Say Yes To Making Bad Games, What the Hell is Titanfall?

Chapter 85 You say city gate building, I say hip bone shaft

"Abstract? I think it's okay."

Putting down the dividend agreement in his hand, Gu Sheng looked at the sign on the meeting book with Little Nezha's gaze.

The round pan was placed on a slant, and on the bottom of the pan, four letters were engraved——



Regarding the topic selection for this developer conference, Gu Sheng really spent a lot of thought.

According to his thinking, if the works in this competition want to ensure that they will not lose money and hit the championship, the second-generation FPS and game innovation are necessary.

Then, battle royale games must be the first choice!

The first thing Gu Sheng thought of was APEX and COD theater!

Because these two games, both in terms of rhythm and experience, are the culmination of battle royale after it has developed to a certain level.

However, it is regrettable that both of these works are derivative works of the main game.

APEX is based on Titanfall, including some gun data, skills and props effects, etc., all of which are extracted from the main body.

Not to mention the war zone, it is just a game mode attached to the ontology, and the data naturally comes from the ontology.

According to the rules of the system, if Gu Sheng wanted to turn the cart before the horse, he would first produce the derivation and then the main body.

Then, you need to pay double the emotional value to unlock it.

In this way, the two games that originally required 30,000 to 40,000 emotions to unlock have become unattainable luxury goods, and even the demand for their emotional value has directly caught up with this game.

Gu Sheng scratched his head.

But on second thought, that's fine too.

These two games are actually not traditional battle royale anymore.

Whether it is the various legendary skills of APEX, or the various kill streak rewards in the theater, they are actually upgrades based on the Battle Royale.

But for this world, just a second-generation FPS plus escape should be regarded as a king bomb level.

Hence, Gu Sheng chose PUBG, the pioneering game!

I believe that its shock to the game circle in this world is even worse than when PUBG was born in the previous life, and it is even worse!

Of course!

This is just Gu Sheng's foresight as a time traveler.

For student Shen Miaomiao...

"So...we're going to have a cooking game?"

Shen Miaomiao held the notebook and made a gesture of shaking the spoon:

"Chef King Competition, right? Chefs from all walks of life in Asia join the game and compete to cook?"

Shen Miaomiao was completely unaware of Gu Sheng's design for the new project!

And the first time most people see a frying pan, 99% of them will think about cooking!

She is no exception!

A somatosensory warehouse e-sports game with an investment of 50 million yuan!

Why do you let people compete to cook? !

Shen Miaomiao was shocked.

And the one who was more shocked than her was Gu Sheng.

do i look that stupid !

In today's situation where guns, carts and balls are rampant, and the golden wind MFGA is resounding in the domestic game circle, I don't play good shooting games, and go to engage in somatosensory cabin kitchen king hegemony?

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if I really dare to do it, Jiang Yingcai will probably explode!


Think again!

It does not seem to be an exaggeration to say that PUBG is a kitchen king competition.

How do you say that?

This game is not a clear soup, multiple chefs are cooking!

"to some extent……"

At this moment, Gu Sheng thought of many famous scenes, couldn't help laughing, and nodded:

"That's right."



Shen Miaomiao couldn't help but her eyes lit up!

What a fucking sand sculpture game!

These days, she also probably checked the excellent game works of the previous conferences. It can be said that except for the first session, the games of the remaining four sessions are mainly about guns, carts and balls.

But Gu Sheng wants to make a cooking game, a little boss simulator!

I am not at a loss in this wave!

"What a—wonderful idea!"

Shen Miaomiao pointed both thumbs at Gu Cheng...

that's all!

The projects to participate in this conference were preliminarily finalized in this pleasant atmosphere of "You talk about city gates and buildings, I talk about hip bones".

The project code name is "PUBG", and the LOGO is that funny-looking frying pan. The project director is Gu Sheng, and the deputy directors are Lu Bian and Xu Dajiang.

In the next month, Golden Wind needs to complete three things as soon as possible——

First, raise money.

Now, relying solely on the revenue of Golden Wind, it is definitely unrealistic to collect 50 million before the end of the month.

As for Shen's Capital, they have already insisted that they will never subsidize them.

Therefore, Shen Miaomiao's small treasury must be used.

The 10 million yuan I just got in my hand had to be thrown out before it was warmed up.


Shen Miaomiao didn't care!

A 50 million sand sculpture cooking simulator, she is afraid that she will lose all her money if she closes her eyes!

Even for this reason, Shen Miaomiao specially sent an application to Miss Finance!

She offered to propose that if the supplementary funds of 10 million were not enough by the end of the month, the rest of the funds would be deducted from her reserved dividends!

This time!

I, Shen Miaomiao, want to pluck a wave of the system's wool, and earn a fortune from it!

I often say a word -

The Road to Survival was so popular back then, I exchanged 10 million investment for 10 million rebates!

Now, with the PUBG project in hand, it is not a problem to invest 50 million yuan and get 100 million rebates!

The first question, not a question!

Secondly, it is the business case.

Today, PUBG is only a preliminary project.

The real time for the project approval is to wait until the opening of the developer conference at the end of the month. A group of people will go to Dongjin to deliver the complete game plan to the organizing committee, and inject all the game production funds into the account designated by the organizing committee before starting the project. of.

Therefore, in this one month, Gu Sheng needs to start writing the game plan first.

Wait until the end of the month, when the emotional value reaches 350,000, and then exchange the complete PUBG information from the system to complete the business plan that has already been written.

This is nothing to Gu Sheng.

Today, Wind of Gold has five works as bases, and Gu Sheng's emotional value is getting more and more stable.

Besides, the current Golden Wind is the back door player designated by the vice chairman of China Entertainment Television! (This is weird)

Therefore, he didn't have to worry about any policy issues in the previous games during this period, which would affect the entry of emotional values.

The emotional value is 100% enough!

The funds are in place and the planning is in place!

Finally, there is the issue of personnel.


The PUBG project is huge.

It is even too big to rely on outsourcing alone.

First of all, in terms of volume, it has far surpassed all previous games of Golden Wind.

The large map, complex terrain, changeable situation, game load of hundreds of people competing on the same stage, etc., the amount of work is huge.

Program architecture, graphics system, system planning, scene design, character design, lighting, UI, special effects, actions, role binding...

With such a large number of projects and problems, if all of them are found by the outsourcing team, then Gu Sheng and the three of them will stop working.

Just connecting with various outsourcing teams to confirm the problem every day, the three of them have to be exhausted to death.

Secondly, in terms of production cost.

The price of an outsourced team is definitely higher than that of the company's own employees.

After all, the outsourcing team cannot enjoy the game company's welfare protection, bonus dividends, etc., so the asking price will naturally be more expensive.

In the past, Shen Miaomiao was able to strongly advocate outsourcing because the Golden Wind was rich enough to support outsourcing.

but now!

The huge investment of 50 million not only took away the wind of gold from the inside out, but even took away Shen Miaomiao's own small treasury and dividends.

It was clean without a single drop, even if Shen Miaomiao took out all her pockets, she would not be able to take out a single coin.

Then, the nature of the PUBG project is quite special.

It is no longer a stand-alone or online game, but a real multiplayer online tactical competitive shooting online game.

Operation and maintenance will be an essential part of this game.

There is no way to find an outsourcing company for this game, and if Golden Wind wants to develop, it is impossible for the three of Gu Sheng to stare at this game forever and provide services exclusively for it.


In summary!

With the unanimous consent of Shen Miaomiao, Gu Sheng, and all the executives!

Wind of Gold, decided to expand enrollment!


On the issue of the scope of enrollment expansion, there was a little ambiguity between Gu Sheng and Shen Miaomiao.

Gu Sheng has working experience in the game industry, and his experience is very rich.

In his opinion, although the current Golden Wind is not large in size, it has a very good reputation in the industry.

The creator of psychological horror and second-generation FPS, and his name as a supernova designer here, as long as the recruitment notice is issued, there must be countless experienced practitioners flocking to him, willing to work for Golden Wind.

Moreover, most of these people are experienced, capable and experienced, and they can use it when they get started.

Therefore, social expansion must be their best choice.


Shen Miaomiao had different opinions on this.

According to her words, the current Golden Wind is only a one-year-old company with a shallow foundation, and it is unable to identify the purpose of these job seekers well.

It's fine if they're just here to make money.

But what if they were sent by a competitor?

Asia Esports Game Developers Conference!

This is by far the biggest project Golden Wind has ever received! .

Moreover, it is the participating unit hand-picked by the vice chairman of China Entertainment Electronics!

If something goes wrong in the middle, it will not only damage the reputation of Golden Wind, but also endanger the future development of the company!


To avoid this from happening!

Shen Miaomiao advocates school recruitment!

Specially recruit those college students who are as clean as they were back then, with clear and stupid eyes in their eyes!

Moreover, there is another advantage of this, that is, if these people can be cultivated, they will be the backbone of the Golden Wind in the future, they will be the ministers of the shoulders, and they will be loyal ministers and good generals!

Everything Shen Miaomiao said made sense!

Seemingly impassioned, always thinking about the company!

But in fact, only she knows what kind of f*cking minister, what f*cking worry about competitors will make her stumble.

She just wanted to bring in some more trash to drag the company down.

And if you want to hold back the company, the best choice must be those college students who are not familiar with the world and think about rectifying the workplace every day.

But you must not recruit some old people to come in like what Lao Gu said!

Otherwise, with the help of these outstanding and experienced veterans, Gu Ke would be even more powerful!

"I believe that I have the ability to suppress those veterans, and with Jiang Yingcai here, other companies will not be so stupid as to stumble and run into the bad luck of China Entertainment Electronics, and put us undercover at this time."

Gu Cheng frowned and shook his head, disapproving of Shen Miaomiao's school recruitment idea.

"But what about one in a million? If there is even one person with malicious intentions who sneaks in, it will be a devastating blow to us. And from now on, wouldn't it be more conducive to the company's development to cultivate the backbone of the company?"

Shen Miaomiao did not retreat an inch and insisted on following the school recruitment route.

For a while, the two sides faced each other.

It made Lu Bian and Brother Dajiang, who were watching the battle, feel like they were sitting on pins and needles.

In the anxious atmosphere, the two frantically rubbed their phones and chatted under the table!

Dajiang: Why don't we support Brother Cheng, he said it's okay, so it should be okay.

Lu Bian: Fuck you, don't pull me if you die. Old Gu dares to fight against Nezha, but I don't dare.

Dajiang: Then it’s not a problem to talk about it like this? Both of them are about to put on the ring!

Lu Bian: Put it on, I'll overwhelm little Nezha.

Dajiang: Because she is the president?

Lu Bian: Because of love.

Oe: Question Mark.jpg

Lu Bian: Shiba Inu's Bad Smile.jpg

Dajiang: How do you know? !

Lu Bian: Because I have had twenty-three girlfriends...


Just as Gu Sheng and Shen Miaomiao were arguing with reason, Da Jiang was eating melons in secret!

tuk tuk -


I heard someone knock on the door of the meeting room!


Following Shen Miaomiao's agreement, everyone turned to look at the door.

Then, I saw Chu Qingzhou pushing the door and entering:

"Mr. Shen, I'm sorry to disturb you. A visitor came and said they wanted to see you and Director Gu."

"Looking for us?" Gu Sheng and Shen Miaomiao looked at each other, both a little puzzled: "Who is it?"

I saw Chu Qingzhou smile, and then said: "It's Professor Lin, the deputy dean of the School of Electronic Engineering and Technology, Binjiang University."

bad thing!

Hear this!

Gu Sheng's heart skipped a beat!

I'm really afraid of something!

Don't ask!

Dean Lin personally visited the door today, nine out of ten it is for the school recruitment activities in the graduation season!


The graduation season is approaching, and the annual school recruitment activities will also be held as scheduled.

As for Binjiang University, as a full-time school, many companies also participate in the annual school recruitment activities.

School recruitment is mainly for graduates, of course, some junior internship positions will also be appropriately recruited.

And the wind of gold!

As the fastest-growing technology company in Binjiang, and Gu Sheng himself is a student of Binjiang University, it will naturally attract the school's favor.

Gu Sheng smacked his lips.

Damn, it's broken.

But Shen Miaomiao's eyes lit up!

Oh, I'm getting better!

It's not what you want!

Thinking about it, Shen Miaomiao glanced at Gu Cheng proudly and raised her eyebrows:

"Then let's start today's meeting here first? Let's go? Senior Gu? Go meet your old teacher? Let's see what good news your alma mater has brought us?"


PS: I'm sorry I forgot to set the time, readers, please forgive me.

Re-PS: Ask for a monthly pass.

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