Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 90: Calculate old accounts

This bow is so heavy that it can't be lifted by a person with a little strength. What's more, Helsind is not a fool, and there are no two ways to fool him. How can he follow?

Therefore, the person who draws the bow must be familiar with the bow first.

This bow was chosen by Shen Fei for her. Chao Xi cherished it very much. No one would let it be a baby. Every day, he wiped it and wiped it, putting it in the tent, or carrying it on her body.

The tent is Shen Fei's tent, no one can come in, and Chao Xi only puts it in the tent at night, usually with his back on his back, not to be touched, and at most two eyes.

Under such tight protection, almost no one can be familiar with bows, only one person, Shen Fei.

Shen Fei played with her bow several times. Chao Xi once laughed at him, saying that he couldn't pull it up. Shen Fei did not deny it. After a few serious pulls, he put the bow down and put it back in place.

Occasionally came out from nowhere and said that she would practice hand training for her. She held a bow and Shen Fei took a sword. His sword was very strange, its length, weight and thickness were not like ordinary people's use, just like it was specially given to her. It was made by a tall and strong person, which was extremely inconsistent with Shen Fei's appearance.

Because it was too heavy, Shen Fei couldn't make much effort and would rest. He was so tired that he lay on the snow and rested for a long time before he could continue fighting.

Obviously it was not easy to use, nor was it lack of weapons. Shen Fei had his own sword, but he just didn't change it and continued to use it to compete with her.

Chao Xi has always been big-hearted and didn't care. He only occasionally heard people say that Helsind also has a sword like this. Chao Xi should only be used by Shen Fei to test her and let her familiarize her with Helsind in advance. Moves and weapons.

Who would have thought that it was the other way around. Shen Fei's purpose was to use her to practice hands and learn how to crack Helsind's moves.

Chao Xi's martial arts are special, not one, but more like a hundred schools of tricks. They almost gather all the techniques of all disciplines, combining the advantages of a hundred schools in one small action.

Every time she competes with others, she uses cleverness and new moves. No one has seen them before. Naturally, she can't see and dismantle them. She is helpless. She wants to wait until all her moves are finished. In fact, Chao Xi has a steady stream of moves and changes. Shen Fei took a look at her techniques and wanted to use her moves to defeat Helsind.

He was born with an unforgettable ability. Reading is like this, so he should be looking at tricks. He plays with her every day, not to practice her hands, but to let her be his opponent.

It’s no wonder that I have seen him nearby in the past few days. As long as I look for it a little bit, I can find him looking at her with a smile on his face. Occasionally she makes a powerful move. This person will clap his hands and encourage him. Like.

Chao Xi worked harder and used some difficult moves in front of him, the kind that would never be used in normal times. Now she must come to Shen Fei deliberately, just to induce her to use it more and learn a lot.

The bow he chose for her was not for her at all, but for his own use.

This bastard, can his brain be so good that he can play tricks at will?

He promised to take her to the battlefield, and temporarily broke the appointment, and lied to her, making some messy tricks.

Somehow, the tip of his nose was sour, and his eyes became blurred out of control.

Everyone said that he chose the bow for her to use her. Chaoxi tried to believe in Shen Fei, but there were too many rumors and it seemed to be true. That's it.

Shen Fei wanted to use her to lead Helsind away. Chao Xi pretended not to care on the surface. In fact, she was disappointed in her heart. She took a breath and felt uncomfortable.

She was stunned for a long time, and then she realized that she did not trust Shen Fei again. Shen Fei clearly said that she must believe him, but she always has no memory and listened to other people's slander.

No one knew him at all, so he spread the word indiscriminately, saying in her ear every day, let her guard Shen Fei, don't be sold by him and help him count the money.

Saying this as a person who came by, Chao Xi was unknowingly led astray, and she really hid a little bit of defense against Shen Fei, and did not tell him to tell him, so that the misunderstanding continued until Shen Fei last night. The remarks.

He simply tried to find out that she didn’t believe him again. He was afraid that he was more uncomfortable than her, but he still smiled hard, gave her her birthday, fed her the medicated wine, and then he was alone in the middle of the night. Attack the Yuan army with soldiers and horses.

There is a boundary line between Yuanjun and Dashun. No one can cross this line. Soldiers and horses are stationed all around. In order to prevent her from doubting, Shen Fei didn't urge her to drink until she finished eating the noodles.

Chao Xi is in very good health. She has some antibodies to this medicine. It took more than an hour to react. At that time, it was about four hours after the day of Mohai.

She got up early, and the sun just showed her head, but it was not too late at most, which means that Shen Fei only set off for three hours.

After all, it’s a battle. With so many people, wearing helmets and armor, the whole team takes a lot of time, and it takes a lot of time to find a good sneak attack. The Yuan army is strong, and it takes a lot of time to capture the Yuan army’s camp. Shen Fei and Helsind have yet to fight.

Chao Xi still had time, so she didn't hesitate to go to Majiao to pull a horse, and she randomly found someone to show the way. The horses hoof splashed, along the traces on the ground, and ran towards the camp of the Yuan army. With Shen Fei's big sword.

That sword was used by Shen Fei in order to test her kung fu, so he left it in the tent and didn't cherish it at all. Chao Xi's bow was taken away by him. He had no weapons and could only use it temporarily.

Holding the sword in her hand, she unexpectedly found that the weight and height were just right for her.

The girl who makes the stick prefers this long sword. The weapon is one inch short and one inch dangerous.

Chao Xi hurriedly hurried all the way, with only one thought in her heart, hoping that Shen Fei and Helsind could not have time to fight, she could catch up!

Her wish fell through. Dashun's soldiers and horses had already broken through the Yuan army's defense line. The Yuan army saw that it was not good, and did not choose to stay hard, but as usual, retreated while fighting.

They occupy the right time and place. The more they go in, the higher their position. Coupled with the cold weather, Dashun will soon have breathing difficulties, nausea, uncomfortable, cold, and other adverse reactions, so they must run back to their nest Take them forward.

Originally, Shen Fei had attacked the old nest of the Yuan army, but only used Chen Cang's plan. At that time, the Yuan army attacked Phoenix Mountain on the frontier. They bypassed the Phoenix Mountain and hardly got on the powerful army, and the weather was not particularly cold. Quickly and quickly decided, by chance, rushed all the way to the center of the Yuan army and robbed them of their food.

It is impossible to do such a feat now. The weather is too cold and at least half of the way down, so I can only make a quick decision.

Helsind never showed up, commanding behind the scenes, and Shen Fei was not in a hurry. He drove his horse to catch up with the Yuan army, sandwiching the Yuan army like dumplings from both sides.

Helsind finally couldn't sit still, and slashed with a huge sword more than five feet long in his hand. The sword was really heavy and fast. As long as it hits, it can directly cut people in the middle.

He walked all the way, with almost no opponents. He didn't know how many lives he had on his hands. He laughed while killing, saying that Dashun was an egg, and no one was his opponent.

The smile was so piercing that people could hear the eyes and ears crimson, but there was nothing to do with him, so he had to let him be arrogant, and the laughter filled the entire battlefield, but somehow the laughter stopped, and then Helsind's rage sounded. The voice, "Who **** attacked Lao Tzu!"

An arrow just burst out of the air and came to him suddenly. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have died and disappeared at this time, and went to the Palace of the Lord of the Lords to chat with the black-faced Lord of the Lord.

Helsind pointed at Dashun, "If you have the courage to do it, come out for me!"

As he wished, a slender figure in a long robe jumped out of the carriage, and the crowd instinctively gave him his place, and the man flew with an arrow again, like a shooting star, with great power, hidden invisible His hatred came to Helsind with a swish.

Helsind's long sword crossed the arrow, before he had time to react, another arrow came from far away. He took it with his bare hands and snapped it off.

The nine-foot-tall figure gave him a great advantage. He ran three steps away from others in one step, and rushed to the Dashun camp in a few strokes, fighting alone with the entire Dashun, and he had enough power to deal with the man in black.

The man in black kept changing positions, the bow in his hand was extremely powerful, and from time to time he turned his head back and shot him an arrow, but it was a long-range attack, not really hitting him, leading him to constantly run to other places.

Helsind was not stupid. He stopped and didn't chase. Instead, he fought with other ordinary Dashun soldiers. His great sword made it so smooth, cutting people like melons, and people near the town did not dare to step forward.

When he left, they retreated, he went again, and they retreated again, never confronting him head-on, but attacking from time to time, draining his energy, preparing to catch turtles in the urn.

This trick was left over from his play, but it was used to try Lark on the battlefield. After experiencing it by myself today, I realized that he was so aggrieved.

"Helsind." The man in black appeared again, raising his bow high, "You can recognize this bow. It killed your Hull clan for three generations. It is a shame for your Hull clan for generations. !"

Helsind immediately reddened his eyes and looked at him, "Are you a descendant of Hai Zhongyang?"

It was the **** named Hai Zhongyang who killed him for three generations of the Hull clan, the old, the strong, and the small, all of them were killed by him, and he almost captured the Yuan Kingdom and included him in his territory.

Every Hull who fled to a foreign country hated him deeply, including his apprentices and children and grandchildren, as long as they found out, they would all be tortured before killing.

He angrily said, "I haven't had time to settle the account with you, but you ran by yourself. It just so happened that the old and new hatreds are cleared together today!"

The man in black laughed loudly, "Helsind, I am not a descendant of Hai Zhongyang, you can see who I am."

The cloak was lifted off by a slender and beautiful hand, revealing a face with well-defined water chestnut angles, exquisite features, and unparalleled beauty.

Shen Fei's eyes were cold, and she glanced at him from a distance, "You have an account that you want to settle with me, and I also have an account to settle with you."

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