The side effects come sooner than Wuxian expected.

Not long after I walked out, Wushou felt that his body was about to split, every inch of his body was like being cut by a knife, and his internal organs felt burning.

"Medicine, medicine."

Wuxian quickly took the medicine out of his pocket and was about to use it, but forgot a very important thing.

"Is this for external use or internal use?"

Wu worry still wanted to pour it out, but it was actually a viscous liquid, so I didn't know what to do for a while without worry.

"Damn it, let's come together on both sides."

With that said, take a part of it without worry, and apply part of it to the whole body.

After everything is done, Wushou still feels physically uncomfortable, but Wushou can still barely continue activities.


Wushou leaned near a house and finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the wound on his body healed.

However, the relaxed mind slowly occupied Wushou's brain, and soon Wushou sat on the ground and fell asleep due to lack of physical strength.

When Wuxian woke up again, he found that everything around him was a little different.

The surrounding area is like a desolate desert, and there is no one around, like a piece of hell.

Boom boom boom, boom boom, boom

At this time, strange torches suddenly rose up all around, and they surrounded Wushou. No, it should be said that strange torches rose slowly across the terrain. If you can fly up and take a look, you can see these torches. Into a strange pattern.

"You finally decided to come and see me."

Wuxian turned his head to look behind him, but saw nothing.

"You can't see me, my master."

The voice is very close, but no matter how he finds it, Wuhua can't see the other person.

"Who are you and why do you say that I am your master?"

The sound source seemed to stop, as if thinking about something.

"I said long ago that the monkey's idea is not good, it seems that the other party still missed, and it hasn't got you back to normal."

monkey? Tactics?

No worries, I don’t know why, but I always feel that the other party knows something.

"What do you know, tell me!"

The source of the sound stopped again, but soon returned to worry-free again.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you lose your memory, I will try to use my ability to test you."

Boom boom

A black smoke from the torch slowly flew into the air, forming a huge cloud.

The cloud slowly changed its shape, and finally turned into a huge black giant, with blue magic lines appearing on the giant's body.

"Oh, with such a degree of confrontation, do you look down upon me."


Then Wushou watched as the giant in front of him grew bigger and bigger, slowly turning into a tall building, becoming a city, and finally.

The giant disappeared in front of Wushou for an instant, and when Wushou thought of the possibility, his hands trembled involuntarily.

The blue lines form a huge eye, staring at Wushu from the sky.

"Could it be!"

If this world is a huge planet, then the size of the black giant now is a huge planet. No, it should be said to be bigger than a planet.

"In this way, how can you fight against me, against a force larger than the planet."

The giant raised his fist high, the blue and purple magic power surrounded the opponent's fist, aimed at the position of Wushou, and directly punched it down.

Boom boom!

The high temperature even made the entire fist look extremely red. Looking at the fist approaching oneself, there was no sorrow, no retreat, no timidity, but an excited smile.


The golden lines once again covered Wushou's body, but Wushou clearly felt that his body was very weak. It seemed that the use of this power twice in a row made the body overwhelmed.

"But I won't give up so simply."

The bright red energy surrounds the body, like a lion on Wushou, staring at the fist of the sky.



Wushou's hands pressed firmly against the fist in the sky, the pressure was constantly pressed down, and the huge sense of oppression was constantly pressed down, feeling that Wushou was about to be squashed.

Wushou even thought it was a bit weird, that he could actually withstand this huge fist above his head.


However, the floor has slowly cracked and spread to the surroundings. Wushou also feels that he is being pressed down more and more. If this continues, Wushou will definitely be crushed into a ball.

"not enough!"


"Not enough, still need, strength!"


The white hair on the top of his head was gradually replaced by gold, and besides the bright red energy, he also gained a kind of power that he did not understand.

"not enough!"


The originally pale eyes regained their emerald green pupils, and the white hair on the top of his head was replaced by blond hair, but the golden lines on his body did not disappear.


The huge force slowly pushed the fist above his head, allowing Wushou to slowly stand up.

"Impossible, you can actually use two kinds of power, your body will not be able to withstand it, stop it."


It's just that Wushou didn't listen to what the other party said at all, so he kept going up.

"Sure enough, I can't listen. Naturally, you have already identified me as an enemy, that woman, as expected, dare to do anything."

Cracks slowly spread all over the giant's arm, and finally he could fly into the air without any worries, flying up with his arm.



Wuxian avoided the opponent's fist, and aimed straight at the huge figure in space.



A huge explosion surrounded the whole world.

Zizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizi Zizi

When Wushou woke up again, he found himself lying in a clearing, without houses and streets, just a pure clearing.

Wushou looked around and saw nothing but a strange doll lying on the ground.

"what is this?"

No worries he picked up the doll on the floor, and saw the doll was black and white, with a cute rabbit appearance, and a ribbon tied around his neck.

"Well, this is."

Wu worry also saw that the label behind him seemed to have written something.


It's just that Wushou always feels that the words written on it are not like this, it seems to be different, it's wrong.

Wushou blinked, and the words disappeared again, becoming lost.


Originally, I had no worries and wanted to throw this thing away, but after thinking about it, he killed it and picked it up. After all, this thing, since it appeared here, naturally has its reasons.

"There is still one left?"

Wushou finally defeated the first demon, and soon he would be able to resurrect Xiaoming himself.


Severe pain occupies the worry-free brain.

"what happened!"


The blood spurted from the wound like a spring, splashing all over the ground.


Wushou finally fainted because of exhaustion.

However, it didn't take long for two figures to appear beside Wushou, looking at Wushou seriously.

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