I also did a big sin.

Shen Miaomiao sat at the head of the meeting room, feeling a little hopeless, holding a bare flower stalk in her hand.


Before that, she was already anxious enough to use the ancient and nonsense divination method of pulling flower petals to predict whether the investment would pay off.

As a result, she became even more anxious——

She pinched a five-petaled plum, and said first, "I can get back my money."

Can pay back, can't pay back, can pay back, can't pay back, can pay back... rub!

Why is the five-petal plum five-petal! unlucky!

Feudal superstition is not advisable!

Shen Miaomiao comforted herself with a pragmatic and superstitious mentality that "left eye twitches, right eye twitches are eyelid tremors caused by visual fatigue".

Shen Miaomiao was panicked.

After all, she has seen all the popularity of vampire survivors in this short period of time.

Its popularity and word-of-mouth among players are even higher than their previous two games combined.


Thanks to the help of the time reduction card, the profit and loss calculation this time will be finalized within just one hour of the official release of the game.

As long as in this hour, the total sales of vampire survivors should not exceed 200,000.

Then his investment this time will be judged as a loss, and he will be able to get ten times the rebate.


Judging from this enthusiasm, it seems that it is not impossible to quickly pay back the capital within an hour.

Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao couldn't help praying in her heart——

God, earth, pray that the server of the art game platform will suddenly explode.

As long as I fry for an hour, I can safely get two million rebates.

As for how much the game will sell in the future, that has nothing to do with me.

Anyway, my dividend is only a little bit.

The Holy Mother of Jesus Christ, Lama Wang, the Great Priest of Wudang Mountain Office in Shaolin Temple, please give me Shen Miaomiao three-point noodles...


Here, Shen Miaomiao prayed to God and Buddha, praying that the game server would explode.

Little did they know that at the same time!

On the Yiyou platform, in the program engineering department, there were crowds of people, and the sound of keyboards kept coming and going. It was in full swing!

Ma Shan, the newly appointed chief manager, walked to the front of the office and clapped his hands:

"Come on! Big guys heard about me! Don't stop what you're doing!"

"Now is the most critical time for our development festival!"

"The stability of the server is crucial to the end of the event!"

"In this regard, President Yan also gave special instructions,"

"Today, anyone can make mistakes, but our program department must not make mistakes!"

"Ugly words come first,"

"If after a while, when the final results are announced and all the games are on sale at the same time, our server will be stuck,"

"As long as it freezes for more than ten seconds, everyone's bonuses for this month will be lost!"

Immediately afterwards!

Ma Shan changed the subject again:

"But if we do a good job! Ensure that the server can still run smoothly under high pressure,"

"Overtime pay is paid by the company,"

"At the same time, I pay out of my own pocket, please go out and wash your feet!"


No man can refuse to wash his feet.

As soon as this remark came out, all the young and old in the programming department were shocked!

All of them are like chicken blood!

"Fuck! Brother Shan is awesome!"

"Don't worry, brother Shan, my heart and brain vessels collapsed today and our server can't collapse!"

"Hahahahaha, don't say that, buddy..."

"To wash your feet!"

"It's going to collapse today, brothers, come and see us!"

"It's almost eight o'clock, fuck the brothers—!"



In a blink of an eye, it was almost eight o'clock.

Shen Miaomiao saw that the time was almost up, cheered herself up and cheered herself up.

Cheer up Shen Miaomiao!

It's only one hour!

After this hour, you will be able to reap the first rebate presented by the system!

Although, the popularity of vampire survivors is extraordinary these days.

But as we all know, the growth of sales takes a certain amount of time.

People may like this game and are willing to pay for this game.

But it's impossible for so many people to wait for the game's release time, squatting in front of the computer, ready to pay at any time, right?

after all!

Everyone has been playing this game for two weeks, and the routines that need to be studied are almost thoroughly studied.

The enthusiasm for buying and storing will definitely not be particularly high.

Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao felt much relieved.

Jingle Bell--! ! !

As the hands of the clock precisely pointed to eight o'clock, the alarm that Shen Miaomiao had set earlier sounded on time.

The game is on sale! ! !

Shen Miaomiao regained her spirits and hurriedly turned her head to look.

And the others also turned their attention to the large projection screen in front of the meeting room!

On the big screen, the real-time refreshed graph first jumped a bit.

Immediately afterwards, it began to climb upwards at a gentle speed.

The price of "Vampire Survivor" is 15 yuan per copy.

Based on the total investment of 200,000 yuan this time, it must sell at least 13,334 copies in the first hour to complete the payback.

But theoretically, this is basically impossible.

Because since the establishment of Dayiyou, the highest single-day sales volume of small games like Vampire Survivor is only about 8,900 copies.

Note that this is a one-day sale.

What Gu Sheng and the others need to challenge is the sales volume per hour.

Tens of thousands of copies an hour is simply an impossible task.

Look at the graph of constant growth.

Shen Miaomiao temporarily stabilized her mind and breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good.

Although Yan Sheng's third grandson's backstab did work, it was just as she expected.

The repeated play for half a month did make the players a little tired, and the growth rate of game sales is not particularly exaggerated.

The sales speed of games today is about 100 copies per minute.

If this momentum continues, it will sell at best about 6,000 copies in the first hour.

Although it was amazing enough, for Shen Miaomiao, it was still within acceptable range.

200,000-6,000 copies x 15 yuan.

Net loss of 110,000.

Multiply it ten times.

There is still a full 1.1 million yuan that can be credited to her small treasury!

Totally acceptable!

Shen Miaomiao calculated very quickly, almost in an instant, she estimated the amount of this wave of rebates.

Can't help but smile!


Before the corner of her mouth is raised!

Ding dong!

Shen Miaomiao heard her cell phone ring.

Take it over and take a look, and you can see that it is a Weibo push——

[The "Gu Sheng Sam" you are paying special attention to has released new content! Come take a look! 】


Shen Miaomiao looked up at Gu Sheng, a little surprised.

Good boy! Fishing in front of me? !

No wonder Gu Sheng lowered his head and ignored him when he peeked at him several times just now.

It turned out to be scanning Weibo!

good! Very promising!

Shen Miaomiao nodded in satisfaction.

She wished that Gu Sheng could catch more fish so that the quality of the game would be lower.

Thinking about it, Shen Miaomiao turned on Weibo curiously, wanting to see what Gu Sheng posted during his fish hunting.

After entering Weibo, Gu Sheng's personal homepage popped up.

The Weibo on the top is the content just released——

[Gu ShengSam: I am very happy to announce that "Vampire Survivor v1.1" will be updated simultaneously at 8 o'clock tonight. In this update, we have added two new maps (including easter eggs) and four unlockable characters , five new weapons, five new props, three super weapons, and the first upgradeable super weapon! Come and experience it! 】

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