"The wind is sunny and the weather is pretty good!"

Duan Zixuan looked at the three moons in the sky and tried his best to distract himself, thinking about the scarlet secret realm and the fourth-level scarlet beast.

However, sometimes, the more this happens, the fourth level scarlet beast comes to mind.

Having just overcome the fear of the level three scarlet beast, Duan Zixuan may have to face the level four scarlet beast, which is really difficult for Duan Zixuan.

"It doesn't matter if it disappears all at once, but knowing that the fourth-level scarlet beast is coming, but it doesn't really come, this feeling of coming is too painful!" Duan Zixuan wiped his tears.

"You are now Bai Yin Duan Li, and you can be considered a strong man with strength. Can you stop crying and whining like a girl?"

Li Shan was a little irritable, and as soon as he finished speaking, he shivered inexplicably.

Four cold gazes shot towards them, it was Xue Na and Su Xixi.

"Ahem, that's what I meant, you guys are pussies!"

"Yes, you are girls!"

"Uh..." Li Shan was completely panicked. He was not as panicked as he was now when facing thousands of scarlet beasts.

"We're almost there, let's get ready!" Chen Ping said calmly.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became tense.

In three minutes, the armored vehicle slowly stopped.

"Ah? Is it so fast? Are you there in one second?" Duan Zixuan felt that he was about to board the guillotine.

"If a man dies and a bird looks up to the sky, he will die for tens of thousands of years. We'll talk about it after we finish it!"

Ye Shengge emboldened himself and followed the team.

A group of ten people entered the Blood Spider Cave.

"Why is there such a dark wind? Are there ghosts here?" Duan Zixuan was trembling.

"I'm afraid of scarlet beasts, but also afraid of ghosts?" Ye Shengge held the torch and held it forward cautiously.

"Can they be the same? One is a physical attack and the other is a mental attack!" Duan Zixuan emphasized.

In a blink of an eye, everyone reached the bottom of the cave. Chen Ping lifted up the stone slab and jumped into the "secret room" below.

The glowing red five-pointed star array exudes a strong bloody aura.

Chen Ping stepped forward and placed his scarlet bracelet in front of the formation. He scanned it and displayed a bunch of information.

【Secret Realm No. 3241】

Difficulty: A

Customs clearance time limit: 24 hours

Number of people entering at a time: 10

Number of times cleared: 0

Ka quick clearance team: none

Quick clearance time: None

Remaining rewards for clearance: unlimited

Secret state: stable.

Whether there is a team to clear the level: No

Accessible: Yes

Customs clearance tasks:

1. Complete the challenge within one hour!

2. Successfully kill more than ten level three scarlet beasts!

3. The team suffered less than 5 casualties!

Rewards for passing the level: 5 primary experience scrolls, 10 scarlet turntables, 5 scarlet coins, and items dropped in the secret realm.

The rewards are quite generous, and it is true that there are no level four scarlet beasts, because the task is usually to kill a number of high-level scarlet beasts in the secret realm.

In this way, security can be guaranteed.

Chen Ping stood in the center of the formation.

"There is no level four scarlet beast, come here! Get ready to enter the scarlet secret realm!"

After hearing Chen Ping's words, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief and stood around Chen Ping.

In an instant, the dazzling red light flickered.

Everyone felt dizzy.

[Tip: Someone in the team is carrying out a special mission, and the secret realm has changed! 】

[The secret code has been reset! 】

[The secret code is: Special 0001! 】

[The difficulty of the secret realm has been reset! 】

[The difficulty of the secret realm is increased to S! 】

[The secret mission has been reset! 】

1. Clear the misunderstanding between humans and goblins!

2. Persuade the Goblin King to stop his plan to attack the human race!

3. Kill the traitors of the Goblin tribe!


No one understood what was happening at all!

By the time they felt their feet hit the ground, they were already in a dense forest.

"Ugh!" Duan Zixuan and Ye Shengge squatted on the ground and retched.

"Brother Dong, did you hear the prompt just now? What does the secret realm difficulty S mean?" Ye Shengge reluctantly stood up and looked at Chen Ping.

"That's what S-level means!" Chen Ping replied casually, looking around.

Then, he took the sheepskin map from the space stone.

"There should be Thunder Ruins ahead!"

Chen Ping confirmed that because of his "Scarlet Temple" test, this secret realm has changed, and he should continue to carry out the previous mission.

He immediately let Xiao Hei go to explore the front.

"This way!"

Chen Ping put away the map and took the lead in raising it.

Toppled cylindrical stone sculptures can be seen everywhere.

In mid-air, thunderclouds were thick, and arcs of electricity as thick as arms flashed continuously.


A thick thunderbolt fell, and several towering trees in the distance were instantly knocked down, and then burned.

"You didn't even see the scarlet beast, so you were struck to death by lightning, right?" Duan Zixuan shuddered.

"Shut your crow mouth!" Ye Shengge kicked Duan Zixuan directly.

"There is a level three scarlet beast ahead!" Chen Ping, who was raised in front, reminded.

After he finished speaking, the team members immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

Su Xixi held her black shield in front of her, while the others grabbed their weapons.

"This Scarlet Secret Realm should be considered as a secret. After dealing with the ordinary level 3 Scarlet Beast in front and the Lord level, it should be over!"

From a distance, a dozen short level 3 goblins were patrolling back and forth with scimitars, bows and spears.

In addition to the level 3 goblins, there were also hundreds of level 2 goblins, shuttling through the dense forest.

"I'll deal with the level 3 Scarlet Beast, and the remaining level 2 ones are left to you!"

Chen Ping said calmly.

"Brother Dong, what did you say just now? To resolve the misunderstanding, is there anything else to dissuade us? If we just kill them like this, it will be..." Su Xixi reminded.

"They don't understand reason, they only understand force. This is their simple way of persuasion!" Chen Ping replied calmly.

In addition to completing the task, time is an important criterion for measuring completion in the Scarlet Secret Realm.

Ma Zi opened the bracelet and projected the nearby topographic map into the void in front.

"Dongzi, attack from the front and attract the firepower of the third-level scarlet beasts. Xixi, Shanzi, follow me to encircle the second-level scarlet beasts in the back row from the left wing. Xuena, with Duanzi and Shengge, will encircle from the right wing!"

"We will rush into their central area at the fastest speed. You are responsible for long-range firepower support!" Ma Zi glanced at Xuena.

"Understood!" Xuena nodded.

"Captain, what about us?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"You and Jiang Xin are responsible for protecting Xiaobai!" Ma Zi answered.

The last time he entered the Scarlet Secret Realm, Chen Ping used the mechanical wings and burned his lifespan. Although it was a bit of a trick, this time he was subject to a small restriction.

Because the thunderclouds in the sky were low, Chen Ping would be too easy to be hit by lightning if he used the mechanical wings to fly.

Even if the thunder armor on his body had anti-electric properties, he dared not really take the risk.

Besides, now that we have the advantage in numbers, we don't need to be so aggressive and adventurous. As long as the tactics are arranged properly, we can also kill the goblins in front of us quickly and without injury.

"Two minutes later, we will attack at the same time!" Chen Ping added.

"Two minutes? I'm afraid it's difficult to reach the pre-killing area!" Ye Shengge whispered.

Chen Ping took out seven bottles of advanced agility potion: "This is enough!"

"High... advanced agility potion? Is it too... too wasteful to give us this thing?" Ye Shengge felt that he was not qualified to use such advanced potions.

"Don't waste time, fight quickly!"

After distributing the potion and waiting for several people to leave quickly, Chen Ping used an additional strength potion.

After all, he was dealing with level 3 goblins.

In a blink of an eye, the other two groups arrived at the pre-killing area. Chen Ping waved the Fire Joy, flashed his figure, and rushed up.

It was easy to deal with ordinary level 3 goblins, but the elite and mutated goblins were very tricky.

"Master, the loyal Xiao Hei has arrived at the battlefield!" Xiao Hei, who had just come back from exploring, rushed directly into the group of level 2 goblins.

"Have you found the Goblin King?" Chen Ping's mind moved.

"If you have, I think we should not start a killing spree, and it is better to seek peace!" Xiao Hei advised.

"What do you mean?"

"The Goblin King is...level 4! And there are thousands of level 2 goblins and one or two hundred level 3 goblins around it. That scene makes my legs weak!"

"If you kill these level 3 goblins in front of you, can you reach level 4?" Chen Ping asked.

"It should... maybe... it will be upgraded soon. What do you want to do, Master?"

"They are all level 4, are you still afraid of it?"

"The main thing is... it looks too ugly, I have a mental obsession with cleanliness!"

"I remember, before the level 3 goblin, did you eat it?"

"Okay, I see it's coming, the master has made up his mind to sacrifice me to the heaven!" Xiao Hei was a little helpless, and then flew to Chen Ping's side to help him kill the level 3 goblin.

If Chen Ping had not been upgraded to the gold stage, he would have to start a "sacrifice" to deal with so many level 3 goblins.

However, now it only took about five minutes to kill all the level 3 goblins.

"Nine blue turntables? Too poor!" Chen Ping frowned slightly and picked up four scarlet coins by the way.

While he was finishing, Ma Zi and others successfully cleared out the level 2 goblins.

After the previous two days of training, they not only grew in strength, but more importantly, in their faith in dealing with the scarlet beasts.

"These are the scarlet turntables that just exploded!" Ma Zi collected all the scarlet turntables and handed them to Chen Ping.

"There are still thousands of level 2 scarlet beasts ahead. Let's use the same method as before. I will deal with the BOSS and level 3 scarlet beasts, and you can clean up the monsters around!"

"This is the strength and rage potion. You can take it when appropriate. I have only one requirement, which is to resolve the battle as quickly as possible!"

Chen Ping distributed some potions to several other people.

If you go to solve those level 2 goblins by yourself, there will be no difficulty, but you will not waste a lot of time. After all, there are too many of them this time.

Because they are much slower than Chen Ping in speed, Ma Zi and Xue Na took people to the pre-arrangement area in advance.

"It's relatively safe here. Xiaobai will be protected by you for the time being. There are some red fruits on the tree ahead. Try to collect as many as possible!" Chen Ping said to the Jiang Cheng brothers.

Xiaohei saw it during the investigation. This is one of the raw materials for high-level attribute potions. It only has a chance to appear in the forest area of ​​the Scarlet Secret Realm.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Xin immediately split up and went to pick fruits.

"Woo woo..." Xiao Bai looked a little uneasy.

"Hurry up, we will leave here!"

Chen Ping comforted him, then turned around and ran towards the goblin in the distance.

"Xiao Hei, how much experience do you still need to upgrade?"

"Uh... a little bit!" Xiao Hei answered quickly.

Chen Ping was a little speechless. Facing hundreds of level 3 scarlet beasts, even Chen Ping, who was at the golden level, felt a headache.

Especially behind, there was a huge white goblin king.

Originally, Chen Ping planned to let Xiao Hei upgrade to level 4. If there was no scarlet thunder, he would work together with it and rush to the goblin king first to capture the thief first.

But now it seems that we still have to deal with the level 3 goblins around first and let Xiao Hei upgrade to level 4 first.

This time, Xiao Hei did not lie. Chen Ping had just killed a level 3 goblin with one knife when a ray of light flashed and fell on Xiao Hei.

In the air, the long-accumulated thundercloud suddenly became active.


The thunder and lightning flashed, and the ground began to tremble.

"Oh no!" Chen Ping's face changed slightly.

"Scarlet thundercloud!"

Four words appeared in Xiao Hei and Chen Ping's minds at the same time!

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