Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 616: Soul funeral

One day, night, I met the principal of North Middle School and received a strange anonymous letter.

"We are, the curse of Ye Jianbei. If you don't intend to hide things about Class 3 and Class 3, and just end the year like this, then soon, all the surviving students in your class will die."

Originally, the principal didn't believe these things. Until the next day, he received information about the deaths of Watanabe and Sayuri, who were hospitalized. The cause of death was accidental death. Let the principal know that the other party was not joking about this matter.

This curse is real and really controlled by others.

The principal hurriedly told the rest of his family members, hoping that everyone would spend the year quietly. Enough people have died this year.

Waiting until the second semester, the remaining students looked at their classmates around them, feeling a sense of sadness spontaneously.

"Everyone, I want to regret to tell you that Wushou, the teacher who originally planned to return to serve as the head teacher, has resigned because of illness. I hope everyone will live well in the last six months."

When the students heard this news, they all felt that it was normal, but they were more concerned about whether it was the same or not, and they would die soon.

At this moment, Wushou was still trapped in the chair, and could do nothing by himself except to speak.

"Akasawa-san, Sakuragi-san, I really didn't expect that you would actually listen to them, believe me, the real deceased is still outside and might hurt other people."

Both of them have been confessed by Misaki, and they can't listen to Wushou's words.

"Teacher, give up. Although you are a dead person, I believe that your enthusiasm for protecting our students has not disappeared in your heart."

Akasawa Quanmi pushed the wheel to Wushou's side, and stretched out his hand to touch Wushou's face.

"It doesn't matter if you are the deceased, just stay with everyone like this."

Wushou didn't know how to convince the two for a while, then Wushou thought of something.

"So, suppose I really died, then why, the world didn't send out any cause of my death."

No worries in this world, but a miracle puppeteer, a celebrity of this level really leaves, it is impossible to leave without any report, even if the information will be concealed, this matter cannot completely disappear.

Both of them were shaken by what Wushou said, but they still didn't want to let Wushou go out.

"Then, if I really commit suicide, then the doom will end, right, if it is true, then I will die in front of you now, let you know that I am not the dead."

Looking at Wushou's expression very serious, the two women finally decided to release Wushou in order to find the last deceased.

"Uh, teacher, how can we help you?"

"Don't worry, just listen to what I say and do it."

Soon, the two lifted the restrictions based on Wushou's statement.

"Thank you, Akasawa-san, Sakuragi-san, you hurry home and leave the rest to me."

"Teacher, do you already know who is the dead?"

"Well, I'm actually already, a little eyebrow."

~After school in the afternoon~

Sanshen Liaozi finished packing his luggage and was about to leave. He didn't expect to see Wushou standing in the corridor as soon as he left the house, as if waiting for him.

"Ah, Teacher Wushou, didn't you quit your job? I thought you were really sick."

"Teacher Sanshen, can I talk to you?"

The sun slowly sinks along the horizontal plane, and the setting sun shines in the sky, dyeing the sky red.

"Teacher Wushou, what on earth do you want to say?"

The two stood on the side of the mountain road, looking at the distant scenery, a quiet town, no scenic spots, no specialties, only taboo legends, and the whole town was sparse and ordinary.

"Teacher Sanshen, what do you think of this small town?"

"Quiet and peaceful, I want to stay here, no matter what happens in the future."

"You did it, stay here forever."

Listening to Wushou's words, the Three God's Pity couldn't figure out what the other party was saying.

"Teacher Three Gods, have you actually noticed it?"

"What did you perceive?"

Wushou said, gritted his teeth, and said word by word.

"Teacher, your desk is really shabby, right, obviously other teachers' desks are normal, but yours is very strange."

The Three God's Pity didn't speak, and continued to listen to Wushou's words.

"I can't remember everything that happened in the past few years. My memory is not only vague, but it's a bit different from other people's memories."

"Teacher Wushou, what on earth do you want to say?"

"Moreover, you yourself were once and also a student of this school, and you know this very well yourself."

"So what, Teacher Wushou!"

"Teacher of the Three Gods, you are the dead."

The Three Gods' Pity was stunned.

"Teacher Sanshen, you died very early. I didn't care about it. I thought you were always staggered with me, so I couldn't find your position. It was just more surprising. Your position is a broken table. It's conspicuous throughout the office, but no one cares. Why?"

"Because no one uses the table, so no one knows that Teacher Three Gods Pity is the dead."

At this time, the Three Gods' Pity seemed to have thought of something, and the scenes of the past seemed to appear before his eyes, and he saw the real truth.

"Yes, yes, I'm, dead, killed, just a few years ago, I'm already dead."

The three gods pity fell to the ground, holding his face in pain, hoping to forget all this.

"Teacher Sanshen, I'm sorry, can I take you away now, for the remaining students who are still alive."

"Yes, Teacher Wushou, please do it, I have decided, but I am sorry for Hengyi, I killed him."

"It's okay, all this will pass, I'm sorry, it made you so painful."

Wushou closed his eyes and silently contacted the weapon he hadn't used for a long time, the knife about the soul.

"Go well, Teacher Three Gods Pity, everything about you will disappear because of this."


After Weisaki and Xiaoming returned home, seeing Wushou disappeared inside, feeling the seriousness of the matter, they ran out quickly.

The white light surrounded the petit of the three gods, who turned into a blue butterfly, flew to the sky, and disappeared into the sky.

"At least, this year's doom is over."

"But what should I do to end this bad luck forever."

When Wushou returned to Class 3 of the third year, Wushou finally saw the things that he couldn't see before, with the help of the Zan Po Dao.

In the class, that figure.

A misty and unclear figure.

"Did you see me?"

"Well, are you the poor man twenty-six years ago?"

"Yes, I finally waited. Whoever saw me, would you take me out of here?"

"Well, I will take you away from this place. You are finally liberated."


When Misaki and Xiaoming rushed to the class, they only saw Wushou's body surrounded by golden light, and the two saw all this.

"elder brother!"

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