Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 9: Uncontrollable situation

"Is this the real mode of that weapon?" Red a looked at Shirou surrounded by muzzles, and remembered the destructive power brought by the laser mode just now.

"However, this time, it was in my turf, and the demon-breaking weapon was brought in casually." Red a directly projected the demon-breaking weapon around him and shot towards Shirou.

Seeing the attacking weapon, Shiro didn't hesitate, but directly triggered the trigger, and a missile directly intercepted the weapon projected by the red a.

"That's it, you don't need to adjust again when you enter this mode." Seeing that Shirou didn't change back to the box again after attacking, Red A understood the terrible part of this mode.

"But the continuous attack means that the consumption of magic power is multiplied. Let me see who can make it to the end."

The red a continued to project countless weapons, and continued to attack Shiro. Shiro did not quit Pandora's reincarnation mode and continued to attack.

For a time, the two were surrounded by missiles and weapons, and countless explosions and impacts sounded, and the two did not have any reservations.

"It's a war of attrition, but the opponent still has to maintain the enchantment, and it must consume more magic power than me." Shilang watched the opponent have been stalemate with himself, intending to directly let the opponent exhaust his magic power, and then capture him alive.

"Are you thinking that my magic power will consume more, and then continue to consume it with me, Shirou Weimiya." Red a watched Shirou continue to consume himself calmly, and couldn't help but ridicule.

"Indeed, my magic power must be consumed faster than you. But, look behind you."

Shi Lang did not expect that a flash of light directly struck behind him, the strength of which was so powerful that it would directly break his Pandora's reincarnation, and also caused him to suffer serious injuries.

Behind the smoke, a woman wearing a blindfold and a purple dress appeared inside. It seemed that it had attacked Shirou just now.

"The other servant, careless." Shirou looked at the newly-appearing servant and felt a headache.

"Yes, my master and another master are already in an alliance. Rider, solve him together. Don't blame us for being mean, Shiro Wimiya, winning is the king."

The rider behind Shilang picked up the chain and directly attacked Shilang. Red a didn't leave his hand either, and continued to project weapons and attack Shilang.

"It's really bad, what should I do." Shilang reluctantly projected the Crimson Empress and the rider confrontation, but also to avoid the attack of Red A.

For a time, the situation reversed.

"There is no way, I have to project that." Shi Lang sold a flaw, was attacked by the rider once, and then forcibly opened the distance and started his own projection.

As soon as the projection began, Shiro felt that a cold force was directly surrounding him, intending to invade his body and control his body. However, Shiro protected his soul and did not allow external forces to control him.

"What's that?" Rider and Honga saw Shiro suddenly surrounded by ice and didn't rashly attack. They just moved away and looked at the situation.


Looking back at Shi Lang, Shi Lang is now covered by a silver armor with a faceless helmet on his head. Upon closer inspection, Shi Lang's hair has also become long and white, making Shi Lang look more indifferent.

The most obvious is the double-edged sword in his hand. The sword is white and blue, with a skull engraved on the hilt.

"Unexpectedly, this weapon still can't be fully controlled, and the projected weapon can also affect my mind. If it is the real one, it would be terrible." Shirou looked at the Frostmourne of Warcraft 3 projected by him, and had to sigh.

In fact, what Shirou didn't expect was that because his body was modified by God, and because his body could adapt to all the worlds, the weapon he projected was no different from the original one.

"Quick battle and quick decision." Shilang used Frostmourne to directly set off a burst of ice and attacked the two of Honga.

"What!" Red a directly attacked Shirou with a demon-breaking weapon. He didn't expect that the weapon was directly frozen by the cold halfway through the flight. The rider sees this situation, pulls up the red a directly, get out of the other side.

The place where the ice swept adds a layer of white to this desolate land. Red a and rider didn't expect it to be so powerful with just one attack.

"The power gap is too big, rider, let's withdraw first."

Shiro watched Red A and rider planning to retreat, and when he was about to intercept them, a voice rang from his head.

"Give me the body and let me stop them."

"How is it possible, I can't help it if I leave it to you."

"You won't use this power, give it to me, otherwise, I will take it back."

"My weapon, I am in charge."

Shiro was fighting with the voice in his head. Red a and rider were surprised to see Shiro suddenly motionless.

"Sure enough, the power of the sword is too strong, and the soul in the sword is against him." Hong a is very knowledgeable, and at a glance he can see that Shi Lang has not fully mastered this weapon, and he wants to compete with his own weapon for body.

"Although we are the enemy, it is not enough to let the demon of this sword come out." Red a walked to Shiro's side and directly let go of Shiro's hand, letting the sword fall to the ground, because without his own blessing, the sword disappeared, Shiro Also because of excessive consumption, fainted.

Red a and rider looked at the fainted Shi Lang, they didn't even think about making up the knife. After all, their master is his friend.

"Forget it, confine him with a demon, and leave it to the master." In the end, red a still locks Shilang's circuit and uses magic power to get Shilang from his back and send it to his master.

After the war, there were no traces of battle except for the big pit at the beginning.

At this time, Jack and the nursery rhyme in Lin's house seemed to sense that their master was in danger. Look at the direction of Ma Tong's house together.

Finally, regardless of Shiro's order, Jack secretly left Rin's house and sneaked in Shiro's direction.

On the other side, the priest Mapo of the church forces decided to let his berserker try to test the strength of Lin Rin and make the first move for his own plan.

The war tonight is not over yet.

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