the next morning. When you wake up, you feel relaxed, comfortable and want to sleep again, as if you have relieved your responsibility and don’t want to pick it up anyway.

Shen Fei seemed to have no objection. He kept silent and never talked to her. Chao Xi thought that she was tired of eating and didn’t need to mean it. She didn’t take it seriously. She was really at ease for several days, and she was not cool enough. Suddenly appeared in the evening and hugged her from behind.

"Chao Xi." A nice voice called softly, "Have you gotten fat recently?"

Chao Xi touched her waist, "No, am I fat?"

"Don't you get fat after being lazy for so many days?"

Chao Xi blinked, "Which way do you mean?"

Where are you lazy?

"You haven't baked me eggs for several days."

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