Jiang Yun has been in the game circle for nearly ten years.

As the first batch of game design graduates from Binjiang University, Jiang Yun was full of enthusiasm and passion when he first stepped out of school.

He aspires to make a name for himself in the field of game design.

He is not satisfied with China's game environment, and he is even more dissatisfied with the rigidity and staleness of the world's game circle!

He wants to be the pioneer of a new game era, to create epoch-making masterpieces with his own hands!

Games should not only focus on profit!

Jiang Yun thought so.


He was slapped in the face by reality!

Countless experience of bumping into a wall, as if pointing at his nose and laughing and cursing:

If you don't focus on profit, what should you focus on?

Art? Word of mouth? Is it possible that you really want to create happiness for the players with your heart?


Play games for money!

This is the only demand of China, and even global game developers!

What creates a new gameplay, what creates a good plot!

are you crazy! Think about those?

If you have that time, why don’t you do more research on the market, see which game is popular recently, or has a trend of popularity, and quickly copy it?

Is there a grudge against money?

that's all!

Over time, when the edges and corners of Jiang Yun's body were smoothed, he naturally became numb.

Even if ambition is occasionally ignited, it is only a spark that will be extinguished when it is blown.

Just like today.

forget it.

Why bother to find yourself unhappy?

Jiang Yun comforted himself in his heart.

He is famous because of Xingmang, and his success is because of Xingmang. Now that he has finally become a game director, of course he cannot leave Xingmang.

"Then what should we do now? Mr. Chen?"

When Chen Hang's anger was almost gone, Jiang Yun opened his mouth and asked in a low voice:

"How about I add another DLC to save it?"


Vice President Chen let out a sigh of relief, glanced at Jiang Yun, and waved his hands:

"Forget it, there is a more important project for you now."

While talking, Vice President Chen pulled out a piece of paper from his desk and handed it to Jiang Yun: "Look at it first."

After taking the list, Jiang Yun read it carefully.

[Invitation letter for "Small Game Development Festival" on Yiyou Platform]

"This is the invitation letter sent to us by Yiyou,"

Vice President Chen said:

"Actually, in theory, a relatively mature game company like ours cannot participate,"

"Because they are targeting emerging game companies or studios, or individual designers,"

"But, I am familiar with the marketing director of Yiyou, he is my old senior,"

"People are willing to play a side-ball for us and let us compete,"

"According to Yiyou, there will be a voting session in this competition,"

"If you can win in the final voting session, you will get the votes of the vast majority of players,"

"Then, the designer who made the game will push the banner on the platform."

Say it.

Vice President Chen raised an eyebrow at Jiang Yun:

"Do you understand what I mean?"


Chen Hang's words made Jiang Yun gasp.

Designer boarded banner testimonials?

Yiyou is trying to make stars.

We all know!

In China, whether it is players, developers, or media platforms, they usually only care about game works.

As for the designer who is mainly responsible for the game, no one pays attention.

This has also led to the fact that those well-known designers in the game circle are basically foreign.

But this time, Yiyou Platform has obviously noticed this problem.

Therefore, they imitated foreign countries where the game industry is more developed, and took advantage of this small game development festival, hoping to launch a benchmark that can represent the new generation of designers in China.

This is a rare opportunity!

Jiang Yun's expression froze.

If he can win the first place in this game festival, then he can be regarded as a winner.

At the same time, since the rights of the games he designed belong to Xingmang, the company can also make a lot of money.

"I see,"

Jiang Yun nodded:

"Then Mr. Chen, do you see the direction of our competition this time...?"

"I think the two games of the Golden Wind Game Company are good, and the sales volume is also high,"

Vice President Chen waved his hand:

"You pick one at random, just copy and modify it!"


"Copied and changed? How can I do that!"

The next day, Golden Wind Game Company, President's Office.

Facing the game design direction suggested by Chu Qingzhou, Shen Miaomiao immediately denied it.


Just now, Shen Miaomiao called Chu Qingzhou, and wanted to ask her any opinions or suggestions on the direction of game development for this competition.

After all, Chu Dami doesn't understand games!

Let a person who doesn't understand the game design the game framework, and the game will probably be finished.

However, Chu Qingzhou is not a fool.

Although she doesn't know much about games, she has studied the routines of many game companies recently!

Generally speaking, for a game company to survive in the market and gain a firm foothold, a pioneering work is essential.

It's like the martial arts that established schools in martial arts novels.

Then, through this one project, the company can spread out, whether it's a DLC or a sequel.

In short, it is to take advantage of the popularity of this work to quickly grab profits and complete capital accumulation.


Chu Qingzhou imitated these existing companies in the market and suggested to Shen Miaomiao to develop a sequel.

If it really doesn’t work, you can choose one of the two games “Cat Leo” and “Who Is Dad”, modify it and release it in a different style.

Either way, both games were a hit!

You can copy any one!

In fact, according to the logic of today's game market, Chu Qingzhou's suggestion is not bad at all.

But that's exactly what it is!

Shen Miaomiao had to say no firmly!

What a joke!

It's not clear that it's making money!

Can she rush to dig a hole for herself?

Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao shook her head and acted as if speaking righteously:

"We are an enterprising company, and at the same time, Director Gu is also an extraordinary creative designer,"

"How can we live on our laurels like other companies,"

"Especially in such a crucial competition, which is related to the reputation of the company and the reputation of Director Gu, we have to show our creativity,"

"Well, this project—"

"I pro-build!"

It has to be said that Shen Miaomiao's mind is really bright.

Especially in this evil way.

Since even Chu Dami, who doesn't understand the game and understands the market, can't be relied on, he can't guarantee that the game will be 100% bad.

Then why don't I do it myself!

A game designed by a game idiot can't still be popular in the game circle!

This time, I will personally take the helm, and I must ensure that the game is so bad that it is so bad that it is shocking to the heavens, and it is so bad that it breaks through the sky!

Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao patted the sofa:

"Well! That's it! Sister Chuchu, go and inform Director Gu. We will hold a planning meeting in ten minutes!"

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