"You finally came."

After the last contact with Michael and the peace talks of the tripartite meeting, Wuxian finally got the ticket to heaven.

"Emperor Chilong, can I ask you something?"

"you say."

After all, it's coming to other people's sites to do things, so Wuxu naturally won't refuse them casually.

"This battle, can you leave here and start again? The believers are watching. If our **** is not on the stage then there will be some problems, so I hope you can open the front."

"This is naturally no problem. After all, this is the last one. The other party should be a reasonable person."


Wushou is not very sure, after all, this is the last one, and I don't know who this person is.

Wushou followed the guidance of Michael and came to the destination. Unlike the fallen angels and demons, the angels regarded this place as a dangerous zone from the beginning, and there was no one around.

"let's start."

Nodded without worry, and walked into the pillars here.

You finally came.

Feeling that the time around me is still again, I look at the golden ball floating in front of my eyes without any worries.

"Who are you, why do you want to participate in my private affairs?"

"Private matter, you are wrong to say that."

The sphere was floating in the air and said to Wushou.

"I have been watching you, watching you grow, defeating my former teammates, and then come this far."

"So what, everything I do now is my own will, what does it have to do with you?"

"Hahaha, Asura, don't you think why they sealed themselves up, don't you feel curious?"


Yuanqiu came directly to Wushou's ear and said.

"because of you."


Boom, boom!

The column began to tremble, and the whole ground began to shake, as usual.

It's just that Wushou feels that something different is about to come out.

In the world, the highest emptiness, in the cosmic space.

"It's still started, it really is."

If you have no worries on the scene, you can see what this huge military fortress is, and the person standing on the high platform is his goal, the leader of the seven-star sky, Deus.

Not only heaven, the land of the devil, but also the land of the fallen angels, no, the whole world is trembling.


Crimson energy protruded from the ground, and the entire ground seemed to be split.

And in the earth, in the middle of the huge Pacific Ocean, a huge gap in me opened, and the strange crimson energy gushed out from it.

"The evil demon still appeared."

"Still did not stop Asura, but the backup plan is ready."

At this time, Wushou in heaven, looking at the things falling from the column, felt a little weird.

"Sure enough, it's you."

The stone statue shattered, and a young man with a black single ponytail looked serious and carefree.

"Asura, long time no see."

"Yasha, have you forgotten something, Mithra, but your niece, my daughter!"

Seeing Asura wanted to attack himself, Yasha quickly said.

"I know, so I refused at first, but I can't help it."

"Moreover, in order to solve your big trouble, we have used a lot of things."

Yasha did not continue to speak, intending to see what happened with no worries.

"Come with me, you will know the truth you need."

Wushou followed Yasha to leave heaven and return to the world.


Following the other party to high altitude, Wushou finally saw the huge crack.

"Evil demon, we, haven't we defeated them?"

"Yes, it was originally like this."

Yasha picked up a huge ball of light and handed it to Wushou.

"What we say next is useless, so you can see for yourself what you have done for Mithra."

After absorbing the memory of the ball of light, Wuhua finally remembered everything.


"Asura, what are you doing?"

Qixingtian was ready to use Mithra to completely eliminate the so-called demons, but unexpectedly, a person stood up.

"Mithra, give it back to me."

Asura’s body is entwined with red magic energy, this kind of breath, they have only seen it in one kind of biological species

"Asura, you are actually connected with demons."

"Asura, what did you do!"

"what did I do?"

Asura looked at his former colleague and said.

"For the so-called ideal, you want me to sacrifice my family, and I want to decide the fate of my family casually for you, what qualifications do you have."

The crimson energy continues to spread, and in this way, the evil spirit will wake up again.

"Damn it, beat him down!"

The seven people shot at the same time, smashing Asura into the deep valley at once, and then sealed all the memories and records of Asura, so that he would never turn back.

"However, the evil demon has already appeared, there is no way. Before we are ready, we can only rely on you to use your own physical strength to suppress the evil demon."

The three finally accepted this mission, and the incarnation column suppressed the appearance of the evil spirit on the ground, and the huge energy suppressed the evil spirit from appearing again.

"Next, it's up to us to complete our plan, the Human Words Plan, and use this thing to defeat our old enemy."

~End of memory~

Wushou knelt on the ground, thinking of everything he had forgotten.

"Do you understand this way, Asura, in order to deal with evil spirits, we tried our best to control them, but you actually connected with them, so we can only do this."

"However, we all know that you will definitely come back. Since you are willing to give up everything and save Mithra, then you will naturally come back."

"So, what do you want to say now?"

Wu worry looked at the former brothers and relatives.

"Now we don't need to fight. Let's go back to the fortress together. If you want, we can stop the spread of demons."

"Then, use my daughter, am I right?"

Yasha did not speak.

"I have already told you the answer. I refuse. I only want my daughter. I will solve the evil spirits by myself."

"Don't you understand, you can't defeat the demons by yourself, why don't you understand!"

"Shut up, how do you know that we can't win, but instead use this inhumane plan!"

Wushou stared at the guy in front of him and said.

"Don't even try, is this what you call enlightenment?"

"Asura, how can you understand that we can't win alone!"

"We are not fighting alone, you can go, I will come back to you soon, for Mithra."

After Wushou finished speaking, he left directly, because Wushou knew where they would go.


Wu worry knows that he has to deal with something, and then go to them again.

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