It was still dark, but Ma Zi's team had finished breakfast and were ready to continue on their journey.

"Today, I'll drive!"

Chen Ping volunteered for the first time.

With the blessing of intermediate vehicle proficiency, he could reach the Lin family camp Yunmengze earlier, and also collect information earlier.

"Okay, who will be the co-pilot?"

Ma Zi knew Chen Ping's strength, so he would not object to his request.

"No need to rotate, I can do it myself!" Chen Ping said.

"For safety reasons, it's better to have a co-pilot, just in case!"

In the scarlet wilderness, any accident could happen.

"I'll be the co-pilot!"

Xue Na said coldly beside him, holding Gui's sniper rifle.

It would take more than ten hours to drive this way. If there was a beautiful woman sitting next to him, it wouldn't be too boring.

"Thank you for your hard work, Vice Captain Xue!" Chen Ping nodded.

The armored vehicle started slowly, and after leaving the Lido community, it began to improve rapidly.

Xue Na, who was sitting in the passenger seat, subconsciously grabbed the handle of the car.

"This car seems to be much faster." Xue Na whispered.

"As long as you understand the performance of the car, you can control it better!"

The bumpy road inevitably caused the armored vehicle to rise and fall violently and shake.

Chen Ping's eyes occasionally swept towards Xue Na, always feeling a turbulent sea.

He casually turned on the car music player, which played those popular songs from decades ago.

"Are you... Chen Ping from the Chen family?" Xue Na asked tentatively.

Yesterday, before Chen Ping killed Lin Tingzhang, he recognized Chen Ping, and Xue Na also heard their conversation.

"Not bad!"

When his strength was insufficient, Chen Ping might conceal his identity.

But now, he is not worried. Even if he can't kill the third-level scarlet beast this time, he can kill a few others.

After the beast tide, the Chen family was seriously injured. Unless they came out in full force regardless of the survival of the family, they might pose some threat to Chen Ping.

As for the Lin family, their power is relatively scattered and has not really developed. The only person that Chen Ping is a little afraid of is Lin Ruoyun's brother Lin Shanhai.

Five years ago, when "Scarlet End" was just released, Lin Shanhai smelled the potential of this game and immediately began to lay out the game industry. His understanding of this game is even deeper than Chen Ping.

When Scarlet End came, relying on the power of the Lin family, Lin Shanhai collected many weapons and attribute potions, and with the blessing of Lin Ruoyun, his strength is unfathomable.

Lin Shanhai also values ​​Chen Ping very much, so he asked Lin Ruoyun to look for Chen Ping's whereabouts everywhere.

In the early days of the development of the Lin family, it was precisely because Chen Ping was charging in the front and Lin Shanhai was in the rear that they were able to develop into a top regional force.

However, the Lin family loves and hates Chen Ping, because Chen Ping's strength is getting stronger and stronger, which makes Lin Shanhai afraid of him.

Regardless of whether Chen Ping draws the golden talent, the Lin family has decided to completely solve this hidden danger.

He drew "Reincarnation of Destiny", which only advanced the Lin family's action by a few days.

"The Lin family has been looking for you, and Lin Ruoyun seems to be deeply in love with you, so why do you still hide your identity?"

Xue Na's voice brought Chen Ping's thoughts back to reality.

"Why... your mind is too small!" Chen Ping said seriously.

"Small mind?" Xue Na frowned slightly.

"Well, I like people who are tolerant!" Chen Ping glanced at Xue Na.

"This... you..."

Xue Na was speechless for a moment. She always thought that Chen Ping was like an emotionless killing machine. She really didn't admire that there was such a "coquettish" side.

"My baby is really small. If you have a baby in the future, feeding may be a problem!" Chen Ping added.


Xue Na didn't believe even a punctuation mark in Chen Ping's words.

In this world, everyone is struggling to survive. Who has the energy to admire the matter of the queen giving birth!

"No, I seemed to be..." Xue Na shook her head hurriedly, and a blush appeared on her face.

If there were people from the Dawn Camp, they would be shocked to see their Blood Rose showing such a shy expression. This was something they would not dare to dream of.

"There is a car behind!"

"Hold on tight!"

Chen Ping saw a strangely shaped armored vehicle behind them from the rearview mirror, chasing them.

"Too fast, can't get rid of it!"

Chen Ping used his driving skills to the limit, but due to the performance of the armored vehicle, he could not get rid of the car behind him.

"Is that... the Scarlet Church?"

Xue Na saw a huge black armored vehicle through the rearview mirror. There was an eye pattern painted on the front of the car, which made people feel that they were being watched by the god of death, which was very scary.

"Do you know the Scarlet Church?"

"I heard a little about it when I was in the Dawn Camp. It's a group of crazy believers who believe in the Scarlet Lord, and... their strength is indeed stronger than ordinary people!" Xue Na's face was a little ugly.

The people of the Scarlet Church are even more terrifying than the Scarlet Beasts. Except for those who are not members of the church, they are regarded as heretics.

As long as they are caught, they will be tortured and killed in an extremely cruel way.

Or choose to join them and become a member of the Scarlet Church.

The power of the Scarlet Church is spread all over the world, far beyond the Chen family and the Lin family.

However, their base camp is in the Western Hemisphere. In the early days of the late Qing Dynasty, their influence on Chen Ping in the region is still very limited.

In such a cruel living environment, many people will place their spiritual support on a so-called god, and these churches emerge as the times require, controlling a group of fanatical believers.

Before Chen Ping was reborn, in the four years since the advent of the Scarlet End, humans had quickly adapted to survive in the end, and various organizations emerged in endlessly.

Some camps grew and grew, becoming the overlords who controlled a region, and began to build towns and develop the economy. Later, coalition governments emerged.

Sects such as the Scarlet Church and the Holy Light Religion also took advantage of the situation and grew stronger, sometimes even surpassing the coalition government.

Chen Ping was very familiar with them. He had often dealt with this group of fanatical believers in the Scarlet Secret Realm.

As long as they are being watched, they are like maggots. Fortunately, this is the early days of the Scarlet Age. The Scarlet Church is still developing and is not as strong as it was later.

"Out of gas!"

Xue Na glanced at the console, and a red light appeared on Youyao.

There are still two and a half barrels of fuel in the armored vehicle. The only problem is that when refueling, you need to stop.

"There are only about fifty people in their car at most. You burst their tires first and then make a quick decision!"

After Chen Ping finished speaking, he said to the scarlet bracelet: "Captain, find the enemy and prepare to fight!"

"They haven't attacked yet, how about we first..." Mazi hesitated a little. He didn't know what kind of force the people behind him belonged to, so he didn't want to go straight to war.

Before Asako could finish speaking, Xue Na, who was sitting in the passenger seat, rolled down the window, stood up, grabbed the edge of the window, and with a quick flip, climbed directly onto the roof of the armored vehicle.

"Bang bang bang!"

Both armored vehicles were driving rapidly. Xue Na fired three shots in a row. One shot passed through the bulletproof glass and killed the driver of the rear car. The other two shots hit the tracks of the armored vehicle.

Immediately afterwards, Xue Na put away the sniper rifle and held the handle on the roof of the car with one hand.

Chen Ping slammed on the brakes, and the entire armored vehicle moved sideways under the push of inertia. Chen Ping opened the cab door, took out his pistol, and fired directly.

The back door of the armored vehicle also opened suddenly. Su Qianqian held up the tower shield, and behind them were Mazi and others, who also took out their compound guns and fired wildly.

"Cover me!"

Chen Ping shouted.

"Understood!" Xue Na continued to lie on the roof of the armored vehicle, aiming at the opposite side.

Chen Ping drank the basic agility, strength and other potions, carried the black knife, and went straight to the armored vehicle on the opposite side.


Someone showed up and pointed a gun at Chen Ping. Before he could shoot, Xue Na shot him in the head.

Mazi and others, blocked by Su Qianqian's tower shield, also moved forward quickly, but not as fast as Chen Ping.

The people of the Scarlet Church paid more attention to Mazi and others, but did not pay too much attention to Chen Ping who went straight to the point.

After all, Chen Ping is only one person. When he gets close, he can be solved with a few shots.

The biggest headache for those people was Su Xixi's shield. No matter how they attacked, they could not break the defense.

"He's coming, kill this cannon fodder first!"

The leader pointed at Chen Ping.


Another shot, and the finger of the person pointing at Chen Ping was shattered by a bullet.


As soon as the man let out a miserable scream, Chen Ping stepped in front of him, raised his knife and chopped off the other man's head.

" did he get here!"

The people around were shocked and quickly turned their guns, but it was too late!

During the swing of the black knife, more than a dozen people were directly hacked to death, and the rest were either killed by Xue Na from a distance, or shot to death by random arrows from Mazi and others.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Several arrows belatedly hit a dead man.

"I killed someone!" Duan Zixuan's eyes widened.

"The person you killed was a dead person!" Ye Shengge complained.

Everyone came to the Heiyi armored vehicle and inspected it carefully. They also shot a few times at each corpse before relaxing.

"Jiang Cheng, Jiang Xin, go search the car and take away everyone you can."

"Ye Shengge, burn all these people!"

"Duan Zixuan, go check the damage to our armored vehicle!"

"Xue Na, Sissi, you two continue to be vigilant!"

Mazi issued the order in an orderly manner.

Chen Ping looked at the items found from these people.

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